Germany will use fusion for literally everything soon. From massive electric fences which puts everything on fire who comes closer than 5 meters to the German border to fusion powered trains and a fusion powered massive European robot army.
Germany will not share fusion power tech with the world
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>tfw I work right next to the Fraunhofer Institut
M-maybe my brainwaves helped them reach this breakthrough?
I knew it!
The massive influx of syrian scientists had made germany great again
they wont achieve shit
fusion is old as shit
the problem is getting a sustainable reaction going that produces a net gain of energy
Archived links please
>From massive electric fences which puts everything on fire who comes closer than 5 meters to the German border
Except Arab refugees who came to impregnate german women
They have achieved more than anyone else already on this subject.
ayo hanz shut up
the jew are building a super race of Germanic niggers
Even if they manage to get it to work, they'll end up using it to print money for niggers faster and power up dildos.
This, and thats always going to be 20 years away because I'm pretty sure we misunderstand something essential in the physics of fusion and subatomic interactions. I just don't know what or I'd be a very rich man.
Oh fuck that's brutal.. the red is rapefugees? Germany is more fucked than I thought
It would be nice if this goes as well as it did the last time Germany experimented with stars.
China has probably already stolen it.
doesn't black holes appear where stars die?
I think it's mostly a mechanical/engineering problem.
You just have to get the pressure/temperature high enough to fuse the atoms. So hot the plasma burns any material it comes in contact with.
We've managed to do that with small samples, but the real trick is getting it going in a way where you can keep a chain reaction going and actually use it as a power station.
Only if the star is really massive.
Our sun will just turn into a red giant and swallow the inner planets (including earth).
>That manner/frauer asymmetry
Is this new oil? Seems like it may be time to invade.
That's what the pride parades are for. To free up women for the men that actually deserve to procreate.
4th Reich when ?
State-sponsored larp is best larp.The money spent on this will end up providing for ahmeds gibs and mutti is saved for another 4 years.
Can you give me a source on the graph, I cant find it anywhere.
>In other news, the country of born engineers is developing space-age technology to implement maximum cucking efficiency. The "krauztelguntherschatenfadzertrëchenspetzel" or, in English, "cuck-star fusion donut" is scheduled for completion in 2018. Scientists estimate that with this alternative power, migration quotas may be multiplied by an order of magnitude, and that native Germans will be breed out of existence in two weeks' time.
Exactly, my fellow gentile! In between raping our women and beating our men to death for drinking they gain the inspiration to do marvelous things. Ist nicht Vielfalt wunderbar!
Can it be used to fuel your refugee wellfare?
>Krauts lel
Lol they saw what Lockheed did and copied them. Hahaha
Time to invade Cuckmany then
Jesus kek
Yeah, a fence can work both ways. It was made to keep white women in to be impregnated and the white male to keep paying gibs.
this is news?
holy shit the jews were right! look how beneficial immigration is, darkies are smarter.
>implying that piece of shit will ever work
it's just a sandpit for academics to jerk off in and waste billions of your taxpayer shekels
how cute
>the problem is getting a sustainable reaction going that produces a net gain of energy
What in "star in a jar" don't you understand? German scientists literally put part of the sun in a jar at 100 million degrees.
Thank you for pointing out what everyone already knew. Here's your (you)
Fusion is a meme. All Germany has to look forward to is freezing to death in the dark because Russia will finally be getting a fair price for her oil---$200 a barrel, minimum.
Germany is over as a country. Russia's golden age is just beginning.
But based Guiness... thats how 90% of research works.
>Oh fuck that's brutal.. the red is rapefugees? Germany is more fucked than I thought
The graph is FAKE NEWS. It is supposed to be 2020 in case 5 million more refugees came to Germany, which never happened.
I thought magnetic fields were being used for that.
Just think how effective all that contained plasma would be at burning Jews.
And so it begins
german fusion bomb on fat shart yank land W H E N
Fusion does "work", but there are two issues:
A: facilities for testing
B: sustained operation (with less power input than output, obviously)
These experiments have been going on since the 50's but the facilities for testing have been fairly half-assed. I think a legit effort was made for a couple of years in the US headed by Farnsworth and some contractors but it ended up flopping when funding ran dry. The idea is that by providing a proper facility for testing we'll gain more insight into how (realistic) fusion might work. IIRC, this is an experimental model.
are germans even good at being smart and building stuff?
>you will never gas all the undesirables in your country
Why even live?
Thanks, I just spat juice all over.
