Explain to me how jews wanting to kill/destroy white people makes any goddamn sense whatsoever.
I'm being serious.
Explain to me how jews wanting to kill/destroy white people makes any goddamn sense whatsoever.
I'm being serious.
Other urls found in this thread:
a german that denies the urge for global domination
They don't.
You keks have been manipulated like soft clay.
If not for you and that little Nazi boys club of yours they would've just been content to dominate finance and accumulate wealth. But nooooo. You had to start shit you couldn't finish (in typical krautcuck fashion) and now the Zionists see our race as not only capable of identifying and exposing them, but also of taking serious action to remedy their presence.
Jews hate Christianity
Jews don't definitively plan for the long run, they make hasty decisions as quickly as possible in order to stay dominant. Their loosely organized plan right now is white = bad. For the tentative long run, they prefer a world without whites because of how rebellious and dignified whites are. A nation or nations of third world savages are much more malleable than a nation of Anglos.
Their tentative long term
A long history of antagonism and fear towards Whites, since the Greeks and the Romans. An homogenous, stable and traditional white society is able to defend itself against the parasitic behaviour of Jews, that's why they want to destroy it.
Its us or pogroms, unfortunately most white people are too cucked to grasp this.
How does it not make sense, you stupid faggot?
Jews are flat out telling why they're doing it.
>coming from someone who rounded them up and put them in camps.
I have no idea why they would want to preemptive destroy you, no idea at all.
They hate everyone who isn't one of them, but they hate whites most of all. ESPECIALLY Germans.
>being this bluepilled
Jews want to rule the world and the white man is the competition.
It doesn't make sense, some stormniggers love to shill their shit in order to divert people from realistic solutions to western's cuck disease and shift all the blame on jews. No better than niggers blaming everything on whitey, commies everything on americans, libertarians on ebul state or feminists on patriarchy.
It's good to be aware that jews are a treacherous group who tends to be most leftist demographic, but it's not because they are innately evil, it's just because they feel rootless and all rootless people are drawn to leftism like flies. Solution to this is simple - all jews need to go back to Israel. There is really no long debate needed, rather we should remain self-critical about state of the white race without going on and on about jews and never going after the root of our problems, which is defeatist mentality stemming from white guilt, especially with westerners, not so much in eastern europe.
>implying I need to explain a very simple concept to a sub-90 IQ moron
No thanks hans
they created Christianity and then Islam so that there would be a perpetual holy war for them to profit off of.
they want to rule all white people, which they do.
That's German guilt for you
>Strong intelligent white men built institutions capable of global control
>Jews leverage their monopoly on banking to take control of these institutions (Such as the UN, EU, ged, mass media)
>only people capable of retaking control of said institutions are FUCKING WHITE MALES
jews are self destructive and they created a doomsday cult "christianity" they think they are providing the christians with what they want
A world of Browns who will trade their rights and dignity away for handouts would make a very controllable populace
>but niggers are always rioting, they can't be controlled
Those blacks are always rioting a white liberal system that caters and babies them, they riot because they know nothing will happen to them for it.
do you think they would riot if the whites in charge said, fuck it , no food for you then?
They don't want to destroy whiteness, they just want to liquidate white culture so that we no longer identify by our race, religion, or heritage, but rather they would have us identify by our consumerism; Mac users vs PC users, Nintendo vs Xbone, Android vs iPhone, etc.
They don't really give a shit about destroying the white race, it's more an effort to turn the human race into cattle. They flood our countries with browns and push false narratives not because they are trying to destroy us, but because our fertility rates are low and they need a constantly growing population to expand their own power.
If it's any wonder why niggers in the US are so glorified, it's because niggers are by far the biggest impulse buyers and will gladly spend their welfare money (your money) on corporate products. The NWO/Corporations/whatever don't want to rule the world- they already do- they are just trying to expand their consumer base and things like tradition and family undermine their power.
I wondered this for some time, too. I see their influence in history and our modern world. They utilize economics, politics, science, the arts, religion, war, and any other number of means to keep us at each other's throats. How is this benefitting anyone? I don't believe in evil geniuses fucking everything up for no reason, I thought that they HAVE to believe in what they do. One day I realized the only possible explanation. I truly believe they are God's chosen people, and that their job is to keep us in check. This means preventing us from becoming too great, taking control of our own destiny and possiby even becoming gods ourselves. There's already a god, there's no need for another. So they keep us distracted fighting each other and other which ideology is best, because what else is there to do on a rock that floats around a star? We're just waiting for the next big distribution to reset the world.
>Explain to me how jews wanting to kill/destroy white people makes any goddamn sense whatsoever.
It's just an old Sup Forums meme. We're being ironic, newfag. Stop taking shitposts so seriously.
Is it summer already?
This goy gets it
we expelled them for over thousand of years and hitler failed to provide the final solution
Whites = God's chosen people
Jews = Satan's chosen people
That's why.
Kill yourself, kike
Becaue they have hates "whites" since they knew us. It is written in their Talmud, it is written in their literature.
In Maurice Samuel's 'You Gentiles,' he clearly outlines the deeply seated Jewish hatred for the European spirit.
You tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth, Deutschfag. They want revenge.
Look at what they are doing to your country right now.
Perceived revenge.
>being this bluepilled
>You tried to wipe them off the face of the Earth, Deutschfag.
>unironically believing in the holocaust
Read the Kalergi plan.
Also in practice zionists don't really want to exterminate whites, they want a war between Edom and Ishmael.
>We're being ironic
Soeak for yourself, heeb.
No (You) 4 U
I'm late to the party, I know
DWS is jewish