So just to be clear,
You would kill me in a hypothetical race war just for being non white, even if I'm not interested in race or war ?
Justify yourselfs Nazis!!
So just to be clear,
You would kill me in a hypothetical race war just for being non white, even if I'm not interested in race or war ?
Justify yourselfs Nazis!!
Yes. We don't want you raping our women Ahmed
You don't belong here.
Fuck off back to Africa or be killed.
We'd probably take a look at your search history and as long as your based af you can join us
Not an argument if I have never raped anyone.
the justification is that you are an invader leeching and parasitizing off endemic Europeans.
Go back to where you or your parents came from and you're good.
>You would kill me in a hypothetical race war just for being non white
No, but if it was a race war it would be hard to trust you unless you were never involved and didn't keep the company of people who were involved.
>Justify yourselfs Nazis!!
Well I might now.
>german flag
>non white
>that flag
>not interested
You're participating already.
I'm neither leeching nor an Invader, I'm paying more in taxes than 90% of Germany and I have been invited here. Strong justification "bro"
So somehow a hypothetical race war is linked to national socialism? Don't understand.
Protip: if your country still exists you are not a refugee.
Even if you are (which i doubt), you are still an invader, unless you were invited by the people of Germany, which you weren't. Assuming you are a person of worth to the community, why didn't you help building up your own country?
You abandoned your people to make a quick buck elsewhere, despicable...
>literally most retarded song ever
>posted by an autist
What a surprise
I'm not a refugee.
Because Nazis didn't want to have a race war, right? You retards did not even read "mein Kampf".
Nothing personal, kid
No nigger, you just need to stay in your own country and maintain your own culture rather than forcing your shitty culture on us. Kill yourself by the way.
Nazis literally don't believe this.
>argument resorts to insults
I can assure you there are more retarded songs. Some of which did not kickstart an entire genre of music.
During a race war the majority of /pol would continue to shitpost from the comfort of their homes.
Me and my family were literally invited by direct representatives of German people. It's not my fault that they were that uncaring about race. And yes I'm making probably more money than you my friend, if you want to believe it or not.
I'm a capitalist first and my original nation isn't, or do you think white Americans want to pay gibs to black people just because the american president was a Kang.
Yeah have fun with your literally degenerative form of art. Atleast real Nazis had some good taste nigger.
Merkel and her mob put you in Germany to replace the native population, if they start killing you it's arguably self defense.
Leave my country and you may live, stay and you will die.
Simple really
Well ha-ha, you know it's funny, I ehm live longer here in Germany than Merkel.
Just saying
Instead of nazis you mean racial supremacists. Otherwise I can say, in the upcoming cannibal rape beheading ceremony you're gonna eat me and rape my neck even though I care nothing for the taste of human flesh? Defend yourself tribalist! Sage in all fields
Then you should do what's right for Germany and start killing refugees. You won't get a harsh sentence because you're non-white, and when the country inevitably breaks into civil war and people start forming right wing death squads somebody will remember you as that "based shitskin" and let you off
No I would not, but enough of you guys would like to kill me for not being white
nice LARP, faggot. kys. even if you were telling the truth it still doesn't justify you being here. Not only are you a parasite on Europeans but a traitor to your own people. You truly are disgusting
My family actually fled Germany to Argentina in the 1930s you fucking moron. I'm saying your premise is flawed.
>parasite on Europeans
How faggot ?!
>traitor to your own people
So if white people living under a communist regime, would flee their nation, because it oppressed them, they would be traitors to their own people too i guess.smfh
Fight for us and you can live out the rest of your days in the white ethno-state.
>Vasectomies for nonwhites are mandatory.
> ahmeds
> getting laid
get the fuck out of the basement, sadcase
people want them out, because they are WORTHLESS TRASH
Brown people make more brown people and that's a problem. Maybe you're ok, but your grandkids will probably be niggers
they would be cowards is what they would be, where the fuck are you even from? and still not a single piece of evidence to support the claim you're adding value to Germany
when the fuck did your subhuman roach regimes become germany's problem, you sack of trash?
>Fighting for people who want me dead for no reason
No, thanks
When Germany and the representatives of the German people invited me
I'm almost paying half of the money i make in taxes that goes to help Germanies infrastructure,poor,healthcare etc. So fuck off you socialist scum
You would be deported, if you resisted you would get beaten, if you resisted even more you would die. You would probably die after deportation too, nobody wants trash like you in their country.
>still no evidence
allright larpboy, it's been fun
>Me and my family were literally invited by direct representatives of German people
They do not represent the greman people, traitors they are. People like this try destroy Europe and should be hung. As of people like yourself i think you lads have to go back.
Under the UN definition of genocide
> Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
All that it depends on for this to be genocide is weather its deliberate. Its no secret that it is, its just not on the spotlight
Im sorry but some day if there is a European rising you just have to go back
I hope you are ironic. Literally your people are living of off my gibs and greeks aren't even white lmao. No one would see a difference between you and me retard baka
shitskin, you will be deported when the time comes.
