Life improvement: vomiting the red pill

I'm unsubscribing to my political YouTube channels

I'm leaving Sup Forums (I'd say just Sup Forums but this entire site is getting political & angsty)

I'm going to be reading the news less & less

I want to go back to how I used to be. I want to stop being bitter I want to not think anything about race, or had or any angst in social issues

I want to be successful and happy, and use my procrastinating time on hobby related things, rather than get mad at current events or social issues.

Join me, you'll thank me later.

*harbor any angst

It worked! All the shilling convinced you it's all hopeless!

>I want to stop being bitter I want to not think anything about race, or had or any angst in social issues

if this is what the redpill does to you then you are not worthy of the redpill

See you next week.

Don't lie to yourself. You will be back.

see you in two weeks bud

>Ignorance is bliss
Enjoy life, my liberal friend

If you look at happy people, you'll find there's s correlation between them and spending their free time on the Internet to look and read on hobby related shit. I'm all for it.

I remember when I used to watch videos on video games and music - not YouTubers ranting about SJWs or agenda pushing, you know?

It doesn't positively add any substance to you. It's misspent energy.

you literally cant

you are here forever


Of course he will. We've all tried this, but once you see it you can't look away. If he thinks he won't see the propaganda everywhere he looks he's wrong.

Get back in here and praise Kek you massive faggot.

Alternatively you accept the truth for what it is and the fact that there are many things outside of your control and use that knowledge to improve yourself enough to where you can actually have a positive effect on the world. Pretending nothing is wrong won't change anything; you'll just be deceiving yourself and will be aware of your self-deception. Fix yourself slowly, step by step, small things at first, and gradually improve until you can fix larger problems outside of yourself. Set goals. Strive for them.

What game are they playing?

>tfw no rumble pak

>Implying you can't be ignorant of blissful things.

lol youre here forever

You know, deep down you can never unlearn the things you learned.

Wherever you go, you will see the contamination of the Jew no matter how small

You can't go back to being a child, user.

The key is to remain aware of the issues facing us now and in the future, and don't fall for media propaganda, but to keep your focus always on improving yourself -- sending out (by creating stuff, improving yourself, speaking etc) positive energy, not taking in (reading, watching, listening to) negative energy.

Golden Eye on a 2"×2" corner of the screen. About 20 pixels altogether

do you really think people believe this false flagging kikery

very low energy

See you tomorrow, fag.

Literally impossible to view the world differently after you notice all the political bullshit in our world.

Everything i see nowadays is only ideology pushin one way or another and it disgusts me.

I'll see it, but I won't get angry over it.

The energy to give a shit will be gone, from caring less and less, by focusing that Internet time on hobby related things

Less angsty ranters, more archived Beatles interviews or live performances of Talking Heads or Led Zeppelin

I was happier back then, why wouldn't I want that?

Dunno bout you, but I can just switch it off.
I go on here, I rant and rave.
I go on jewtube and laugh my ass off at sjw shit.
And then I go out with friends, or cycling whatever.
No problems.

>he honestly thinks he can go back

Thing is that you still notice all the political bullshit even when you switch it off and it makes shit less enjoyable cause you know whats the real (and shit message behind it). so you just get deeper into missery

>Join me, you'll thank me later.
enjoy communists knocking at your door, then lets see how "hip and apathetic" you are then, shill.

Even if that's true, I won't necessarily get pent up about it, because the fire in the belly will be out.

If you see news about Season 2 of Dear White People releasing, rather than conjure a mix of fired up emotions, you'll roll your eyes. That show turned out to be pretty well written, but you get the idea. Like, the "no white people" day at that Evergreen college

It'll turn into a simple rolling of the eyes, and eventually it'll just be white noise where you won't even care at all.

>I'll see it, but I won't get angry over it.
yes you will

>I was happier back then
we were all happier as children; you're growing up user

Once you leave the cave behind and see the shadows, the chains and flickering embers for what they are, there is no going back.

To return from the burning light of truth, to retreat once again into see, speak and hear no evil is intellectual castration.

