When patterns like this start forming, you know something's definitely wrong.
When patterns like this start forming, you know something's definitely wrong
saged kike
well we couldnt convict the little niggers because they were dead, but i assure you, our legal system still functions very well, dont worry
I have a harder time pronouncing half of these names than I do with asian names.
How tf do you say "Amadou"? Is it like "Imma do"?
Your right, niggers need to go
Some of those fucking names...
Aiyana, Amadou, Trayvon...
What the fuck? Just name your kid normally
Correct. Something is definitely wrong here.
The list isn't at least 10x bigger.
Lol, sure, and the pattern is: niggers are criminals
If you little bitches took the time to notice reality you would understand that cops kill a lot more white people than niggers, so take your dead nigger list and go fuck yourself
what's wrong is that there was ever any question that they should even be convicted
>no conviction
I don't get it, all of them got shot and rightfully so, do you want a post-mortem conviction?
Of course there were no convictions, they're all dead!
>cops kill a lot more white people than niggers
hmmm... Because whites are 87% of the population. Meanwhile blacks are 13% of the population, you idiot.
OP there is a reason we keep criminals locked up or we kill them. They are not to be trusted. It continues to baffle me as to why you want to side with black criminals knowing full well that they would commit crimes against you.
Yeah it's called niggers being niggers.
It isn't hard to understand
The pattern is niggers doing something to get a cops attention, then either through violent behaviour or sheer stupidity managing to provoke the cop into shooting them in self defence.
The notion that the police (including nigger cops) just going around shooting niggers for fun is so childish it could only come from the mind of a nigger. As if cops want all the fucking paperwork, potential court cases, media exposure and just all round headache of it all if they could avoid it.
But we leave in an upside down society where deadbeat, jobless niggers with a laundry list of criminal offences are victims and cops trying to serve and protect amidst nigger created third world crime rates are the bad guys...
Sandra Bland killed herself... Who would have been convicted?
I mean Theresa May is apparently guilty of burning down shitskin tower right?
Then why are there so many more niggers in prison, fuck hole?
Trump? Trump wasn't even president when that happened.
>no conviction
Half the people on that lists had several felonies
You're right. White people being put on trial because niggers caused problems and attacked them has to stop.
Cant say I know the story behind all these names, but keeping your hands to yourself and not pointing guns at people(especially people who work in an occupation which supposedly is predisposed to shoot your ass to begin with) goes a long way towards keeping yourself alive. Its too much to ask of some people apparently.
Are you being racist? did you just say nigger? thats OUR word white boi!
All of them: shooting was justified
Yeah and that pattern being that niggers need to stop chimping out and realize that any interaction with the police is potentially fatal.
I'll give you that Walter dude in South Carolina who was shot in the back, but even then fleeing from the police is due an ass whooping.
Because they break the law by accident
>naxi flag
Now im really confused
Kekd & checkd
I dont know who any of these people are
Some thing is wrong with the people who attack or try to attack police.
You're right. Black people are resisting arrest too much.
All you know is cocks and buttholes you gay faggot hahaha
Good. The cops did nothing wrong. Its sad what happened, but the cops did nothing wrong. Sorry!
Yes, the pattern is niggers are violent criminals. That's why they are dead and cops are walking.
All you need to know is that they are niggers that did niggerly things to get them killed by bolice, and now all the niggers that are still alive think that the bolice killed them just because they are niggers.
You're right. Niggers have too much time on their hands. Stop the gibs, and they'll either work, or starve.
The fact that they try to play the race card about absolutely everything shows that they are just monkeys with no sense.
Triggered coalburner
Also sage
Selective sampling does not constitute a pattern.
Niggers should be able to commit crimes with impunity and anyone who says otherwise is a racist and anyone who tries to stop them should be punished!!!!
I know right, when will America get its niggers under control
it doesn't make sense to take a good cop off the force for making a mistake. the amount of good he does overall will more than make up for it. and this assumes that the act itself wasn't a good thing in the first place.
When are blacks going to stop resisting arrest?
How many have to die before they wake up and realize if a cop tells you to do something you do it.
Have a problem? Take it up in court.
>Mentions a bunch of dead niggers, says something's wrong.
I agree, the list isn't nearly long enough. Spiced for extreme faggotry.
>hoodrat attacks cop
>cop shoots hoodrat
>jury is told this fact
>no conviction
Funny how they claim to be terrified of cops yet they continue to commit crime and be as antagonistic as possible.