What version of the Bible do you do your personal reading out of?
What version of the Bible do you do your personal reading out of?
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Studying the original languages of scripture and watching debates over the various interpretations.
KJV is my go-to.
The wording is often strange, but that's going to apply to any translation at some point anyway and even if I could read the original languages I'd still need some help interpreting what it really means.
So I start with KJV, let the internet offer me some alternate translations to see if that makes it clear, and then let the internet offer me basically online homilies if I still don't know what to make of it.
Wanted to buy a good bible, I saw KJV and heard a lot about it. I perceived it to be a dutch version so i bought it, but it was not. yet I am happy with that bible. It sure opens more explanations when doing a keyword search online.
KJV, but I cross-reference with the NIV
>i've learned hebrew, aramaic, and ancient greek
nice larping
When did I say that? Apparently studying is the same as already having known something. Nice reading comprehension skills, idiot.
The real one.
>not reading the Douay-Rheims Bible
Heretics begone!
I don't really get the ESV.
It's difficult to read and certainly not easier than the King James Version, but it reads like someone put Koine Greek into Google Translate. I mean if you aren't afraid of a translation requiring a higher reading comprehension level, just stick to the KJV.
i've read the one from the Italian Episcopal Conference,one day i would like to read the bible of the seventy.
How many of you keep the biblical Sabbath?
working full time
right wing
blue eyes
someone carry my seed
That looks like a nice bible user.
What printing version is it? I use a Cameo Reference Bible from the Cambridge University Press.
user. Why.
I prefer posting this of Revelation 19
10 And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.
12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.
13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God
14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.
16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords.
Deutsche Christien 1933 version, Fuhrerprinzip..
I use Douay-Rheims or Ignatius.
Ruled them with a rod of iron. That's heavy man.
Europe has never before been anymore secular.
I don't get this Pagan/Christian rift...both couldn't be in anymore shambles.
Just oozes of a clear D&C effort.
>cross references
>no red text
user I...
I'm personally a fan of NASB and NIV. Usually, when doing a Bible study, I will read both so that I see the literal translation as well as the contextual interpretation of Scripture.
why not
eh i use the bible online anyways so it sprays 10 different translations on the screen anyways
Go to Biblegateway.com it is so easy to switch between translations and compare if that is your desire.
KJV only
I use Biblehub a lot to see what other translators made of the verses. I'm always amazed at how poorly they sound.
because im not a religious retard
KJV almost always has the best translation.
ESV like a true normie
You have to go back.
That's why I start with KJV. Once you understand (or think you understand at least) what it's saying, KJV almost always in the most deft way.
it literally doesnt matter
>it literally doesnt matter
That's what Satan wants you to think my friend.
Which ones do you cross reference with?
Schuyler Westminister in red goatskin.
Textblock is KJV from the Trinitarian Bible Society. Printed and sewn by Jongbloed in the Netherlands.
My favorite Bible. Self pronouncing text is distracting.
i wish that either the greek version or the latin version were the standard.if that was the case we all would be talking latin as a lingua franca
I usually go to biblehub or whatever else and scroll through them without paying much attention to which ones they are. A lot of times it's just oddball wording in KJV and a consensus approach gives me a pretty good idea what it's supposed to mean.
If not, then having looked a handful of unsatisfactory or contradicting translations gives me the starting point to go try to get one or more deeper explanations of what a confusing and debatable part is supposed to mean.
no fedora
I am amazed when biblical studies exist but hardly anyone bother with them
kjv or NKJV
concordance's language is comfy as fuck.
The Kolbrin bible.
It describes the exodus from the Egyptian point of view instead of from the Israelites, and was actually written at the time.
1st edition D&D
Wish my parents had one of those when I was growing up. IIRC the ones the Mormons put in hotels at least have some extra commentary -- not my jam, but fun to flip through if I'm bored in a hotel room.
But these days the internet makes it easy enough if you're just a casual.
Most important thing is to ignore people wo say the KJV is either the best or worst translation.
It's a great translation, but certainly not the best.
