Have you realized how you don't get to see dumb females in mainstream media? Every female is cunning but it is rare to find a show where a male is not disgustingly portrayed as a weak brain.
Have you realized how you don't get to see dumb females in mainstream media...
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Yep, there's always the bumbling, retarded guy or dad who everyone makes fun of for being so stupid. Then there's the wise cracking, brilliant woman who always puts the stupid guy down.
Noticed it a long time ago.
Have you ever realized that mainstream tv shows don't really have a family setting anymore? If they do, it's through the lens of child/spouse abuse or horrible memories of family. All happy tv shows are based with single female or male individuals living in the city, with no cares at all.
Can't watch TV anymore. Degeneracy and shit everywhere.
Advertising works much better on women, TV shows are the shiny wrapper on the advertising which is the actual business.
TV is FOR women.
ever watched Avatar OP?
Sokka is the smartest kid in the group. The only one who comes up with the plans and actually focuses on the war.
>Have you ever realized that mainstream tv shows don't really have a family setting anymore? If they do, it's through the lens of child/spouse abuse or horrible memories of family.
You must be a special kind of retarded, maybe you want to watch that series again?
Archer is willing to get close at least. Cheryl/Carol is dumb as a rock most of the time, though the other women are about what you would expect on TV. Archer himself is portrayed as somewhat simple but extremely skilled and actually fairly intelligent at times.
Pic related would be unimaginable now
Shut up Meg.
That's why I watch old films and TV. Women are more true to life, i.e. dumb as fuck
The blonde in big bang theory is pretty stupid
you need to be 18 to post here
Oh really, now?
she has a phd
OP btfo
Literally an Engineering PhD, amirite?
Ditzy =/= dumb. She's charming.
Iirc, sociologist named Butch wrote about it, but from class perspective. Working class father is portrayed as dumb, crass, bigoted and prone to violence in most tv shows and sitcoms. Women are much smarter, rational etc. He offeres an explanation but i can't remember. Some commie drivel
Avatar was good, but then it got all PC with Legend of Korra. I can't stand the circle jerk that ensured after the forced lesbian kiss scene. Don't even get me started about the New Republic bullshit too. The Avatar world was good when all of the benders lived in their own bender community, look what happens when you put them all together.
Avatar would've been great if (((someone))) high up at Nickelodeon didn't make them create the PC monstrosity that is LoK.
Shows that men can take a joke at their own expense and women cant
This really took hold in the 1980's, and has become ubiquitous sense then. The few cases where men are actually shown to be smart have to be made inferior in some other way. The (((Big Bang Theory))) has smart men in it, but they are complete social retards, physical weaklings, and easily manipulated by their more well rounded wives.
The only show that bucked this trend in my memory was Last Man Standing, but it was more making the husband and wife equal (which is still good) and it got shitcanned by (((ABC))) for wrongthink.
Nearly every episode is centered around Archer making a retarded choice and Lanna (the smart independent black woman) coming in to clean up his mess. There's a handful of episodes where Lanna makes the mistake, and Archer fixes it, but it is "stupid archer meme" 90% of the time.
Bob's burgers
Yeah, but look at the "men" in that show. They can get away with it with the feminist crowds because the guys are all pussies who wear footsie pajamas and read comic books at 30.
Sokka was legit smart, a great strategist that still contributed greatly without being able to bend. He was also the pratfall guy and would comically get into situations, but when it came time to be serious, he was essentially the leader of the group.
Being comic relief != being stupid.
>Show made by Family Goy creator to laugh at stupid conservative ideals
Closest I can think of is KoTH, With Luanne, and at times, Peggy, although Peggy was more hubris than stupidity. Luanne was legit simpleton, though. Hank is portrayed as decently wise and intelligent, but a bit old fashioned and overly conservative, though in the end, Hank usually ended up in the right, at least partially. The one that comes to mind is when Hank tried to get Bobby to stop making Christianity out as some rock concert, because he didn't want Bobby to burn out on Christianity when he grew out of the "Extreme" scene.
Seth McFalane isn't allowed to work on American Dad. It's the reason the show isn't completely insufferable like Family Guy or Cleveland show.
I remember my Dad talking to me about the stupid dad thing on TV when I was a child. He was a very flawed man but boy am I thankful for all the redpills he dropped on me as a kid.
annnd satan is real
I would trade his life for Barbara Olson's anyway.
Francine is not dumb in the show, ya super retard. Just because she is blonde and happy doesn't mean she's dumb.
What did he have to say about it?
The fact that Married With Children will go down as one of the most prophetic shows of its time makes quite sad.
It called so much shit so far in advance.
Further, the show makes fun of a lot of shit happening today, mostly through college students. The episode with Luanne and the college students trying to protest the barbecue competition because it doesn't allow propane, they have a die-in and scream every buzzword you hear from the left today, from Hitler to murder, to silence is violence.
15 years ahead of the curve and it resonates truer than ever before.
There is always some stupid dad character on TV and a brilliant mom to do everything for them. In reality its usually a lot different than that. "They" (didn't say who, i'm not even sure he thought it was jews) want to destroy the family.
