Kekistan Cringe Thread
Kekistan Cringe Thread
stop fucking posting this u faggot
> divide and conquer
GTFO shareblue. Praise kek
bumping this red pilled thread
kekfags must go back to #reddit
*teleports behind you*
STFU libtard
Best reaction pic for this?
Honestly the most cringy thing is how often people make these threads. This is literally beta-orbiter tier cringe on your part due to the amount of obsession.
ITT: lazily baiting eachother
I see nothing wrong with this. Just some fellow pedes having a good time.
Bless you brother, may you find your way soon.
Let's not overdo these threads. Slow and steady. In the meantime mine some new pictures from twitter and instagram searching for popular alt-right keywords.
Do they even realize that the Kek flag is in the same style as the Reich flag?
do you look like the guy in that pic or something lmao
>implying a nigger like you was ever one of us
you're retarded lol
Seems based
I'm it even sure anymore. At first I thought it was pretty clear everyone knew that. Now not so much.
Where did this come from? I hope it's fake
>BASED trannies
trannies are mentally ill jesus christ
Are you a lanky manlet by any chance?
(((You))) have to go back, fuckin commie shill.
Cringestan has its uses, go sort out your own pink haired, nose/eye/lip ring disgusting unbathed lazy fat faggot scum side before you say ANYTHING to our goofy little larpers.
please stop. You are just hurting our cause. Vargposting is ok but this isn't ok. Ok? Stop.
Sage his everyone
honestly this is shit tier
it's real
hi shareblue
Fuck off spic. You were never one of us and you never will.
>anyone who disagrees with my autistic views is shareblue/CTR/bots
You're pathetic
Flag shitposting ended days ago.
>Get with it.
So are gays
why do we need a kekistani cringe thread? every single thread on pol has these faggots show up and do it themselves. might as well be the new leafs
Pic related, it's you
This is what BTFO the hillshills and antifa.
I don't think I've ever seen a meme be so thoroughly discredited and made cancerous as the "kek" meme has been.
I mean, I've seen a lot of memes be ruined by normies or plebbitors or whoever the fuck else, but this is a whole new level of cancer.
If you unironically "praise kek" or have a sargon of mossad kekflag, you are quite literally a redditor and need to fuck right off from Sup Forums this very instant.
> Croatia
Opinion discarded
Pic related, it's you.
the niggerkikes getting those sweet overtime shekels.
Jesus Christ what the fuck is this shit? Did normies steal Pepe again?
>implying the opinion of a dirty r t_d redditor plebeian means anything to me
>red pilled
and you go back to xanga you poser faggot piece of shit
Kekistan in a SOA meme and therefore as gay as the porn he posts.
Pro-tip: These threads are made by leftists who are exploiting the Sup Forums/Reddit hate relationship to divide the right-wing. These threads do nothing but transfer power to the left. sage
We MUST bully these faggots into acting fucking normal, jesus christ
Next time try not saving the thumbnail of the google image, you autistic sperg
for kekistan
fucking hilarious, not as bad as those unwashed communists though.
I especially like the kike hat.
>donald pump
I like it
>fucking hilarious, not as bad as those unwashed communists though
You nazis have FARRR more ugly virgin neets on your side.
ahhh THE GRIX!
Alexander was Macedonian!
>I'm a nazi
No, I'm an American. One of my grand fathers battled the Nips, one of my grand fathers battled the Nazis.
Your system has failed again and again. A capitalistic republic won, you lost.
Shill thread. If you hate kekistan so much, then you should do something useful like making racist memes about it. "Le cringe" is 100% concern shilling.
kill la kek yourself
lmao no we don't
Trump truly ruined Sup Forums by allowing you reddit fags to swarm here.
>commie conveniently forgets that the only "successful" application of his ideology had the ugliest possible NEET in charge, and he killed everyone he was close to because he was a paranoid sperg
Bitch I've been here longer than you have, and no I didn't fall for that failure Ron Paul who doesn't actually want to win either.
t. proud kekistanis
The real problem with commies is they are just the same as nazi larpers, there are no more nazis, there are no more real commies. They are just fucking larping.
yeahh this one goes a bit to far.. Cunt is profiting
Your larping is the exact same as their larping. Except you're larping for a team that has a higher kill count.
