I'll remember this as protestors are blocking my way home from work and chunking bricks into my windshield
So powerful
or when youre dying and the ambulance isnt arriving because....some assholes want you to feel powerless.
traffic blockers have no place in a civilized society
Nigs have no symphony for anyone but themselves
Run em down and prove them right. It's the ultimate show of solidarity.
This faggot forgot the Difference between wanting to do something and doing it, he's saying niggers are just people but without impulse control
Many people have causes and ideas they believe in. Very few people supporting them are enough of faggots to go into traffic and fuck with a complete strangers day.
Protestors should learn perspective that some of us have jobs to get to on time because we contribute to society.
Dumb niggers can't think past anyone but themselves
In north dakota, you can drive through them.
If nigs had sympathy for themselves they wouldn't put themselves in situations were an officer is forced to shoot a to save their own life or the lives of innocents.
>put people in powerless position
>get mad when they break free
Fucking mongs desu senpai
We wuz conductors n shiit
Good opportunity to push legislation that allows drivers to run over protestors without consequences.
>powerless situation
yeah let me fix that
nor do they have any melody
Appeasement is a shit choice, Nelson
Ironic coming from those who don't appreciate the founders perspective.
Implying driving home from work late on a Friday night is not feeling controlled, harassed, and having the system kill you.
Meanwhile, the people protesting sit around all day watching TV, getting benefits and knocking out babies.
>Let's make these people feel helpless so they will give up and surrender!
It turns out that if you begin to divorce a people from reality, from the knowledge that they are powerful and can cause supreme damage, they tend to spiral off into thinking up fantasies about possible action. If you keep applying pressure, they will start to radicalize. If you apply pressure after that, they begin to see you as the enemy, and they begin to take action to "regain" the power that you "stole" from them.
They will start to fight back, and then your pleas for forgiveness fall on deaf ears. By the time they realize that they had the power all along, and that they simply fell for your sick game, you will have gone through some serious shit.
Oppress someone who legitimately has no power all you like, but be very careful when you're oppressing someone with more power than you.
Do these people actually want another WWII?
I love how much thought this cuck ascribes to braindead chimps who just want to fuck shut up.