What Iif we just cut our military budget by 50%
What Iif we just cut our military budget by 50%
Because it's not that simple. It so big you need to work out which things to start cutting and how that's going to fit in to future planning and stuff.
Why the fuck would we do that when
>global terrorism on the rise
>Russia is emboldened by a weekend EU
>Our enemies wait for weakness and then attack
Fuck off libscum, military is one of few justifiable uses of government
You save a lot of money which will be used on other stuff
we'd probably have to mothball about half of our services, which means huge holes in our ability to do anything of importance
who's going to protect the socialists nations of europe?
who' going to defend isreal?
who's going to defend the middle eastern pipeline that go into europe?
jeez its like you dont even think.
military budget isn't just making bombs and guns alot of it goes to research
If it was not for military spending we would not have the internet
desu all the departments in the US waste billions and billions on completely unnecessary stuff, even if it's just because they don't want their budget cut because they didn't use it all.
I'm sure the whole US budget could be cut up to 20% without any real deficiencies anywhere.
>not knowing the world has never been more peaceful
>implying Russia would ever attack us unprovoked
I agree. But somebody needs to go in and figure out what's not worth funding anymore, and what needs more funding.
I often work off government contracts, and a lot of times it seems like what they're trying to do is actually underfunded and too much of the funding gets spent jumping through hoops to prove that the funding is justified. So I could tell you what would make me able to provide better bang for the buck, but only somebody with a more systemic outlook could tell you how to improve that situation in general.
Surrounding Russia with all the means to win a war before it has even started is pretty provocative though, as well as slaying their allies wherever and whenever
Lots of people would be unemployed.
>global terrorism on the rise
Not america proble
>Russia is emboldened by a weekend EU
Not america problem
>>Our enemies wait for weakness and then attack
Even with half budget, only russia is remotely a treat, and your nukes wont simply disappear.
Military doesn't share anything good anymore.
Otherwise we'd be on plasma double layer electrostatic propulsion by now.
They've intentionally slowed down tech progression.
The world is peaceful precisely because if any country tries to start shit and America is willing to fight they know they'll get a fucking big one.
Look at Crimea under Obama's pussy foreign policy.
But you could make that transitional. I'm sure there are plenty of higher ups with fat pensions who don't really serve a useful purpose.
But the people for whom it would hurt the economy to cut, you could give them an option to work on other projects for a while as part of stimulus spending. Do we need to build more aircraft carriers? Or would we be better off hardening the electrical grid, repairing infrastructure, and stuff like that?
Money and demand don't just vanish. Through budget cuts money is merely freed to more efficient routes. People need to adapt instead of going for the easy government-enforced jobs nobody might not demand or need.
Fuck off Brazil, if America is weak then terrorists will attack us at home instead of invading weaker countries. Holy shit go to school.
>bomb and invade dozens of obscure Muslim countries for no justifiable reason
>Muslims fight back (i.e. "global terrorism" rises)
golly gee, most be because of those libruls
There would be basically no change to our power and influence, but we'd stop bankrupting ourselves.
Most of the budget is in entitlements, not military spending.
>no justifiable reason
Islam is slavery
You know that small terrorist attacks arent really responsibility of the army and dont require trillions of dollars spent on tanks, jet fighters and stuff like that, but are handled by intelligence agencies, right?
When people talk about a military budget cut, they are talking about not making more billion dollar bombs to stay stored for the next 30 years just because some arms manufacturer jew want to cash in that billion dollar.
Fucking burgers, learn how your own country works. Your Military Industrial Complex is destroying you from the inside and its know for ages
Anything that kills, it's not worth funding anymore.
What if I cut off the skin of your penis by 50%
>bomb and invade dozens of obscure Muslim countries for no justifiable reason
You mean other than the thousands of terror attacks every year by "the religion of peace"?
The EU would crumble.
It would then be turned into gibs and gibs can never be cut.
So the invasion of Iraq was a mission trip? Is this what cuckservatives believe?
Then who would defend Europe?
What if we just killed off all the people who dont pay taxes?
Our military budget is like 10 times higher than our closest competitor. The cost for defending the world is falling squarely on the shoulders of the US taxpayer.
It's because only the US is stupid enough to dump massive trillions into it's military budget during a period of global peace
Completely impractical. The US's monopoly on global force, whether you or I like it or not, is an essential component to global stability such as we know it.
I'm all for de-escalation and exploring whether it might be better to have something closer to a multi-polar world, but for the time being it's a necessary evil just like the federal reserve is unless we just want to have chaos.
But less conventional war spending, less war, and keeping the secret stuff that really ensures nobody wants to get too far out of line makes sense to me.
UK abd France nukes.
