Newly redpilled woman gets 10k subscribers in a few months. Are women waking up? Eastcoaster newfy from Canada with a sexy accent tearing it up.
Newly redpilled woman gets 10k subscribers in a few months. Are women waking up? Eastcoaster newfy from Canada with a sexy accent tearing it up.
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I saw that too. Not to mention the Red Pill movie director and Laci Green. Let's hope it actually makes an impact.
>not just seeking attention from "alt right" beta orbiters
I remember making fun of newfies but damn I think I should wife one now.
>Girl starts making "redpilled" videos
>Says it's for educational purposes for girls in her situation
>Asks for money
wew, looks like you goys fell for oldest trick in the 'how to be a women' book
Women should not be involved in politics. A redpilled woman is a woman who is not into politics.
Yeah, a lot of guys are saying that, but Blaire White even said that after her livestream with Laci Green, she actually talked to Blaire in private about learning more about red pill shit.
And it doesn't even look like an act. Many of these ex-feminists are going through the same kind of earth shattering cult detox process.
Women have no opinion of their own, they follow the majority, if key women start going over to the right, other women will flock to them regardless of what opinion they held before.
You can see them as the ultimate normie as the overton window shifts.
When you grow up in a place that's 99% white and then move away to nigger and shitskin infested pissholes it's easy to become redpilled.
qt accent too would wife
I'm a descendent of Newfies, they're perfectly fine people.
How many red pilled men and such do you see with patreons these days? I hate George Soros as much as the next guy but not everyone you disagree with is a fucking kike shill, holy christ.
Tru, but if these people are helping the zombies wake up than it's 100% worth it. Lets be honest, attractive women will be more persuasive than any man who knows 1000 times more about the subject.
Finally a smart response.
The fact is, male youtubers who discuss these topics don't get nearly the amount of views as an attractive woman would.
These are great pawns for us to redpill other neutral people. Most people won't go full 1488 after seeing a redice video, shit takes time bro. These chicks are perfect to break the ice to white nationalism.
Difference is women are wired to care about themselves and money and will do anything in their power to achieve that, she's seen a market of "redpilled girl" so she's took it and now everyone is falling for it. Does she really need a patreon to make shitty 10 minute webcam videos...
I mean, sure you have a point. It doesn't really matter if she's just a money hungry whore. But still it's possible she is literally just doing this for attention after seeing how easy the "alt-right" community are to be tricked.
You have a point.
Making video content in exchange for voluntarily given money from citizens is way less Jewish of a way to make money than working for some big corporation and having Mr. Goldstein and co. leech 80% off of the value of the product you create.
Shitting on people who have Patreons doesn't really make sense logically, it comes from a purely emotional reaction to "e-beggars". But if they're actually producing content that people want regularly in exchange it's not the same as begging, is it.
Well, she never made a patreon untill people started asking her how they can support her. If you check her previous videos, just legit curiosity on the subjects. I suppose that was a bad video to link to start off lmao
What a fucked up accent
JP made her open the mind. One step a time brodude
newfy accent lol, basically canadian english and irish
>The fact is, male youtubers who discuss these topics don't get nearly the amount of views as an attractive woman would
Sure, but I'm talking in general. If you would ever want a wife I would suggest finding a woman who is not interested in politics at all.
Since you said she is a "redpilled woman". I just felt like saying that. Women who are into politics are usually very unattractive (as in not so feminine), whether they agree with me or not.
Basically this.
I do like this girl's voice, though. It's cute.
I never said patreon is bad, if the content is worth the money then it's fine. But sitting down infront a shitty webcam and talking isn't worth anyone's money, just their time.
Plus, she isn't redpilled to the point of seeing Jewish trickery everywhere, she probably doesn't even give a shit about Mr.Goldstein and co.
As I've said, she's seen an opening for "redpilled girl" after the whole Laci Green thing and how much attention that gets you, so she's came out with shitty webcam videos. Does she really need a Patreon to make these videos? Or is it simply because she's at the peak of her attention and wants to capitalize off of alt-right twats giving her free money because she's /ourgirl/.
Wha... why does she need support from people who have been watching her content for more than a month. Seriously, how hard are these shitty videos to make? If she was really "redpilled" wouldn't she be making video after video to "enlighten" girls.
Does she not have a job or something, what the fuck.
Sure, good for her if it's true. But why does she need a Patreon if she's not a moneywhore
I would disagree, a politcal woman is most attractive. Straight up 1488 woman to wife would be a gift. A non political woman would be more likely to cheat on you and end up coal burner behind your back. Right leaning politcal women are more likely to be traditional and loyal.
She has a very watered down accent desu. I'm guessing she's been living off the rock for a while.
