What the FUCK is your problem?
Unemployed members of Sup Forums
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He has a nice ass.
They are14, just like you
Too smart to work
I was hired by a new company so I quit my old job. They said they needed me in 2 weeks so I waited. After 2 weeks, I called and said hey what's up. They haven't responded in 2.5 months :/
Obviously unemployment is the problem OP
Abusing the welfare state to speed up the downfall of it.
trading crypto and free rent. going to play metal gear 3 in bed with my asian gf on the DS and go hiking tomorrow. Actually looking for employment now
>work like a dog alongside nigs and coalburners
>taxed to fuck which goes to welfare
>watch jamal be handed MY tax dollars simply because he's an inferior lazy chimp
>whatever money I have leftover can't be spent on "entertainment" or women as it's all niggerfied
>use the money on drinking myself to death and collecting weapons for the race war that'll never come cause everyones too cucked
tell me why I shouldn't be a NEET.
I've been fully employed for the last 9 years. I've taken maybe 2 real vacations to someplace interesting. I've saved up enough money to put a downpayment on a house, but I can't even get a fucking mortgage. I don't even know why. The banks say I don't have enough good credit.
I've tossed away the last decade of my life trying to pull myself out of lower-middle class. I've recieved 2 promotions in the last 9 years. I don't know if that's worth the struggle or not. I'm now solidly middle class, married to a confirmed housewife, and carrying both of our financial weight. I still can't get a house or buy myself into the 'investment class', despite having saved up over $100k.
By all accounts I've had a 'successful' career. But what has it really gotten me? Am I happier? I don't even know. If you're unemployed and stressing about it, don't worry too much. The stress doesn't magically go away when you're working. It just moves to different areas of life. Having money only feels good for a little while, because eventually you start worrying about having ENOUGH money. Which you can never really have. And happiness is always 'at the next step'.
That's a goddamn lie and you know it
>being so poor that you have to work
Wew lad
My friend just left a really good company for a position he was offered as a manager in a start-up. They sent him to Canada to the corporate offices for training, he completed two weeks unpaid training there and the day before he was supposed to start his new job he got a call saying that one of his references said something negative about him so they rescinded the job offer.
Now he's unemployed and has no money and no prospects.
I wish I was unemployed.
It'd be a real motivator to kill myself.
I'm student and i'm too lazy
How can i fix myself?
I've worked uninterrupted for the last 15 years. I'm looking forward to unemployment. I need to work for about 4 more years though.
my office job is bullshit
just a way to make money and waste some time
to get paid the same as my coworkers although they are all morons is maddening, i try not to think about it
honestly im just gonna drop out of school and join the military or some government job to pay back my loans. I have no motivation to do it and cant stand my major or working the jobs in my field so why even try if im just going to end up suicidal anyways.
I miss being a NEET.
Can't he sue them?
My family is extremely well-off, and too concerned about my mental health to stop supporting my NEET life.
I'll most likely never have to bother finding a job that pays more than minimum wage.. and even then it would just be something to keep me busy.
fuck off i'm retired not unemployed
High-IQ overeducated INTP, unemployable.
Also, I'll add this: if you have the freedom to do any sort of 'adventure', do it now. Just fucking do it now. If you're sitting there with $500 and a clear calender, get your ass up, go burn that $500 on a trip to the mountains. Spend a week out there. Drive as far as the money will take you. Once you've established a 'mature, adult' life, those opportunities just drift away, and you're forced to choose between stability and freedom. The more stable you become, the more others depend on you. The more others depend on you, the less freedom you have. But as a man, it's important to be dependable. You have to be able to hold up other peoples' weight. You have to think about your parents getting older and facing financial difficulty. You have to think about kids. You have to have enough set aside for your wife to live the life you owe her. You have to be able to spot your sister money to cover her bills when she hits hard times.
And when you've established yourself as the financial 'center' of your social sphere, you find yourself in a kind of 'leadership'. You'll be surprised how money makes people look to you for some kind of guidance - like you're the captain of a ship, and everyone wants to just hand their responsibility over to you. You make things look easy, when in fact they are very hard. But people think you're talented, firm, and focused, so they offload some of their burden on to you.
It's both a good place to be, and a terrible place. You can't shrug it off. So before you get to this point, you better have done something you'll look back on fondly. Because there's no going back.
