Sup Forums opinion on red ice tv? They seem not to be controlled opposition like rebel media for a example.
Red Ice TV
Henrik and Lana are a good duo, I love their work. I definitely endorse Red Ice for everyone who seeks some good podcast to follow that is not alt-lite shit.
Where did they come from, who funded them, why are they so dedicated?
Sweden, from membership. I know for a fact that Henrik is not a shill. Redice was a conspiracy-show not too long ago.
A more fashionable stormfront basically.
Started out interviewing just about everyone within conspiracy the Jeff Rense program.
Then, during the past 2.5 years they got specific to Identity Politics as things started to get worse in Europe as well as the Trump candidacy.
In my view, they are completely organic and homegrown from the beginning relying on subscriptions.
Not everyone is controlled oppo.
As far as I know they live mainly from donations, they also sell some kind of subscription on their website
I am a white nationalist and I support them 100%. They have potential to have wider following because they also have a large female following and focus on preserving and nurturing rather than hate and vengeance like many other WN causes.
If you are serious about the 14 words, you will move beyond larping and start to think about sustainable online and real life WN communities - red Ice has that potential.
Usually they get shilled hard here on Sup Forums which is a good sign. It means that the cucks, kikes and shills infesting this board fear them or see them as competitors.
Why do alt-right and peace loving white nationalists have to fight all the time? There's a bigger enemy to them both and it would benefit us all if magapedes of T_D, autists if Sup Forums and actual white nationalists can get together.
Henrik Palmgren are currently building a media empire together with Richard Spencer and Daniel Friberg called Alt right corp, based in Sweden.
Red Ice is legit, Rebel is cucked. Why does every org that shares some Sup Forums views have to be a psyop???
That could be interesting
Yeah I don't like stormfags to be honest. Those guys have given up and just hate.
I am a white nationalist and 1488 is my only religion. I want children and a future and I mean it: it is no LARP. Those guys just prevent us going mainstream and get used as agitiprop by the MSM kike media to show to normies that we are 'supremacists' or neo Naizs etc. Which means that we WN will be on the fringes and white genocide will continue apace.
If you ask me - I am certain that Stormfront is a honey pot fake site - designed to prevent a WN cause from happening. It makes sense when you think about the sheer amount of resources that are put to prevent us from forming groups and having an identity. If redice gets compromised I will not be surprised either.
We are on the way out, the ((elite)) and the forces against us are immeasurable. My plan really is to withdraw to the whitest place in OZ and have a big family and live properly - but they will be coming for me or my children soon enough. The hate against us, the lust for our women and the vengeance is something that many whites, even on Sup Forums do not understand.
they do quality work and talk about a variety of stuff
some of their interviews are a bit dull but they obviously try to keep things interesting
Henrik is great, Llana was okay at first but she's gotten a lot better
because Red Ice has some knowledge of industry standards regarding video production and aren't just some spergs in front of shitty webcam you have some crazies suggest that they're funded by some shadowy Jew
It's Scandinavian not jewish
I endorse
they are doing god's work
I've been listening to Red Ice for over a decade now. I'm a big fan of Red Ice. Henrik's voice is very relaxing to listen to. Henrik is such a chill guy and bro-tier as fuck.
Red Ice are pretty cool. They normalize ''radical'' ideas. Like when they invited the guy who punched Moldylocks to talk on the show, and they spend 90% of the video talking about the event and white nationalist ideas before even addressing the fact that he punched some nasty jew bitch.
They are unapologetic, they're not like Styx who has to tell everyone how not racist he is and how civic nationalism is the future. They're just straight up white nationalists who aren't afraid of being called ''Nazis''.
Every single faggot on Sup Forums should listen to Red Ice and Radical Agenda.
>not knowing Daniel friberg
Remove flag
I think they're okay. Usually have great guests on.
the us army has an interesting in propagating ayy conspiracies
>you have some crazies suggest that they're funded by some shadowy Jew
Yeah I have seen that - they do that for any alt right eceleb with truck: Lana is a Jew, Henryk is a Jew, Southern is a Jew and so on. It is a shill psyops technique as they think we are all Jew obsessed. Really all genuine WNs just want to be left the fuck alone and could not give two fucks about Jews, niggers etc so long as they are far away from us and our children.
>Why do alt-right and peace loving white nationalists have to fight all the time?
Commies pretending to be white nationalists like to cause infighting. A lot of non-whites who are mad that they can't join in the fun, so they start shit.
Also a big problem is that a lot of people pretend to be on our side, people like Sargon of Akkad. They'll use all the epic meymeys and pander to us, but then they turn around and talk shit, call us racists, strawman right wing ideas and straight up shill for communism. Then when you attack them back they scream about infighting.
Don't give up, fellow Ausbro. We will win because God is on our side because our cause is righteous. What could be more righteous than ensuring the mere survival of our people? Think about it!
