Is masturbation morally wrong?
Is masturbation morally wrong?
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Yes, and I do it multiple times a day.
>things you do to yourself
Not morally wrong.
If you keep doing it frequently there are negative consequences for your health though.
>She'll never put you over her knee and spank you
Why live desu senpai
depends on how you do it
no hands cum with a black dildo up your ass is Jesus approved
The things you do to yourself may effect how you treat other people.
So. Yeah. Absolutely.
Enjoy having your cock chopped off by commisar jamal.
>If you keep doing it frequently there are negative consequences for your health though.
Redpill a brotha
no but it is the surest method to corrupt your soul
wilhelm reich was a disgusting pervet "pyshoanalyst" and he explained how he was trying to get a young girl patient to open up sexually to him (seriously) but that her habit of prayer somehow prevented this
once he encouraged her to masturbate, her private time became about fullfilling her desires instead of about reaffirming her values, and so she devolved
tl;dr: masturbation is the polar opposite of prayer. you don't need to NOT EVER FAP, but regular fapping is probably the worst thing you can do for your soul
I have wet dreams regularly
I don't masturbate and last time I had sex with 3 years ago
perfect timing, yo
-increased risk of testicular cancer
-lower energy
-if you fap to porn you will find it harder to get erect to RL women
We really need to get rid of you retards.
ye I wank 400 times a month. You telling me I'ma die for loving my beautiful body?
>increased risk of testicular cancer
Citation needed.
My friend, anything can be morally wrong or morally right. That's the whole point.
If you think viewing masturbation as wrong improves your life, do it. If you think others should be made to follow the sense of morality derived from your subjectively experienced reality, do that.
Don't ask us. You faggot.
No, but Porn weaponizes it & makes people degrade themselves.
Interesting. I'll experiment. Go without doing it for two months and see if there's a difference.
I lost a testicle to cancer and the doc told me that masturbating increases the risk my other testicle will get it
I've read that regular masturbation (once a week) helps reduce your chance of prostate cancer.
Consumption of pornography is of course morally wrong and incredibly degrading to the human spirit, and excessive masturbation is of course glutinous and indicative of faulty character, and should be avoided.
when I first started fapping, I remember getting so horny to Lucy Pinder. Kinda grown out of her but still...
>My friend, anything can be morally wrong or morally right.
wrong. truth is not subjective
I quit fapping and started having wet dreams a month later. I woke up and shot few feet of sperm went in the air and I thought it was piss. Absolutely fucking disgusting. I force myself to fap at least once every two weeks.
wait, people unironically believe in the existence of a soul?
I see a lot of conflicting reports on it.
Sup Forums tells me that not wanking will give me some kind of super human Übermensch change.
Yet, my doctor tells me it's perfectly healthy and in fact not doing it could be detrimental to my health.
Should note that my doctor's last name is Wagner. Which is German for wagon maker and a common Jewish last name.
Sorry about that, but that's probably because of you have a genetic defect in your testicles.
Not regular ejaculating is actually increases your risk for prostate cancer, but better to lose your prostate than your last testicle I suppose.
>going to (((doctors)))
crazy, no?
That is a good point. How you perceive truth, however, is subjective.
Truth is can be subjective.
Everyone interprets the truth differently. So, as the information of what the truth is/was. It becomes distorted and ill defined.
What would be the correct is, collective truth is neither the real truth or the false truth. Instead, it's a grey area that is swayed by the opinions of the collective.
Individual truth is also neither a real truth or a false truth. But as well a grey area swayed by that individual's opinions.
Why would it?
You can masturbate 1/week and help your prostate. I would avoid masturbating more tan that though.
>probably because of you have a genetic defect in your testicles
Combination of abnormal levels of stress and a abnormally high-acidity diet (I was having ~4 coffees and 2 beers every day for 8 months)
>things you do to yourself
Morality, for the ancients, was not the "study of how you treat others". Morality was a guide to life, it was about making you a happier person, a better person.
When people start seeing morality as "how you treat others", the end result is this video here:
>Truth is can be subjective.
