>back to long hair
>back to dressing like a country girl
>back to making white music
>stops drinking
>stops smoking nigger grass
>stops spending time with kangz
was it just a phase? are all race betraying degenerates just going through a phase?
Back to long hair
>and still, she persisted
in her whoredom
Even if we would want to hold grudge for rest of their lives and punish them for being young stupid whores, the practical solution is to accept their ''change''. If we don't, they will just keep embracing being a whore.
She can't get rid of her tattoos, she is permanently marked. Never trust a ho.
We've just reached the point where dressing like a country girl is so unusual as to be considered as shocking as dressing up like a giant vagina.
You know it's all manufactured right
she looks fucking terrible there
Daily reminder to never fall for the eternal roastie
"Now that I've popped for HIV, Herpes simplex 13, I'll find Jesus..."
That pussy is BROKEN!
jewish tricks
as well
Let me tell you what's going to happen.
After all your whores are done fucking and sucking every aids and herpes infested nigger cock, they'll jump ship after realizing that niggers have no future, because they simply do not have the brains, and refuse to change their ways.
And what will you do?
You will take any whore without hesitation and will give up all of your past hard work, savings and future hard work for her rotten hole.
You have no pride and will do absolutely anything for a mere chance to get pussy.
This is your life.
It's because she finally found the 1 in 100,000 white boy with a big dick so she can settle down.
Of you haven't noticed. There is a broad awakening among the girls of the west. The left/liberal is loosing souls to the right/conservative in an ever growing rate.
Won't buy her muzac She's really shit the bed with her fan base, many cases like this.
>sick of niggers
>wants white men
>white men don't want that crazy coalburning skank
>only option is the niggers she's grown sick of
LMFAO get fucked roasties
What no. That's not how it works. You are saying "let them do whatever you want and forgive them later". The correct way of preventing whorish behaviour is precisely to not accept their "change".
>don't worry about being a complete degenerate slut girls, you can always come back to normal just by saying you did, actions and reactions have no effect on our psyche, bad habits are easy to break
this subversive jewish message with miley
Looks cute, except for those stupid tattoos
nope im gay lol
Laser tattoo removal works fairly well now, especially when you're rich and have only black ink and smallish tattoos. Shit on her fingers can be poofed away very quickly if she wants.
Stop ruining my metaphor.
>become whore for attention
>stop getting attention for being a whore
>become country girl again for attention
>stop getting attention
What's next?
>I knew you would accept my "Chad-fase", Nice Guy
>I just had to fuck all these assholes and be used like an object
>don't worry, my pussy is still tight enough, haha
All she needs now is to start removing her tattoos.
She converts to Islam like Lindsay Lohan and becomes a sex slave to a wealthy Saudi prince.
Maybe it was a shit metaphor.
Such is the arc of modern female degeneracy
Go absolutely wild and binge on sin
Realize your lifestyle is unsustainable and panic
Revert back to a "good girl" style, bank on the cultural systems you shit on to support you, and find a beta to feed on
She embodies everything wrong with the culture's approach to women's role and if she's re-accepted that's another sign we're in a death spiral
Just another phase. Her inner whore will spark again.
>people believe the latest marketing campaign
she's a disgrace
the only thing to do is meme her as an ironic white power icon
jews are trying to co-opt our side and stay in power
Really? Blue jeans with the legs tucked into a pair of cowboy boots is pretty common attire for girls where I live. Midwest here.
Even if it were true, you can't just wipe away the insane level of degenerate whoredom that miley achieved, not in her case. She took the entire game to new unheard of heights. No one before, not Brittney not Madonna, came close to this level of publicly displayed cultural degeneracy. Gigantic genital props, nudity in every photo shoot. She became indistinguishable from the most graphic parody of sexual pop stars that could be conceived.
This is a sick ruse.
>user thinks she is anything but a pop whore, shifting with the wind in whatever direction the money blows
Whoa...wtf? Ew. No. There need to be permanent repercussions for this kind of behavior. Hold the grudge 4ever.
she was ugly even at 18
stop shilling that whore
Thats why forgiveness is important. Absolute punishment is terrible, always give someone a road to redemption. That said, never marry one of these whores yourself - leave that to the bearded teddy bear nu-males.
You should probably see if she means it before you forgive her degenerate behavior. My bet is the slut to the max act was wearing thin on the bookings for her concerts so she goes back to the only other kind of music she knows how to do. That means she has to do the good girl act again and since that's the act she started with, it's a very easy one for her to put back on. Might even earn her a couple more millions shekels or 10 more years or so of a career.
the path of maximum shekels (least resistance)
No, her market was over saturated with nigger lovers so she switched. She's in it for money. She still smokes, she's still blacked, she's just putting on a face for the money
Who cares? I certainly dont listen to her shit.
>wearing white
>still covered in trash tats
sorry hunny, we ain't buyin it
you ain't a vergeen no mo'
Then by what metric are you "forgiving" them?
If the punishment is "be a coalburning, degenerate whore and you'll never marry a hard-working, valuable male," and your advice is to "forgive, but never marry" them, then how is the punishment not ongoing?
Looks healthy and attractive again, maybe rehab actually works ? Nah that can't be it.
More likely though, her handlers figured out they were missing out on all that sweet conservative money because of her shenanigans.
>stops smoking nigger grass
I'd like to see that
>nigger grass
She's looking for a beta
>If we don't, they will just keep embracing being a whore
>I don't understand the phrase give an inch take a mile, the post
Stay retarded roastie
>gets older
>looks decline
>gets rejected by alphas
>wtf roasties like betas now
>see i'm a good girl
seen this story a million times
She turned from one kind of white trash into another kind of white trash.