It upsets me how women like Lana and Sinead have their heads and hearts (mostly) in the right places, they're aware of what's going on, they're redpilled qts... But they just seem like complete, awful cunts 100% of the time. No fucking way would I want to marry and live with such bitchy witches for the rest of my life. I'd prefer my woman stays out of politics and just raises the kids. Know enough to hate nigs, but don't get so obsessed that you become this cruel spinster.
No one is asking you to marry them.
This is just what happens when you get into politics. I don't see you going on about how you wouldn't marry Alex Jones because he seems mean and uses rude language.
Either these people advance the agenda or they don't. Nothing else matters. I don't care if Lana teeth in her vagina. I am never going to fuck her anyway.
No I'm not giving up brother. I've got a good collection of guns (legal) make good money and am in good shape. I am just realistic looking at the policies and demography and knowing human nature. I also don't believe in god - we are just animals and our tribe is under attack and other ape tribes want our wombs and lands - that type of war has been going on for millions of years. We all know that war, muslims and blacks know it and worship it, they were just never good at it - but it is the degenerate left and kikes that convinced our people that it is not happening and to open our borders and so now we will be wiped off the face of the earth.
I like them and they're surprisingly normie-friendly despite the topics they talk about. Jared Taylor also had Lana on his show so they're A-OK to me.
The most intelligent among us understand that there is no way to argue with the enemy within.
They will always try to destroy us in any way they can, no matter what agreement you reach with them.
Therefore hate is the proper response. You cannot beat an enemy that you do not hate.
NAh they're not controlled op. They keep it real. Why do you think they're controlled op?
Huh? what are you- some type of cuck? I would give those women a good seeing to and put a baby in their bellies and they would love it. A woman that loves politics does not intimidate me - so long as she is a white nationalist.
boring as fuck
the presenters are too smug and greasy looking
Yup, also they are regular people who waked up overtime, not some neo nazis that used to be skinheads in their teens. Like a few years ago, Redice had guests like David Icke.
Lana needs to make a babby
>they're not like Styx who has to tell everyone how not racist he is and how civic nationalism is the future.
styx lives in the Vermont, the whitest and also the goofiest state
she's almost 40, so not likely
>Why do alt-right and peace loving white nationalists have to fight all the time?
You're right. On balance, it is completely natural for no one within the WN community to be distrustful; because the (((Alt-White))) wants it this way. He screams victim while stabbing his Goy victims in the back.
he slithers into any and every group and uses his chameleon like features to blend in, then to destroy by atomization of culture through identity politics
a good beginning to establish some level of trust is borrowing a page from the (((Alt-White))), and requiring DNA to establish lineage. from there, a way must be determined to find true loyalty
The woman is annoying. She just seems really unintelligent.
Everyone is controlled op until proven otherwise in the mind of the average Daily Stormer reading 18-23 year old.
"too trusting"
RedIce is the best altright channel. hands down /thread.
>but it is the degenerate left and kikes that convinced our people that it is not happening and to open our borders and so now we will be wiped off the face of the earth.
While this is possible in all Western countries, there are still white ethno-nationalist countries still left on this planet. They're all in Eastern Europe though. So its not all that bad.
The West looks bad for whites though, so the fight here is needed. Keep up the good work, keep working hard and living life.
waiting for sinead to come and comment
This. I'm not a White Nationalist. I'm "black" and I used to have a paid subscription to Red Ice. Between 2013-present, it's become a White Nationalist platform. It's fucking disgusting and I can't believe I used to pay for it, but its a good example of how "alternative" sites are becoming radicalized by hate mongering assholes like this prick.
>leaf reading comprehension
Yeah I'm not a fan of purity tests. Most of our worst enemies are brainwashed whites anyway. We need to beware of shills but I would say the most dangerous shills are the ones that go on about jew this jew that purity test this purity test that. Lana gets called a jew on pol every time there is a thread on her - that just shows you how dumb the rhetoric is.
You have to go back.
No, I will NEVER accept that all is lost. We will ONLY lose if we CHOOSE to lose. And that's a choice I'm just not willing to make.
They interviewed the Nordic Resistance Movement, so they're good in my book.
p.s. Look upon your future and weep.
>They seem not to be controlled opposition
they are almost certainly a honeypot to flush out crazies and monitor them. it's the only reason I can think that yt keeps them up. I've filed multiple hate speech complaints but they've done no good.
That kind of poison emanates from sites like the Daily Stormer
>anyone who can't prove they're 100% European with a DNA test is controlled opposition
>anyone who doesn't constantly talk about the Jews and the holohoax is controlled opposition
It is quite frustrating and the worst kind of self-sabotage.
>a fucking leaf
>jew this jew that
That's perfectly fine. It usually is jews and you can show proof.
You should be vary when someone calls others jews and they have no proof for it. That is when you know that is just some shill who thinks we are all so dumb we are going to fall for it because of how much we hate jews.