>Everyone interprets the truth differently.
No no no, these are contradictory. Truth is only objective, but the interpretation is subjective. And that changes everything. How accurately is it your responsibility to perceive? Is a certain level of unaccurate perception sinful? Is it morally wrong?
The answer is no, because you can't perceive anything objective.
>Everyone interprets the truth differently
just because it can be interpreted subjectively does not change its objective quality
>it's a grey area that is swayed by the opinions of the collective.
I'm not saying it isn't pereived as that, or that it can't be promulgated in such a way, but human interpretation does not change the definitive truth. Im not advocating for one monolotich law code or something when i say objective truth, just that ones interpretation of said event doesn't change what actually happened
the point is to make our individual truths come together to distill out the ultimate truth. therefore the more people can be isolated from each other and from reason, the more they are left to create their own "subjective" truths that may not even reflect actual truths
I would do horrible things to her. If she wants to feel dominate before I ruin her she can spark me tho
It is very wrong and sinful but if you eat your sperm god will forgive you.
You're correct in your observations. When talking about morals, however, definite truth doesn't exist, because we aren't using a single set of axioms to find it.
Although a cool and idealistic concept, there is no objective truth that can be formed out of subjective truths, or set of values that can apply to every subjectively experienced context. Subjective truths are derived from how you interpret the objective truth. There is no right or wrong way to interpret this as long as you're being honest to your own experience.
>morally wrong
Fuck no
It may be unhealthy if done too often but that's a personal issue; anyone who thinks you shouldn't touch your pee pee because "muh morals" is a sanctimonious cunt.
Whatever you do to yourself you do to God. Especially when it comes to sperm.
>Christianity in a nutshell
I see what you did there
Would killing yourself be insignificant loss of Godhood in God's eyes then?
>There is no right or wrong way to interpret this as long as you're being honest to your own experience.
that's where I disagree
I understand that people make their own truths in relation to their situations, and denying that their truths are relfections of the ultimate truth is not meant to deny any suffering they may feel as irrelevant, it's just that, and maybe this is just opinion, there IS A WAY for all truths to line up, even if it is not a monolithic ideal everyone must believe in, but simple a guiding principle that protects our autonomy and "soul" (corny I know)
>definite truth doesn't exist, because we aren't using a single set of axioms to find it.
right, but if we could definitively prove that some axioms are formed simply to be absolving and comforting then we can do away with them and rely on one or a small amount of axioms with which to derive truth
Well, unfortunately.
Objective truth is often a hard a hard people to shallow. Swaying the opinions of the collective to distill out the ultimate truth is impossible when the collective is following their own interpretation of the truth.
Furthermore, the more the objective truth becomes more ill defined in a collective. Then the harder it becomes to sway the opinions of the collective.
those are all real challenges, but the alternative to facing them is we let society crumble around us because we didn't want to tell people something they didn't want to hear
as long as your not fappung to yiff
There is a right and wrong way of living life.
It may be difficult to find it for sure, but abandoning reason and saying "every way of life is correct" is terrible.
Personal issues are moral issues, dumbass.
Da fuq??
>le god is real meme
back to r*ddit
Porn = Communism
Sex = Capitalism
Consistent long term use of pornography diminishes dopamine receptors in the brain and actually kills neurons in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain associated with discipline and willpower.
fuck off kid
>that's where I disagree
I knew you would. Because it was the only thing I wrote that not everyone reasonably critical would agree about. I'm not even sure as to whether I agree with it myself as a vague statement like that. Nevertheless, I understand where you're coming from. I like to entertain myself with that kind of mindset too. It makes the sea of information we have amassed seem more meaningful.
>right, but if we could
Theoretically reasonable, but not practically possible now or anywhere in near future. Since we can't know which synthesized axioms about what we like to think as the objective reality truly ARE objectively true, we can't determine which ones are at best false and comforting.
It makes your willpower weaker.
It brings stronger degeneracy addiction to your body.
It's was promoted along with porn by communist jews, for the break down of the community 'dictatorship' of morality.