Ehhh, to me redpilled women tend to be way more attractive than SJWs, at least. Plus from my experience, women not into politics tend to be more likely to be honest.
literally what
She lives in Dublin and works at a place in Temple Bar. I went in pretending to ask customer questions and then shook her hand at the end.
Little did she know I had cum into my hand 5 minutes before in a pub toilet and didn't wash it.
Hahaha enjoy my dried flakes of cum on your hand slut.
*women into politics tend to be more likely to be honest.
You going to say no to free money? Please bro.
If I had a channel and people wanted to support me than fuck yeah. Supporting right wing is in much need given the amount of money and propaganda coming from the left. How can we compete?
I personally can;t afford to donate to this shit, but if I had a decent cash flow I would help the right as much as I could. Otherwise we will just be outspent by the left. Which we are atm.
>she's seen an opening for "redpilled girl" after the whole Laci Green thing
This is the problem, you're instantly assuming Machiavellian motivations in people because that's how you think. No, this girl isn't saying anything that interesting. But I watched some of her videos and it's clear that she's just coming to terms with some identity issues and escaping the leftist brainwashing after watching Jordan Peterson. I see zero malice here. Many people asked her how they could support this content. I'm certainly not going to support it, but I see no reason why it's a bad thing that some want to. Youtube is filled with utter garbage content. Even this, an average roastie talking about semi-redpills on camera and shitting on leftists is better than 99.5% of the content on youtube. If I had a daughter I'd want her watching videos like hers over what is actually popular among young girls on Youtube.
Women follow Trends inorder to be accepted into Society & get Mates.
Social Engineering can be reverse engineered.
>"If I had a daughter I'd want her watching videos like hers over what is actually popular among young girls on Youtube."
exactly man. people shitting on these new start-ups are legit shills. They would rather have no growth in the right?
The redpilled female defectors are getting numerous.
Look at it as feminism and leftism is dying. Witch it is.
So you're complaining a white woman wants to be accepting in right leaning politics?
Shilling much? This is exactly what we need.
You don't have to be into politics to be traditional and loyal. I don't know where you get that from. She can agree with you and be "1488", without the whole political aspect.
Women who is into politics also makes it easier for more bickering in the relationship to occur. The chance of you finding a woman who is into politics and agrees with you 100% is very rare I would say. It would be easier to agree if she just was not interested at all.
There are plenty of other things to discuss than politics.
jesus christ frank. the fact that you deny so hard is why everyone (like me, who isn't a shill, just doing for keks) keeps calling you frank.
are you really that autistic?
Some of it is indeed shills who want to divide the right along gender lines. Some of it is /r9k/ diaspora that throw logic out the window when women are involved. It's difficult to tell the difference.
>Newly redpilled woman gets 10k subscribers in a few months.
Yes, you did well by appealing to beta orbiters like these:
Well done. Next time post using a proxy or a non-geo flag when you shill your own channel. We already know you're Cucknadian.
Good comment.
The desire to eat our own, especially if they're women, is one of Sup Forums's biggest weaknesses, in my opinion. Leave that shit to the left. Someone doesn't have to be ideologically perfect to be in our tent.
As opposed to no growth on the right? You should be thankful that white women are waking up and not sucking nigger dick.
How many shills will this thread generate. Let's find out.
Why would anyone think a trannie is redpilled? They are swapping to the alt-right because there are no strong dominant men on the left. They also know how easy it is to make money from beta orbiters.
ITT: faggots attacking former libcucks for switching sides and spreading right-wing views
I guess they should just remain libcucks and use lose the culture war.
Anyone who unironically thinks like this is a low IQ subhuman who deserves to be executed.
Ugly cow with that nose piercing. Hope she burns in hell for her sins.
checked and seconded.
Well put.
It sounds more Nova Scotian than it do Newfie.
Se om bruk av proxy også oversetter samtidig til grammatisk korrekt norsk. Nei, så hold kjeften din da jævla pikksuger.
Give Blaire White credit, she clearly had a hand in deprogramming Laci Green. Blaire has also been using YouTube to redpill people for over a year.
She has Irish inflections because she's lived in Ireland for years. Originally from Newfoundland
Women will always flock to the side they think is winning.
She has Irish inflections because she's from Newfoundland.
>gets 10k subscribers in a few months
Thats why. A year ago feminism paid well, now the redpill pays well. Thats all
>Newly redpilled woman gets 10k subscribers in a few months. Are women waking up?
Yeah, waking up to a newfound market of sheeple-beta orbiters.
Ripe for attention and monetary picking.
seriously. Just hit lowly 10k subs and already has a fucking patreon page?
Tihs bitch is in it for the money.
>hand in deprogramming Laci Green.
You fucking fool laci green is just going where the money is.
