Tell me, what does Sup Forums think about Israel?

Tell me, what does Sup Forums think about Israel?

Should America be paying for our defense?
Would the world be better off without us?
Do you really believe that Israel is to blame for all the problems in the middle east?

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Jew rat. Every single one of you should be wiped off the face of the earth.

Judea is rightful Roman clay.

yeah if you could ALL go there please and leave the West forever, that'd be great.

I am an Arab

Do you really believe that? Be honest with me polster, save your shitposts for another thread

it's in an acient scroll that israel will be whipped of the map, it's not my opinion, it's just fate.
i am sorry. BYE BYE

Without trolling and giving the meme

We shouldn't give you any money or military weaponry because we get nothing in return.
I don't think we'd be better without you or with you, you're really pointless as a country.
To a degree, yes. But Muslims also hate you so they want you out. You're both the problem in the M.E and I don't see why white countries need to help you solve your problems. Figure it out.


Hmmm isn't that the country that continues to receive trillions as repercussions for the (greatly exaggerated) holocaust, and also urges every other country to take in refugees but doesn't accept refugees itself?


End your life.

Israel is a part of the unholy trinity.
USA - Israel - Saudi-Arabia

Eventually the arabs are going to kill all of you, but in the meantime you're a giant pain in our ass. I doubt you guys make it another 50 years.

Fuck off dirty kike

The country is very small and we already have plenty of Arabs to deal with as it is. Besides, we are helping Syrian rebels fight against the evil Assad so I would say we are doing our part

Watch what you say user, long life is not gaurunteed for the anti-semites

We have very powerful allies that ensure this doesn't happen

Israel has nukes even Arabs aren't dumb enough to attack someone with nukes

Why are you helping this savages that behead children
You should be helping Assad he is the only option that guarantees peace in Syria (well if you want peace that is....)

The problems with the middle east the world for that matter are the central banks, get rid of that shit and a lot of problems solve themselves.

Assad is an evil dictator that gasses his own people. Also, the rebels are not terrorists but brave men that wish to free their country from the regime. What is wrong with that?

>Tell me, what does Sup Forums think about Israel?

>Should America be paying for our defense?


>Would the world be better off without us?

Depends on the POP

>Do you really believe that Israel is to blame for all the problems in the middle east?

No but you take part in the race where the price is Abrahams legacy.

israel is like every country but they have big nose lol

80 IQ sand nigger.

>Assad is an evil dictator that gasses his own people. Also, the rebels are not terrorists but brave men that wish to free their country from the regime. What is wrong with that?

Shut the fuck up. Order is better than chaos, sharia and "rebels" wich behead children.

>Tell me, what does Sup Forums think about Israel?
A functional nationalist state. More civic than nationalist.
>Should America be paying for our defense?
No. I'm pretty sure that it also puts many Israeli companies out of jobs too.
>Would the world be better off without us?
Maybe. But this would apply to the US and many European countries too.
>Do you really believe that Israel is to blame for all the problems in the middle east?
No, this is factually incorrect. You're part of some of the problems, just like many countries are, but the region has always been problematic. Before Sykes-Picot too. I think by blaming everything (or most things) one country is not only idiotic, but counter-productive too. The same applies to people who like to blame Iran for everything bad. These are just geopolitically ignorant people that make these claims, often with a certain degree of bias.

30% of Israelis are arabs. In fact most of the Arab population from before 1918 never left and have been citizens of Israel the whole time. The "palistinians" were arabs from surrounding area's moved in by MB to try and prevent the partitioning that the UK had decided to do after the defeat of the ottman empire. Read a book idiot.