>Donald Trump Presidential Announcement (w/intro by Ivanka Trump)
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #21 6/16/17
>Krispy leads President's commission on Combating Drug Addiction 6/16/17
>Pres Trump rally in Little Habana, FL announcing Cuba policies (Rubio, Gov Scott, VP, Pres) 6/16/17
>Pres Trump Address before Congressional Baseball Game 6/15/17
>Rodman gifts The Art of the Deal to lil Kim 6/15/17
>SoS T-Rex opening Conf on Prosperity and Security for CONCACAF 6/15/17
>VP Pence @ CONCACAF conf (intro by T-Rex) 6/15/17
Trump Playlist
>Donald Trump Carolus Rex
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Trump Triumphant
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Zero Percent Fear Edition
>Is this how the general of Trump dies?
Not like this... not like this -_-
There was a split you fucking autistics
Why did you idiots split.
Executive order red pill
Has /ptg/ taken the Regenerator G1 Pill yet? When will you accept Godzilla as your one true king (of monsters)?
Do the people in these generals support him merely because he's better than Hillary or are you actually all Reddit retards who are okay with him being a Jewish shill since you're only slightly less bluepilled than the average democrat? Genuine question. I fall under the first category because while he is a Jewish shill, he at least takes the piss out of muzzies
I think I'm ready to take the blackpill.
support the refugees :)
First generation muslim migrants that don't speak english = british working class
>jewish shill
Back to TRS and shilling for Tulsi.
Just wait till it turns out it was a Muzzie arsonist. Then they'll call for unity.
>white lives, including children
>25 muslims (and a handful of poor brits nobody cares about) die in a fire they caused with their shitty halal cooking/bomb making
I'm starting to actually hate Europeans for being so cucked. I used to pity them or want to encourage them to take a stand....but its just too much. If they are really this pathetic then they deserve destruction, such is the rule of nature.
Best Trump tweet in the election season.
>Implying anyone who took to the street was actually a European
>"radical" muslim starts a fire
>"Moderate" muslims including sadiq khan agitate riots
>"Moderate" muslims in places of power use their power to protect Muslims raping britons while persecuting anyone who speaks out against their country being invaded
Thank God the cops are on our side in America. Centralization, not even once.
Kek, fucking Muslim cunts!
>working class
>all groids and muslims on benefits
Wow it's almost like terror attacks were never the main problem, but rather the incubation of barbaric culture in self-ghettoizing hotspots leading to the eventual collapse of a society like a termite-infested house.
I have no response to this, so I will call you a racist.
I always read "I WILL TEACH THEM" in this voice
why is /ptg/ so slow rn? is there some happening n another thread?
Split threads.
nothing is happening and it's a nice saturday. I'm about to go hiking myself.
I finally got my internet back
He better do a vidya on this lady. Should have honestly not called her Holy Equal to the Apostles and called her something more fitting.
What's the news today anons?
>that .gif
It's been suspiciously slow for over a day now. I suspect shills infiltrating the moderation system and issuing mass bans on the regulars, again.
That's a nigger!
You are pathetic, Sweden.
Greetings from Norway
Why are you emotionally attached to some faggot that's in the Screen Actor's Guild?
I would go out to the sheriff range with my gf but both of us are working
>he supports apartheid
Nigger he publicly told Netanyahu to stop expanding settlements, something Obama never did. Also why do you care if a bunch of muds are oppressed? Are you an sgnigger?
All you can point to is circumstantial nonsense when his actual actions indicate the opposite of your claim.
Went on vacation yesterday
I usually shit up the board constantly
How many more will open?
what's happening today
It's the weekend..
So it's when sg/plebbit/neofag and the rest invade ptg.
It's like this every weekend.
Slow news day.
As many as demand dictates. Demand for coal is still high as fuck, despite fracking advancements. It's still the cheapest form of energy and easiest to transport.
Well the """"RIOT""" last night was a bust.
Is the media agitating for more protests or no?
The question should rather be how many will Re-Open especially in Virginia....
>muh reddit
Fuck off, faggot.
>counter propaganda!
have they found any causes yet?
How necessary is the DHS for the American public?
