Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds

Even Science thinks "Aryans" are inferior


>White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots, a Cornell University-led study finds.
>They also found that Europeans had many more possibly harmful mutations than did African, which was a surprise.
>It's been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

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We Swedes knew this long before any other white country did.

Success breeds jealousy.

Funny how all that physical superiority still didn't help invent the wheel...

Have your genetics, I'll have my job.

if your going to play the race card, then you will also see that asians and whites are smarter than blacks. although i dont think the difference in any race is worth writing home about.

You're assuming that "weak" genes means "inferiority."
It actually implies the opposite.
"Weaker" genes means you're more prone to evolve as your environment changes.
"Strong" genes means they're literally fuckin Apes.

I don't need science to tell me what I already know. It's undeniable, that most blacks are stronger while the average white male looks like this.

You didn't read the article did you

Trying to troll Sup Forums because I think Sup Forums is trolling you

Who needs the wheel when you have amazing abs?

fake news

>implying physical strength matters when the meek have guns

>"Weaker" genes means you're more prone to evolve as your environment changes.


This really only applies to Americans, you mad fuckers selectively bred them for physicality for hundreds of years, go to the Congo and see how strong they are.

>Invented next to nothing
>Brains > Brawns

Great job. You're stronger than us. And you're completely stupid too.

You're like fucking orcs. Mindless and fucking retarded, but strong.

>throw spear fast
>invent nuclear bomb

>Blacks Genetically Weaker than Chimpanzees, Study finds

Even Science thinks "Blacks" are inferior

lets all post our bait memes.

So does that make is cool for me to say the average nigger is dumber than the average white now?

*alert* read the article or get baited *alert*

Fucking repeat study of shit we already new. Africans are more diverse. genetic bottlenecks leaving africa.

Nothing new here. The Market decided you you are stronger centuries ago - that's why you were the preferred farm equipment.

if you spend your life running and lifting youre going to be stronger than other "races".

someone that can erase a whole continent with the push of a button fly in planes , drive cars and buy your niggerwife on the internet with cheetos will be physically less cut.

woah what a surprise.
muscles cant stop sharp objects , explosions or bullets.

it´s time to take the technologypill and drop exercise into replacing flesh with hard plastic / metallic enhancements.

And this whitey will still beat the shit out of your black ass. Genetics don't have shit on lifting for 10 years.

>all these retards itt trying to downplay the importance of physical strength even though that had nothing to do with the fucking article

Gr8 b8, OP.

Hey OP race is a social construct okay

>genetically weaker

Meaningless. Blacks have more disabilities and diseases than whites.

why post a pic of a man who is on bodybuilding drugs?

THIS STUDY IS ABOUT THE STRENGTH OF GENES not physical strength you absolute idiot. whites absolutely blow blacks away in all strength sports

>War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.

dumb faggot

Literally fake news.

>buy your niggerwife on the internet with cheetos


>Genetically Weaker

What a loaded phrase.. The entire study is about harmful mutation and genetic recession.

Of niggers are going to have less recessive genes because they have remained relatively unchanged since homo-erectus.

Those genes have been able to propagate for hundreds of thousands of years while whites are a newer and more superior breed of humanity who's "recessive" genes will become more dominant as our race breeds within itself for successive generations.

Whites are the majority of cucks and suicides. Of course they're weaker. Only neo-Adolfs too busy praising "muh pure gene pool" can't accept this.

A study also found that chimpanzees too are, on average stonger than.... OH WAIT

Wait. So you're AGAINST exercise?

The fuck is wrong with you?

"white americans"



>study of 35 people
>making gross generalisations
>basically worthless

It's a fucking shame people can now hide their Canadian flags from sight.


i think OD Wilson and john gamble are the only blacks on there


You have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Leaf tier shitposting
>Human genetic diversity is shaped by both demographic and biological factors and has fundamental implications for understanding the genetic basis of diseases. We studied 938 unrelated individuals from 51 populations of the Human Genome Diversity Panel at 650,000 common single-nucleotide polymorphism loci. Individual ancestry and population substructure were detectable with very high resolution. The relationship between haplotype heterozygosity and geography was consistent with the hypothesis of a serial founder effect with a single origin in sub-Saharan Africa. In addition, we observed a pattern of ancestral allele frequency distributions that reflects variation in population dynamics among geographic regions. This data set allows the most comprehensive characterization to date of human genetic variation.

They define strength by genetic diversity. The majority of American blacks are mixed with Europeans so of course the study would say they are "stronger."

