Share stories of dating liberal feminists here
Dating liberal women pt 2
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That woman is fucking metal
Females react with incoherent rage and hollow smugness whence they are shamed.
This isn't your blog, faggit
What did you do?
sage and report cancer threads.
Where's the whole story?
\m/ (*n* )
Not mine thank God
>saving my screenshots without explicit written consent
fuck roasties
Sorry user it's just too good an example
Sounds like she posted some pictures of her acting like a trashy slut by kissing on her female friends to social media and OP called her out on it.
Hahaha oh wow
feminists are made young.
i listen to a film review podcast, and a '9 year old girl from San Francisco' wrote in to talk about how Wonder Woman changed her life, will inspire more women to fight for their rights, and she especially liked the bit at the end when Wonder Woman was standing strong above all the WW1 soldiers.
Holy fuck okay heres one.
>dating a girl who goes to an all female, hardcore feminist school in the South
>this school used to be where women went to learn to be ladies
>now it is where they learn to hate men
>she had horrifically ugly green hair
>but a pretty face
>pictures of her younger versus pictures of her now made me want to weep
>she went on slut walks
>she thought anyone who supports Trump is a LITERAL FASCIST
>but she has some libertarian beliefs and friends
>her classmates view her as not even being liberal enough
>never, ever, ever talk politics with her
>her room was absolutely disgusting and filthy
>she always smelled like shit
>her feet were fucking rancid
>she had hairy arms
>she was also a neurotic little spazz who was incredibly good at getting me out of the mood
>she leaves and never talk to me again after I disagree on abortion because I was a Christian lolbertarian when I was with her
>miss her 0% the second she left
Its funny, these days I agree with her on abortion but for different reasons of course lmao
women. women never change.
I don't get how you could even fuck something like that. I wouldn't even fuck and chuck faggot. 100% disgusting bitch.
My ex didn't brush her teeth very well, she had plaque caked on her fucking teeth. I couldn't sleep when she was breathing towards my face
This is every fucking girl on tinder or bumble in California
I tell myself that every time I think about it.
She was gross but goddamn its like her nastiness didn't affect her pussy. She quite possibly had the perfect pussy. Its why I stayed with her honestly.
lol I was also her very first. Some fuckin slut walk lmao
Are y'all super ugly or what's your deal? Those women sound physically repulsive, personalities aside
Bitch needs five fingers across her face to calm her hysterical ass down.
>be happy and dating
>I'm kinda conservative, she's kinda liberal
>who cares that's how all women are
>in love
>be happy for a few years
>she starts her work as a professor
>starts to decend into SJW madness
>starts defending kids becoming trans
>starts hating all white people (were both white)
>starts 'teach men not to rape!' shit
>have to unfollow her on ALL social media because I litrally lose respect for her when I see what she posts
>this continues for a few years
>current day
>convinced trump is going to kill her faggot tranny friends
>thinks I'm a asshole for getting angry over constant terrorist attacks
>she went to watch wonder woman the other day AND FUCKING CRIED BECAUSE OF ALL THE LITTLE GIRLS WHO WILL LOOK UP TO IT!
>she's racked up THOUSANDS in debt on credit cards buying Lu La Roe clothes from her dumbass fat feminazi friends
>long since stopped caring about her weight and is a good 60lbs over when we married
>refuses to do anything about it, drinks soda all day, eats fast food for alsmot even mean EVEN WHEN I COOK FRESH HEALTHY FOOD EVERY FKIN DAY
>I'm almost 30 now and want kids
>the idea of having kids with her scares me, she'd fucking ruin them
>working my ass off to clear CC debt and line up new Apt for myself
>gonna be handing her divorce papers next year
>she has no idea
I hope the cunt likes her feminazi manhating friends, coz she's gonna be alone with them for life soon.
I loved her and the fucking Marxist kikes stole her, they ruined her.... fuck this gay earth
No I'm not. This girl was stricken with moldylocks disease. Absolutely gorgeous until she found feminism (or feminism found her)
I had a girl like that in high school. she made my fucking pillow case reek it was that bad.
The European girls I dated lived like cavemen, and weren't bad looking.
I hope I could ease her into better behavior. Didn't work. She was very pretty and was raised Catholic so I thought there was hope of bringing her back
If you weren't a beta cuck this whore would be a good subservient wife. Women don't think for themselves, they think for whoever the dominant male in their life is.
Sorry lad, but that just isn't you, it's some liberal fuck who's doing a little bit of the ol' in n' out with your girlfriend.
"But user, what do you mean I shouldn't vote ; _ ;"
"I really care about you, don't you care about me and my rights?"
"Is it really not okay that I have friends who aren't White or Asian?"
"You've changed so much user, just come have a beer with me and we can talk about it."
