How do we stop Mexico?
How do we stop Mexico?
you don't
it's over
We don't.
R.I.P in peace USA you sweet prince
Bean born pathogens
Like father like son. Get rek'd muricans.
it's not gg
it's bg
no re
fuck laws n shit
deport deport deport if they're brown
Unleash the Border Drones to shoot anyone that crosses the border or gets past the future wall.
Deport the illegals here and overthrow the corrupt Mexican government and the Cartels. Its time to bring "Democracy" to Mexico.
Super virus that only targets people with a certain gene only found in Latin Americans or people with Latin American blood.
The best kind of eugenics is the silent kind of eugenics. We gave niggers STD's back when we barely knew about DNA, we can give these fuckers a deadly disease given what we know today.
>muh mighty heirs to the reconquista that's in reality just a patchwork of different faggoty southern european ethnicities that's been bastardized by moors and arabic mudslimes
>Gets his shit fucking rocked after his empire declines for hundreds of years because he can't properly manage his colonies and gets shit on by subhuman Injuns and negroes
>Loses all of his colonial posessions to "muiricans" because his country is so fucking incompetent
>erupts into civil war in the 20th century over "muh gommunism" and LARPing fascism because he can't manage his country despite not even participating in the first world war
>posts on Sup Forums pretending he's relevant
Too late for you m8.
>number of Hispanics tightly correlated with shittiness of the country at large
Too late, the question now is who do we entrust our nukes/military equipment to so they don't end up in the hands of the beaners.
I vote an even split between:
idk, texas has more beaners than white folk and it's pretty nice
then again, i guess there are enough white folks to keep the show running, it will be interesting to see what tex is like at 10% white someday
At least they're concentrated on the southland's, the great white north remains
How do I upboat?
God bless Mexico
>implying the kikes haven't already acquired all of our DNA/genetic research companies
The Goy Virus is more likely to be developed than Beaner-Fever
anyone enlighten me why black isn't rising?
We Build.That.Wall.
unless abortion is outlawed, those dindus aren't growing larger
yes, give ur nukes to somali jihadists, good idea, what could possibly go wrong. then better use them to nuke germany.
That's the worst graph I've seen in my fucking life
Hmm...I thought Norway was still holding strong, ok never mind then.
In that case:
Japan/ Finland/ Australia/ New Zealand
Targeted Ebola that only hits Mexicans, Niggers, and Muslims would be great. Whites wouldn't have to do anything but sit back and watch the world get better with each death of one of these roaches.
Just roll a coin down Wall Street, DC, and San Francisco that goes into a giant windowless warehouse, watch them all chase it into the building and start the gassing. Problem solved.
I've seen plenty of worst.
Well for starters, we should identify the problem. It's not that Mexicans are flooding our country. It's that Mexicans are flooding our country with Guatemalan, Honduran, Salvadorian and other central/south American 'refugees.' We need to call them out on this bullshit and their hypocrisy. We need to push a "Make Mexico Great Again" movement. So they control their fucking borders, kill their cartels and stop being kikes. We need to put sanctions on them until they bend the knee like the good little manlet cucks they are. We need to push them to breaking their huge monopolies like PEMEX, CEMEX and TelMex. It's very difficult for foreign companies to invest to come to Mexico unless they are mega corps due to ridiculously high barriers of entry and pressure from Mexican oligarchs. We need to exterminate "Hispanic identity" at home and rebrand them as American. Stop this hyphenated American bullshit. We need to deport illegals, that's a given but give those who are non-violent criminals a chance to become legal citizens. There are a lot of people that just want to work and mind their own business and we need low wage workers. Since most American youth doesn't want to work or refuses to do manual labor. Not every hispanic is an obnoxious 'chicano.' The current immigration process actually encourages illegal immigration. We also need to be fair and deal with all the chinks who scam our system with anchor babies(
Nips and Finns, neither have significant immigration coming from Pleb countries.
There is no stopping it the reconquista Is coming.
Hurr hurr, at least we don't catch dysentery from our public water supply, turd worlder.
better choice
Its over. The Jews have won. This is what we fought for in WW2, so we could be enslaved/genocided by our Jewish overlords. Embrace diversity Goyim!