I prefer the Oxford annotated NRSV myself.
I mean stuff like biblical scholarship. No one seems interested at the least in them.
NA28 and the BHS faggot
Last night I watched this documentary about why it's KJV or cuckery: m.youtube.com
Kjv ONLY. The Holy Spirit guides my understanding which I supplement through the preaching if Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful word Baptist Church and Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church. I also occasionally listen to men's preaching night at Stedfast Baptist Church in fort Worth in Texas.
It's too bad. I expressed frustration about that once in a christian general and like two people popped up to tell me they do actually exist.
I mean if you're going to take the time to actually read the bible, even if it's just some bit or other for whatever reason, then you really do often need help understanding the context and history and everything.
The story of Moses is the most re-written, remodelled to the standards of the latest Jewish revisers some centuries before Christ. Best to stick to something actually written at the time by the more advanced culture and do away with the Israelite version altogether.
That is the point. Scholarship as long as it isn't the Crossian tier version which is practically not representative of mainstream scholarship is enlightening because they give you insights into the world of the authors and even the ideas and traditions they drew from. It also makes the creation narrative makes more sense
I read the bible once, so how many times do need to read it, till I can quote scripture like some loon?
Couldn't agree more. I don't know why they wouldn't be more commonplace. Even if you want to read some Shakespear it's reasonably common to have a copy with sidenotes explaining the references and implications.
But I guess things as they are are still kind of following the oldschool model where you have a priest class who studies and can even read the bible in the first place and then teaches it to the unwashed masses. Whether it homilies, radio shows, online essays, or threads on Sup Forums of all places where there's an impressive mixture of curious and learned, I guess it's just kind of the modern form of what's always been done.
new american stanard bible.
I have one and only 1 problem with the KJV, it mistranslates Sheol/Hades, Tartarus, and Gehenna.
>steve anderson
lost total respect for any spiritually that guy pretends to have after watching his hindu video. I've been meaning to write a letter on a case study that validates reincarnation with the old testament.
I am not fussy over pastors and priests giving bible studies but if they do put in some material from biblical studies into their homilies and so on, it could at least help make some knowledge of it more widespread.
Sup Forums is probably the worst since there is hardly any effort at exegesis or if there is one, it boils down to trying to play prophecy prediction
Natural rights are only explainable through God.
>The story of Moses is the most re-written, remodelled to the standards of the latest Jewish revisers some centuries before Christ
if this were even remotely true the Torah would have lost all mathematical properties and patterns.
if this were still even remotely possible than the genealogy of genesis 5 wouldn't reflect gods plan for the salvation of mankind, nor cryptically tell about how God would come into the flesh and die for mankind
Sorry to tell you this but it is accepted that the Pentatauch are not written by Moses but by multiple authors. This was actually known in the early days of textual criticism
Evolution is a proven fact christcuck. The only part about it thats not 100% proven is humans evolving from apes
Can't disagree with that. It's a goldmine when you get a priest who can work real scripture and his academic background in to a homily, and in my experience the congregation usually finds that a lot more interesting than something that's just a bunch of feely allegories.
That's why it's kind of neat one once in a while you get some posts on Sup Forums that are at least backed up by some kind of argument. Last night there was a priest who took questions for an hour or two who obviously knew way more than most here.
But if most of the time Sup Forums is just larpers and personal opinions, that's still a clear indication of want for more and probably more good than bad if the unwashed masses are just talking amongst themselves.
>Pentatauch are not written by Moses
NABRE (New American Bible Revised Edition).
I'm sorry to tell you this, but a PHD in mathematics from Harvard ripped apart the Masoretic, and Greek texts, and found some of the most incredible mathematical properties to ever be devised.
Until his death in 1942, Ivan Panin labored continuously on the discovery of numerical patterns throughout the Hebrew language of the Old Testament and the Greek language of the New Testament, often to the detriment of his health. His conclusion was that if these patterns were implemented intentionally by man, the collaboration of all writers of the Bible—stretched over many disparate years—would be required, in addition to the condition that each of them be a mathematician of the highest order.
