White Racism Rising?

Is it just me or is it like White identity and nationalism are slightly more prominent and slightly closer to the mainstream than they were 5-10 yrs ago?If so, what is causing it? I am seeing more mainstream types aware of Sup Forums type things and less totally opposed to them.

How can we stop the rise of 1950s style bigotry?

I tried to get into an AltRight group in my area, and these guys seemed to regard other races as just a joke. It was kind of horrifying. They were like all the horrible things we hate about (((kikes))) on Sup Forums:
-acts like Jews/gypsies
-believes in collectivism
-believes in groups as important

Let me tell you about these freaking guys!!! It's like they thought the civil rights movement never happened. It's like they don't even consider non-whites to be their people, which in a sense is false because WE. ARE. AMERICANS. It was surreal!!



>ps-I am a Trump supporter balls deep in Southern Commiefornia and racial polarization increasing is NOT good, it feels "different" here in the last 1-2 yrs. We need to come together, now!
>I am prowhite but NOT ANTI-NONWHITE. BIG DIFFERENCE! We need to stop bigotry! Sup Forums is NOT bigoted.

We all have the ability to prevent a future coming calamity that is being caused by
1. Balkanization
2. Globalism
3. Tribal conflict



pic indigenously, aboriginally related.

what we are seeing is not an escalation by whites, it's a reaction. i did not turn on the black community, they turned on me.

Oh you are back to make this thread autismo.
Non arguments abound. I enjoy putting sage on my dishes.

You are simply biased and brainwashed.

Nope, just someone pointing out your autism.

I would tell you why this is happening and increasing at an exponential rate but you wouldn't be able to handle it.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I myself as a White person don't care if "muh race" lives or dies off. Why should I? I don't WANT the White race to die, but why should I REEEALLLLLY care?

Also hating other groups, like Blacks or Jews or whatever=CRAZY

Inbred kike privileged idiot thinks he controls the world. Someone is going to get a surprise that's for sure lol.

Not an argument!

You are racing towards WW3 like a chicken with your head cut off. Identity politics are cancer!!!!

As long as the war is goys against kikes I'm good. Not fighting any other.

Then you are a genetic defect and your bloodline will perish. That is a good thing because if you were to produce offspring they would be unfit and a burden on society. Hopefully one of your nigger 'friends' will put you out of your misery sooner rather than later.

this entire exchange is autistic as hell. This entire thread smells like feet.

Smells more like your mother's vagina desu.


fuck off you nigger
go watch your white wife being fucked by ahmed or aziz or some god damn africoon and jerk to it like a good cuck
WHITE RACE IS SUPPRESSED and guess (((who))) is behind it

Are you implying that being racist is just in your blood? WTF?

Look, I sympathize guys, you are responding to the very real and unfortunate rise of antiwhite identity politics, but that doesn't make PROWHITE IDENTITY POLITICS THE ANSWER.

The truth is that ALL identity politics is primitive tribal crap. We must stop it. We evolved beyond that! Thanks!

I would not care if my sister dated a decent Black, tho

Kys, you fucking cuck shill.

Feet smell nice when cooked properly. Especially kike privilege feet served with garlic and a dash of vinegar.

I am actually pure German blooded, but yet I don't care if Germany lives or dies. I don't really fucking care about the world. We're all going to die anyway. Just enjoy life, don't be a collectivist barbarian piece of shit!

Jesus fucking Christ!

The fun part is that if (((they))) would have simply allowed nature to take its course and not pushed the issue then they would have accomplished their goals. Unable to restrain their predatory instincts they went crazy with the 'kill whitey' shit and now white people everywhere are getting angry and gearing up for war.

Most of the white nationalists on here are just LARPing, so with that in mind, it makes it near impossible to take the ones who are actually serious about it any seriously at all.

Ya know, we we're pretty much OK with the influx of non-whites.
It's when they told us they're better than us and demanded we acknowledge it as fact is when things started to turn.

as much as i am for that, i am disgusted by mixing races
white race IS the one superior

> Reddit spacing
Day of the Rope is coming.

I used to think it was just being anti-Sharia Law, which is obviously reasonable. When it turns into "muh pure gene pool" then I know i've stumbled upon a group of trolls, or idiots who know nothing about genetics.


I was never OK with the influx of nonwhites here in Southern California, but that's because they vote Democrat and have a criminal culture, not because THEY AREN'T THE SAME RACE.

They are stupid because they think their identity is what matters most. Whites have individualism and we don't need this dumb..... just....... stupid idea that "muh tribe" matters. That's some chimpanzee-tier shit.

Cut it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a pawn in the globalist Divine and Conquer fuckfest!

This, I'm not gonna be a subordinate in the country my grandparents fucking built.
I wouldn't expect any nationality to expect such a fate.

Whites are voting and acting as a bloc because we're hated and persecuted. They even have a fucking special name for all non-whites, "people of color."

Yes, racism is biologically hardwired in to all organism. That's why we have different species and subspecies. The fact that you lack the instinct to be with your own kind is strongly indicative of being race-mixed, genetically defective, brain damaged, or a liberal women. Which is it?

>show tits.