The dollar is backed the the military, it would collapse without it because we rely on the petrodollar. That's not to say I support it though, I think we need to eliminate all gold-backed and oil-backed currency worldwide in favor of labor-backed currency.
We would cease to be the world superpower, the EU would in turn be forced to prop up it's military to protect our masters in the middle east. This would in turn lead to a collapse of European social services which would lead to rioting Eurofags who would swiftly be shut the fuck down by their totalitarian state. The USA would end up looking more like China or post-Soviet Collapse eastern Europe. Cities collapsing, pollution, more poor people, drugs, prostitution, but it might be a little more comfy in some ways but generally it would be shittier. Dindu nuffins crawling all over the place. Our debt would shrink, but not by much. We would also lose out economically in the long run and we might be able to afford more domestic services temporarily but it would collapse also in the long run.
Those funds make the war in the first place, why it's so hard to understand that the people making massive amount of guns produce a massive amount of deaths.
Fucking Kalashnikovs kill children in the small towns here.
Sure, but the arms trade is one of the biggest in the world and it won't ever stop. We probably don't need to be spending as much on killing machines, but the root problem if you have people shooting children in your small towns is not the guns but some kind of a cultural, financial, political, corruption, or other such problem that creates the conditions to allow that to happen.
If not for the AKs, they'd use knives or rope or stones or necklacing or any of the other methods used all around the world.
ww3 would still come and we'd be less prepared
>What Iif we just cut our military budget by 50%
Hah, hahaah, won't happen
Your military might is your tool and military industry pays off the most, even if they throw money in money pits such as F-35, it doesn't affect your authority, it pays off to investors, big companies that profit from wars and at the end of the food chain (((them))). Anyone that tries to touch state of the US military will be removed
Most of the military budget is for personnel solders, maintenance, public relations the rest is for weapons and transport contracts.
When people complain and demand that the government needs to make jobs this is about the only way they can
If you cut the budget too much you will just cut the jobs and put all of them on welfare.
Thare is no fucking chance of war between US, Russia and China, they rely too much on each-other's economies, if the one collapses, it will have a grrat impact on the 2 remaining. Global "tensions" are just for wide audiences
I'm ok with guns actually, they shoot things and are extremely practical.
But that's not all that make doesn't it?
And we live in fear of what could they make, Cardoen invented the cluster bomb that's properly classified as wmd, because it's stupidly detructive, I have seen test grounds in the desert and holy shit.
lol fucking kill me i hate this kike loving country
BBP's(Black Budget Programs) are money sinks more then actual R&D due to the manufacturers circlejerking about them.
Did a thread on it recently(The Loser Shills have been bombarding the threads recently):
What if we just cut our budget on everything by 100%
Maybe we agree to disagree on guns, but I do think massively destructive weapons are the ones to worry about first. I don't mind if a stable, peaceful country has nukes, for instance, since that's a decent emergency deterrent even if it's old tech.
What I worry about for nukes is an unstable country like NK, or when the USSR became unstable and they started selling nukes on the black market. I mean, where did your AKs come from? Did you ever think it would be so easy to get foreign grenades in Sweden?
Detroit used to be a place with lots of perfectly decent black people contributing to the economy. Now it's a nigger ghetto. Weapons didn't do that. That happened because the social conditions changed. There are forms of warfare much more destructive than machines that kill people.
Think what like an oil pipeline or funding an African warlord can do.
What if OP just kills himself?
>bomb Arab women and children for israhell
>invite Arabs to live in your multiculti hell hole
>express shock when Arabs blow the fuck out of your materialistic clown world
>not weakened
jesus tap-dancing christ
[progressive politics intensifies]
nah, we wanted oil and shooting muslims is fun
It doesn't pay them. It exists to intentionally sabotage competitive markets, so that the left-wing 'elites' who are actually very mediocre look better in comparison to their intentionally weakened and crippled opponents in middle america. This is because all of the people who are considered 'elite' by average people are actually trash (Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, Jobs, etc. - all vastly overrated idiots). By removing government, you restore the natural order, where those idiots go back to the bottom of the pile vs. actual geniuses. Military supporters are invariably idiots, likewise for all government supporters, government caters to the weaknesses of people. The physically weak support the military and public health, the mentally weak support the supreme court and executive branch, and the emotionally weak support welfare programs. The stronger you are, the less government you support.
That's the issue, how far are they willing to go in that direction, because 20 year wmd are flea market shit now.
What if we just cut our social security budget by 50%? Also regardless of what you cut, simply throwing money at a problem doesn't fix said problem. I remember back in highschool, there were always those faggots in class that would make a presentation about how if we took some of the budget from the military, we could end world hunger. Who the fuck are you gonna pay to do that? Where the fuck are you gonna grow all that food? People/governments, and businesses don't just do shit for the hell of it, because they financially can't and physically can't.