Stalin wasn't ugly, he was notoriously handsome.
>I've been here longer than you have
No, you really haven't.
If you read my other posts you would know I'm not a pede faggot, you fucking treacherous worm.
You know I seen this pic before but I'm not even mad it looks like fun. why can't we be fun like him?
I don't give a fuck what you are, you're on the right wing. You're a kekfag to me
I hope we get divided from these fucking plebbit fags
Once stolen, always stolen. Pepe's been normie tier ever since he was seen on national TV. And (((kekistanis))) are literal cancer and deserve to be purged
>Y-you're just a shill!
Fuck off and die please, nobody likes you, you are literal atheist neckbeard mt dew dorito cringe tier, commit suicide PLEASE do your parents a favor you worthless fucking NEETs. Sup Forums wants to purge degeneracy? Start with Sup Forums degeneracy, then move on to the western civilization. GENOCIDE ALL THE KEKS
this is absolutely hysterical
that is wrong, even he was self conscious about his appearance, mostly in his weight and his asiatic eyes
You're a helicopter attendant.
>ever since
Newfag please, pepe was stolen by reddit and 9gag like any other Sup Forums meme way before he was a nazifrog. We took him back when we made him a hate symbol but it seems like the normies struck back.
I win
If you hate kekistan, then please read my interpretation and explain where I am wrong.
Also, why would you post >le cringe shilling, instead of making kekistan more racist like it would actually be useful to do?
This is literal kek tier meme jesus fucking christ are you TRYING to make me despise you even more than i already do, which i always think is impossible, but somehow am every time proven wrong?
You're a neet neckbeard virgin
He was on TV long before he was a nazi frog, and about that time he went on plebbit and 9gag, i know what i meant, the nazi frog thing was an attempt by Sup Forums (Sup Forums and /r9k/ combined forces) to make pepe unappealing to normies so they rolled with it, but it ultimately failed since the kek edgelords took it too seriously and formed LE EPIC REPUBLIK OF KEK XD and now pepe's worse off than he was during his 9gag days.
Look whose talking. You aren't better either. Just some spineless chimp that is afraid of being a called a nazi and uses an 99% identical meme ideology.
So if you're a communist and hate everyone on the right then why should we even listen to you? Are you at least the good kind of commie (NazBol), or are you literally in favor of white genocide and islamification?
>we turned a meme into something useful therefore now it's BAD
bet you also shilled against gamergate and pedowood threads
>afraid of being a called a nazi and uses an 99% identical meme ideology.
Not really, nazism would imply chauvinism which i disagree with, and nazism is way too economically right winged for me to ever even consider calling myself a nazi. NazBol is a lot closer to Stalinism than Nazism m80, but this isn't a thread about NazBol, this is a thread about neckbeard keks and the helicopter meme is a neckbeard kek meme and is the most degenerate right-wing meme currently in existence.
>So if you're a communist and hate everyone on the right then why should we even listen to you?
Because this is what everyone on Sup Forums looks like
Immediately disregarded. Shut your fucking mouth you fake nationalist scum. Communists deserve a bullet or a trip over the fucking ocean to be dropped in.
>tfw I'm actually /fit/ and have been for years now
Bolshies are either noodle-armed nigger lovers or rotund mentally ill fags.
>Trump truly ruined Sup Forums by allowing you reddit fags to swarm here.
>he would rather have hillary clinton be elected than redditers come to his sekert club
You just sound like antifa not a duginist.
oh boy
What do you look like?
>>tfw I'm actually /fit/ and have been for years now
Does your mom drive you to the gym and everything?
Just roll with it bro, no meme has had an impact like this. It might be some serious metaphysical religion-tier thing we've uncovered.
Does your mom drive you to your drug dealer? Or did she kick you out of the house for being a failure at life
nice try cocksucker, I wont become a kekistani plebbitor just because you want me to >Implying you arent equally pathetic with your meme ideology nobody wanted for the last 70 years
fuck you 3MB picture.. be more considerate please