Why this pic triggers medcucks so much?
Why this pic triggers medcucks so much?
It doesn't?
They seem a nice couple.
does Sup Forums consider that woman white?
>dodenon dodäror kokänonsoslolanon nonäror inongogenon avov alollola jojävovlola icockoke-sosvovenonsoskokaror kokomommomeror foförorsostotå vovadod vovi soskokrorivoveror hohäror
Wtf I love pewds now
why should i be triggered OP?
>dodenon kokänonsoslolanon nonäror jojagog vovetot dodenon kokänonsoslolanon
shes obviously white retard
Before Sup Forums I wouldn't notice one is nordic and the other is "med" I would think they are a qt couple
Fuck this place
why would it? If i had a daughter i would want her to mix with a blue eyed blond haired millionaire aryan.
Also Marzia is real pretty, would marry out of ten
>Divide and conquer shit
wow, her makeup is so incredibly bad, my gf (pro makeup artist) would roast her like there's no tommorow. how can you reach so much fame and still suck at the most basic womanly stuff?
Dunno, Felix is a good guy and he treats her right(though he fucked up letting her start a yt channel, one is enough of an issue as it is let alone both of them doing it)
bobasoseroradod. hohelollol sosegogeror!
She's white.
Yup, purely subjective
yet pic related is not white
nice comfy couple tbqh. im jelly.
It's mostly shills who deny that slavs and southern europeans are white.
yes. she could easily be a Swede as well
thought it was sasha grey by the thumbnail
Where do you actually draw the line though? Turks? North africans? Jews? Are they white? What about Sami? Central Asians? Coptics? And what about mixed race people, how much makes you not white?
Note that many people in these groups have lighter skin than Italians or Spaniards.
Honestly the only shame is that there's a good chance that his blonde hair and blue eyes will be lost, unless his offspring gets very lucky with successive breedings.
Disgusting. Flushing his superior Nordic genes down the toilet, by race-mixing with a Shitalian mongrel.
She had a youtube before they were together, thats how they met
Its easier to just draw the line at Europe borders
When it comes to mixed race I'd personaly say 1/32
How about we stick to our own enthinicty instead of falling for this internationalist race divide bullcrap.
She's more related to anime catgirls than Mediterraneans.
She looks like she has problems.
will he get cucked like a good swede?
>brown eyes
It's not subjective. You are a faggot.
Russian Jews aren't considered European not only because they are mixed race people but predominantly because they don't consider themselves European and act to destroy Europe.
more like flushing her superior Venetian genes with a snownigga
Being white is much more than just skin colour, culture and temperament also play a part.
White Turks are generally the result of race-mixing over hundreds of years, but their religion and mindset is not white
Not particularly
>Central Asians
No, they again are a hodgepodge of cultures mixing together, I have never seen one who looks whiter than a European as well.
They are not white but I respect them.
You have to go back, Giuseppe.
more like italian
More Swedish looking than modern Swedes.
Too many limbs to be considered white.
>North African
Jews ysed to be considered white, they refute it and claim jew is a race.
>Mixed Race
You're a mutt and will never belong to either race. Fuck off Drake.
>because they don't consider themselves European
so if Idris Elba considered himself european, then he's white?
Pewdiepie go cucked by an Jewtalian looking shitskin.
fuk NaziPie
he is a racist looser and white supremeicist
Are Czechs white?