What percent of the Hispanics are white and what percent of the Asians are Japanese? Maybe we are still majority Human once you take that into account
Kill them all
most asians are probably chinese, indians and flips if i had to guess by the numbers. not the worst, but not the best either.
japanese have a big presence in hawaii, but even that is a democrat stronghold. so good people, but not good voters.
also, i'd estimate maybe 10% of the hispanics are actual whites (spaniards, argentines, etc), and another 10% are close to being white like jessica alba. but the vast majority are probably mixed race.
You can't.
Spread them, pigskin.
i love you too burger-kun
Finland will rise again
thought they would be too retarded for this. Praise abort
most of our legal immigrants from mexico nowadays are spaniards or light skin mestizos though, i would say most of the indios coming over here are illegals
Did you guys ever wonder what would happen after you flooded our country with your shitskin 4'2 goblins?
The tide recedes my friend :^)
Our Cubans are whiter than Argentines
yeah i would put cubans in that 10%, the early cubans were almost all white, but cubans coming here recently often include a bunch of mulattos. that's why the younger gen of cubans is more liberal than the older gen, you've got some blacks and mulattos in that mix.
you have to remember cuba has gotten a lot more blacks since castro took over
meanwhile spaniards are white and most argentines are italian, pope francis is argentine i believe and he is a white man
There's a reason whites have prevailed throughout history. All obstacles, we've overcome. If you consider the population of whites, reducing, it's more or less darwinsim. Only the strongest genes of whites will propagate. That 43% that remains will be toxic to marxist ideology. 85% when 50% of that are retards, vs 43% where less than 10% will be retards. Whites can out breed classes, it'll take hits to purity, but nonetheless the whiteness will prevail. Nature wills it.
Its better than having a bunch of black people imo.
STFU weeb, we're coming for you next, doesn't matter if you're white.
Im half beaner. I wouldn't want that.
not really, the whites who are having lots of kids (at least here in the US) are usually the christian types - amish, mormons, evangelicals.
i mean they might be ok people, but probably not the highest IQ or strongest
yeah, you'll keep crying like a bitch in Sup Forums while we conquer your government and law enforcement
Although we speak a different language and look quite different. Spics have a lot in common with us. They are both the result of European colonization. It also helps that Spaniards converted them and made them lose their subhuman indigenous cultures/customs. Otherwise we would have had an India-tier neighbor.
As bad as they can be at times. I'm glad we share the border with spics and not muslims, hindus or chinks tbqh.
doesn't matter, they're still loyal to the mexican empire
they're doble agents
you guys are losing some of your most talented people to the US, you should be frightened about this
practically every legal mexican national who comes up here for naturalization is white or castizo. all the dark brown ones are illegals who we will be sending back shortly
Even if they're not the brightest, the ability to reproduce at least gives us a fighting chance. America will always be a white nation, you just need strong values from parents who give a shit. Which is ingrained in white people.
So 2060 everywhere will look like its turning into Houston. Houston is already worse than 2060 lulz. In 1987 Houston couldn't go to school 1 block away cause they teached half spanish half english.
At least the Mexicans are half white
>you guys are losing some of your most talented people to the US, you should be frightened about this
They're elite soldiers, you're a strong enemy so its no unreasonable for us to send them so everything is prepared when we take over
This is funny. I don't think there is such a thing as Mexican nationalism no matter how much Chicanos meme it. I've been to Mexico City and Monterrey. People from D.F. hate everyone outside of their little bubble. People from Monterrey tell me that D.F. is like a different country. That most Mexicans are loyal to their state rather than the Mexican 'identity.' Considering chicanos have no identity, since they are in a limbo between Mexican and American and hated by both groups.
>reddit spacing
go back to kekistan and stop roleplaying as a nazi, billy
your mom wouldn't approve
Horrible 'chart'
South America is the main cause of the flood of people into North America.
This is all part of a plan to create the NAU(North America Union), SAU(South American Union) & eventually the AU(American Union).
If you renounce your degeneracy, we can keep you in a room until the plague is done.
