Americans as imagined by foreigners

I have wondered how inhabitants of other countries around the world envision what the average American looks like ever since I saw "What Will America Look Like in 2060" an article put out by So Sup Forums, what does an American man look like?

Americans are usually old white people or young brown people.
Black, Mexican, poo in the loo you choose. Sometimes you'll run into a rich white American girl in the mix of the shit skins, but she'll be fat.
Truly the only white Americans are old people.

I live in Washington state. There's tons of white people here, but I've honestly never left the NW. I would imagine California would be riddled with Mexicans though.

I always thought that Eurofags pictured Americans to look like Guile from Street Fighter.

Where I live is almost entirely white (predominantly Irish and Italian), but the shitskins are slowly creeping in.

I'm speaking of your tourists you send to Italy here and Croatia
All old white blue eyed people
and young brown ppl.

It makes me angry that the browns travel to Europe

Yea no stop it.

Also a lot of Asian Americans surprisingly

Not surprisingly. They're everywhere here.

Well we imported a bunch of them to build railroads so the western seaboard is littered with them

I traveled up to British Columbia a few weeks ago and 80% of the people I saw were Asian. I imagine that's the future for Washington as well.

No America isn't old white people and young brown people. It is 50% white 0-4 67% white 80+(80+ is 2% of population) though the birth rates for non whites is more or less equal to whites now they have more young people than whites thanks to sustained fertilty rates through out the 70s 80s and 90s. Whites are 54% of births and have higher birth rates than Europeans who are also very densely populated and have a faster rate of change than Americans.

the way I see it, if demographics continue the way they are we will see 1 of 2 things.

The first modern Shitskin first world nation, or the US devolve into the third world.

like this

no, white births have been a minority since 2009

Everyone knows what Americans look like thanks to hollywood.


>14 mixed mongrals and a jewess

You can't make this shit up.

It's 54% white total, including all those old white people.
American old white people are master race tho. Tall, blonde blue eyes , rich, smart. Too bad they all had 1-2 kids and flooded their country with shit skins doubling the population.

They always follow the welfare.

Americans look like degenerated mixed race mongrels. The first thing that pops into my head when I think "American" is UGLY!