Czech Republic and Poland, Visegard countries, told today that If they need Immigration, they will bring Ukranians because they assimilate into Central Europe cultures
Fuckig based
Czech Republic and Poland, Visegard countries, told today that If they need Immigration, they will bring Ukranians because they assimilate into Central Europe cultures
Fuckig based
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You'd destory ukraine at that point
Take the custom flag off piggy
Poland already has millions of Ukrainians and they're fucking shit
release us from the gypsie curse oh world superpower
>complaining about gypsies
they need to go back
There is noting based about any immigration. Especially Ukrainians who are mixed with Tatars. Fuck em
and anyone who has any genetic relation to them too. Dacian blood must remain pure
nah russia will pick it apart with the rest being absorbed into belarus
Remember, Lviv forever Ukrainian
>pure dacian bloos
you're some centuries behind
Bretty good. Leftists I've spoken to always have an aneurysm when they're telling me about how we need mass migration because of "economic" reasons and I just say "Okay so why don't we get some more Polacks, Ukies, Serbs and some other Eastern Europeans from their poorer countries to come over here with economic incentives?"
Forever not to long.
Won't work. We all have shit governments.
Speak for yourself hohol.
I love these threads where all these burger mongrels yell "Ukrainians not white!!!!!!! reeeee" when we've all seen what the average Sup Forumsack looks like at a meetup. Most people that reply to me are going to be shitskins.
Ukrainians are more white than 90% of this board.
But they are not European. You can't be more or less European(White). Shitskin is a shitskin no matter how pale. More importantly they are not Central European locals.
>Ukrainians are more white than 90% of this board.
Ukrainians are Slav-Mongol-Tatar rape babies.
le 50% face
>that figure includes """"hispanic whites""""
b-b-but diversity
lmao faggot. Go on, tell me who has a based right wing capitalist government ready to lead the union?
Come on faggot, surprise me
the fuck? we already brough them
I have literally never seen an ukrainian up to the last year, when they started appearing in masses
We are coming, kurwa.
>rape babies
Get your facts, while current UKR govt is shit we are getting mettric fuck ton of good workers from there. They dont cause problems , 96% employment rate, and they dont blow themselves up.
Considering they get paid as much as Poles they earn 3-4x times more than in Ukraine.
Best part they fix hole caused by UK emigration. Its even better since birts got shit tier of our nation. The all bad opinion about poles in UK is well deserved since only crap of the crap ran away from country. But they fit well with mudslimes and nigs there.
Thats funny coming from a Russian
Strangely enough, I don't see this phenotype around me at all. Everyone is at least slav looking. In my school there was only one asian dude
not an argument
they must live in south ukraine where "wild field" was located
No one forced them to mix. They did it out of their own fill. Bydło degenerates
So just because we have some people with Asian influence in this country you frame the ENTIRE FUCKING COUNTRY as Asian?
Damn, even by Sup Forums standarts that's sad
But Ukrainians are the white equivalent of Niggers.
unless 99.9% white country you're a mongrel
Yes. You are shitskins in Poland, you are shitskins in Bohemia, you are shitskins in Moravia, you are shitskin in Slovakia, you are shitskins in Russia
Now make a collage of Gundayev, Sobyanin, Putin, Shoigu.
Two men on the list are ethnic Russian. I wonder why Ukranian is bothered about it from abroad? British nationalists want to remove your holop ass anyway. Poles will help. You are a shitskin and not British
hiding behind half-assed wit are we?
How about Sup Forums tells you you're spineless cowards who could not defend their motherland and would let their children and women be raped by muh ebil Ruskie? i think that phenotype would be more than abundant, you poor cunt.
>assimilation meme
You have two choices:
>Ukrainians who are slavic white, have a work ethic and will make an effort to be civil
>"""15 year old""" "war refugees" who just want gibs and will trash the place like they have in Kraut and Frog.
Ukkies may only be one step above Russians and Rapefugees, but it's still a better option.
We choose : Polish Poland Czech Czech Republic Slovakian Slovakia and Hungarian Hungary
Ukraine is already Africa-tier. Nothing left to destroy
Ironic coming from Ukrainian. The whole country is screaming about Russians being not Slavic, but Finno-Ugrian, Mongolian, Tatar or whatever.
No please no more
would those guys look normal without the alcoholism
Thing is 96% of them work. Even if statistics are bit off at least 90%.
While germs have 7-13% of "refuges" working.
Also the influx of low tier workers from Ukrain greatly increased our economical growth. Even cosnidering they send loads of money back home.
Also I prefer ukrainians to anything that will come thru germany and france. Keep your nigs, shitskins and mudslimes there.
And for fucks sake, my grandfather was ukrainian, my great grandfater was member of Whites Cavalery and killed shitload of bolsheviks during revolution.
Every time I go to Hamtramck, the Polish and Ukrainian immigrants at the pub get along great. The Russians there stick to one pub because they get their asses kicked whenever they go to a pub full of Ukrainians and Poles.
Let your dual hatred of Russians bind you.
