Why isn't there a centrist flag?
That would require declaring a position and agreeing on one.
Rick and morty is a retarded show for reddit users.
Thats their position "hehe I have no opinion so i cant be wrong!"
>'you must pick this side or this side, these are the only sides'
>falling for the jew
I agree OP
>le I'm way too smart to have an opinion maymay
All that picture does is show how much more attractive conservatives are.
The cringeworthy memes made me hate this show without ever watching a single episode tb h.
Rick "The Spic" Sanchez would hate, berate, and shit on every single one of that show's fans.
Can my opinion be that both Maddow and Tomi Lahren are insufferable cunts, without a single ounce of likeability or screen presence?
>*BUURRRRP* God's not real Morty
>the redditor begins to chuckle
>L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots
>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
>W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me
>the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
>The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
>mmmm get schwifty
>the redditor's heart explodes and he dies
How would you represent a people that believe in nothing?
I don't blame you. The fanbase it total shit. It's one thing to like a show and have a couple of friends and talk about it. It's another to shove it down everyone's throat, saying how awesome it is, and anyone who disagrees is stupid with no sense of humor.
You sound like a pretentious twat that can't handle someone thinking outside the box
haha wubba lubba dub dub amirite? yes reddit!
Just use the fag flag
>radical centrist
hang yourself
>an actual political stance
Wishy washy faggot.
Just be a civ cuck and use the nigger flag. Same shit.
goodbye moonman
>only brainwashed radicals are serious about their political beliefs
yeah sure
>being this dumb you don't understand your own leddit show
The show's creators mocked centrists more than everyone else.You just don't understand it because you are a faggot.
Only drug addicts vote liberal. Name one person who smokes weed and is republican? Republicans like to take care of themselves, democrats need to be taken care of. It's actually that simple. They are like babies that never learn how to become self sufficient.
>It's another Centrist straw-man thread
Oh goodie
Well because centrist cant agree on anything
>>Thats their position "hehe I have no opinion so i cant be wrong!"
>If you don't agree with one of two extremes, you have no opinion
Bitch pls
I would also like to add that """centrists"" never shut the fuck up about how they're so centrist.
Why isn't there a conservatarian flag?
Establishment cucks on both sides are idiots, but the democrats slightly more so.
>n-n-no you dont understand BUUUURP its a le deep show
>y-your just two stupid too understand
centrists agree on points from both sides, not nothing you mouth breather
oy vey
Dilbertman smokes medical weeds and is a strong defender of republican points, even if he's not a true republican.
>muh alcohol and tobacco ain't no drug
>please doctor, my foot is feeling slightly inflamed, gimme some opiods
>don't talk to me before i have had my coffee lol, im just not a morning person xddddd
Really? Compared to "I'm a centrist", how much more do you hear left/right-wing people proclaiming their political allegiance? Cause personally I hardly ever hear anyone say "I'm a centrist", but left/right-wing people make themselves known every goddamn day.
the memes made me hate it after i watched it.
why cant normies just enjoy a show and talk about it normally? their shit memes always ruin everything i enjoy.
Yeah, no such thing. All these centrists still support gay marriage, immigration, feminism and accept leftist premises. Since the left is so radical, the non radical ones get tricked into thinking they are actually centrist because Leftism is so entrenched in western thought.
centrism is a box, a very small one that gets shit in by every other alignment, it is stasis while everybody else has fun
>thinking outside the box
I can't wait for this meme to die. Introducing retarded non sequiturs when trying to solve a problem should be punished, but instead it's praised so we don't hurt dumb people's feelings. You aren't the next Steve Jobs. You aren't Albert Einstein. You just don't want people to think you're dumb because you hold an unfalsifiable position.
ALL WRONG. 2+2 equals infinity because it's human logic and therefore a human construct. In the animal kingdom 2+2 equals more food, in porn 2+2 equals a foursome, in quantum physics 2+2 equals unpredictability when smashing atoms. Kek, I'm so smart. Nobody be smarter than me!!!
being a centrist on a political subjective viewpoint does not = being a centrist on a mathematical equation
>implying "centrists" arent just liberals pretending its really hip and cool to be apathetic
I'm a nominal conservative that gets cucked by the left whenever race, immigration, and gay marriage are brought up because I don't want to seem like a bigot. My opinions shift with the Overton window.
There is... it's solid white and waved in the name of surrender
>Lel everyone is dumb but me
Centrists are fags.
Sometimes I wonder why all you american /polsters/ don't fuck off back to the countries your immigrant ancestors came from
If you have legitimate opinions on anything, it shouldn't be possible for you to be a centrist
Centrists are centrists because they want to avoid any kind of conflict. Annoucing their allegiance would only stir up resentment from the left, and mockery from the right.
It's more like; on some issues I agree with the right and on some issues I agree with the left. I will support the side whose politics are more relevant for today.
What you described there are libertarians, not centrists.
would if it wasn't fucked by the EU and socialism.
are burgers really this stupid?
