What is the final red pill?
What is the final red pill?
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explain for me this meme?
Do you know how I know that this is fake?
He uses the word aryan.
to not make abhorrent threads.
The ultimate redpill is that once you've opened your eyes enough you need to leave Sup Forums
Kill everything that isn't white and kickstart a new civilization.
I don't get it
and you probably never will
that this is all just a dream of a god and nothing of this is real
The Norman Conquest deflected the Anglo Saxon Race from National Socialism, and incubated liberal democracy.
Also, Spengler was right.
Jews are a competing species of upright hairless ape.
Can I get some sauce
KB threads(They get swarmed by Loser Shills & the OP's alone are important to look at):
Different perspectives during sex.
The realization that you are 100% alone in this world and that collective identity is an illusion.
What will you do, knowing that it is only you and that nothing else but you is real?
>implying you can escape
Thx for the read, do you have some vids about this?
>she has her eyes covered by her arm
>sees anything but her arm
We are nothing but bacteria compared to the size of the universe
>What is the final red pill?
when you realize that your life and the lives of everyone you know are finite and you will die soon. our life span is so insignificant compared to Mother Nature and all the time we waste is time we'll never get back. in essence life is too short. live and love, make a family, and rest easy that you've done your duty.
doesn't matter as long as there is no other life out there or as long as we can't travel faster than the speed of light (through wormholes or whatever). The size of space could be completely ignored imo.
That life is suffering and only by eliminating desire can you escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth.
This is so gay jfc
Not posting nigger memes.
She's a paedophile?
>What is the final red pill?
Tumblr faggot.
The seapill, true freedom is on the seven seas.
there is no final redpill
there is only the final solution
Try pasing it on to your kids.
O shit....you cant.
You are biological failure or have that cat-gey parasite.
Wrong. If universe is infinite big, you are infinite small.
I see you're interested in how it works. I have 5 children: 4 daughters and 1 son (15 months). I'm married but my wife knows I'm redpilled. Therefore she allows me to turd-thump my boyfriends. The ultimate red-pill is homosexuality because nothing will be a greater paradigm shift.
Arr, ye be right me matey.
your son will grow up surrounded by 5 cunts and a faggot, good job lad
Jews are the real master race
The most precious possession in this world is your own people. And for those people, and for the sake of those people, you must never tire, and never weaken, and never despair.
Hate makes you weak and bitter while love inspires and strengthens you. Never strike down your enemies in hatred, but instead out of love of the things that they seek to destroy. Everything you do must be for your people and their future. Your wants, your hobbies, your dreams are all secondary to the needs of your own blood and culture. The only thing you should be afraid of is your people and culture being lost forever. Only in death does your duty to your folk end.
Not starting threads with shitty facebook/twitter images.
Nice larp.
>5 kids in poland
>posting of Sup Forums
You are just sad pice of shit faping to trap porn.
Im not agry at you.
Nobody is in control
No it's just that your face looks ugly in that position. You can try it with your phone.
This guy's entire life has been a mistake
when she is covering one eye and have one eye in the red pillow, it creates an optical illusion of the guys face with a red hat, its also symmetric since one of her eyes are covered. its also a metaphor for the kid she will get after. This picture makes no sense
racism is just plain stupid and if you don't like it, i don't give a damn
That girl in pic is Japanese though
Human desire is futile, illogical, directionless, and, by extension, so is all human action in the world.
When did the kekistan shit become a thing? I remember pepe memes all during trump campaign and after election, but not this "kekistan" shit. I was away the last two weeks, did it happen that fast? Is this some jew psyop?
The same happend to anonymous after people started making documentaries about it. it gets mainstream and then it gets uncool and some Sup Forums board invents a new thing. my cents is on r9k for the next thing
Not the ultimate red pill but it's definitely up there
Self sufficiency and living off grid.