You cannot unlearn no more than you cannot help but picture an elephant when I tell you to do the opposite.

You can do all of the things you hope for. You can pursue your definition of sucess and build skills in hobbies, but you will go further pushing the boulder up the mountain, rather than sitting at the bottom.

I'm with you.

The seeds have been sown, you cannot unsee what has been laid out clear before you.

The only real choice you have OP, is how to act towards the state of society? Do you waste your effort on anger and angst? Do you bury your head in the sand? Do you find a way to resist, and help others resist?

Invest effort in to upholding your culture, enjoy it and cultivate it.

it's happening whether you try stick your head in the sand or not

That's just self-induced depression because you're allowing so much bullshit into your mind that will never affect your life no matter how much you think it will.

Sure I notice it, but I don't get missreble.
Maybe I just decided to cut that shit out of my life, instead of the thing that made me notice it?
I don't watch SJW movies.
I don't play SJW games.
I don't hang out with SJW people
Not sure where else I need to notice SJWs.

Can you fat burgerclappers stop yelling this meme all the time. Just call someone a kike and get over it.

t. Shareblue

lmao so you are worse than a mindless normie, you are a semi redpilled dork who doesn't have the emotional fortitude or self control to not let it control you. Good fucking riddance to you, you are weak, you are pathetic, you don't belong at my side or behind me when the hard times come. You can quiver and shake in the corner because it was all just toooooooo haaarrrrrrrd


No, because I got bitter about everything back in 2013, when I was 23.

What's amazing is I browsed Sup Forums since 2009, but I manages to only stay on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums. Before 2013 they were usually less angry, even Sup Forums.

Think about this way :

Our dads are likely less bitter and angsty towards culture


Because they have a life.

you aren't going anywhere

>taking the red pill
>believing you can untake the red pill
Just move on to the Iron pill, hit the gym, stop watching porn, be successful, make babies with a good traditional woman, it's the only way.

me from experience
>try to be normal again
>bluepill for a couple days
>go on Sup Forums, curious to see whats happened
>scroll through
>click on natsoc general thread
>watch 2 hours of hitler speeches
>redpill again

Youre so docile, to think that some "redpill" will ruin your life. That knowledge is somehow destroying your ability to make friends and have hobbies or maintain a job. If thats the case then youre weak. You should use every single thing youve learned on this site or any other site to your advantage. Take solice in the fact that you see the world much clearer than others and can peer through the muck and grime that the media and govt put in front of you, to give you anxiety and stress you. You see it for what it really is, and can identify social problems, their (((enablers))) and how society could perhaps temedy or solve the problem. Your first mistake was believing youre hopeless because of what you learned on the internet or read about everyday, youre not hopeless, the redpill gave you hope, the ironpill will make you a man. Now use what it taught you, dont be a pawn. Read, excersise, eat right, connect, find a beautiful woman and love her to death, make a family. You will be proud to call yourself a man, and leave a legacy for your kids. Dont retreat back into some false sense of happiness by turning a blind eye to what youve learned, it will never leave you.
I was like you before, felt hopeless and outcast from what i read online. Now im 30, i have a beautiful wife and a son, a wonderful home on the river and love what i do, there is not a day that goes by where im not thankful for what i know and how i applied it.

You are the very definition of what makes this site terrible, if you wanted to leave you'd leave. Now shut the fuck up and leave.

Well knowing there are faggots who will literally fire you for calling some faggots faggots is a reason for concern. also leftie politics suck ass 90% of the time and end up fucking the economy for nothing.
This sit is concerning

>not interact with sjw stuff and people
Really hard nowadays. most movies are sjw most games are sjw.
and even the ones that arent get heavily influenced (see the whole "the last night" shenanigans.).
Also in my enviorment its kinda impossible to have non normie friends (especially when im the kinda of person that enjoys socialising).



>let me post on Sup Forums about how im not going to go on Sup Forums anymore

Can anyone feed me white pills?

