>A Felony Record
>Can't Own Guns
>5 Years On Probation
>Can't Use Social Media
>Community Service Hours
>Weekly Psychiatric Counseling
>$7,000 Fine
Kaffirs BTFO
>A Felony Record
>Can't Own Guns
>5 Years On Probation
>Can't Use Social Media
>Community Service Hours
>Weekly Psychiatric Counseling
>$7,000 Fine
Kaffirs BTFO
She deserves it for wasting good bacon like that.
>pled guilty to felony charges
>breaking windows, damaging property
> diagnosed with bipolar disorder
I'm pretty satisfied this person will not be allowed to own a gun or go on social media.
>banned from social media
Is this a normal punishment these days?
im muslim and eat pork AMA
>streaky belly bacon
>good bacon
Its the lipblam of bacon
Hahaha, fuck commiefornia!
How does it feel to be mostly retarded or do you even understand the concept?
For hackers and sex offenders.
hahaha dae le bacon xD epic!!!!
nigga i dont give a fuck, i dont go to the mosque that much because i know that god isnt real and it wastes my time
You're okay in my book
Bacon is neither of those
what time does the narwhal bacon?
How do you get banned from social media? That's not even possible.
Hehe sooo randum EGGGSDEEEE
what kind of idiot pleads guilty to felony level vandalism with a "hate crime enhancement?" She clearly isn't capable of defending herself and needed an attorney who would actually counsel her...
>I'm Muslim
Oh, it's retarded...
no prison time? what an outrage, the US justice system has a long way to go
>banned from social media
LMFAO like they'd ever be able to find out.
>Weekly Psychiatric Counseling
is this for >free? all i have to do is throw bacon around and i get a psychiatrist for free?
judges, white liberal enablers, journalists
traitors first
What exactly makes you Muslim then?
>“The social media postings that she had, and the chats we were able to recover, showed that she harbored extreme feeling where she wanted to hurt people,” explained Ryan Couzens, with the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office.
>Yolo County
What timeline am I in?
>not wearing a mask when doing hate crimes
>using your real name on kikebook to brag about it
she deserved it
Whoa hohoho! XD YEAAAAH!!! GOT HIM!
How do they enforce a ban on social media? Is there a cop that checks?
Using pork to provoke and ultimately doom Muslims to their hell is the best use for it.
If we stuffed their dying mouths with it in warfare, they'd lay off.
>, i dont go to the mosque that much because i know that god isnt real
So you aren't a muslim at all then.
You do realize that you fags are going to be executed by firing squads and your mosques burned if you keep this shit up, right? The US is not Europe. You took down two towers and we've killed countless numbers of your men, women, and children, stolen your oil, and occupied your land for a decade. Do you really think this will end well for you? Where will your goatfucker god be when I'm force feeding you the end of an AR-15?
My religion insists that I burn down mosques.
>Banned from social media for 5 years
Blessing in disguise.
Sandniggers literally surrendered before we even started the Iraq war.
When we want to fight, we will. They are cowards.
>putting bacon on anything as a protest
ffs why do I keep seeing this idiocy?
West coast subhuman detected. Go eat some shitty ethnic food and leave decent people alone you brown goblin.
I swear last time I heard this exact story, it was in London. Not a similar story, the same one, just the location changed so they could publish it again for more clicks.
The trick is that the prosecution brings up a huge list of bogus charges that would result in life in fuck me in the ass prison, then off a deal to the defendant saying "Look this is what your looking at, but if you plead guilty to these lesser charges then we drop the rest :^)". Of course, the first list is bogus and wouldn't stand up in court (but it takes time and lawyers cost $$$), while the charges she pleads guilty too are unlikely to have gone through ANYWAYS. Its a scare tactic that usually works. If she had fought the charges and had a good lawyer doing is pro bono she would have got off with community service or a couple months in jail at worst.
Refuse every plea deal up until about three months before the trial
>wasting good bacon
i honestly couldnt imagine a better use for bacon
hey tell me why your women go to the beach yet still dress to cover everything (like not even one of those head covering bathing suits, just regular clothes), don't swim or partake in any beach activities, and even bring a fucking koran with them? what is the fucking point? why do your people want to ruin beach culture?
The only thing she did wrong was getting caught
Probation officers? I can't imagine they can enforce it very well, but it would be enough to stop you from making accounts with your real name at least.
So rather than letting her channel her rage by ranting on social media, now her only option is to actually go out and hurt people. Good job CA.