Since you're worried about the disappearance of whites, I assume you have 2+ children ...
Or do you?
Since you're worried about the disappearance of whites, I assume you have 2+ children ...
Or do you?
My cats will carry on my legacy.
im too scared of getting a gf
Most women are scared of you too.
It wouldn't matter if the population of whites droped from 1billion to 100 million aslong as we didn't invite the fucking third world here too
I will do so but not with white women.
no because I'm gay and also not a low IQ hyper-atomized pleb who thinks any group's rise or fall comes down to individual behaviour. Humans are pack animals who share most of their genes with their tribe. Most of my genes are already being passed on through my extended family's reproduction regardless of whatever I do or don't do. Social and political factors are more important than my particular fate or lack of family formation
You cannot defend a countries' borders or resources with a shrinking and ageing population.
why do all white qts have to be into dolphinfucking?
>letting a dolphin ultrasonically molest your unborn child
do I need to redpill you on the pelagic Jew?
White women don't like me because of my commitment to preserve the white race.
It's a paradox.
the dick is prehensile
>It's a paradox
Nah mate it's called getting brainwashed by jews.
My wife and I are currently trying to get our first. Aiming at 3.
t. english teacher
Nope it's because you're an ugly cuck.
Grow a pair faggot. Jesus. Even use Tinder if you have to.
same thread over and over
You are not going to outbreed shitskins when they are being paid to make babies with our tax dollars. you are just trying to deflect away from the only option we have left.
I have a genetic disorder that I don't wish to pass on.
It's 1 out of 2k, but it's still significant.
I have a high I.Q. and all . . . but I don't want my kids to possibly have unpleasant lives physically.
I do encourage others to have kids, though.
Sometimes I think it would be good to open a day-care or something.
If I can't have kids maybe I can help in some other way.
Do you think third worlders will save you?
Do you think they will carry on western civ?
Then simply incentives the public to have kids and make stable families. It's a pretty simple political strategy that's been used throughout history, but somehow cucked nations such as yours believe simply replacing the existing population with an inferior one is a better option.
Mfw when im a mexican brownie with 5 kids.
That's what they tell you but if you looked a little more like Reinhard Heydrich and a little less like Ernst Rohm they would be lining up around the corner for a chance to let you bomb their Reichstag
I've got 4, what to you have? A pocket pussy? Thought so.
I donate sperm.
Germany has some of the best child benefits in the world (free education, handouts and tax exemption).
that must shoot like a fire hydrant
I agree that the Jews hold far too much power and are conspiring against our nation states to ensure their survival and our destruction, but I don't think lying about it is a beneficial way to go about redpilling people. That document is a known fake, and it doesn't even pass the sniff test of "why would a Jew confess honestly to all the shit that Jews are up too?" We aren't going to sway public opinion with lies, get something more factual.
people have 2 choices in times of danger ,have many children and try to survive with weight of numbers or Don't have kids because the future is to dangerous /...
breeding wars wont even work for whites..unless you want to have 5+children per women
and then the dolphin swims away and returns at full speed and jabs her stomach with its snout causing instant death of the fetus
How can propose even compete?
>30 years old
>White, married
>Been trying for kids for a year and a half
>Sex hurts her lately
>Bleeds after sex
>Go to gyno
>It's cervical cancer
>Needs part of her womb removed
I tried my best. No children for me, Bros ;_;
Was ready to tie the knot until I found out she cheated on me twice
Even chads get cheated on
Not sure if I believe a woman, any woman, can be loyal anymore
yeah, for migrants. The average German family is taxed to death, and fed so much self hating propaganda that there's an unspoken conclusion that whites shouldn't reproduce and that ethnic germans should be replaced.
Sorry to hear that
Can't IVF help?
The tax exemptions are the same for everyone, plus natives earn much more than migrants.
but you need a female to have children and rape is not legal
No, because I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to provide for them. Women are also a polarizing issue for me, touching them is nice but being around them is suffering. Also, having a family means the death of your personal freedom. So I don't know yet.
Get a surrogate or marry another woman. If you don't want to leave her become polyamorous.
Damn dawg, I'm really sorry to hear that. Any chance egg + sperm + another lady + $$$ could be an option for you two?
whether I reproduce or not is inconsequential, the problem is immigration policy and until that changes then nothing substantial will change. I would like to reproduce, don't get me wrong, but I would also like to have a real job that I can sustain my children on, and I would like to meet a woman who I actually want to spend my life with, which is something I have yet to find
This is all in the past few days. She needs more tests. If they just remove part of the uturus, she may still conceive. We're going to freeze some eggs and sperm and maybe go down the road of a surrogate if we need to.
Having a child and giving it a decent upbringing is fucking expensive. 3rd worlders don't give a shit because they're fine with their children growing up living in squalor.
I'm so sorry, user. I have a couple of friends who went through the exact same thing. They got a surrogate and had a child of their own. I hope you can do the same, user.
Yep, having my first child with my wife. We're both in our mid twenties and planning to have more than 2. Also soon to graduate in computer science so I'm hopefully able to give them a good foundation.
It might be an option.we could get the money together, nothing we've really researched in depth. I'd hope it's possible to assure twins with a surrogate, I'm not keen on dishing out however much for each child
fingers crossed
Please, this board is filled with underage idiots, of course they don't have kids or they will get out of high school
Yeah but migrants pay little to np taxes. Usually with muslims the woman doesnt work. They subsidize their low income with state welfare. The german couple onthe other Hand pays up to 40percent taxes. this doesnt include their pensions. The Spitzensteuersatz (highest income tax rate)starts extremely low.
