This is deep
This is deep
Hitler was not motivated by his religious faith. The hijackers were.
Go back to middle school.
Wrong. What motivated the hijackers had nothing to do with religion but rather with the US foreign policy bias for Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and US government support for other oppressive regimes in the Middle East.
>Hitler was not motivated by his religious faith
That's where you are wrong.
Lurk more.
Hitler hated christcucks.. he thought they were cucks
Once Hitler came to power he hated Christianity for weakening western men
Ok, what does christianity has to do with Hitlers believes ?
Incorrect quote
Muhammad said, "h-h-h-h-h-h-ow d-d-d-d-d-o-do ya-ya-ya-ooo ffffffffff bout H-h-h-it-hit-hit y-y-alls"
Muhammad Ali was a convert. OOPS.
faith remains at the heart of their motivation, go back to middle school.
Who cares what some nigger said?
How do you feel about me sharing this chart with you?
Christian terrorism and deaths done by white people in WW1 and WW2 have done more than enough deaths to justify a million Islamic terrorist attacks
>how do I feel about Hitler sharing mine?
Pretty fucking good senpai.
Hitler was anything but a Christian.
For crying out loud, the dude believed in reincarnation.
What's hilarious is liberals believe this but reject the notion that the Nazi's believed in ethnic cleansing because of their own "settled science".
Sound familiar?
dumb argument tho, even at face value
We (Christians) killed Hitler.
They (Mooslimbs) hid Bin Laden.
>For crying out loud, the dude believed in reincarnation.
That's the first time I've ever heard this and I would like a source. Are you sure you're not confusing him with Himmler or Patton?
wut? Are islamic attacks in retaliation to avenge the Jews killed by Hitler, or the guys who died in the trench of Gallipoli during WWI, please enlighten us?
nigga wut?
>Christian terrorism
>deaths done by white people
What terrorism durring either world war are you specifically refeering to?
Armenian genocide and the actions of the Japanese would imply otherwise.
Got a sauce of this revisionist history?
This is deep.
The fact that Hitler outlawed mass worship of Christianity and definitely did not motivate his followers through fucking religion.
this is probably what really happened
>this faggot has never heard of Wahhabism or how buttblasted they are about everything.
This is deep.
Hitler had his religioius faith, faith in his cult, the cult around himself.
That is what drove him and the party.
Not Christianity though, he hated Christianity, and thought Islam was much better by the way.
Christhaters btfo
>That's the first time I've ever heard this and I would like a source
I love when people who slept through history class try act like they know what they're talking about. How bad did you flunk history?
>However, he retained his belief in reincarnation, and his conviction that there was some supreme creative force whose will he was enacting.
Here's the first result out if thousands I found in two seconds on Google.
Are you this big of a moron?
Hitler didn't share my faith and liked the Muslim faith though?
the Holocaust, death in camps in Russia, etc
I'd feel rather embarrassed if I were an occultist and pagan. Ali didn't answer the question though. You can't win debates by answering questions with another question.
Was the reporter a nazi ? otherwise it doesn't make any sense, mind you Cassius Clay did take so many blows to the head it turned him into a literal retard.
Dumb comment by Ali. It appears he makes the kneejerk assumption that white = Christian. Therefore, Hitler is a Christian and so is the white reporter. But those are both big assumptions, and in Hitler's case, one that's empirically false.
Are you retarded
Church numbers increased under hitler
>Got mitt uns
Leaf please show geo flag
>This is deeper though
Proud, desu
Imagine if the reporter was Jewish
>Oy, gevalt! You're triggering a flashback to the fourth gas chamber I escaped!
*From an unnamed source.
Hitler did nothing wrong
The SS and the Soviets were christian?
Are you on drugs?
Got mitt uns originated from Prussian military tradition, Prussian soldiers' belt buckles read it. Tradition stayed in the German armies even in the Third Reich. And by church numbers increasing do you mean the German Christians, that movement who looked up to Hitler more than god himself?
Wasn't Hitler a crypto-Muslim? He had two Islamic SS divisions, Handschar and Skenderbeg. Heil Mohammed!
>how do you feel about hitler sharing yours
I feel pretty damn good about it
"I am not a Jew sir."
Hitler was an atheist and the USSR was the first officially atheist state
I think this thread is a giant shitpost.
The revisionist nazi history is amazing, even by Sup Forums standards.
Refuting the holocaust is one thing, saying the SS was motivated by a christian belief is downright moronic.
The entire justification for ethnic cleansing was their "settler science".
>ethnic cleansing
they were trying to protect their people and lands from the eternally grubbing hands of the red-sea pedestrians and the bolsheviks in their thrall
deportation is not genocide
Wrong, kys. You're too dumb to be here.
Why are they bombing their own countries then? Even the ones that are not under foreign occupation.
Heil Hitler
lol this "Hitler liked islam" meme has to die, stop being retarded. he was brought up a catholic and respected god and christianity, and so did his inner circle besides Himmler
see read table talks