In most cases of conduct and manner while enforcing US federal laws, the FBI, ICE, and CIA, all seem to have such similar and overlapping jurisdiction, choosing a proprietary agency to properly lead the IC primarily to limit unnecessary expenses, doesn't seem to be very possible.
Repealing the Patriot Act should be one of Trump's final act of service to preserving the Constitution.
Also, did the DHS really purchase 2 billion rounds of hollow point ammunition back in 2013, or was that fake news?
I-I don't remember what it feels like to lose.
>no anti-semitism official
That's a thing? Did they also have an official privilege checker?
It gave us this.
Probably. They will try to spin it that Trump's America is spinning out of control, and it would not be happening under Obama
Go to a casino
you know i've been thinking.... What type of event do you guys think will take for a civil war to happen? Cause everybody is to comfortable to go far on each sides.
>Did they also have an official privilege checker?
Same person.
coal works.
yeah I was watching the live feed of them blocking I94 and waiting for the chimp out...then they just left
Wonder if Soros stopped paying agitators to rile the masses into riots. Hopefully tonight will be better
If that shooter had wasted the whole team it would have started. It was close.
Its fucking TRS, they have been shilling the board like fucking CTR for the past few months after they got kicked off of cripplechan. They aren't even original polacks, just reddit bandwaggoners who came here when chimpire collapsed, or the riots or gamergate.
economic collapse?
>more-ish americans
THAT'S why they keep asking for "more"
my family in Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh said I could move up there. Should I go work the coal mines and get the black lung pa?
This possibly.
This definitely.
I just want it to be Tuesday.
More events like Alexandria. Could be copycat attacks by other leftists and retaliatory strikes by conservatives on liberal heroes.
yes, go catch yourself a case of pneumeroultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
What the fuck is wrong with this man. He literally tweeted that he is under investigation by the person who told him to fire Comey. Regardless of this being a witch hunt or not, why the fuck would he admit he's taking orders from others and signing off on things without thinking about it? He literally just told the public he's not in control.
More money in oil desu I think
Who the fuck thought this kekistan shit was a good idea?
GA06 election
>videogame references to politics
haha but shitlibs are retarded for comparing everything to le voldemurt
Gonna be comfy seeing more Democrat money go into the toilet
GA special election. I want Reddit salt and to see how democrats will display it as a 'win'.
It's a shake down. Give me a phony job or I'll call you a Nazi.
Oops. Looks like they watered down that threat a bit too much.
people that want to kill pro trump support like Sargon the Liberal
It would take economic collapse or some other society shattering event like a nuclear strike. People are far too comfortable, they have too much to lose. Also strategically speaking, it's entirely one sided. At most we might have local insurrections like a mayor that's gone rogue and is ignoring and/or subverting federal immigration law. Perhaps even a governor.
>I'll teach them how to win
>loses by three million votes
someone redpill me on Slovenia
can Melania really be trusted?
fun fact.
>the wild mustard on the side of the highway could be turned into mustard gas with a little ingenuity.
~~~the more you know~~~
>wins the presidency
U mad, white boi?
It was full of white people but most of them were from antifa and communist groups and were gearing up for a fight so I expected some action. The niggers especially the dindu's family members were agitating like hell, calling for the town to be burnt down and riots.
Maybe things will continue, maybe not, we'll see tonight.
kek, saw that guy, he did this several times throughout the night.
will kekistani ingrates slide towards being WN as how SJWs become full-on commie?
>wins by 70 electoral votes
Show your flag leaf
They're really getting their hopes up for the special election.
>But Hillary Clinton had more passing yards! Why does DRUMPF win when he had less passing yards!? Who cares if he scored more points?
>Dems couldn't win when investing 6 gorillion, strongarming all other dem candidates to not run, getting judges to shut down certain polling places early while letting others stay open later, all while republican voter turnout was low as fuck because it was a friggen primary for them
>They think they'll win now
>Implying Californians are people
They're just as bad as you inbreds.
Others are saying collapse, but even a recession could start some intense violence because people are already agitated and polarized.
Come to think of it the first Civil War was sparked by a political crisis, not an economic one.