It's for destroying the natural fascist elements of the individual:
“The reactionary of any kind condemns sexual pleasure because it stimulates and repulses him at the same time. He is unable to solve the conflict within him between sexual demands and moralistic inhibitions. The revolutionary refutes the perverse, unhealthy kind of pleasure, because it is not his kind of pleasure, because it is not the sexuality of the future, but the sexuality which results from the conflict between instinct and morals, the sexuality of authoritarian society, a debased, smutty, pathological sexuality.”
So yes, in multiple contexts, it's morally wrong.
It's not to yourself, if it was promoted by a specific political group into another political group, for the benefit of the first and the decay of the second. A political weapon for political benefits.
>Objective truth is often a hard a hard people to shallow.
You fucking try swallowing a gulp of air. Of course it's hard.
>There is a right and wrong way of living life.
This statement does not provide any substance that can be argued for or against. Right for whom? Right to whom? Right why? Right how? Your claim is empty.
>It may be difficult to find it for sure, but abandoning reason and saying "every way of life is correct" is terrible.
More vague concepts and words. You need to become more self-aware and start conceptualizing the things you experience in order to learn to refer to them in a more precise way that can be fully understood by others.
I'm not saying every way of life is correct and I agree stepping as low as that would be terrible. I'm saying the subjective experience is everything that anything that matters to the individual because it is everything that exists.
>but not practically possible now or anywhere in near future.
well in our current state, where people are vehement about NOT TALKING TO EACH OTHER, maybe simply talking t each other is how we start aligning axioms
its baby steps and it might be optimistically naive, but I lose sleep over how fucked our idea of truth is, so we gotta start sometime
What if you're in a relationship, and are away temporarily or get aroused while they're asleep etc and only masturbate while thinking of them?
Masturbation and porn are bad for you individually.
It's bad for conservatives.
It's bad for tradition.
It's bad for your nation.
This is not about you milking yourself and finding a free way to numb and drug you down. This is about millions/billions of people milking themselves down, and destroying their collective aggregate willpower down.
Do you think this do not have heavy consequences on all human affairs? Do you think this is not one of the factors for why the world is like it is today?
No, I mean finding objective axioms is at best just technologically impossible at this point. Without it it will always be impossible.
Most of Classical Philosophy dealt with this.
Go read the Classics. Cicero is good, Epictetus is good.
Right and wrong should be seen on the context of your basic common political identity collective: your tribe.
If not your race, your nation, if not your nation, your family, if not your family, yourself.
Masturbation is bad for the self, it destroys willpower, and it corrodes the strength to guide oneself towards a more meaningful life and higher goals.
If you don't have much, like a NEET loser, masturbation is a contributing factor that keeps you in the gutter. Down the frequency that you jack off, try to bring it to zero.
Help yourself.
Or if you want a modern book, there is "After Virtue" by Alasdair MacIntyre, specially the first few chapters that are pretty good.
>Prostate Cancer
Isn't there a statistic that actually outright disproves this because there's no actual logic behind retaining something your body gets rid of naturally anyways?
So what you're really doing is self gratification and you seek to justify it with jewish memes.
>This is not about you milking yourself and finding a free way to numb and drug you down. This is about millions/billions of people milking themselves down, and destroying their collective aggregate willpower down.
this faggot gets it
Anyone who prays is an idiot and deserves to be treated like sheeple.
Fapping is the most morally acceptable sexual behavior. Bringing an (unwanted) kid to this hell because of dick is egoistic, unsustainable and financially risky.
You are literally sinning with your dick if you indulge in this pre-programmed animal behavior called sexual reproduction.
strat this at 1:26 for relevant info, also pic related is a fantastic read if this kind of stuff concerns you
Why do you keep making these threads?
>the edge
I fap once or twice a day some times three times if I am bored enough then when my wife gets home I fuck her.
its an important topic
Sup Forums used to be concerned with degenracy before all these reddit fags showed up
old/pol/ made fun of retarded nofap shit as anti-science garbage created by some christcuck
totally the way a normal well-developed indivdual states a differing opinion
guess this threads over
How would you like me to respond? You are using christian religious norms to try to convince non-christians that fapping is bad.