If everygerman would make lifestyle choices like the migrants do this society would literally collapse.
went through the same thing. drove me into depression for two years, but im stable now and she survived. the earlier it was detected, the better. you should consider therapy for yourself. trust me, you'll need it.
The migrants don't earn a thing, they just sit around and make babies. They don't make money, so they aren't going to be taxed in the first place, so tax exemptions mean fuck all to them.
>plus natives earn much more than migrants
apparently not enough to make starting females desirable.
Stop justifying your cuckshed Hanz, or maybe your Ahmed and just gloating.
>I assume you have 2+ children ...
The number is 4 or more
But that would mean having sex you idiot.
No way I'm 27. Also, I would say pol has a decent amount of users from 20-35 years olds.
Underrated post
>this thread
3. All blonde haired and blue eyed. You?
I don't feel that way. I think, if you want to have children you should be more optimistic about it. I mean, if we want to save the white race, we should just do it.
I will have 3 hapa children.
>aslong as we didn't invite the fucking third world here too
Imagine trump, his family, hitler, pence, inforwars... gone to bir tawill (last land place at earth that is not claimed and not at antartica) and created a country there, never leaving the country and being ultra isolationist, with even their own internet and etc...
Anyway, if they did that, there would be some guys that REALLY hates trump that would want to move to this country.
So segregation never works, because of stupid people
Thats a...thats a pretty uh....pretty gay flag you have there my dude.
the problem is that most younger people dislike children, don't care much about their country's future and feel like their careers are far more important than a family
Does she have any sisters, or a young mom who could carry a child? It's pretty pricey to hire a stranger to grow your baby in her, but if you can get a family or friend willing to do it it's not too bad. Just the cost of the IVF and pregnancy expenses, the woman's insurance should cover the big costs.
There's always adoption too. The only problem is you have no idea whose Genetics your kids gonna have, and IQ is tied to genetics. My best friend is adopted and won the high IQ lottery, but in general people who put their kids up for adoption aren't typically very good at decision making or have high IQ.
I've been dating for 4 days, calm down.
Im on vacation.
>Does she have any sisters, or a young mom who could carry a child?
where do you live where that sort of thing is normal
Vacation? In Bolivia? Or "vacation"? Quick trip to Bolivia. Bding back some...souvenirs...couple of pounds of souvenirs....
What?! That situation while ridiculous WOULD work as far as segregation goes, you simply don't let the guy who hates everyone else into the country.
Segregation + no immigration (or only immigration from similar ethnic countries)
inb4 "but muh exchange of ideas"
You can still trade and interact with the rest of the world, you just don't invite them in. I have a great relationship with my neighbors, doesn't mean I let them move into my guest room.
Yeah, I'm very leery of adoption for just that reason. We're both intelligent and I'd want to pass that along. I don't want to roll the dice like that. Her sister may be willing to do it.
Gee I wonder what might be causing that? You have to stop the anti family propaganda that fills their heads and encourage them to breed. Denmark is already leading the way
Pic related was close to my hostel lol
We have our fingers crossed on 4. GFs family is highly predisposed for blond hair blue eyes so double fingers crossed. We understand our duty to the white race.
I have one aryan son and I'm working on having another kid soon. I have 6 brothers, the oldest just turned 13 and I plan on having quite the large family. Gen Z will be white and christian as fuck
"Gen Z will be white and christian” unlikely.
I have one. I'm planning on a lot more with my wife, and I'll probably knock up as many mistresses as I can too.
I have 3. I stopped because that was what my income could support. My wife agreed to stay home and care for our kids, and now 15 years later, my eldest is already taking AP courses to go into Industrial Engineering.
Life's pretty good when you're not fucking retarded.
Fucking reddit get off this board REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>Not using weal fair to be able o support additional children.
Fucking pleb
yes faggot 3, blonde haired blue eyed kids. Doing my part.
look on the bright side, at least it's still operable.
friend of mine wasn't so lucky
Just wait
I'm too poor to have 2+ children, maybe one day I could have 2 kids. I see it every day so many poor whites can't afford more kids its not such degeneracy like westerners which could afford more kids but they are deeply degenerates and they dont want them for whatever reasons.
The midwest? One of my sisters has offered to carry the other sisters child, due to health issues. Be a surrogate mother is pretty Idolized by women around here, but it's a very conservative and christian area. I honestly assumed that feeling was common amongst women all over though.
If you meant the young mom bit, I'm talking about under fifty, though there are plenty of news stories of women even older successfully carrying a surrogate child for there daughters.
Wow she is fat as fuck
I want to. Just need to find a mate that hates niggers and kikes as much as I do.
GTFO slanty
First batch ongoing
Two others planned after that, though that might be late by then.
Hope for my spawn to get my blue eyes.
Their mother got brown ones from her father.
But her mother's eyes are blue so who knows ?
>Since you're worried about the disappearance of whites
I'm not white, and actually fighting for the disappearance of them.
>Be a surrogate mother is pretty Idolized by women around here, but it's a very conservative and christian area.
makes sense when you remember that Mary was a surrogate mother too
Uncaps shouldn’t be trusted around kids.
I'm pretty sure you can.
Just need more firepower per soldier and productivity per worker to close the gap.
If your single, make sure to give sperm to sperm banks.
3 children. 2 and a spare. I'm doing my part. Turn off your fucking video games, quit this introverted bullshit, go outside, play football with your friends. Be confident. Girls will flock to you, you will have your choice. Get a good job, get married, buy a house, be a part of your community.
tl:dr Be a fucking man!
Having children doesn't guarantee the survival of your race. Your children could die during infancy/teenage years. Or they could become faggots and refuse to have their own children.
Excellent point.
For once, a post with a porpoise.
Fuck Kekistan & Sargon.