I actually really enjoyed the first season when it came out, I saw the pilot and was like "yeah this show is pretty cool". That was over 3 years ago. The normies and the fucking meme fags ruined it for me, similarly the same as they did for Game of Thrones. Maybe I am just cynical af but I fucking hate when shows get blown out of proportion by Facebook fags etc
Right back at you, niggers.
>don't talk to me immigrant baby
Or maybe you just have opinions that span both sides of the spectrum
>a dirty child of dirty immigrants dares to speak to me
Why is there cum dripping out of his mouth?
Really? I'm a centrist (and I only say it because its relevant to the discussion), and for the past 3 years I have been pretending to be right-wing. Why? Because right-wing politics should be employed at this time and age.
I have taken part in right-wing protests and "close the borders! demonstrations. How have I avoided conflict by being a centrist?
No way I'm going back to Germany. That place has been cucked to death. My ancestors have left for a reason. They saw it coming. They saw the jews taking over with their false flag holohoax.
but centrism is objectively the best.
moderation in everything. takes the good from all and apply it. the farther you stray from the center the larger the flaws become.
more like: I'm a cucked liberal but then I see some sjw and want to seem above it all so I declare myself a centrist despite having 99% liberal beliefs, this way I can also have some leverage over conservatives.
>retardation: the post
a """"centrist"""" from 50 years ago would be a nazi today. So fuck off
You have to go back you dirty immigrant
>tfw you r 2 smart too fall for any ideology
>ism is just as bad as anti-ism
Who here enlightened centrist?
tinfoil is the only true path. every other side is trying to brainwash you.
>tfw extreme centrist
No but most centrists are arrogant cubts who can't just fuck off with their pretentiousness for once and choose the lesset of the two evils that most fit their views. You are legitimately retarded if you think you shouldn't vote unless you agree with 100% of what they say. Unfortunately many people believe this.
here is your rick and morty flag cocksuckers
if you're going to make a centrists are faggots joke, choose something more appropriate.
That's a nice theory, but in reality you just end up with the path of least resistance on every issue. It's the default apathetic position, so you get the results of whoever steamrolls over you. The flag you posted with is definitely not a centrist position. You can't take the good from all philosophies because they are often contradictory. You're basically a lazy hedonist.
Yeah good luck finding moderates online. It requires people to think for themselves.
There's already the kek flag if you want to make it obvious you're a 13 year old with an over inflated ego.
>over inflated ego
Nice try, but centrists don't even believe in themselves.
Centrists have one. For proof I selected it.
if both parties have socialist policies, and you call yourself a centrist, then it means you support socialism, which isn't moderate
>I'm a centrist, but I pretend not to be, just like you said I do!
Notice how you have to "pretend to be right-wing" to go to a protest? Because centrists don't protest anything, even though according to them, they're getting screwed by both sides and would have the biggest reason to be upset.
>How have I avoided conflict by being a centrist?
How are you a centrist if you've spent the last three years on one side of the political spectrum? Have you told your right-wing buddies that you'll turn on them if their side wins?
>reddit and memey
>"radical centrist"
good job m8
Dunno about Finland, but here nobody admits to being right-wing, because our mayor will send the cops out to hassle you till you leave town if you do.
> uses political powers to force everyone to pretend to be for Hillary
> poll shows 98% Hillary
> Trump wins anyway
> must be Russian hackers
Like pottery.
You mean more thought than 'they are both wrong OOOWWNNEEDD!'
Because thats what you sound like
republicans really are idiots...their political representatives have to dumb down their rhetoric and avoid words with too many syllables
cuz the middle is on the right retard
This. People that don't come here to just shitpost for cheap laughs are probably here to have their dim views of the world validated.
fuck you
export all democrats
lower government spending 99%
>revelations 3:16
>15 I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other. 16 So because you are lukewarm — neither hot nor cold — I am about to spit you out of My mouth!
Even God hates centrists.
>Notice how you have to "pretend to be right-wing" to go to a protest?
I don't pretend to be right-wing to go to a protest, I pretend to be right-wing for the right-wing to succeed. I really don't give a shit what other people think about me.
>Because centrists don't protest anything, even though according to them, they're getting screwed by both sides and would have the biggest reason to be upset.
Why wouldn't centrists protest anything? Just because I think social services are a good thing, doesn't mean I wouldn't protest against new gun legislation, or visa versa.
Are you so fucking tied to your political ideology that you just go with what was pre-written? Don't you have an original idea in your head?
The real world doesn't operate on your simplistic black and white, right and wrong view.
>LE degenerate alt-right faggot larping as a rational normie
'blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God'
Mathew 5:19
Centrism is the christian way, only heathens lean to the right or left.
Majority of muslims are right-wing retard, of course they're gonna say the same thing
if they're on the same political ideology side.
Good to finally see you equate islam to leftism.
>tfw you started watching the show before normies got to it and memed it to death