You can never go back user. You are always going to be aware of the deterioration of society that's is happening around you

Alpha Chads dont invest their energy into getting angry over culture though

To be iron pilled in a real alpha Chad way, you have got to give up getting angry over culture.

Look at my dad in the 80s. Do you think he wasted time getting angry over culture lol?

Shills ahoy matey, I can't heeeaarr you!

>long live the new flesh!

And sure enough, he created a family


You have to give up this very board and mindset of harboring angst at culture and demographics

Oh hey its young bailey jay

You poor fool. There is no going back.

Is that woman your mother?

Enjoy being subjugated to the will of the new world order. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I will join you my friend, time to vomit this red pill and get back to living


you will be lurking until the day you die or KYS, there is no escape, nor can you vomit the red pill, it's in your blood stream, you know what that means.

>Our dads are likely less bitter and angsty towards culture
my sons are 22 and 25 years old respectively.
your dad isn't less bitter and angsty toward culture; he's just doesn't tell you about it

>because they have a life
kek. one thing I've realized user is that your 'life' is already going on regardless of whether you think you have one or not and it has absolutely nothing to do with what you fill your days with. life on the other side of that fence is going to be just as bitter and angsty because that's what you're bringing to the table.

Its important to be well balanced. Everything in moderation, you know? Don't bury your head in the sand, but don't let politics consume your life either.

I'm proof that that's false, I'm not the most alpha Chad by any means, but I am raising a family I certainly don't focus all my energy on browsing the Chan, but I keep up on current events and Redpill where I can.

Whatever bro

You know that being angry at a video game being shitty or a band releasing a bad album will lead to a better life than getting angry at seeing demographics and culture .

You 100% know I'm right.

Ultimately: what's the benefit of being bitter/slightly bitter towards shit?

>most movies are sjw most games are sjw.
Not the ones I watch and play.
I don't know what "the last night" is.
Maybe I'm just lucky that my cousins and friends are either just as racist, more racists, or accepting of my racism. (racism by SJW standards, not actual racism)
My most SJW doesn't have a leg to stand on if she were to try to accuse me of shit, since I know her dirt too.

You're being a total faggot for no reason, and you sound like a troll.

You synthesize the red pill with new hobbies - working out, eating right, buying a gun and practicing at the range, learning some self-defense, reading up on white history for inspiration, studying different form of Aryan spirituality, learning about strategy and military tactics, camping, hiking, learning some survival skills, etc.

Those are just a few of the hobbies a red-pilled white could embrace, and you'll be happier, healthier, and more confidant as you really immerse yourself in them.

In short, stop being a faggot.

you cant "vomit" the red pill, just as you cant "swallow" the red pill.

learning about the red pill is similar to learning about gravity. suddenly you know understand certain aspects of the world much better. you can decide to ignore it, but you know its true.

>life on the other side of that fence is going to be just as bitter and angsty because that's what you're bringing to the table.


The last night is a game literally about how a world under feminists is a dystopia. the backlash it got was so fucking huge the guy was forced to cuck.

Familly sharing views is a good thing indeed though. I have quite a bit of luck here as well since most of the people around me i can talk and explain why some things are shit(and im kinda viewed as a smart person so i words have power sometimes).
Still it kinda ruins your enjoyment of stuff.


See you tomorrow

You're ignoring the bitter byproduct that comes from being hit with all the anti-white & culture war bullshit that comes along with it though

I will be improving my life in how you described, but the angst has to be removed to be happy. It has to be.

>Ignorance is bliss

Have fun living in a lie like a pussy who can't face reality.


because it's a bitter subject, nobody said the Redpill is rainbows. In the Matrix, Neo could have taken the bluepill and continued a life of ignorance but he chose the Redpill which was rude, crude, and unpleasant but in understanding the true nature of reality he was able to find the strength to fight for the greater good. You're just a coward who now has seen the true nature of reality got spooked and is afraid to stand up against the horrible things he knows. It goes a lot further than complaining on the Internet but we do so to flesh out ideas and find common ground with others in our situation. So again, you clearly don't belong here in the first place. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You can't go back. It was never an option.

