>invited: rational humans
>not invited: Trump/Clinton shills
>invited: rational humans
>not invited: Trump/Clinton shills
>eternally sitting on the fence
kill yourself
This image is inaccurate.
Half the people on the left should have their faces covered, and they should be armed with weapons ranging from household objects to firearms. The MSM should also be in the middle exclusively filming the right side and reporting on how angry and violent they are.
>Not joining the winning team at the last second
Where's the people in the middle who are laughing or trying to plug their ears
>being a centrist means you have no opinions
rofl patriots would kill the shit out of pussy ass commies in a straight up war.
So a bunch of faggots with no convictions.
Pretty much.
Hey look another moron who doesn't understand was a centrist is. It doesn't mean you sit in the middle of each issue is means you have a wide variety of issues that are on both the left and right side, why centrist often change their vote and why most centrist wont agree with each other.
>>another day, another broken campaign promise
>>Sup Forums shilling for Trump for the sake of shilling for Trump, not for the sake of sensible policies
>Solid Snake is Antifa
>the left right dichotomy is real
You're a useful idiot.
no it means you simply mock ideas from the right and left without actually defending any ideas because you don't hold any beliefs due to spinelessness
i'm not a drumpftard but everything the right side is saying there is accurate. Except for the secret muslim part, they're muslim collaborators
>Secret Muslims?
Is this an actual thing that people get accused of?
Seems to me that Muslims aren't very good at being secret about it
last time I checked there were two major parties in the American congress so I would say the dichotomy is pretty real desu
nah faggot
Honestly it's people more like pic related
Why is Snake ANTIFA?
>everyone is white
>on both sides
>agreeing with liberals
those civilization destroyers have no good ideas
None that you're willing to stand up for.
by your definition, National Socialist are centrists. I agree with this.
>centrist government
>nothing ever gets accomplished
>long stagnation and compromise into ruin
Can we make this the only no retarded thread on Sup Forums or are they already pouring in?
>it's no longer one sided even in political comics
rightwingers are full of shit on free speech, just look at how they reacted to Trump Caesar
>having opinions from different sides of the political spectrum is sitting on the fence
>joining a side and being completely loyal to everything they say or do is a good thing
>this the only no retarded thread
>no retarded
Lurn anglush
>heheh nobody will ever be able to beat me in argument because I'm too dumb to form an opinion
>goyim why dont you fall for hegelian dialectic anymore?
>stay divided goyim!!!!!!!!!!!
at least you're aware of it, now you can try to improve yourself
I love the First Amendment, otherwise you liberals already would have censored or imprisoned me for talking about the nigger menace or the Jewish control of our institutions.
If rational debate worked things would've been fixed long ago. it's simple, there needs to be a war and someone's gotta win.
Second Civil War now (not that 1997 movie)
T would say Donald Trump is very much a Centrist-he is not an idealogue. He may have run as a republican but he is a-political in his decision making. A pragmatist. Weigh all the pros and cons and make the best deal. He is not mired into a idealist box. He is not stuck on process but on end results. That is probably why he is battling folks from their own little boxes on both sides of the aisle. All businesses would fail if their decision making was mired in ideology. Agree?
>unironically thinking being an extremist is somehow a good thing
Protip, guys: You can like Trump without thinking everything he does or say is great.
it means your opinions are, by definition, watered down versions of others' opinions
There's a shit ton of existing ideologies that you can commit to that focus on specific aspects of politics, economy or morality. Like a fiscal conservative.
Deciding not to participate is why people mock you.
Aren't some centrist just some technokrats?
people who look at what policies have worked before and use them regardless of ideology behind those
>muh horseshoe theory
The side on the right is 100% correct, though.
Whoever drew it had to add that "secret Muslims" because of it.
Leftists are mentally ill. Centrists are useless.
If I look at what I belief works, I'd have to say I'm actually a neoliberal, so center left sounds much better.
>It's yet another episode of "/pol is too stupid to realize that centrist is realpolitik"
(If it suits my goals)
So a thread about nothing then. Kys
Why is Solid Snake choosing a side?
hi italy
A better question is why did you post a picture of a brick wall?
>tfw Sup Forums will never read clausewitz or thucydides and be forever stuck in the ideological pill
I just want to exercise soft power and dominate other nation states. Is that so much to ask?
It is embarrassing how a political board has no idea what a centrist is.
A centrist is NOT someone who takes the stance of "lel everyone is dumb XD". It is simply a person who has a mix of right-wing and left-wing views.
So for example, if you have a person who is against legalized abortion and mass immigration, but also has no problem with gay marriage or single payer healthcare, that person would be a centrist.
This, based leaf.
A centrist chooses the best policies from each side and is not a slave to an ideology.
>this is a centrist where I live
fuck off mossad. You fucking jews are all going to die.
came here to post this
If you have a person that wants to gas jew but have a comprehensive welfare system and a regulated economy. That person would be a centrist.
they actually ARE cucks and commies though
I mean they literally wave communist flags and let immigrants fuck their wives
>implying Clinton isn't a centrist
You're as dumb as the Trumptards if you bought into any accusation of her being left-wing.
I am become synthesis, destroyer of chaos.
I'd be a lot more left leaning if the United States was white and non-Jew and homosexuality was outlawed.
true, centrist doesn't mean that your ideas are actually good
> implying that is how the current spectrum is organization
the current spectrum is extremely linear:
- open borders = left
- border control = right
So.... pretty much everyone. I think you'd have a hard time finding someone who legitimately didn't have a single belief that was on "the other side".
>A centrist is NOT someone who takes the stance of "lel everyone is dumb XD".
Exactly what picture is implying.
But, since you're too lazy to look it up:
>Centrist: having moderate political views or policies.
Sorry to be off topic but what's the difference between these two flags?
Reasonable immigration policy to attract top scientific and intellectual talent from other countries= Centrism
No, dumbass. They don't have to be moderate. A centrist can have radical ideas from opposing schools of thought as long as they are not overlapping. Like be pro-abortion, but anti-gay.
Centrism means you pick the best idea no matter its origin. Nothing to do with compromise, being moderate, etc.
One REALLY hates taxes.
The other will send the McDonalds (TM) Sercurity Services to your home to kill you because your trash blew out of your Walmart (TM) trashcan onto his lawn.
This checks out.
Okay thanks.
Centrists are self congratulating. Assumed superiority. Blah.
No, the idea is to stop getting divided. You act like the current situation actually gets anything done.
As an actual fairly centrist person in 2017 the left is WAY out in left feild the current republicans and Trump are actually centrist as of now
>Le middle of the road face
You're full of shit too, the left has been violently assaulting the right and burning down their own neighborhoods.
You "we are all equally bad" faggots will the first into the oven.
it's not middle of the road you illiterate inbreed, read
depends on which issue, wether you mean public discourse or actual policy and which country
YEAH! i'm a proud centrist! Having serious convictions or actual beliefs is nonsense.
That is the literal definition of a centrist. You're explaining Centralism.
Just some drooling retards on Sup Forums think you HAVE to commit to one side or the other. Being a zealot just turns off the normies, and they'll never listen to you goys.
Literally on all fronts the republicans are centrist
they certainly aren't "right wing"
>implying clinton isn't an authoritarian
Compared to other countries, healthcare in burgerland is pretty rightwing
pillaging the best and brightest from third world countries so that they become even more of a shithole makes the problem worse in the long run
Technical term is Brain Drain.