Putin is the only one there who could be argued to be an ethnic Russian.
Gundaev is a Mordovian family name
Sobyanin is a turkic family name and the man himself looks asiatic.
Shoigu is a Tuvan family name and he also looks non white.
But should I keep on going with the list of Russia's ruling class? Kadyrov, Vekselgerg, Rothenberg? All ethnic Russian names
I don't think they drink as much and shitty booze as average russian because they are government officials.
We like Russians more than U*ranians. And Russians at least White
Turkraine and Russia have a lot of shitskins in their government. At least ethnic Russian people are actually White, with ethnic Ukrainians it's usually Turks who speak Slavic
Fuck you and fuck Hohols.
They are Anglo tier backstabers at best.
Poles hate russia by default.
Ukrainians, well fuck they DESPISE russia considering under stalin over 10% of population got killed by KGB/NKWD. And now russia tries to dismantle thier country.
This too, but Russians never genocided our women and children, Russians suffered from commies as much as we did, and Russians are at least White
Every Pole and Ukrainian immigrant I have ever met is very likable once you get to know them (once they warm up to you). Every Russian immigrant I have met makes me want to become President of the US just so I can launch a surprise nuclear attack on Russia.
gib name
Yeah but for some reason Turkrainians look whiter than "pure" Russians.
>Russians suffered from commies
What the fuck? Russians ARE commies.
how desperate must Ukrainians be if they voluntarily move to fucking Poland (where I was born btw)?
>ukrainian deluge
> Ukrainians
> assimilable
If they were assimilable, they would be Russians, not Ukrainians.
Xenophobic poles BTFO
Jesus Christ
Oh for fucks sake, whole familes got deported to syberia from Poland and Ukraine.
God damn communist targeted intgeligence of both countries to make good slave nations.
send your women. Men should stay and fight Russia
beliving ukrainians are any better than shitskins
You need to go to west Europe to steal jobs from Germans, French and other scum, pls
Yes, please, fuck up their countries first
This doesn't even resemble an argument, dog fucker.
Mate you have no idea
fucking give kiev back! REEEEEEEEEEEEE
JUST a friendly reminder
You can now kill yourself, leaf.
Good you understand. Ethnic Russians are the biggest victim of communism out there. Need I say that the most JEWSSR rulers were Jewish, Caucasian or Ukrainians?
Brown hair brown eye subhuman diaspora please
ukrainians are worse than muslims and other refugees. ukrainians are barbarians and love bandera. When I was in ukraine I have seen UPA / OUN or other banderist group parade in one of ukrainian city
I not trust ukrainians not at all
My family lived in Volhynia, Eastern Galicia and Eastern Lublin region before WW2, so we know how evil ukrainians are
My grandfather is volynia massacre survivor like his parents. He is still alive
Ukrainians killed and raped many times my greatgrandfather sister in Eastern Galicia
Ukrainians in WW2 stole all the things from greatgrandparents house in Zamojszczyzna region. Apart of that they detroyed many house in neighborhood
And the last thing
When some people from my family was in KL Lublin ( Majdanek ) nazi camp - many ukrainians were nazi guards
You're that shill constantly starting threads trying to brew hate between Poles and Ukrainians. Compared to pretty much every other """immigrant""" group in Europe, Ukrainians are toppest tier and are brothers
>inb4 communism is a jewish trick for slavs
Yes, I agree Ivan. Now since we've learned from the past, we can go stronger. Shitstorm is incoming. We gotta survive this or perish.
Let them come to the US.
Everyone has done fucked up shit in the past, Poland is no exception. What matters is who they are now and right now Ukrainians are far better then migrants from the middle east.
Ukrainians have cool folk music. I worked with ukrainians and they are bros.
As we all know they are mudbloods. Focus on your Czechoslovak brothers and don't buy this Europa meme. This identity was how USA went from being 98% Anglo-Saxon to 90% White to 30% White today
Ukraińcy to pierdoleni podludzie, a bandera wali mi konia szponami xD
First, yo need to come to .
poolacks and v4 say many things, in the end they always fold in and complie.
by 80% Jewish/Ukrainian/Caucuses government lol
wtf this shitty city in the middle of detroit still exists???
It's not a terrible city. Great night life, desu. It's slowly turning into Europe, though. The Slavic immigrants are moving out and the Iraqis and Muslims are buying the houses and moving in.
Ukrainians and Poles are virtually the same.
Why are you spreading divide and conquer ideology? A Ukrainian will be far closer to me than a Somalian ever will.
>now Ukrainians are far better then migrants from the middle east.
Refugees don't have any territorial claims for Przemyśl and many south-east Poland cities from my country
I live in South-East Poland too, and I don't want to live in Ukraine in future
Brits and Pakis are virtually the same
Western Ukrainians are literal subhumans. They only know how to kill newborn babies and pregnant women in the most gruesome way.
Oh shiii nigga you gun done and did it
Somalians at least don't have any interest in destabilizing Poland with their 5th column, unlike Ukrainian nationalists.