She will not realize what she has done until she sees you with a new, feminine 20 year old girlfriend. Then she will know.
I want to know what started it all ;^(
he's failing at dating a liberal
feminist secretly what a male chauvisnt pig to tell them what to do.
I want to know too tbqhf
Nigger please. I didn't give a fuck about this bitch
Yeah, that's gonna feel pretty good.
She's almost 30 too, she's now overweight and her personality is ugly AF. She won't be able to attract anyone but betas and bottom feeders.
I'm in shape, decent looking and a BritBong immigrant with a seeet accent that makes women weak at the knees. I'll have my choice of women to start a beautiful wholesom family with.
Can't wait user
>used to date hardcore feminist
>9/10, thicc and could tap that any day. both high libido but she was the one who called the shots in bed
>only stayed in relationship for the booty
>had to pretend to be interested in women's studies and shit
>had to hang around with her LGBTQ friends
>had to listen to their type of music (edgy indie music funded by (((them))) )
>had to smoke weed constantly (not really a problem) because liberals believe in legalization and whatnot
>had to give up my gun (all i did was just hide it and said i sold it for $500)
>no dark humor because she's really sensitive (no rape jokes, murder jokes, etc.)
sometimes i question if it was worth it. but then i'm reminded that we had sex like four times per day, 20 minutes per session, with her practically flooding the bed with how wet she got
My wife has a liberal friend who literally had to have her mom come over once a week to clean her house because she "never learned how." Also spent 100% of her income on stupid shit and her mom had to pay for her necessities.
Her Mom got too old to keep cleaning her 30 year old daughter's house and paying her bills when she actually had a decent job and just straight moved without informing her daughter of it.
Bitch was at our house 3 weeks later in hysterical tears begging that we clean her apartment and asking for money. She was still 100% dependant on others to care for her at age 30.
Went to her house to figure out what exactly she was so hysterical about.
The horror...... the horror........
you have to go back
Yeah best of luck to you, that's the right attitude to have
If you don't care about the girl tell her to fuck off and be done with it. Or you can keep trying to look like a tough guy on Sup Forums (it's not working), either way you're a faggot.
Here are all of my stories of dating feminists:
There aren't any because I'm not a eunuch
That will work out about as well as giving a hoarder more useless shit.
Jesus fucking Christ dude. I'm sorry if you still love her but you need to go ahead and leave now instead of waiting next year because it will only get worse.
This is best thing and when you find someone who shares your morals and values you will forget about her completely. No child should ever have a mother who hates them for who they are.
Where you went wrong is you let her get to old and her childless hormones ruined her mind.
Get and new chick in her low 20's and impregnate.
Where is the part where you divorced her?
This happened last year. I saved the screenshots to laugh and share with all my internet friends
Nah, I'm a white, hard working, freedom loving patriot.
I'm never leaving the glorious USA!!! Sorry that upsets you Mohammed.
Thanks user, chin up and all that!!
>no rape or murder jokes
Dude how did you do it.
Also get that kekistan shit off your flag
So not only are you using Sup Forums as your personal blogging space, but you're using it for shit that happened over a year ago?
You are pathetic.
>this people actually exist
jesus christ what the fuck
Every one of them I ended up with later told be they were unironically raped at some point in their lives, usually while they were little or into middle school. Afterward they either pretended to be gay or turned really slutty. Some of them argued really viciously with me as like our first conversation but after they calmed down told me all their darker secrets out of the blue. I broke up with one that wanted to become a guy over it.
They all had domination and abuse fetishes too and their leftists bullshit was kinda a tsundere facade if you got past it and they're surprisingly more normal than you think though I don't recommend them obviously.
Clearly a virgin troll, ignore
I don't love her anymore, she's not even close to the woman I married.
I don't have much choice in waiting, thanks to her dumbass spending I'm not in a position to get a place on my own etc.
Sadly the timeframe can't change. But I'll find me a good woman once it's done, and we can start a wholesom family.
That's the plan
>have friend I met 11th grade
>he's in 10th
>quickly become buds
>be best friends for about 6-7 years
>go through everything together
>relationships, car accidents, getting stranded, etc
>always close as fuck even when dating
>gets depressed after he breaks up with a girl that had huge daddy issues
>meets 'the one'
>go on double dates
>can tell right away she's a stuck up bitch
>meet her mom
>raving lunatic, obese, has a ten year old son at 53
>he doesn't see any of the signs
>marries her
>they have a kid
>she starts becoming her mom
>morphing right before my eyes
>he's miserable as fuck
>has never been receptive of the redpill
>but a really good guy
how can I help my friend out without dropping full blown redpills? He's not strong enough for that yet. 10+ years of friendship and he's going down in flames but won't listen to reason
it's your responsibility to fuck feminists into proper ladies, douchebag
lol the hypocrisy, after all that shit she just said
>when yo dick game 11/10
What do you think this thread is lol
Dread game is the most powerful game
I hope he didn't reply to her
she got lazy, checked out and stopped competing in life
she will not just whine and cry her way through life
also the crying she does....emotionally unstable bro...