Birthing you is what was morally wrong. Your parents should be hanged.
Have you ever tried lowering the frequency of masturbation or stopping it totally?
If you had, you noticed an increase of vital energy, and focus, and most importantly WILLPOWER.
What do you think it happens when you lack willpower in your life?
Masturbation won't kill it, but it will diminish it totally. Sum that with being marijuana, other recreational 'light' drugs, booze, long social media usage, no exercises and videogames.
What is the image you see forming?
>muh science
wew lad
christianity is imbued with classical philosophy, the same classical philosophy that essentially created western civilization, if you'd pay attention you might glean that
Please my friend. My mind is tougher stuff than any of that. I have learned nothing by learning philosophy. Fundamentally philosophy is not about learning to think. It's about learning to experience. And that you can do only by experiencing.
how come no one has mocked you yet?
Everything you said is basically pretty bullshit "vital energy" 'focus" when i have nothing else to do I jerk off however if I have to travel or do anything else that requires focus masturbation wouldn't happen. Let me explain something most people on here are neets and really dont' do anything all day so they jerk off. They blame jerking off on there failures and create this situation. The only down side of jerking off is the TIME it uses up in your day. If you have to get something done and you are jerking off you are just procrastinating and its not because of PORN.
oh boy here we go again >2000yrs
Christianity corrupts the mind from believing in tried and true repeatable experiments to believing in some kind of book that was written by jews. Of course RACE IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT! IGNORE THE SCIENCE! FEMALES AND MALES ARE THE SAME IGNORE THE SCIENCE!
Once you learn to give yourself enough nutrition and sleep, the negatives of prolonged daily weed smoking and masturbation becomes insignificant, and the benefits immense.
After starting to eat a high carb diet of potatoes and milk, I spent the next month improvising on piano and became remarkably more intelligent and eloquent. Godlike energy, libido and increased ability for conceptual multi-dimensional thinking
>when you lack willpower in your life
I also want to add that lacking willpower isn't because of jerking off. You already lack it and jerking off doesnt make it any worse. Smoking weed on the other hand makes you fucking retarded.
>oh boy here we go again >2000yrs
wowe. much debate skillz. so smart
just kill your god damn self
sorry m8 i don't debate leftists and I sure as fuck don't debate christians.
>daily weed smoking
>daily masturbation
>insignificant consequences by nutrition and sleep
Well, if you are aiming towards godlike energy and libido, why are you cutting yourself short with fucking marijuana and masturbation?
You are having to nullify part of your effort, instead of elevating yourself further.
Your focus and energy stay low for a big part of your day, not just after masturbating. Just low down the frequency, and you will notice it. Brain gets fuzzy, and consider what else happens when you add big exposure to screens, long hours using internet/social media, no exercise, bad diet, bad sleep, bad mood, etc
It's a aggregate to destroy your spirit, and you won't even notice it, because everything you are doing, is for numbing you down away from reality, but you are locking yourself in the filth.
HAHAHA wow, you must be really smart then
>Your focus and energy stay low for a big part of your day
This is not because of masturbation its is because of other bad habits just jerking off does nothing. However if you take anything to the extreme it is bad.
I'm smart, its a waste of time arguing with Christians and leftists.
Why don't you just accept you can't live without jerking off and that's why you can't possibly understand the benefits of NoFap.
I disagree, high frequency amount of weekly/daily masturbation IS bad and it alone is a big part of destroying mood, willpower, focus and mental clarity.
Just low down your frequency or null it, and you will see for yourself, faggot.
Adding other shit to the mix, only further helps to destroy you.
I know how sex and jerking off are i'm not some fucking virgin I'm fucking married.
this fag is right, I'm at medschool and the days when I fap furiously I just can't possibly be at 100%.
Then go fuck your wife and then pick up a fucking book on how to arguments because they're shit