OP is a cuck LARPing as a shitskin for (you)'s
Were the dead children in Stockholm justified?
Were the pedophile gangs in Rotherham justified?
How about the terror attacks in Nice, Paris, Berlin, London, Orlando and all the other western cities?
No, innocent people were slaughtered because they were from white western countries.
These actions are basically a declaration of war and when it comes to war civilians will sadly always have to suffer.
It would pain me to kill people like you who have done nothing wrong but when your people's survival is at stake you don't get to have the luxury of judging everyone in a case by case trial.
Yeah because I'm going to dox myself idiot.
They officially do represent the democratic will of the people, if you like it or not. There's enough people who would consider right wingers traitors to the nation, so it's an illegitimate point
>calling me a shitskin
I'm literally more white than 80% of all greeks, since i have light eyes unlike you shitskins. But have fun thinking that you'd be ever be considered white in an germanic ethno state lmao. Eternal greek.
No they were not justified and it would be very reasonable to kill those "people", but to deliberately do the same as them and start to kill people like me who hate those fuckers, would be immoral.
And just that you guys understand, I'm not for limitless migration or anything.
The last part was for (You)
Your views on this matter are irrelevant, couldn't care less for what anyone considers white, brown or yellow. You, along with any other illegal, is going to be deported from Hellas. Stay in Germany, negro, if you come here you will not have a good time.
> They officially do represent the democratic will of the people
Officially, yes. That means nothing today, they are full of lies and no one really knows their little agenda. Oh yeah and alot of them are not even elected ffs, just brought in the back door. Further more they use weaponised ideologies like marxism and political correctness to suppress the right so how can you tell if they really do speak for the people?
> There's enough people who would consider right wingers traitors to the nation
Lad do you even know what a nation is?
I will tell you why this is, its because they are brainwashed to abandon nationalism and instead have loyalty to the Nation State. The Nation State is NOT the German nation and infact is trying to destroy the nation. It is traitorous!
Sorry user, but I have been preparing myself for the race war for a long time now.
Since you don't want to join us perhaps we'll meet in the battle field not as (You)s but as enemies.
Until that fateful day I wish you well.
>shitskin in denial
>mad at real whites
You are a joke papodopolopulous
I would mostly agree with you, but you can't prove it without a doubt, that it's deliberate by politicians and secondly a nationstate is not well defined and nit necessarily specific to a race, therefore you could be a traitor to your nation if most of it's people appreciate and want multiculturalism.
I'm not saying that that'd be a good thing, but that's just how it is in the eyes of many people
a lot of tax money goes on welfare, which is mostly exploited by a massive shitskin population
also, pic
also, european culture is less focused on offspring production, hence the realistic biological risk of white people becoming a minority in their own countries
so don't feel too bad when people clump you up with the rest based on skin colour, they are only being logical in assuming the most likely option
You got it wrong there:
>mad at illegals, shitskin or not
So yes, you are going to be deported along with every other negro and shitskin, how does that feel? You're basically an honorary nigger.
It's the future you chose fellow user
b-but look at his flag user
Weird argument assuming that you are a libertarian. How am i responsible for other peoples mistakes. Why not punish those who did the crime.
Btw most of my tax money will still be beneficial for many germans and not for myself.
And so would every greek in an white ethnostate, literally a meaningless argument from a meaningless shitskin lol.
>paying more in taxes than 90% of Germany
OH GREAT you are producing shekels for the governments that actively despises its own people! Thank you so much!
Pick one, assblasted negro.
In all honesty though the taxes thing is such a stupid argument because its not like the people of the country get to see the money, its just the governments ends up with more money. The government ending up with more money should not be the end goal of any policy.
>Literally your people are living of off my gibs and greeks aren't even white lmao
both statements are false
>When Germany and the representatives of the German people invited me
Some leftist retard "invited" you because they hate their own people. Stop fooling yourself. Lots of blacks wants white rule to return to SA, yes even black politicians, but do they represent the whole population? Please leave europe before it's too late.
> you can't prove it without a doubt, that it's deliberate by politicians
Did you watch that video?There is many more videos of these scum actually admitting their intentions but they are hard to find because when you type "white genocide" in they get flooded out with the nonsense. Tried looking for them but it took to long but you should take a look yourself if you can find them.
> and secondly a nationstate is not well defined and nit necessarily specific to a race
There is no confusion to what a nation state is.
And yes sometimes it is not defined by a race but this was never the case in germany or in almost all European nations. The nation state is to serve, protect the nation and to make sure it survives, NOT the other way about.
This non-white is armed and very dangerous. When it pops off, anyone approaching my abode, has already given me their soul. But then again they'll probably find out right away when they notice the pile of bodies...