WOW what a fucking difference!
I can see where you are trying to go, but you are not outlining this well enough.
Plenty of millennial women, including Cyrus, have REALLY gone off the deep end and can't undo the stupid shit they did. However, should they "change", we should accept it. ALAS, it's a very strict very form of "acceptance". Judt like she can "change", we can also "accept".
By this, I mean women like her should operated on, gradually retaught, and turned into voting leverage. It should be made an unspoken rule that no conservative man should touch these women. At best, they can be turned into childless, single, conservative voters or talking heads.
A votes a vote and a voice to get more votes will always have a purpose.
A metaphor about shit? Or....just a shit metaphor ..see where it gets a little convoluted.
There are mistakes that cannot be forgiven, things that cannot be embraced. Once a whore, always a whore.
There is nothing as a ex-slut.
Once you taste thousand of dicks, drug fueled orgies, promote yourself as the ultimate satanic pop music unwritten moral laws transgressor whore, there is def no going back
I mean she probably stopped making money altogether during her complete slut phase, also she suddenly wanted to get involved in politics to stop Trump from getting elected but now has to face the fact that she has no moral standing whatsoever and is probably trying to clean her image simply to garner some sort of "moral authority" or at least the appearance of moral authority.
I'm going to continue ignoring her existence.
She's not kosher
Not a million times, the truth is that there is not much alternative story to this.
The real redpill is that this is the only story that exists.
Take the real redpill, women don't variate at all in their behavior, all that change are the people living the same rigid relationship patterns.
Truman Show(Celeb Breeding & Handling program).
Did a thread on it way back(The OP's alone are important & the threads get heavily shilled by Losers:)
Get her on Sup Forums.
>she unironically thinks that she can go back after all of that shit
You can get rid of tattoos
Don't give whores the acceptance they want. It will only show younger women that there is a way back.
>I mean she probably stopped making money altogether during her complete slut phase
That's when she started earning a ton Pablo.
>was it just a phase?
It was a marketing decision.
She can't be undicked, and unsuck all the cocks that entered her mouth.
A women that abused her sexuality is never to be trusted with it forever again.
Jewish propaganda is everywhere and swallows white people up, because whites are extremely reliant on social acceptance and vulnerable to social pressures (whites evolved in climates where winters are terrible and thus one needed strong community to survive).
When white people get isolated (from being gas lit) they fall prey to niggerdom sold off to them by kikes.
When they get with their own people they revert back to normal
A bad one, she will now be rejected by the degenerates and her new market.
been this stupid...kys before you start breeding
She looks used up
That's a 1000 cock stare if I've ever seen one
Let's put it this way - instead of disqualifying them from the race, you still give then a chance to score a bronze medal if they're willing to work for it
stfu roastie, kill yourself and rid this realm of your filthy STD holes
You are the very cancer that plague this new world
Her voice is permanently fucked too. Hard living like that will wreck a woman. That's why you should steer clear of women with rough voices.
It might seem at first glance that their voice is merely like that because of genetics, but a youth spent doing drugs, being around cigarettes, screechinf loudly while drunk, deepthroating cock and just living a shitty life will cause their voices to become very rough.
Just look at her voice here:
And now here:
Katy Perry turned into Miley Cyrus.
Miley is no longer required.
>still caring what degenerate celebrities do and say
lol, americucks and their made up royalty
Yup, see Ginger in Casino for reference.
it's like they changed the chess pieces around to calm down whitey after Trump
pop music is politics
It's not a phase, it's a realization that one lifestyle leads to genuine happiness and another lifestyle leads to ruin, humiliation and misery. It's the ultimate vindication that WE were right. Just take it as that.
Poofer McPoofington, that sounds like the brown pill
Are you the same Finnish omega who keeps defending (((Lauren Southern))) in every thread?
>Midwest here.
The Jews call that "flyover country" and think it's full of corn fields and fast food restaurants.
Who gives a fuck?
Careful user, once you start peeling back the layers of the illusion, you cannot unsee.
Found the woman
Does mean her adult baby phase is over? (it's my fetish)
It wasn't a phase. It was her exploiting what was popular in the industry to make money. Now that Trump supporters are a big thing, she's switching up her image to make shekels off the idiots. She isn't loyal to anyone and the true phase she's going through (whoring her image out) will never end.
Sh-she looks... happy c:
Either they hunt for chad and 'win' the love game, or they 'lose' the game and settle down with a beta faggot who they will never love because they can't love a weak emotionally needy man.
Either way, they will only find some real happiness by settling down with a loving alfa who treats his women right AND deciding to almost totally submit to him and his guidance.
All other alternatives are half assed love stories that didn't reach climax on their brains.
Love is only real when the man is strong, loving and family driven, and the women willingly submit to him.
i like her shoes
they probably don't do them in my size tho :(
Pretty much this.
They moved a little too early, a little too hard and they're realizing that. They won't let Trump have his agenda without a fight but they sure as fuck know they can't keep up business as usual overall without risking everything.
>look goy, Miley is dressing like a country girl again, don't worry goy, everything is fine.
She's moving on to 'Country' singing now to push her degeneracy there. For 2 years, she will come off as pure and saved, then her Jewish producers will start pushing their culture-war against the whites there. Don't pretend for 1 minute that whites were never the target.
Screen-cap this.
You guys are all faggots. She never had a choice. She was MK'd from a young age and her kike handlers moulded her into becoming a horrible role model for young girls.
art you can fap to