Not really related to your post but it reminded me of those faggots from school. So I just had to make that connection.
which is a more expensive program that doesn't benefit the US in almost any way.
Military Statism is far more likely to be successful than any derivative of socialism.
Yeah, I don't know what the solution is there beyond making sure the "good guys" have better tech and countermeasures to stop bad things happening preemptively.
My personal view of the US is that it is currently being destabilized and is run by crazy people (especially the neocons) and that puts us in a difficult position because if the US doesn't return to stability and sanity then it will almost definitely result in global chaos, war, death, and all the rest.
So that's why I agree at taking a closer look at the military budget, how much to spend, and where to spend it.
Eisenhower and Kennedy warned you about this, but too many people voted for warmongering neocons (i.e trump)
Let's hope Bernie or someone similar tires to run in 2020, but we can start by attending repub town halls to heckle and by starting a grassroots
I know everyone on pol dislikes the causes for wasteful spending (people like trump) so we should have no problem compromising politically
unless you're a shill or anything...
If you stop giving them money they'll sell all the stock and start WW3, like almost happened with the USSR.
Liberal s need to accept that USA started off as a colony and has grown into an empire in a relatively short amount of time. Ye best start believing in empires Boyle, yer in one.
Leave pussy
That's a big part of what made me a Trump supporter even though I was against him at first. I don't know if he'll be able to do it, or who he really is for sure, but if we can take down the neocons and use something like cost/benefit to help get the economy back on track, then whatever else is wrong with Trump at least we'll be headed in the direction of sanity and stability.
Asking EU countries to pay up for NATO or maybe they'll have to pay for their own military protection instead, is a great example in my opinion of using a cost/benefit approach to figure out where to make effective spending cuts that ideally lead toward greater global peace and stability.
It could all come crashing down anyway, but I think we were headed for that in the first place, so this is worth a shot.
what if we just cut taxes and welfare by 50%?
replied to the wrong person meant to go to OP
Putting the BS aside, you have to realize that the US government wastes ALOT of money with our massive military budget. That is the key side-effect from bureaucracy, that it is always wasteful.
Just fucking audit your shit, there is so much unnecesarry spending
>if we stop creatin terrorists terrorists will attack us more
this delusion. Come on suck the neocon dick harder
It always boggles my mind that there are literally tens of thousands of Americans right now stationed in Germany, Japan and here.
It always boggles my mind that there are literally tens of thousands of Australians right now shitposting better than Germans, Japanese and Brits
Why would we? Entitlement spending is what's increasing our burden, not military.
That military may be needed if shit keeps going south anyways.
Yeah it's not clear to me why we need quite so many bases.
Extremely good idea. Please do it.
>global terrorism on the rise
Ignore it
>Russia is emboldened by a weekend EU
Ignore it
>Our enemies wait for weakness and then attack
Yes, across a massive ocean into the third most populated nation with the most guns in the hands of private citizens
The US should return to how it was before WW1 just sitting back and selling guns to people while they slaughter each other.
please could you tell me where this is from? I know this is kevin eldon but reverse image does nothing
Big Train, one of the most underrated yet greatest off-the-wall comedies we've put out.
It's the source of actors like Simon Pegg.
is it jam?
thank you
Why don't we cut Social Security and Medicare?
Isn't social security what people pay in first?
Aw shit your interest on debt is close to when my democracy3 games get fucked.
and what would happen to the advanced ships tanks and weapons then? the need maintenance or the will break down. not even to mention what about the jobs of the crewmembers and the soldiers?
idk sell them to who why would you sell youre advanced or experimental weaponry to youre competitors?
It's supposed to be, and I forget the technical details, but they basically turned it into a big slush fund so that what goes in and what goes out aren't directly connected anymore.
I'm not much for socialism, but I think it would be a decent thing to have if it were run well and not like a ponzi scheme. Too bad the government rarely, if ever, handles money well.
Still will be spending about twice over what all American pore trial opponent combined, not counting the rest of NATO and allies
But ability to ruin any more countries will be severely hampered
Yeah, we need all the rapefugees your bombs on shitholes like Syria produce and migrate to Europe
>2 posts by this ID
What if we cut welfare by 100%
not good enough
cut it by 100%
sand nigger detected
Why not cut all of it?
>Cut military budget to 50 million
>End social security completely
>Double spending on science
>Triple budget for infrastructure and education
>Budget is still $1.4 trillion smaller than it was before
Old people are a pure concentrated cancer though, social security should be ended and old people who cannot financially support themselves should be euthanized. Either breed so your kids can care for you when you are old or support yourself with savings.
you're going to have to kindly ask the jews to do that.
To.. do... what?
Fund nigger welfare... no thanks
Well, then Israel, Saudi and others in the Middle East are left on their own, ruskies come and grab everything.
pay debts