My race is my country. In a civil war situation you think I give a fuck if you're a conservative, you've got to go. I wouldn't even stop to ask.
like someone would voluntarily touch a manly German woman let alone rape one. 99% of female victims in Germany are migrants themselves
You cant hide behind the Lonny left forever
When the race war comes, yes. You may be ok (doubt it) but we're not taking any chances for our future generations.
I would give you the chance to leave white land and to yours peacefully. If you refused you'd be declaring yourself as an invader, so then yes, i'd kill you and have a completely clear conscience about it.
I see you typed words, but DESU, I doesn't even bother reading.
>mfw he was invited and is completely justified in polluting your gene pool for all eternity under capitalism
Sure am glad I can buy a new iphone every year and that I can get vibrant ethnic cuisines 24/7 on all street corners! Totally worth it! Thank you based capitalism!
The snek on your flag can't hide leaves.
If you are black i would kill you. No regret.Even without race war.
If you are muslim i would kill you only when islam try to take over.
And? It's still my capital that is used, so how am I a leech, if the system uses my money.
Yes and that's why a nationstate is not well defined. It could literally be a majority nonwhite state of Britain and it'd still a nation state
And how am i responsible for majority of white people, atleast in Germany for being multiculturalist ? Why should i suffer because you were not able to control your peoples will.
That's how a democracy works. It was the will of the people to vote in some retards, even if you disagree with it, but in that case you'd be a traitor
Greeks would not be allowed as immigrants in a german ethnostate. So yes in that case greeks would be illegal
Both are correct or you would have to consider me as white, since i have more white features than the majority of greeks.
>you could be a traitor to your nation if most of it's people appreciate and want multiculturalism.
Wrong. If you have an unpopular opinion that does not mean being a traitor to the nation. What a traitor to the nation is, is seeking to harm the nation. Now to support the destruction of the nation is harmful and therefore the majority would infact be traitorous. Those who want to defend the nation against its destruction despite an opposing majority can not be traitors to the nation.
Nice logic man
We would send you back to your ancestral homeland to live and prosper with your people.
As i explained above, if the will of the people is to have a more diverse nation, it doesn't mean that a nationstate will collapse and i know that your problem is not the "nationstates" collapse but rather to get rid of non whites.
blow yourself up
So white Americans should go back to Europe aswell ?
Only in the case that they take everything they built.
If the resources used are from Europe then yes.
whites have been butchered and killed in many places they colonized and made better, its just something that happens eventually to outsiders. Get out of Europe is my best advice. If we get overrun here in America i'd go back to Europe rather than getting stung up.
Ok, the injuns can have all the destroyed rubble they want.
Yes, in places where barbarians lived. I don't fear whites becoming barbarians.
shut up jew and get on your knees. Lets make this quick; you and the rest of the subhumans breed like rats.
> It could literally be a majority nonwhite state of Britain and it'd still a nation state
And if this happened then the state has failed the nation. The nation that being a people with a shared and common race\culture\heritage\history.
> As i explained above, if the will of the people is to have a more diverse nation, it doesn't mean that a nationstate will collapse and i know that your problem is not the "nationstates" collapse but rather to get rid of non whites.
You sort of just made my point. So it all boils down to what a nation is. Clearly you do not know or you refuse to accept what it is due to your own immigrant bias.
Know your place, swedencuck.
If people ain't on the same page it will crumble bottom line. Race tends to keep people on the same page.
No it has not though. A nation state would be able retain every aspect of a specific nation through integration. What makes a nationstate is the dominant culture,language,traditions and this is obviously possible to be adopted by people from other ethnicities. That's why there never was a pure ethnicnation state in most of all European nations. Few exceptions do exist, but in general there was always ethnic diversity.
I am not a nazi or a far right person But in the event of a race war, I would kill you for stepping near my property. You are a bitch. You know that in a race war, you would also kill whites who stepped near your family. Shut up, bitch. You cannot get moral highground.
Frenchmen. /sigh
You know what will happen? It will crumble eventually and then people will naturally segregate with in time and will be even more divided. Its a dangerous game these globalist are playing. If they do get a one race world it will result in either of the two.
A submissive blind folk who let corruption leed the world more than ever before, basically slaves.
A folk who segregate more than ever before over silly things.
If the second does not happen things will get stagnant.
> A nation state would be able retain every aspect of a specific nation through integration
Reality does not work like that. Firstly there is your problem, You exalt the state over the nation, secondly integration does not work like that. What happens is you slowly but surely destroy the nation physically, culturally, spiritually and all heritage that comes with it. Now if a population with a steady birth rate intertwines with another smaller one, what happens is the population still stands however it is influenced. But you see this is not that is it? This is an outright fucking replacement from unlimited, multiple, global populations.
>You would kill me in a hypothetical race war just for being non white, even if I'm not interested in race or war ?
War isn't about individuals. You exist as part of a racial collective you cannot escape. In race war your uniform is your skin and you cannot take it off.