He didn't deserve to die
yet he is rotting in the ground and your a faggot
While he ((probably)) didn't deserve to die, he moved at the wrong time.
LOL I love how blacks like to pretend they are capable of such feats.
There is no twitter account that gets my blood boiling more than that RVAWonk cunt
literally she must wake up thinking about the easiest way to piss off her political enemies.
Minneapolis is BLACKED
>nigger did something his job requires him to do
I drove to Saint Paul last night during supposed chimpout to buy weed from a black dude, it was just like any other night. Fucking nothing.
he tried to run over a cop with his car. the cop shot and killed him.
that is all there is to it.
he's a gud boi he dindu nuffin mang
he was gwin2 church get his lief turned rown
It's "you're" you retarded troglodyte.
no it itsn't
Can I get a quick run down?
meme flag desu
>dat nig face
I bet he is glad he is dead. Imagine how horrifying it must be to see that ape face in the mirror.
God you're a fucking idiot. It's one thing when the guy deserved it (as pertaining to law, he did something wrong then and there not ever in his life) like Mike Brown, but it's another when the guy did everything by the book including having a permit and was just shot down. Same thing goes for the bullshit in South Carolina, the guy that was gunned down shot in the back running away.
It's normalizing police killings faggot. One day it's going to be you getting shot when you did everything by the book, and it'll be your family crying wanting justice.
The cop deserve the gas chamber.
>nog gets pulled over by cops
>tells cops he has a gun
>starts to draw gun
>cop tells him not to
>cop tells him not to
>cop tells him not to
>grabs his gun and unholsters it
>cop plugs him in the chest
dindu nuffin
Ngl, dude was a contributing member to society. Stop Larp'ing for a fucking second Sup Forums. He wasn't a thug like Trayboon or Michael Brown, he wasn't some dumbass little kid like Tamir Rice, he was a stand up guy who didn't seem to do any wrong by anyone. It's a shame he got killed in front of his 4 year old kid because the cop chimped out and lost his head because of a broken tail light. The real nigger in this situation was the Latino cop for panicking and costing a man his life. Get real Sup Forums.
Reddit/CTR shills in full force today.
The white anti whites have taught non white sainthood and white devil propaganda for so long that the unconsciously go easier on non white suspects.
Why did the Hispanic cop get away with it? Simple. He was not a white male. The average white and non white in modern USA have been conditioned to have the utmost sympathy with and give the benefit of the doubt to, anyone who isn't white.
Sure he did, he was a macaroni and pizza genius, holding thousands of recipes in his braided brain
The fact that we share a board with you people is disgusting.
Is this the same guy who was driving high with his 4 year old kid on the backseat?
If his actions directly lead to his death, he deserved it.
Death doesn't give you a pass because you're kindhearted.
Tbh I agree with the people saying he dindu nuffin, because he literally did nothing wrong. Most of the time they are criminals, but this guy was legitimately a normal guy.
The Lion Kangz
> 500 kids at school
> 1 kid has butt allergy
> we wuz kangz cuz I rememba dat boi can't eat butt
Le based black man xD
Except he didn't do everything by the book and matched the description of a robbery suspect. Continue to bury your head in the sand.
I love how that dumb coal burner bitch is crying like she didn't expect to get arrested for blocking a fucking freeway.
I agree with you that he seemed like a decent guy (especially for a nigger), but he acted stupidly. Anyone who gets a CCW is told multiple times, if pulled over, put your hands on the wheel until the officer tells you to move them. Situations like this are exactly why.
So who are you mad at? Shit happens. He got prosecuted for it. Are you mad at the cop or the jury?
and add to the fact that he matched the description of a robbery suspect. The officer could have been dealing with a criminal, which makes anyone more apprehensive and quick to act
Yeah yeah yeah, we get it, he dindu muffin and was about to get his life back on track n he be going to church etc etc
>get shot
Like the landies can even set sail at our pace, the scurvy dog had it comin'. Take the sea pill.
Seriously it's heartbreaking to watch videos like this, we need a national campaign teaching kids to have slow hands when the police are around.
What up MNbro
>All he can add to the conversation is fixing a typo noone gives a shit about
All the people niggers murdered in the past 200 years didn't deserve it either. Now they know how it feels.
everyone deserves to die
Except I'm white
>the allergies of all 500 kids
Unless he worked at a special school for allergic kids or this is yet another example of "blacks praised for demonstrating minimum acceptable behavior"
cut meself on yer blade matey
Maybe his dumbass shouldnt have reached for gun then i have no sympathy for stupidity why try and reach for a gun whenyou know the cop is going to react in a way to defend themselves in the presence of a weapon
>oh no a dead negro!
please call me when I should give a fuck
I have more empathy and compassion for an abused dog than I do a filthy subhuman shitskin
>LOL I love how blacks like to pretend they are capable of such feats.
To be honest. 498 kids have no food allergies, little Johnny is allergic to peanuts and Nathan's parents say he is gluten intolerant.