Kek, why not work and use the surplus money to start building a bunker and shit. I want one.
Good goi.
I'm not unemplouyed. I started my own business to get a piece of the tech-rig part of culture in my discrtict pie.
Rather I'm slightly "under"-employed, so come monday I'm starting my search for another job in kindergarden.
Whats crazy is the stock market has never been higher but the job market is still garbage.
Apathy, my life is quite comfortable, so why change?
Hard to believe you can't get an FHA mortgage.
But you're better off in cash anyway. Wait until the next real estate peak, wait another 4 years, then buy.
too rich to work
Some jobs are fun, I enjoyed teaching elementary school but yes I don't see how people put up with these shit jobs and spending so much of their short lives in them.
why work around low IQ mongs for 9$ an hr? I will work if I find a job that isn't for niggers and mexicans
what is yours ? working for the artificial jew and not living in a cosy hammock under a bridge without having to pay taxes.
>not taking the bumpill
>trying to fight the (((system)))
>take the bumpill and relax into death with 0 worries.
I dont believe in capitalism and I don't care about anything no more.
Its mostly I've never seen any actual benefit from working. Best job I've had yet is working maintenance for a city making like 12 or something an hour. I did that for a year and didnt make much. Not enough to buy anything nice like a car. Thats after not paying for any bills at all.
Your chicken tendies aren't free, kid.
Found the Hillary voter.
Are you an idiot? You only leave your old job if you start next day at your new job. Fucking hell no wonder they didnt reply to you.
Where in UK?
My husband earns enough to support me.
Go to china and get a white monkey job then.
I work as an inventory clerk for the armed forces
Dropped out of my CS degree after realizing that office life is exactly like the movie Office Space. If your not ambitious about what your studying then you're just gonna have a shitty dull life. Money doesn't mean shit if you're miserable
Lil B can fuck my bitch
this, working has only made me hate the society im contributing toward.
what's funny is there is no legal way the government should tax your labor, the income tax is a lie, just like the federal reserve is a scam
cant compete with all the refugee that are doctors,engineers,rocket scientist,and also automatization mechanization advanced AI and outsourcing of jobs to the third world
>supporting the jew system
That is because we have a corpratist Wall Street governmental system that bases the economy on the markets over anything of tangible worth. If the job market was good, but stocks were down the elites would be crying depression, and kill everything. What we are looking at is aglobal feudalistic system.
>get a job
>all your tax money goes to pay immigrants benefits
Huge fucking lawsuit. Tell him to get on it.
I'd like to tit fuck his ass
I make more money than all of you.
I think its funny.
I glide in silence in my German car while you are on the bus.
Women desire me and never give you a second glance.
My clothes are stylish avant garde, you wear a Nintendo tee shirt.
My watch cost more than you have ever had in your life.
Cry bitch
They flew me out for a brief training and additional interview. I got paid and everything seemed good. Can't exactly quit at the last moment when they want to fly me out on a weekday
Jokes on you hot-shot. I've been wearing the same black non-print t-shirts full of holes for two years since I can't justify spending money on new ones as long as there's other shit I need and these aren't completely ruined.
>I glide in silence in my German car while you are on the bus.
I hope you get AIDS
thats rich coming from a man whose probably dying sometime this year from a drive by in his third world shithole of a feces country.
>one of his references said something negative
>Paying for white genocide
>Paying for Stacy's free birth control to fuck Chad and Tyrone
I'm 36 and retired. My wife and I lived like hobos while working and saved every dime. We both quit our jobs last year. My wife does a part time job because she's bored.
No kids.
Checked. Decision science is funded by taxpayer grants.
I quit my job last month to study for my CFA exam. Did well on the exam and working on resumes while I wait for my scores. Job search has been slow in my area and I'm thinking about relocating. I got denied unemployment benefits but have enough cash on hand to not work for at least 5 years if I want to completely decimate my savings.
So all you do is take, take take
If your life is so great, why post on Sup Forums? You obviously profiting and succeeding off the decline of society, so why don't you go brag on normiebook about your sick life. We NEETs who society rejected are venting/planning, so run along.
Because I pretty much smoking too much and working too little.
Trying to sort my life but it's hard to quit the weed jew. 24yo still with parents, at least i'm good looking tall guy with friends and not a total neetnerdfatfag
das right