They do this with Lauren Southern, who isn't even a white nationalist, and it's obviously shills because there is no evidence of her being jewish. There's only evidence showing that she is not jewish, like her 23andMe test.
I am obsessed with the JQ, but I've never called someone a jew unless I knew they were jewish.
>sites are becoming radicalized by hate mongering assholes
ah yeah.... wrong thread m8. Fuck off and go listen to some nigger rap and eat some kfc. I am a white nationalist and will literally kill and die for my fellow white brothers and sisters. Find your own thread, and country, and culture and stay away from us.
It's...almost as're a bunch of disorganized, anti-social losers who thrive on simplistic rationalization of your world to feel "safe"...
The people I described don't make up the majority of white nationalists. And I just told you how I'm against such simplistic thinking. As proof, pic related is a Jew I like.
>a fucking leaf
there are some 50 year-old childless white nationalists that are just miserable desu
they'll shit on any sort of alternative pundit that looks happy and encounters a little bit of success
I think Llana has her own small clothing line or something like that and people try to use that as evidence for being a shill
My last girlfriend was a 5'3 cute blonde from Sydney with natural D tits who loved Vegemite and my big black dick.
Seriously, we could only fuck with her on top and she'd come in seconds. I used to call her a two pump chump.
When we SKYPE'd her family, her mom and aunt just wanted to know if "the rumors were true". I love Aussies.
p.s. She never moved back, cuck.
More and more white people will wake up and organize when the times get worse.
You're talking to a self-proclaimed sub-70 IQ nigger leaf who can't read simple sentences and tries to spam nigger porn on Sup Forums, but is too stupid to figure out how to download anything but thumbnails of porn.
Dude stop giving it (you)s. It is just a dumb nigger parasite.
the other day I say Lana being interviewed on some civic nationalist black woman's channel, she was loud and annoying, Lana looked like she wanted to hang the nigger on the spot the entire interview
>the new internet newschannel that comes fishing for views to Sup Forums hoping le nazi site makes them famous
>pls watch my channel
>we are just like you g.guys
>make me famous
Fucking retards will fall for the clickbait every time, gtfo back to r*dd*t
You got a link?
How come they're breeding White children?
>Red Ice
they've been around for a long time
>only fuck with her on top
>she'd come in seconds
Dream come true
They're the best, although I don't get why Lana and Henrik don't have any children. They should practice what they preach. Why doesn't Lana have shitloads of kids?
"fall victim to nationalist parasites who require an existential threat in order to be relevant?"
Fixed that for you, desu.
Remember when they plagiarized a Sup Forums comic that was itself an edit of a comic with the opposite message?
Is this what you pay your "alternative media" for? The message of the Red Ice version isn't even half as clear and well presented as in this quick Sup Forums shoop job.
It honestly seems to me that the Red Ice cartoon is intentionally shitty and misleading, since I can't believe they're too stupid to leave the message intact while making a direct copy with a slightly changed art style.
What do you think? Incompetence or intentional sabotage?
>literally has nothing to do with the post
She was a great girlfriend in many ways. I miss her tovarisch.
>nationalist parasites
tax receipts do not match your reality.
>he cares about meme plagiarisation
fuck off, m8
>Sup Forumstard goes on live tv and embarrasses themselves
>"its controlled opposition guise"
nope. you guys are genuinely that retarded.
at least reddittors can conduct themselves in a dignified and coherent manner when they have the spotlight shone on them
>not an argument
yeah not really. A story like that is pretty generic.
My point is, they aren't "controlled oppo". They were once a respectable "conspiracy" site that has degenerated into a White Nationalist cesspool that appeals to Nazis like the dude I quoted.
It was an organic transformation that happened over a couple years.
I still have their "Black genesis" podcast where Henrik interviewed Robert Bauval about how we mighty Africans are the basis of civilization.
cant wait for the mods to ''verify'' your blacked post. 3 days without you will be great
>they are almost certainly a honeypot to flush out crazies and monitor them.
Any less than Sup Forums or stormfront? Give me a break. You got some shit pattern recognition.
White Nationalists appealing to power structure in order to not have to deal with competition from "marginalized" people. Typical.
they have the best model for an identitarian-style news organization. Most of the other ppl are more into shit talking, in fighting and gossip. red ice stays on target 90% of the time.
Did you even watch the video?
>Genetic, Sharpshooting Rand quote
>Ad hominem
>Ironically engages in a simplistic rationalization
>Not an argument
They've been around for like 10 years
Only now do they get enough cash to do the video thing though
yeah m8. Do you own the IP? If you don't then it is a baseless allegation. If you do own the IP go and contact redice with your issues and stop filling up the board with crap.
She's fucking hot and smart and he's a good interviewer.
They have great episodes too. The last one was a creepy episode on Tween Peeks esoteric messages. It was pretty cool
Wow she looks good for her age.
> Incompetence or intentional sabotage?
They're White Nationalists, so most likely incompetence.
Can some mod please ban this nigger.