I thought H-bomb was using fusion?
technically i suppose so, but imagine if you did it with larger atoms
>are germans even good at being smart and building stuff?
Ahmmm, what?
Absolutely kosher, halal, approved and kurwa.
Fusion is not working as we expect it,because we try to model what the Sun does.
The catch is,the Sun doesnt do exactly what we believe it does.
Solving fusion cant occure without solving what the Sun actually is and what it exactly does.
what show is this from?
Germany is loaded with cucks and "muh gene pool" fags but they are most definitely VERY good at building and engineering.
>massive electric fences which puts everything on fire who comes closer than 5 meters to the German border
OP of course means a fence to keep people in, not out.
>Implying we didn't already steal the plans
But they dont know how to use that engineering gene.
If there is something germans are naturally good,thats overengineering stuff at ridiculous levels.
Nope. The Wendelstein reactor experiment has been running since the 80s. Its precursor has been the first of its kind actually
>Germany will not share fusion power tech
>pic related is a machine just used for testing
>pic related is funded internationally
fusion-punk cosplay when?
>>pic related is funded internationally
So what?
wtf I love anglo-saxons now.
It does yeah, it fused deuterium atoms in a 3 stage bomb.
Conventional explosions to compress the uranium to supercritical mass for the 1st and 2nd stage, the third stage is surrounded by heavy water which when heated up enough will fuse the atoms and eject exterior electrons for the 3rd stage.
Fair point.
*laugh un tokamak*
Fusion-powered Instant Kebab stands.
I don't need a star in a jar I need Merkel dead.
Doesn't even include Beyerdynamic headphones
You call yourself a German nationalist??
Wait is that the real reason why germany import all this 3rd world immigrants?
To use them as their power supply for their weapons in order to kill every kike on earth?
theyve been building this since ww2 when they tested it on the jews to vaporize them instantly in camps.
There s is pretty interesting actually. What's the projected output of a power plant based on fusion?
About 6,000,000 Judawatts
So germany is creating the GECK.
What the fuck are you talking about? We know exactly how fusion works. We just don't have materials that can handle the temperature and pressure required for a sustained reaction.
EU wants to create "Fortress" territories within the EU.(The EU Army would be involved).
This is due to the Islamic Caliphate possibly being formed/done to most of Europe.
((((Star)))) in a jar
True, that's where the bodies went
>About 6,000,000 Judawatts
You mean 1.3 Jiggawatts.
uses a fission reaction for the fusion reaction
pure fusion bombs are a meme, I think we only use fusion in our nukes because it's a cheaper way to increase yield, but it also irradiates the fuck out of everything
>Wait is that the real reason why germany import all this 3rd world immigrants?
>To use them as their power supply for their weapons in order to kill every kike on earth?
No, fusion power is run on deuterium, lithium, beryllium, tungsten etc. - not really in people.
that is very tongue in cheek fucking nice
That's correct, they have to use magnetic fields to contain the plasma because it's so hot it will burn anything it contacts.
The problem is how do you keep feeding it material and keep the reaction going without interrupting the magnetic field. At the same time you have to be able to harness the energy being released.
It's possible and I think we'll eventually figure it out, but it's complicated as all hell. It's always just "20 years away", but I'll be surprised if it happens in my lifetime.
In the mean time I wish we'd invest more in fission, specifically newer designs like LFTR. Wind/solar as a primary energy source is a meme.
>>pic related is funded internationally
It is not. It costs 1.2 billion and 0.007 billion comes from the US.
That is part of the issue. To keep the plasma travelling in a consistent circle through the magnets is a challenge in itself.
can you make a big bomba with this?
Oooo 1.2 billion arent you a big spender.
You think you know how fusion works.If you knew how it works you would produce more energy than its required to fuse stuff.
You know,the americans created a working fusion reactor once.That worked too,regardless the fact that it used hidrogen bombs going off in an underground cave filled with water and used the steam generated by the exposions heat to create electricity.
Even if you solve how you can sustain a fusion process taking energy requirements out of the question - in/out efficiency - you still dont know how to make usable electricity with an efficiency thats better than even burning wood in a steam engine.
Everything is much more simple than you believe it.
Why does it matter when Europe is on the verge of collapse? IIIrd Reach was ahead in nuclear weapons too, but did it bring Europe any concrete value?
you make me choke on my joint
thats not that problem, thats been solved since 1951 at the inception of its design
>massive electric fences which puts everything on fire who comes closer than 5 meters to the German border to fusion powered trains and a fusion powered massive European robot army