>How can we stop the rise of 1950s style bigotry?
Pro-tip: you can't

War isn't inevitable at this point.

Ah, the antifa invasion has begun.

1950's America was a golden age. kys

Shit, is*

Racism..... no... Whites are just tired of being called the devil by MSM and every criminal that gets in trouble. Nationalism..... is not racism, but is viewed as oppressive by potential welfare recipients around the globe.

Mitochondrial Eve was a nigger.


1950s style racism really was evil shit.

Yes, today antiwhite-ism is an issue and it's good to push back against it, but don't become a PRO-WHITEIST. That is just the same cancer in reverse.


I think we might BECOME persecuted but if the White nationalists keep pushing their White identity ideology they are going to MAKE SURE WE GET PERSECUTED.

We need to stop dividing each other, now, we still have time to stop the rise of ALL racism!

you aren't educated on how bad it was.......

If we divide and seperate ourselves then we conquer all. When wi mix and become diverse we are conquered, and the kikes say "diversity is our strength"...they know it is a weapon to be used against us.

this is why they should've had both the poster's country and the ideological flag together instead of one out of those instead

Out of Africa theory is bunk.


Fuck off reddit

>goes to an IRL white supremacist meeting
>lectures Sup Forums
what the fuck kind of cognitive dissonance is this? Alt-right was always pro-white. That's the difference between a civic nationalist and an ethno nationalist. 4/pol/ is more civic nationalist, while 8/pol/ is more ethno nationalist. All the 8/pol/ fags left Sup Forums at some point because they thought 4/pol/ was cucked by the ron paul fags all the way back in like 2014

I think that both left and right are getting more extreme , making the right winger more open to white nationalism.

>what is causing it
Sup Forums

you tell me

>How can we stop the rise of 1950s style bigotry?
Get rid of the niggers, spics, and mudslimes. They steal jobs from kids, rape everything they can get away with, rob everyone, chimp out all the time, and blame all of it on white people.
We wouldn't hate them if they were actual human beings with morals and took responsibility for their own actions.

>4/pol/ is more civic nationalist
This is sadly not true enough. Far too much blatant White identity politics and anti-nonwhite hate is rampant on here and more and more in the culture.

It's changing how people think in a sick way.

Use and abuse white people for decade after decade and not expect backlash. Yes, you faggots are retarded.

>stop the rise of 1950s style bigotry
The only way to stop this development is to go back to the 1933s way of life.

Sup Forums used to be full of people like you
that's how infinitychan started
refugees fleeing the cuckery of the nu right

Fuck off you degenerate.
>be pro-human

You fucking pussy.

Exactly. Show your fucking tits bitch or your fucking brain damage if that's your problem and why your acting like a bitch.

Read this, it thinks my post is spam so plz go.

There's nothing cowardly about loving humanity.

Reddit isn't even that bad. They have lots of rightwingers. Fuck off!

No, segregationism has been exploding on the left.

The media has just been giving more attention to the right-wing segregationists, who have been attempting to utilize that coverage to gain recruits, largely unsuccessfully.

Oh, you're strawmanning. We don't not want mexicans because they're brown, but hecause they're low iq and they are part of a different ethnic group.

people need a place to vent their frustrations
see: Sup Forums is a reactionary camp
If the attacks from the (((left))) were to cease, you wouldn't see so much pro-white posting.
So instead of introspection, I'm just going to point my finger at the left and say
>they started it
this isn't sarcasm by the way, just trying to explain to you that you are barking up the wrong tree

Perhaps, but it's 100% cancer.

Identity politics is the true enemy of liberty.

Humanity doesn't love you back. Only your race does.

>Show tits.

Stale pasta

Shoulda typed Plebbit.

Let me guess, more kike media brainwashing I assume

Yeah its pretty funny, stupid americans were having niggers drink in separate fountains and sit on different buses in 50s-60s and now when niggers are on the same step as them and are 13% of population they are CHIMPING OUT CRAZY.


just go find a woman dumbfuck and pop out 4 kids. Fucking beta cucked males, have to blame everybody for their failures just as the dindus u hate.

I remember back in 2004 we would do 911 and war conspiracies and now its all down to the nigger and kike hate. I will break it down to you, RICH ELITES ARE NOT ONLY JEWISH, THEY ARE MULTY ETHNIC, JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMPS,MCAINS, BUSHES AND CLINTONS. KYS dumb american trash.

The left kept dismissing white people while playing the identity politics game. So white people left and found their identity. It's a pushback reaction to the lefts march towards communism and is to blame for it all. literally their policies and the media's bullshit have brought us to this point. Not to mention the NeoCons who many in the alt-right still find "based" despite the fact that they have done nothing but contribute to western societies decay but in their own corporatist fashion. Many other things but in short its a perfect storm of govt ineptitude and corruption on both sides and media brainwashing that have led us to this point.

It's the muslim invasion that caused this.
We got to see in real time europe get BLACKED.
They been eating away at burger land slowly.
Europe is going to flip in two generations to worse demographics.
Difference is in burgerland commuting allows us to stay separate. leftist in the states would always praise european cities and public trans. They couldnt figure out why it doesnt work in the US. Mudslimes have thrown it in our face because the change is rapid.
Mudslimes into europe I would say even killed off american libertarianism.