It's coming user. Only recently made the final decision to end it for real.
Things have to be put in order, need a place lined up, need debt gone, need to afford a good lawyer.
It's coming..
Some people were put in this earth bu god to be misserable user, there is nothibg you can do
I assumed you were the OP, didn't bother checking ID's. Thought you were in charge of the whole deal you fucking cuckboy
you tolerated her shit opinions brah
its partly your fault
real men tell their women what to think
I didn't ;)
This girl was literally unfixable. Have you ever dated anyone with actual mental issues? It's the wrong move 100% of the time regardless of what gay rom coms tell you
>need debt gone
why? it's 50% hers by law lol
M8 enjoy visiting the maury show 1 year after you divorce her
Why are they all ugly and look like they have baggage in that picture?
I've dated a lot of liberal bitches. The biggest hurdle is the cognitive dissonance honestly.
However, the great thing about them is they love a hard cock and a guy who doesn't take any shit off of them. They're only good for temporary pussy on tap but they'll work in a pinch if you just want a throwaway girlfriend for a few months.
>Have you ever dated anyone with actual mental issues?
every women ever
>Have you ever dated anyone with actual mental issues? It's the wrong move 100% of the time
Can confirm, never date anyone who has been involuntarily committed either. Can't fix crazy.
No he just saved my screenshots. I post them every once in awhile in these kind of threads cause they're objectively fucking hilarious. Plus they're good for warning people
>they're surprisingly more normal than you think
Definitely not
Same shit, different continent.
>20 minutes per session
Good luck mate.
>I didn't ;)
Not replying is actually better for literally everyone.
It forces the woman to actually use some introspection for once and examine their own behavior because they're finally not getting what they want.
People respond to incentives, sometimes we have to remind other people of that through forced disassociation and social ostracization.
i generally have a lot of patience and once again high libido
sex relieved a lot of pressure in our relationship but as it grew i kinda missed being me
now my current gf and i (8/10) are together, also high libido. sex is not as great (still good) but i don't have to worry about what i say around her because she knows who the fuck wears the pants.
Dont listen to the virgins whove never been married. Im in a decent marraige now but like any guy I always think "what if I had to ditch all this." Watched my dad and my uncle divorce recently.
That shit aint no joke. Youre doing the right thing biding your time and making sure your bases are covered.
Dont act until you can move all at once. When you move remove any personal assets to an unreachable location as swiftly as possible. Move out, get yer lawyer to serve her the papers for you. Dont ever meet with her after this without a lawyer present. Sever everything and run like hell.
Good look user, and god speed.
Woman like that will drag you down
Go for boipucci
>had a single tinder date with a feminist
>admits she's still a virgin
>claims she's pansexual
>is into niggers
>wants to watch Game of Thrones but is afraid it'll trigger her
>later admits that she has autism
I've noticed that crazy libshit girls love to sass at you through text but refuse to have a face-to-face discussion. Children, the lot of em.
you're a man. "nearly 30" is fine. you have plenty of time. dump her roastie ass.
Well I still hooked up with her a couple more times after that but I wasn't gonna be her friend or any gay shit. Plus I called her a skank to her face the last time and haven't heard from her since so I'm pretty sure I'll never see her again, assuming she hasn't killed herself yet
Was she hot?
Nothing annoys a woman more in an argument than you remaining calm and logical and not degenerating to their level.
Let me guess .. she studied at Leuven?
>close friends with a bisexual girl
>she usually dates guys but was currently seeing a girl
>girlfriend is full dyke, talks shit about men constantly, calls herself a male name to buck the system, always wants to talk about sjw shit
>Starts to effect my friend who was usually really open minded to jokes and shit
>decide i want my friend back so I start flirting with her openly
>end up stealing her away from the dyke after just one fuck
was pretty cool. We're still dating and she's reverted back to her old ways of being able to take a joke somewhat.
>made fun of the tranny uncle of my ex
>she hit me
>I kicked her ass out
>stalked me for three years after that
Crazy bitch.
>muh dick, crazy liberal literally worst type of woman on the planet but MUH DICK
how can you validate these women with relationships and then bitch like a girl that liberal women are ruining the world? she's thinking, 'oh my views can't be that bad, i have a boyfriend!'
No, she was gonna do some graphic artist shit at Gent
Was her name, by chance, Christine Chandler?
who said i'm bitching
i don't even fucking care much about politics anymore and even though she was sensitive i still cared for her and we both showed true affection for each other