>Philando did everything "by the book"
>the officer was completely absolved of wrongdoing by the jury
Is that an accomplishment to niggers?
>another nigger is dead
Jury fucked up. This should have been a fairly easy involuntary manslaughter charge.
American police training sucks and cops are literally taught that everyone every where wants to kill them all the time. The bigger/badder the cop, the more likely they are pissing their panties at every traffic stop. They're compensating for the ridiculous training they received.
Still, being poorly trained is not an excuse. There should have been some punishment for the officer.
>didn't deserve to die
pick one
>>starts to draw gun
Except that's wrong you stupid faggot.
What happened with this dude again? I don't feel like wading through MSM riot bait
The fact that we share a board with YOU people is disgusting
boot licker
>juries are always right
>juries never make a mistake
>juries are all geniuses
>juries cannot be manipulated by lawyers or swayed by emotion
>juries have no bias
Why can't I find the original video anywhere? Did (((they))) take it down, edit it, and re-upload it only to special sites like CNN?
>all these unironic le based black man posts
gee i wonder who is behind this
>Jury fucked up
>I definitely know he should have been convicted based on the evidence that the jurors were exposed to.
You're a fucking moron.
>>I definitely know he should have been convicted based on the evidence that the jurors were exposed to.
>You're a fucking moron.
I know this because I'm not a fucking moron. You can't see this because you are a fucking moron.
Unfortunately juries are often composed of fucking morons like yourself. And appealing to a jury's decision is pretty much the toilet bowl of debate.
>OJ Simpson murdered those poor people
>There should have been some punishment for the officer
Yeah, he can't work as a police officer in that city anymore. Other than that, nobody found him culpable of manslaughter based on the evidence provided (dash cam and the facebook video). There were two black jurors and neither had any objections to the verdict.
>He didn't deserve to die
Well what are you telling me for? I didn't kill him.
>appealing to a jury's decision
>appealing to people who actually saw the evidence at the trial and not simply the facebook viral video
t. That's you. And you're a fucking moron.
Wow some nig can remember 20 kid's allergies, let's give him a fucking medal
what a tangled web we weave
he didn't it was a real shitty situation
> he did his job
wow what an incredible person
Hey, I know what will win the debate. Make ANOTHER appeal to the jury's decision you knuckle dragging potato.
>no one else can review any of the evidence or the court transcripts
>ONLY the jury has seen it. NOT EVEN GOD can know what happened in that court room
Yes he did.
>wahhhh the jury didn't agree with me, an autist on the internet, wahhhhhhh, NO JUSTICE NO PEACE GUYS
maybe he'd be alive if his retarded gf called an ambulance instead of streaming for attention on kikebook
he didn't deserve to have a gun
I LOVE that this dirty NIGGER is FUCKING DEAD now. I just wish that I was the cop pulling the trigger.
>I know what will win the debate
There is no debate you fucking moron. You have no argument to stand on for reasons as to why he should be convicted. Find another case to google lawyer on and fuck off.
Blacks know that OJ is guilty, but they also don't like that one of the cops was a racist. So some 'hurtful' ideologies trump a man brutally slaughtering another woman and a man, then lying about it to every investigator.
OJ a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong even if he stabbed some people to death.
>make an independent evaluation of a trial
Do you have to remind yourself not to drool?
>maybe he'd be alive if his retarded gf called an ambulance instead of streaming for attention on kikebook
Maybe he'd be alive if the cop had called for an ambulance instead of pissing himself for 5 minutes. Which is probably the #1 piece of evidence that he fucked up as it shows he knew he fucked up.
>cue the jury guy
This is hilarious watching you try your very hardest to burn me with your best attempt at an insult. Jesus. It's like watching a child try to push over a grown man. It's probably not that far from the reality, either.
rip phillando, his death was an attack on the 2nd amendment.
Check out the investigation by P.I. Bill Dear. Dear believes that Jason Simpson did the killings and that O.J. and the LAPD covered for him.
Are you aware that Jason Simpson was at the crime scene that night?
even the angle is correct. really makes me think
>"There is no debate you fucking moron."
>Said in the middle of a debate.
You rode the short bus, didn't you?
Did they use "poorly trained" as an excuse to acquit? Or you just strawmaning the shit out of clear and cut case?
And how do you propose to train police officers who live in a environment where 3% of the population commits 50% of murders?
Any rational person, would find those numbers sufficient to deport the entire race. But you seem to be upset that police sometimes overreacts. Pathetic shit right here.
>la da deee da deee I don't know how debates work because I'm a fucking moron!
>Blacks know that OJ is guilty,
Just ask
Can't believe he shot Pootie Tang
He wasn't even driving
>I have no actual argument to go on, FUCK YOU JURY YOU DON'T KNOW SHIT!
>"hurr durr your insults don't bother me"
>replies with increasing butt hurt every time
Let's see how you reply this time.
>He didn't deserve to die
>is black
Incorrect, he was black, therefore deserved to die. - Most of pol