And then they extrapolate that and say that Africans are stronger than Europeans because they are more genetically diverse and that Europeans have more genetic problems than Africans. Africans have literal diseases that exist only within themselves.

>low intelligence
>low agency
>high aggression
>can't work in groups
>easily outwitted
have fun lifting weights in prison jamal

More proof that boomernews is for cuckolds.

>m-muh inventions
YOU, personally didn't invent anything either, a small group did.

This is purely because of black skin color makes your muscles look bigger

>It's been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

That's actually been proven false now.

Great, another thread where it turns out the average poster here has an understanding of biology equivalent to Liquid Snake.

>Study shows WE WAS KANGZ
>Study shows blacks are smarter then whites
>Study shows blacks live longer then whites
>Study shows blacks are better are traveling at whites
>Study shows blacks are better actors then whites
>Study shows blacks are tougher then whites
>Study shows blacks are better workers then whites
>Study show blacks are the best race

Give it a rest, theirs a study that proves everything if they believe in it and don't challenge it.

You just invalidated your argument, humanity developed in Europe.

Name one world's strongest man or powerlifting champion that is not white. I will wait.

study finds theyre less intellegent and cant create functioning societies. so who cares?

wtf I hate white people now

Genetically weaker=/= physically weaker. It means that the gene pool of Europeans is smaller, which isn't saying much because the human gene pool as a whole is one of the most inferior in the entire animal kingdom. A single troop of chimpanzees has more genetic diversity than the entire human population combined, including "muh Africans". The only people that would read that much into this are retards who lack any formal background in chemistry, genetics, zoology, biology, or anthropology. I.e., beta cucks who went to school for interpretive feminist dance therapy.

Tfw every single weight lifting record is held by a white guy.
Really makes you think.

You at least must have a brain, in order to be retarded

Whites have dominated the globe.
The only way blacks can be "equal" is to have positive discrimination in their favor.
Jews have managed mass success.

Doesn't sound like it to me user.

>study from 2008

using a study 10 years old let me kek at you buddy

It's an old article by almost a decade. Most has already been proven false.

I study this type of thing so I know a lil bit.
You guys are hung up on the words "weak" and "strong" that's a misinterpretation for how genetic mutation works.
Nigger don't know how to read.

But I thought race was a social construct and we're all equal?

Is that not what you dumb liberals believe?

The world's strongest men year after year are white. Whites dominate the long tail in strength despite the averages. It's similar to how whites dominate the long tail of geniuses over Asians. Whites on average dominate wilderness bushcraft and outdoors survival in all climates. It requires high intelligence, high endurance, and stable organization, causing more Caucasians to explorer the world.

>I realize op was bait, this is just an FYI



>White Americans are both genetically weaker and less diverse than their black compatriots
Stopped reading there...

Holy shit did you trigger a bunch of faggots with that
Yet it's absolutely true, higher intelligence individuals need less physical fitness to reproduce, and a few generations makes a trend
Same reason Jewish men rule the world despite being ugly weak manlets at much higher risk of mental illness

BREAKING: gorillas stronger than humans

>Cornell University
Credibility lost

I'm pretty sure that the Soros' Open Society is linked with that Universities, and scientists.

>genetically weaker

Well no shit. American blacks were selectively bred to be work horses for 300 years. Whites were largely malnourished and fighting off typhus.

>It's been known for years that all non-Africans are descended from a small group, perhaps only a few dozen individuals, who left the continent between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago.

Not anymore: washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2017/05/22/ape-that-lived-in-europe-7-million-years-ago-could-be-human-ancestor-controversial-study-suggests/?utm_term=.a0011b189166

you mean abdul breeds your wife.

>unarchived clickbaiters

The strongest blacks are American ones. We bred them like damn race horses. Oh Jamal is pretty strong and hasn't had many health problems let's breed him and sell his offspring for top dollar. Americans had African slaves for roughly 3,000 years and that's enough time for selective breeding to take course.

So true


Gorillas are stronger than whites too, it doesn't mean they are human. The same goes for niggers.

>Even Science thinks "Aryans" are inferior
News announced via machine that no white could ever have invented in a million years.

Use some lateral thinking

Strongman is mostly white because
a) You need to be tall as fuck and whites are the tallest race
b) it is a sport only popular in white countries + is a niche sport compared to football

We Europeans have a race stronger than the Whites. Celtniggers are our secret wapon.

>although i dont think the difference in any race is worth writing home about.
The average African (IQ: 75) is literally mentally retarded by European (IQ: 100) standards.
It used to that an IQ of 85 was considered retarded, but they changed it to 75 because otherwise to many African-Americans were labeled mentally retarded.