Nice quads



What's the benefit of being angsty and bitter?

Ask yourself that question from multiple angles, and you'll see that I'm right

Pic related is my sister and I back in the day

May dad was awarded a family from not reading a news article and ranting about it on Sup Forums or watching PJW rant

Let it go

I dont think you can apply your dads experience to anyone of us, its not the same.

Suppose it to be true, see:
I want a precious daughter and a fun son bro

>ignorance is bliss

>browsing other boards besides /tg and /k


To those who try to balance both: it's going to negatively impact your relationship with your woman

Marriage and relationships are about sacrifice. You can sacrifice the red pill to make her happy

Woo! Let's take a break you guys

>implying you can just become a normie.
>implying you can get off this ride
>implying happiness isnt for pussies

You keep saying what's the point of being angry and bitter. The point is not to be angry and bitter. The point is to stand up and bring change. That's how the US won it's independence. Otherwise, had we taken your approach of submissive passiveness, then we'd be a cucked like Canada. But we didn't. They got angry and they did something. It's not about tucking your tail and lying like a beaten dog. It's about being a man and standing up. What you say is not alpha, as you claim. It's the epitome of beta. This passive indifference and blissful ignorance is what has created this out of control madness and white genocide. Be a man and face reality or fall like a coward.

I've tried that. Doesn't last.

You have no talking game if your wife isn't down to talk about virtually anything with you

Hi Shill, Rebbitor

If you were truly doing that, you'd start off by NOT posting here and telling people to "join" you.

>try to vomit the red pill
>realize that we are living in a time of insanity and that nobody else is sane and you have no other choice if you do not want to cringe 24/7 in real life


Again, it's an inherently bitter subject. Being in a state of bitter angst fuels philosophical thought if you want a direct benefit. Look at ANY philosopher in the past. I'm sure the vast majority of redpilled folk want precious offspring as well but being in a redpilled state allows you to better raise your children so they don't fall subject to the glum, bitter things that you can see from being redpilled. Blue pulled parents spawn children of the likes you see all over the place these days who are heavily influenced by the subversive media. Girls as young as EIGHT YEARS OLD are wearing slutty makeup, slutty clothes including THONGS made for young children, and are adopting an uneducated, slutty, gang-like behaviours that I would bet on that you would not want for you own children.

There is no longer a stable and bountiful society that will just hand you a family, home and decent life on a single-income.

Your father and his generation created our current problems by ignoring them in the first place and not taking a stand for the future of his children.

Now you're just going to bury your head, have fun, have children and hope that everything works out for another 40 years?

If you're going to be an apathetic, selfish POS and pretend there's not a boot on your neck, the least you can do is not make children and have them suffer for your self delusion.

this /board

>thinking you can go back

SJW and jew tricks are more ham handed than ever, theres no avoiding it.
>niggers shamelessly put front row center in every movie / TV show
>niggers shamelessly put front row center of fucking video games
>niggers held up as some paragon of wisdom, always educating white people on race and how to act and whats cool
>nigger 'music' is now past gangsta rap, which had at least some tiny bit of skill involved, and is just loud AYYYs, ooga boogas and heavy bass.
>nigger music and culture has destroyed youth culture into making young whites idolize blacks and 'trappin' and using their shitty monkey lingo

There is no going back now.

Your father and his generation created our current problems by ignoring them in the first place and not taking a stand for the future of his children.

Fucking this.

You are a fucking coward and you are going to die a coward's death. Good riddance.

Yes the political board on Sup Forums is political you fucking retard. Why would you hang out on Sup Forums if you aren't interested in politics?

Cute pic desu.

Still, you are missing the point. You can be aware without being angry. Anger is just phase one, soon enough you will find a way to control your emotions and focus your energy on something more productive than ranting and whining.

Tried, failed. Will try again in a few weeks.


conspiracy theories tends to just be an excuse for poor life choices

I think you're making the right choise

Godspeed OP