Can't _________ the Cosby

Can't _________ the Cosby.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can't custody the cosby
cant frosby the cosby
cant possibly the cosby
cant ... wtf this is hard

how about bill?

cant shill the bill
can't kill the bill

this is easiest.


Can't schnoz the Cos.

Can't Rototill the Huxtable

Can't Stiff the Cliff

Can't convict the Cosby

How is that not the most obvious

Cant shibbitty-bop the hey, hey, hey.

It doesn't rhyme.

Kek, my side from that one

Can't (((stop))) the Zippity-Bop


>hey, hey, hey

That's Fat Albert.






Can't convict it, the mooncricket

Can't Ruffle Cliff Huxtable


Can't gad the ghost dad

Bill "Quaalude's Will Do, Later We Screw" Cosby

can't pop the puddin merchant

Can't latchkey the Cosby

can't jail the jello man

Can't stop the Puddin' Pop
Can't Jew the Bippity-Doo

Made me laugh/10

Can't flim flam the zim zam Cosby.

For some reason the zimmerman one works here.

Can't countryclub the Bubb Rubb

Bill "cant haul me to jail" Crosby

Can't "Guilty" the Cosby


Roastie can't touch the Cosby

Can't "Hey Hey Hey" on a Cosby lay

Can't stiff the cliff

Bill "swallow this pill, before you take my dill" Cosby

Bill "sweet dreams, now taste my cream" Cosby

Bill "Getting sleepy, time for some peepee" Cosby

Bill "Take a rest while I grope your chest" Cosby

Bill "Have another drink while I explore your pink" Cosby

Bill "Not in the mood? Get ready for ludes" Cosby

Bill "Close your eyes while I caress your thighs" Cosby

Bill "Please go to bed I need some head" Cosby

Bill "Start counting sheep I'm going in deep" Cosby

Bill "Insomniac? That shit is whack" Cosby

Bill "Darkness falls, goodbye blue balls" Cosby

You best be trollin

Can't "Say No" on the Cosby Show

Words that rhyme with Crosby:

Law be
All she
Call me
Before me

Cmon someone make a good one

Bill Cosby voiced fat Albert dipshit

can't kill the bill

Bill "can't deny this D" Cosby

Except he never raped them, and was being smeared because he told blacks to stop blaming whites for their problems and failures.

We predicted this would happen to Trump, too.. and then it did.

Pill Cosby

Can't zip zop zoobity bopsy the woop nobby nibbity Cosby


Thats the winner.

Bill "Probably Cause"-by

Can't collar the Cosby

Good one

Can't probable cosby the Cosby

Bill "just try to stop me" Crosby


Can't Mosby the Cosby

>jews made him bluepill the girls
He fingered those pills into their vagina because he just couldn't wake them up, poor chap he just wanted to help.

Can't plausibly convict the cosby

Can't Mosley the Cosby

Can't "assimilate" the Cosby

>Can't jail the negro man .

Bill "Have a cock and smile" Cosby
If the jello is grape, it can't be rape

Find it hard to believe he did anything wrong. Almost all niggers rape and this guy was basically famous for being a good Christian and a good father and calling out cancerous nigger culture. He got framed by the Obongos.

>Find it hard to believe he did anything wrong.
> Almost all niggers rape
You're not very good at argumentation.

> He got framed by the Obongos.

Can't zip-zop the bobbity-bop

Can't filet my Quade Cosby

I have no proof but I feel it in my gut

oh a rapist nigger who think he is in the right ? antifa would love this blm faggot .....

Can't poz the cos'

Can't see very well the Cosby

Can't Jew the Cosby


>Can't pill the Cosby
>The Cosby pills you
I want to see all those fucking feminazis chimp out.


Can't snooze without my quaalude Cosby

Well, is he guilty?
I'm afraid he is.

4th post best post

this. holy fuck my sides

>Can't Be Free Bill Cosby

>not jello fellow
You almost had it

be unraped by

No one cucks the Hux.

can't low jab the ghost dad



Yeah as if Cosby wasn't himself raped for years by a white establishment that routinely and systematically oppressed African Americans. I see most of the accusers are white. I don't think these women deserve anything.. they are the true rapists, not Cosby


This is a funny thread.

Tfw I support this nigger because I have same eye condition. What is the name of this kind of tribalism?


Can't shill the Bill

Lol. This has little to do with what he said about blacks and everything to do with NBC



Can't Convict while my Puddins' Licked

>can't bluepill the Bill

Can't put a stop to the pudding pop Cosby.

Cos or some say Cosby
Do you hear our prayers?
No, we shall not abandon the Jell-O.
No one can convict us! No one can stop us now!

it's seems everything is forgotten, but i remember a cool bill cosby space game on the c64 to tired to look it up.


criminally underrated

Can't Bing the Cosby

can't lock up the bill cosby

cant zimmbbimbop dem puddin pops....