He was a lifelong bill clinton loving democrat but I think he blamed billionaires like trump instead of jews. He hated communism though.
Its been repeatedly, and repeatedly drilled into the audience that she's an idiot on Fry's level. She has trouble with basic cause and effect, and it makes her a basket case. Also, college gives you an education, it doesn't make you smart.
Is LoK that bad? I watched the first season years ago, and, from what I'm able to remember, though it was decent. Hell, the boat scene even made me feel a little.
Hurr durr
Like what? I've never watched it. I've seen some posts that it predicted MGTOW because it had an episode about "maninism" or something.
>that feeling when satan remembers the good times with dad.
Not sure what to think.
Why is KotH the best show ever?
my mother is always watching this show, "The Middle" and every time I see it I'm shocked at how innocent and based it is.
>white family
>nuclear family
>christian family
>parents married
>father in blue collar job
>father provides/is patriarch
>do family activities all the time
>children are all hetero
>mongaloid freak nerdy/autistic kid but treated the same as other kids/never held to different standard
>chad son but good at heart and loves family
I almost can't believe its even allowed on (((TV))) at this point.
Also retarded
Try watching mainstream shows which are not meant for you dumb ass.
Watch romantic comedies. In these the women are not very smart but instead "lovely and cute", that's why they get the smart cool guy.
Well, he hit the nail on the head, and the fact that he was a Clinton Democrat gives me hope. Not all Democrats are as brainwashed as we see on shitholes like Reddit, many of them are starting to wise up to the realities of the world but just don't want to admit it.
When he said "they," I don't think he specifically meant Jews, but those in power. The elites. The higher ups. Most of these assholes are Jews, but you're right, he pretty much meant them in the sense of "billionaires." Even though most of these billionaires were Jews. You gotta remember too, I'm guessing he grew up right after WWII, when any kind of anti-Semitic language was seen as a crime against humanity. They were indoctrinated like North Koreans after the war, so saying "them" is as close to saying "Jews" as someone that age is going to get.
Yeah, it had a lot of social Marxist messages with people trying to kill all benders so the non-benders could feel good about themselves. I think Korra ends up fighting them off, but in the end, she has a very pushed and blatantly pandering lesbian kiss that kind of just ruins the show.
Now you can't even discuss either show without the "progressive kiss scene" being brought up.
Thats because men dont complain about it and can go
>lol, look at that retard, I also sometimes forget to wear pants!
Married with Children. Al wasn't smart per se, but Peggy and Kelly were borderline retarded. Bud was the only smart one really, and he was socially retarded.
Beat me to it.
They have a club called "No ma'am" that's pretty much an anti nagging wife club.
Agree, American Dad attempts at making fun of conservatives, but Stan Smith ends up being a very likable and sympathetic character. It totally backfires. The show has much more heart, and is less degenerate than Family Guy.
Her family paid/owns the university.
I almost forgot about this show, it might be the ONE normal, moral show on TV.
You forgot another aspect that makes it great compared to the other forms of degeneracy on TV: The children are children. They don't run the house, they don't run the show, and they are obedient to the parents. Way too many shows on Disney, Cartoon Network, and Nick today always show the child as the smart one. The one who is always right, the center of attention.
The Middle puts children exactly where they should be in the family. Even the brilliant one isn't above being lectured and punished. It is glorious.
Because it didn't have an agenda and all of the main characters are portrayed as decent, but believably flawed people.
Take Hank as an example: For every episode where Hank changes his mind about something, there's an episode where he's too stuck in his ways to change. And for every episode where he's portrayed as being in the wrong, there's one where he's portrayed as being in the right. Hank is intelligent, but naive. He's very knowledgeable of the realities of the world, but he still has a tendency to think the best of people and take them at their word. He's stubborn, but makes a genuine effort to go outside his comfort zone for his family and friends.
The same kind of balance is found in almost every single main character in the show. Every character has episodes where they shine, where they fall, where they learn to change, where they stand their ground, where they make mistakes, where they succeed, etc.
I hope show in pic is unrelated. Leela is purposely smart and capable and strong. Amy is a retard.
Isn't D the voice of reason and minimal decency in most episodes? I haven't seen the later seasons, but she's usually the most ethical member of the gang and the first to say their schemes are wrong.
Yep, I would much rather have a beer with the conservative Stan Smith than the pompous liberal Brian from Family Guy.
Did OP just wake up from a 25 year long coma
By the very nature of the rules of comedy, that's why the bumbling dad always comes out on top. No one wants the winner to win except in a drama.
She's kinda dumb. Everyone is dumb in that show though, except the son.
Pretty much describes my dad. His father fought the koreans, and my dad was in the airforce but no war. He told me if I ever thought of joining he'd kick my ass, that its all a big game now. It probably has been a game for much longer than he realized.
there's a reason it's call (((programming))) goy
No fucking lie Gene Siskel used to bitch about this in the 1980s on Siskel Siskel and Ebert. Vid avail on YouTube if you care to dig.
FF a decade, he ironically dies of brain cancer
Also if you're fond of shows like The Middle and KOTH, give Last Man Standing a try. It's some of Tim Allen's best work and one of the few shows in the last decade willing to openly mock political correctness and left wing social politics.