Aztecafags can catch a bullet.
yes things could be worse i suppose, i am just fearful that you will see a california effect in which it is harder to elect GOP to office
even texas was closer than it usually is this past year
what if two liberals have white kids
mind fucking blown?
our illegal hordes are disposable, our spies are not. we have to send the best of the best to lul you into a false sense of security.
They're already here you dumb shit. They're breeding. That's the problem.
Shouldn't the colors be in the other order, top to bottom? It looks like the Canadians are invading.
>Black % remains stable
>White % lowers
>Hisapnic % rises
In conclusion: You're dumb
This guy gets it.
Does anyone else feel the need to defect to China? I don't mean the muggles, I mean like, you know...
If A then B, either A or not B, you know what I mean?
You don't have a best and brightest. You have warlords, cowards, and the people smart enough to see your civilization was a non-starter to begin with.
Without the Spaniards, you're fucked, and any attempt to "sieze aztlan" is going to lead to mestizo faggots screaming about la raza putting your leadership to the guillotine and plunging you back into your eternal dark age.
Really puts into perspective how much of a colossal fuck up Spain has been throughout history. Huh.
Yes we do. The fact that you can't do nothing about us invading your country is a testament that we have subverted your own morals and laws against yourselves.
Now everything works on our benefit
>Otherwise we would have had an India-tier neighbor
I like Indians better than Mexicans though.
We need to use leftist tactics against them. Brainwash their kids early into being proud of being Texan and considering leftist movements as an affront to the Texan culture/pride. Spics are easily moved by an appeal to emotion.
Impregnate whites and east Asians if you are white or east Asian. Then we will have a Hapa master race.
>deport everyone of non-Spaniard Mexican descent.
>shoot the ones that don't wanna leave
>America is White again
Glad somebody read that wall of text. Was going to go further into detail but realized it was already too long for Sup Forums attention span as it is.
According to who? Almost all I've met are from Mexico.
Your congress won't even approve the wall and you're dreaming about shooting us.
>tfw the only free country in the world is getting SPICKED
They don't give a fuck about you over here. They're Californian now, they could give a fuck about Mexico outside of the family they want to bring over here.
You aren't invading shit. You got taken the fuck over, and your people are being used as slaves.
Yes, I like our Indian immigrants. However, those are like the crème de la crème of the Indian caste. The general population of India which is in the billions is as subhuman as they come.
give us nukes we wont bomb russia promise :D
>They don't give a fuck about you over here.
Yes, that's the officia narrative.
What's your point? Do you know the word "doble agents"?
lmao you're all so damn naive
Nigga you ARE mexico
It sums up things while pointing specifically to major problems. Our biggest problem imo is the corruption in our government. Mexican politicians are corrupt to begin with generally, because they get into politics just to make extra cash on the side. Favoritism and kickbacks really hurt us. We can't really take responsibility for ourselves very well.
The look of terror in the eyes of Mexican friends and co-woerkers when they face the prospect of "going home" tells me everything I need to know about your filthy backwater, juan. They would rather be slaves than live there.
plz keep up the roleplaying of being somehow "le mesican evil genius", it's pretty funny.
What is this even based on? The current rate, the rate of the last 10 years, 20 years, 30 years?
I'd say the curve recently adjusted, just a bit.
>Mexican-American War
>Spannish-Ameican War
>Falklands War
>Gibraltar is still a thing
Keep telling yourself that, billy.
You don't have any friends and they're just telling you what you want to hear. All going according to plan:
Sometimes I feel like a foreigner in my own country.
t. Texasfag
My dad use to work in Mexico City for a large U.S. company he saw first hand how fucked up things are. They had to close down the headquarters in D.F. and move them to São Paulo due to how bad the bribe culture was in Mexico. The fact they went to Brazil another place notorious for its special interests and corruption gives you an idea of how bad things are in Mexico when it comes to kickbacks and palm greasing.
>those are like the crème de la crème of the Indian caste
This is a common misconception. 40% of Indians are upper caste. 40% * 1.3 billion = 520 million upper castes. Not that bad.
we're gonna be less white i think the only thing we can do per is promote american culture to hispanics, asians
blacks are a lost cause i think, they've been here 400 years and still want to bitch about everything