We used to be united under one enemy: the immigration of radical muslims and sharia.

Now, leftists have gone bonkers over "muh pronouns" and righties have gone bonkers over "muh pure gene pool"

Exterminate them all

How is it sick, AT ALL? The mexicans coming here are coming because of their reconquista. They want all us whites dead you fucking moron. When one group tries to kill another group, you don'tfucking band together. That makes it even easier for them.

could have swore ive wrote reddit bedore

Correct. We all be equal and shit they say. In fact we a different species and the rules of biology apply.

>How can we stop the rise of 1950s style bigotry?
why do you always make the same troll thread? This pasta is getting really stale

>The mexicans coming here are coming because of their reconquista.
No shit!!!!!!! That's a sick collectivist ideology!

You can't stop that by becoming a mirror image sick collectivist "muh european heritage" retard. I don't fucking get it.

Why can't people just be like before? Growing up most Mexicans were just individual people. It's changing, though, there is like "muh mexico" now more.

>Exterminate them all
this is fucking INSANE

This thread is demanding answers to real issues today. Idiot.

We have every intention of ignoring your golems and going right for you

We don't give a fuck about 70 IQ niggers

>Identity politics
Identity politics is the box of pandora.
Once opened it can no longer be closed.
As soon as people are divided into minorities and identities, the genes of a tribal society are leaping.
2 million years of evolution vs 70 years of idiology.

Who does not recognize where that leads is just blind

>This thread is demanding answers to real issues today
Issue: non-whites. Solution: removal. Done. You can now delete this thread

get the fuck outta of my ideology shlomo

Can all you idiots stop responding to a bad pasta. Sage

>racism is biologically hardwired in to all organism.

Literally the exact same argument made by SJWs, and people fighting "systematic oppression". The argument is that all whites are hardwired to be racist. OP may be a liberal woman, but you're probably one of those "smash the patriarchy" womyn.

Sup Forums is so ridiculous. LARPers on top of LARPers on top of LARPers. Nobody has the slightest idea what is going on.

You can't...There is literally no downside for white people being white supremacists

Not one downside....We are wrong we're still the first world we are right we're the first world

Being a cuck could mean we're a third world country in 50 years

When an increasing amount of people vocally harass, and wish the extinction of one's race, people usually become very protective of their identity and tribal.


>Identity politics is the box of pandora.
>Once opened it can no longer be closed.
I don't agree. I think there's still time for a great leader to unite us all. The problem is that most leaders when they want to unite the races just say antiwhite shit. We need to have a leader who says pro-every group shit and encourages real American unity.

We can fix the low IQ problem with gene therapy soon enough. Chill.

wTf you never even SAW a nonwhite IRL you know nothing.


>I myself as a White person don't care if "muh race" lives or dies off.
You're a jew, now fuck off

>If so, what is causing it?

Come on..

What kind of dumb question is this?

The anti-white narrative is mainstream now, what you are seeing is the push back.

>wTf you never even SAW a nonwhite IRL you know nothing
I'm sure a lot of them are really cool people and all but they don't belong here, they belong in their ancestral homelands

Cuck posting won't change that there is no downside to being a race realist

That's a good abstract merchant my man

It's hard to say who started the whole "muh mexico" "viva la raza" shit, whether it was a backlash to white racism or they're just tribal racist shits to begin with but either way it has to stop because it just pisses off whites and makes them look like idiots for not living in the neighboring shithole that their parents left.
Like, mexico is right there, fuckwads. And if they wanna go full "reconquista" then they should expect to be put down by "the white man".

>How can we stop the rise of...
You don't stop it.

>anti-white narrative is mainstream now

1) Anti-white narrative pushes back against perceived racism.

2) Racism pushes back against anti-white racism.

It's as though nobody can think of anything more important than race to think about. Sad...


>The anti-white narrative is mainstream now
Yes but we should not respond by becoming ANTINONWHITE, only by being PRO-EVERYONE

all people can be great, even trashy thugs can change and become decent

Genetic therapy will fix all the IQ difference shit

But people will call you racist and hate u and shun you???

Eventually when you start telling white people they can't speak, they're going to fuck you up.

They are a sympathetic peoples, but they have their limits, and when you break them, they will snap back with an organization that no other peoples on the planet can match.

Ignore biology at your own peril.

>The competitive exclusion principle, sometimes referred to as Gause's Law of competitive exclusion or just Gause's Law, states that two species that compete for the exact same resources cannot stably coexist.

LOL fuck you I don't have to and will never like people that don't like me.

They are already doing that in some places and whites don't do shit.

We are totally cucked.

I totally agree here. I mean... I think that the antiwhite narrative made dumb Mexicans think they are victims of some kind of White racism (which they aren't).

The problem was always the antiwhite identity politics. But that won't be solved by anything BUT individualism and smashing ALL collectivism/identity politics. ty.

Why are you anti-nonwhite? They're just people. We can be Americans if we don't give in to this polarization bullshit. Wake up!!!!!