Would you Britshits shut the fuck up about this already? This doesn't need to be world headline news for a week. Fucking Iraqis would call tragedies like this Tuesday.
>It's another tower thread
Yeah but nobody cares about paki Iraqis.
It's still standing.
A little bit of renovation and people can start unpack their stuff in brand new appartments next year.
Sure, I'll bite.
Iraq isn't considered a civilized country with health and safety laws and routine maintenance checks.
Something like this shouldn't be happening in 2017, especially considering it had literally just been routine renovated a year ago.
Plus the fact the Tory government skimped hard on fire proof materials which instead was combustible. The fact that the rich get to live in fancy ivory apartments not far from this tower block says it all really..
>fancy ivory apartments
Your issue is poaching not class warfare, Dedengue.
epic meme, friendo.
keep shitposting and no one will ever take Sup Forums seriously.
Who on Sup Forums isn't happy that at least a hundred foreigners got BTFO'd? This isn't congruent with the usual banter.
How the fuck is that a meme you mong? Take autism pills pls, you're embarrassing your countrymen.
Didn't this burn down because they put dangerous "green" upgrades to it? :^)
So why are people so obsessed with the London tower?
it's good propaganda to keep the shit skins away, knowing they will get housed in tinder boxes. keep these threads coming.
You're buttmad that
You're barking up the wrong tree. I don't think anyone gave a shit for more than two days other than the lefty scum who want to cry about evil capitalism and the shitskin affected by it
England is such a bland country (ex. food) that happenings like this are their raison d'être. They love the attention, the bunch of cunts.
A country of cunts.
>Something like this shouldn't be happening in 2017
Fires happen every day, in every town in every area of every country in the world. CURRENTYEAR doesn't mean anything except a whole bunch of furniture is filled with supposedly fire retardant chemicals that don't really work but exist as a regulatory crutch for the industry (you didn't buy into the chemical jew, did you?)
Why do you even have these welfare deathtraps in posh areas? When the property value in Chicago around housing complexes go up, the complexes get torn down. That's fucking Chicago, a city on the verge of 3 sided civil war.
so people can read "fire" in their rear-view mirrors
>americans jump out of flaming tower like pussies
>brits stay and face the fire to the death
the media is only talking about it because minorities died and are fueling the meme that white people started the fire, it's typical anti-white propaganda like normal. no one really cares about it
>implying they were British
unbridled capitalism always leads to societal instability and unrest.
>Not knowing shit about the extensive love of heritage animal breeds of which the food comprises of
they adopted the british spirit and faced down the fire....to the death
If you say so....
nope, they don't assimilate and have a huge victimist mentality, and assume they are powerless and that nothing is in their hands
ok José
But the letters are not all backwards, and it says 'ERFI' with only the 'E' backwards!
This was intentional, because this is a training drill / hoax.
>low cost housing should have materials that are the same as high cost housing
>we will get the money from the money tree
nice digits. plus why haven't we gotten tower captchas like after the london bridge attacks we now get bridge captchas?
They're all spirits now
gb2 the dailymail, bellend
>Believing immigrants want to intergrate
>believing immigrants dont want to just continue their shity backward and sexist culture in a country their ancestors were unable to develop
this actually doesn't happen that often even in shitholes. The story is how fucking third world Britbongs are. Of course the actual narrative of the story is that britbongs are third world because they treat minorities badly.
>lol your country is getting flooded with shitskins too XD that means it's ok if it happens to my country
Don't expect much from the English cucks.
So brave
flooding your country with shitskins so they can take over your country
>building poorly made
>building still standing
Hm. I guess the brits are just better at buildings.
That shit really burned to crisp, it's like they didn't had any fireproofing whatsoever. Step up Britcunts, even poor countries have better fire protection.
it's cheap housing, why should their property cost the taxpayer loads more money? They should pay for their own protection like everyone else has to
>keep shitposting and no one will ever take Sup Forums seriously
If you're still here go back to fucking r/the_donald. People taking this place too seriously and putting it on MSM news is what took the fun out of it.
What is renting? That's payment. All excuses, British construction is shitty and quite frankly your borders are also non-existing. The mighty empire had better building 100 years ago. Something stopped in your chain of command, it's not getting through any longer, it's like you are zombies. You don't even know how many lived there.
Lol according to shitskins and their lefty handlers we arent giving it enough attention because we are racist and dont care about niggers and muslims.
The government pays the Muslims to live there, only the few white people there actually pay rent
They shouldn't even be in the fucking country
Steve Power
Sheila Smith
Tony Disson
What the hell are they claiming? I've seen a bunch of people who looks like came from BLM attacking Theresa May for not giving them enough money, is that right?
It's not even America ffs!
Theres a joke in here somewhere about orcs in the tower of Barad-dûr but I'm struggling to find it.
All of London is full of non-British ethnicity. White British gave up, that's how it is. Nobody cares about corruption any longer.
literally 3 whites died in a tower block in the middle of london
the rest were nonwhite
i could not give a fuck
Blacks/Muslims will chimp out if they have any excuse however nonsensical
In 1967 Blacks burned down Detroit because an unlicensed bar got shut down. Now Hollywood is making a movie about how it was because of "muh oppression"
Because non-whites died.
So now it's an excuse for a 2nd general election because this was all Theresa Mays' fault.
This just made me extremely mad, it's 100% true. Fuck.
youth labour voters in a nutshell lol
This is bullshit, they turned a tragedy into fucking politics only to bash the tories. Fuck, leftism should be banned.
It's the current year!
>Everyone in charge was Labour
>Somehow still the Tory's fault
>Iraq isn't considered a civilized country with health and safety laws and routine maintenance checks.
I wonder how they got that way...
lol dumbshit. the FI can be IF or FI depending on how low qualityshit the video is and how paranoid the viewer wants to be
Jeremy Corbyn, what a dipshit
Looks like the black cube of Mecca.
>have a huge victimist mentality, and assume they are powerless and that nothing is in their hands
that could be an allegory for the british giving in to migrant invasion. Brexit looks like it might be watered down or maybe nothing will change regarding immigration.
I saw this artice from 17 years ago and its very accurate concerning today, everyone knew but did nothing.
They're likely reporting it so hard to distract us from something else
>civilized country
London has become 3rd world.
what country are you from?
There were no Brits in that burning building, thankfully.
Was that the dude that got jumped i heard about on the radio?
>tfw your (((god))) makes you burn to death because he extorts you with (((eternal hellfire))) for suicide
Seconded. The fireproof panelling was like £2 a unit cheaper, would have only made the multi-million £ refurb around £5000 more expensive but it wasn't done, what the fuck?
>tfw your (((god))) makes you burn to death because he extorts you with (((eternal hellfire))) for suicide
Just breath the gases and everything goes dark in seconds
Holy shit the London Zoo burned down?