In 1899 Panin sent a letter to the New York Sun challenging his audience to disprove his thesis that the numerical structure of scripture showed its divine origin.
here's Panin's work presented by someone who was a billionaire in the information technology industries.
There is a huge downside to letting people read on their own and give the advice of doing so and only the bible, it distorts the real meaning of the text and it's message very easily and this can make the bible rather shallow instead of the rich and interesting background and context you get when applying biblical studies into the text. The best way is to actually advise people to consult scholarship when they find something difficult or get them to read some of that as a companion to the bible
At the very least, Moses wrote a part of it or is fundamental to the tradition that these authors or "sources" would then use in the formation of the text
the bible writes history before it happens. Moses wrote how he would disrespect God, how he would be denied enterence to the promised land, how he would die at 120 how God would come down and bury Moses himself, and how Joshua would succeed him.
watch the video i linked you. look over Ivan Panins 43,000 pages on the mathematical properties of the hebrew and greek texts
And by the way, this is a scientifically plausible T. rex, not the outdated, crocodile-like thing creationists like to present in order to discredit the idea that non-avian dinosaurs are related to modern-day birds.
Absolutely, but this is the age of memetic warfare. So if people aren't going to spend time on real study, then Sup Forums is the sort of way they're going to shape their opinions. People don't even click links or google easy stuff for themselves.
So it's obviously going to become a dominating force in information spread, and that's just something all religions are going to have to figure out how best to utilize.
The bible was not meant for you to read, put it to good use and wipe your ass with it.
In my earlier post I said I was referring to the exodus story. more specifically the many contradictions and chronological discrepancies between the Egyptian version and the Israelite version.
Sceptics Annotated Bible
but i already use my hands to clean my ass and they do a perfect job
Someone was able to use the same technique and found that mathematically, Moby Dick can predict future assassinations
Is Moby Dick divinely inspired?
Secondly there is no actual conclusive proof of this as it was never confirmed by anyone else
King James or New King James. I'm certainly no expert but I checked...and the other versions are MISSING VERSES! No they are. They go from like verse 11 to 13 and skip the one verse in the bible that talks about the Trinity.
Not kidding. Look it up yourself on google. It's fucked up. I checked my bibles because I own several, and yep. Sure enough. Skipped several verses. They just don't exist.
But New King James or King James I don't think has this problem.
>lost total respect for any spiritually that guy pretends to have after watching his hindu video.
Dinosaurs became uncool ever since they started with that feather bullshit
Pagans get out. Christian Europe conquered most of the world. Pagan Europe was at best the degenerate Romans and more commonly tribal fucking shits.
This is my Bible
>following marx
is this a bait or you are retarded ?
I read the Douay-Rheims Bible.
>Reading a Scofield bible
no, I'm a gnostic heretic.
the problem with the "egyptian" version is that they pretty much purged all reference to the hebrews. there's only one reference to Israel, and it roughly tells a story of a trimph over a tribe.
>raditional dates for Egyptian pyramids predate Noah’s flood (see chart). Since the pyramids could not have survived a global flood,
this site is a lot of crap, there are pyramids under thousands of feet of ocean off the coast of cuba.
AV & HCSB study side by side.
blue eyes
3 kids
bleeding edge engineering
elder in baptist church
Hinduism is literally worship of Daevas, and their "sacred" texts are corruption of the Avesta and Gathas. Reminder Persian Zoroastrians predicted the birth of Christ, which adds onto the hate Jews have for them.
Trash, (((Dead Sea Scrolls))) are all fake as fuck.
does Moby DIck have a heptatic structure?
can you make the 2 most fundamental irrational numbers Pi, and Euler's number off the same equation in Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1
then it isn't divinely inspired.
I have to admit that they're now way less scarier that they looked back in the 1990s, but it is nonetheless a fact that numerous genera of dinosaurs were feathered, and very likely that feather-like integuments are basal to all dinosaurian groups.
there is no dutch kjv the best thing dutch is the statenvertaling its from 1600 or something