It was recently cancelled by (((ABC))) but there are talks to revive it on CMT next year.
Oh and he fucking loved guns despite his democratness. Had more ammo than anyone stockpiled that I've ever seen.
Is Malcolm in the middle one of those tv shows?
In Archer, insults are thrown left and right to any character. Females like Cheryl and Pam are demeaned for their actions and low intelligence (even though Pam's smart but just a bit slow and flamboyant)
Cheryl is a retard in Archer
That's true, no shortage of dummies all round in futurama
Is king of the hill really that good?
>Have you realized how you don't get to see dumb females in mainstream media?
Practically every comedy show in existence has a dumb female. Including Amy from Futurama.
Yeah. And the professor is the smartest person in their world, though insane.
He's right, the Korean War was probably the last real war we fought in that wasn't a joke. It just so happens that Eisenhower gave his Military Industrial Complex speech in between the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Look at how Vietnam started, with a false flag to get us in there for no reason. Look at every war we involved ourselves in from then on forward.
What point did we have in fighting it? Maybe Afghanistan is the only justified war, but the others were more of a game than a war. A game that brings in money for the military industrial complex while killing the rest of us off.
Your father is a smart man.
I always thought it was funny that the Asian chick on Suite Life of Zack and Cody was the dumb character
Why do people hate family guy so much?
I enjoy the humor, and they frequently laugh at controversial things and joke about things like saying nigger,etc
>forced lesbian kiss scene
user, please, that was forshadowed since season 2.
Yes, that is done on purpose. Those who did it on purpose are following agenda for a good part of forty years, those who don't are tiptoeing around the vjaina shield because they don't want to have packs of screeching harpies on their necks.
Although I have to say that progressives have reeeeeally stepped it up in the past three years. I watched most of bigger movies in those three years, but it really hit me when I saw last Pirates of Carribea - the female actors are identical, to the smallest detail, one next to another. Not in looks, when you constantly do the stronk, empowered womyn, you'll end up with a single character, applicable anywhere.
If you take that twat from the Pirates and put her into both SW, Star Trek, Transformers etc. etc. you would not see a single difference between them.
Only female character worth anything, with evolving character was the recruit Anderson from the 2012 Dredd movie.
Thats a wierd compass
Sokka was the comic relief but at the same time he was the brains of the group
Sokka was also the best character. I wish he became a great swordsman in season 2 instead of 3 to give him more time to shine as a fighter too
This. Bob's a hard working family man. His wife is a neurotic lush.
yeah but the son is a faggot, so not sure what they're trying to say
Mmm, yes and no.
Hal is portrayed as a bit of a bumbling dad, but not in the same harsh way that a lot of modern sitcoms do. He's a goof and is prone to odd pursuits, but he's also portrayed as a guy who has no problems making personal sacrifices for his family's sake or working 50 hours a week to support them, and while he usually defers to Lois's opinion on decisions, they're usually depicted as a very healthy, mutually supportive couple.
Hit or miss depending on the episode.
the show is awful, but the women in orange is the new black are pretty fucking stupid
It's a shame that show was cancelled for obvious political reasons.
Another one that I always loved was Roseanne. Dan Connor was one of the best tv dads out there. Blue collar, parental figure, who did anything for his loyal family.
they corrected this in later seasons.
Big bang theory is nerd blackface and now all of them now have gf's that are smarter than them.
They also push the agenda of "hurr I'm massively successful but I'm so lucky to have gf that puts up with me".
They literally shit on their sons lol.
Nick DiPaolo has discussed this shit for years
Just want to point out that you all are primarily discussing shows target at men (including young men). What about shows that target other demographics? It seems like we have a lot of counter examples to OP's hypothesis, but I think this may be a result of sticking to shows targeting this demographic...
A thing since the seventies
but rich though, and I'm not surprised since being stupid when born with a silver spoon is a more prevalent stereotype than the smart asians one.
Like I said, Allen's apparently in talks with CMT trying to get the show revived on their network. So there's hope of a revival.
Roseanne was always great and I like Dan and Roseanne's relationship for the same reason I always liked Hal and Lois in Malcolm in the Middle - they're those kind of couples who always seem to be on the same page, regardless of what's going on. They finish each other's sentences, they know what their reaction to something is going to be, they anticipate what the other will do before they do it, etc.
Only white families left on TV are literal trailer trash.
Yes. It's pretty dry though, so not everyone will appreciate just how good it is.
props to you for enjoying the ride and not being a cynical dick. I also still watch it because the cutaways are funny sometimes, like the bo jackson / 3 point shooting old school vidya cutaways
Same thing for other demographics, maybe to different degrees and approaches
Love this fucking show.
>Shoot me, $5. $10, $15... please
You have to be 18 to post here.
Talking about kids shows.
WTF is wrong with you
Wasn't that show "Two Broke Girls" literally an entire show about two ditsy bimbos?
Looking back on it I can say that maybe the first two seasons were decent, it just went straight to shit after that
I honestly feel ashamed that I used to like it so much when I was like 13 years old