Have some compassion baka.
Why is Sup Forums so anti- protesters?
Because if you are gonna protest, you better have a better message other than
Go protest elsewhere. They are called Thoroughfares for a reason.
So basically he's saying that the dumb fucking protesters would rather shoot themselfs in the foot on their movement, if it will inconvenience the country.
10/10 would support your protest. God people have some mental gymnastics going on to justify being a dumb cunt.
Okay so if I can show them my wonderful perspective I've gained from the whole thing, they'll let my car through right? That's how this works?
This fucking fag thinks he's being compassionate. Stopping people from getting to work is never going to bring them to your side, and your causes are stupid, exactly what you would expect if you gave uneducated welfare niggers a national platform.
I read it and what I basically got from it is "Black people SHOULD kill all whites, it would be justice."
Am I being illiterate?
>They do it so you can see what if feels like to be stuck in a powerless situation
That's a shitty excuse. I'm not fucking powerless if I am in a car and someone thinks they can just be in front of me assuming I will stop. If anything, they are the powerless one.
Gotta be, no way a tolerant progressive would advocate such a toxic message.
>im going to make you miserable until you give me attention because im unhappy about something completely unrelated
This protest wouldnt happen to be a women's march would it?