The exponential growth of defectors from the left is a canary in a coal mine. The left is too getting toxic.
I'd rape her if she didn't have disgusting piercings.
Probably has herpes and hep.
Bingo. She's useful as a gateway, someone to catch the attention of centrists and push them towards the right. An autist in the basement laroing in his SS uniform can't do that: he'll just get ignored. A qt with a nose piercing is more relateable and likable to centrists.
>talks shit about beta orbiters
>in a post on Sup Forums
Truly an aryan alpha god.
Fucking potatonigger
I was more likely to question Laci's motives before the SJW lynch mob started attacking her.
>starts channel barely a month ago
>gets applauded for basic knowledge
>contributes nothing new
>"oh I've hit 10k subs, might as well ask for money now"
mfw grills have been jumping on the anti-feminist bandwagon the last 6 now that it's clearly moving at good speed
mfw when orbiter like you are going to corrode what we have with this behaviour
mfw I have no face
>>/b maybe someone there will laugh with you, degenerate.
>Eastcoaster newfy from Canada with a sexy accent tearing it up.
What the hell are you talking about? In addition to be Canadian, do you also have autism?
>mfw when orbiter like you are going to corrode what we have with this behaviour
What did he mean by this?
Pretty face but permanently ruined ears. Dropped.
"redpilled women"
You want to know what a redpilled woman's youtube channel looks like? It doesn't look like fucking Laci Green's channel, it looks like Marie Cachet or European Kitchen's channel.
This fucking dyke has a nose ring and those degenerate ear piercings and you expect her to be 'redpilled'? If that was true she would have removed them the moment she became 'woke'.
>Blaire White
If "she" were redpilled, "she" would have killed "herself" already
True, but don't forget to abandon the cancer that you used to heal the wound.
>deprogramming someone
Blaire White is an attention whore capitalising on the Alt Right faggots and T_D redditors. He is only going where the money is, and so is Laci Green. But i don't give a shit about any of that anyway
You don't have to be actively involved in politics in order to form opinions about political and social issues. Would you want a woman that has 'no particular opinion' about racemixing or muslim invasion? Developing intellect and having opinion about crucial things in life and surroundings is something every human do. A woman needs to understand politics because politics is in almost every aspect of our life- even relationships. Good luck with a woman who has no opinion on niggers, we all know how it ends.
Emotional little 80 IQ shits like you are exactly what's preventing women from coming to the further right. No analysis, no nuance, no taking account the context of the situation, just petulant reactions to stimulus X. Pathetic.
You wear the flag of an occupied nation. Consider working on that first.
So many betas here fearing the arrival of the females.
>you too will burn on the day of the purge
>hates blacks
>hates jews
>hates reddit
>hates kekistan
A bunch of beta orbiters that follow internet women around are not going to harm a fly.
>You don't have to be actively involved in politics in order to form opinions about political and social issues
Yes, I agree with you as you can see by reading another one of my posts.
She can dislike racemixing and the "muslim invasion" for a variety of reason which is not political such as, their skin colour or their behaviour. She does not need to know exactly why it's bad.
The more a woman is interested in politics, the more inclined she is to investigate further. Which can lead to eventual disagreements, which would be bad news for the relationship. Women into politics are often very argumentive, which is a not so feminine trait and not one I am a fan of. It would be easier to have a relationship and build a family with a woman who is not interested in politics and more agreeable.
>patreon whores
>people donate to women who can use some kind of logic rather than screeching like a banshee
rip the west
Why do qt girls ruin themselves with those stupid cattle piercings?
cant you guy at least redpill good looking women
no they are finding a way to capitalize on lonley right wing fucking obvious
>nose piercing
pick one
Nope, just attentionwhores. Like gamer girls. Beta males give them attention. They need attention.
women don't do anything for any reason except male attention.
of course "redpilled" women are now popping up. their are sufficient amounts of redpill men for women to want to invade
>And it doesn't even look like an act.
women are just better liars than men. they can convince themselves that they believe anything if it's socially acceptable
Fucking look at this degenerate: piercings, greasy hair, hipster glasses. Gods! FFS! Why do you fall for everything with a hole?
>hey, user look I am totally redpilled yeah
>subbord batreon blz
>"omg I just realized there are two genders"
"you're redpilled now. Welcomed to Kekistan, m'lady" :)
get out and take your mystery meat with you
Who gives a shit about whether or not women "come further to the right" you thirsty little bitch?
Fuck you townie faggot. The girls in nfld are stupid cunts.
>he actually believes that these women can get "redpilled" and aren't just doing this for the attention and patreon cucks
You're the reason why Sup Forums is shit
this, woman jsut can't redpill, they must stay off and raise redpilled kids.
People who want the right-wing to win? What kind of retarded question is that?