16-yr-old cannabis addict stabs mother, severs genitals in UK
>it's not possible to overdose on weed
>therefore, weed can never impact your life negatively in any way, never ever!
16-yr-old cannabis addict stabs mother, severs genitals in UK
>it's not possible to overdose on weed
>therefore, weed can never impact your life negatively in any way, never ever!
Wow, that girl is hot! I wonder who her boyfriend is, he must be a really lucky guy. Anyone have a pic?
You are addicted to jerking your pud to animated children being raped by tentacles.
Doesn't mean drawings are addictive. It just means you are a degenerate.
>Negative consequences are possible
>Have the government ban it
Really neurons my almonds
#not all weed
I cannot see a soul in those eyes.
How many time are u recycling this bait thread fuck off
why do people always have to post hot chicks when it has nothing to do with the post. I'm trying to limit my fapping OP
>>it's not possible to overdose on weed
>>therefore, weed can never impact your life negatively in any way, never ever!
Who has ever said this? This whole thing is as silly as saying
>guns kill people
>lets get rid of guns!
>while high on weed....and PCP
...but let's blame the weed, not the PCP.
checked and concurred.
>overdosed on weed
I stopped reading right there
fuck off retard
100% sure it was synthetic, that spice
Sounds like he was psychotic and using weed to medicate that unintentionally. It's likely the only reason he didn't flip his shit sooner.
Oh I am sure it is the weeds fault, not PCP, you know, that one drug that disconnects what is real and fantasy. You know, that one drug that causes people to rip off and eat other peoples faces.
I think the only reason weed is still illegal is because big pharma can't make money off of it and would rather sell poison for treatments.
I love having less freedom because some rich assholes think that it might impact their bottom line.
Who is this pure white aryan goddess? I want to make white babies with her.
Do you think it was the weed or the PCP?
she's a twitch whore streamer called stpeach there are a lot of 'professional' photos of her, probably nudes included
>honestly thinking weed is what made this random bitch insane
try again faggot
was someone disliked in high school, user? do you wanna talk about it? I won't use big words, I promise
Just say they're a crazy dope fiend.
Saying that it was an overdose and then whining about overdose not being possible on weed just distracts from the point, see
Kys caps lock faggot
Also checked
Checked but /nupol/ not criticizing degeneracy in every way possible is getting old...
Don't know man, but considering how hot and beautiful she is, I'm sure it must be some calvin klein model. Average looking guys like us don't stand a chance.
>teenage boy overdoses on video games, goes on a killing spree!
Do you think weed is degenerate?
Recreational intoxicants are categorically degenerate. and I say that as somebody who is currently stoned.
Weed is a natural experience enhancer. If you're already psychotic it's a bad idea, yeah, but for a healthy mind is harmless.
I hate drugs but you fags should be railing against the synthetic shit that actually burns out your natural way of producing extremely important chemicals instead of weed.
I know it is my man.
Lel U.K. faggots, what kind of weed you got over there???? K2? Hahahhaha
what if alcohol & weed doesn't provide a decline in an individual? Then it is truly degenerate?
This guy, 100%.
people keep trying to post this bs
it was not cannabis, it was some chemical garbage fakeweed called 'skunk'
not cannabis, not even a plant
learn to read properly
holy fuck shes thicc
There's your problem.
Europe is a cesspool.
look it's 1932 again
Was she on psych drugs as well by any chance?
Altering your state of mind past the point of soberdom doesn't "enhance" you nor does it provide any benefits aside from MAYBE alleviating stress that could have otherwise been reduced through hobbies or activities that don't include putting things in your body that can lead to habitual use and negative health effects. Smoking isn't good your lungs and not everyone can afford a Volcano etc.
Boy cuts off genitals and it's the fact he smoked weed that you're paying attention too?
Yeah, I guess weed doesn't help psychotic folks stop doing psychotic things.
>blonde, white, fat D.Va
What a travesty...
STpeach. Shes a live streamer.
Seems like natural selection is still doing its job. I don't see the problem desu.
>in UK
Probably due to being inbred, not the weed.
>MAYBE alleviating stress
Why do you say maybe? We're not discussing abusing drugs.
>Altering your state of mind past the point of soberdom doesn't "enhance" you
Yes it does. Putting yourself in a different state of mind can help people mentally. Just like everything else, don't abuse it. It's a cost benefit thing.
>bending your back & sticking your ass out
fucking attention whore
he already said she was a live streamer.
just stating the obvious. also, women pretending they have ass because they pose like this is like bitches wearing pounds of makeup
THC doesn't make you do this. What else did she do? British women being so degenerate, it can be anything.
He is black.
>What else did she do? British women
You high? Read it again.
Mephedrone and alcohol as well as weed btw.
really? a girl like that plays videogames?>
Nowhere does it say PCP you bernout mongoloid
Muh "harmless" is a kike conspiracy. It turns people into loser drug dealers who listen to shitty nigger music.
>t. Her Boyfriend
Junkies are scum
Ban weed now
Wrong, actually. She exclusively dates rich chinks
Muh degeneracy. God it's like you people enjoy being miserable.
Your white aryan goddess is being defiled by asian seed every night
Her pussy must be brand new then, since she only gets 3 to 4 inches every time.
>cannabis addict stabs mother
>cannabis make people stab their mother
pick one
Woah, guy had schizophrenia and killed someone on weed? Let's blame the weed, not the mental illness that explains his actions perfectly.
Everyone actually. It's pretty common response that you can't overdose on marijuana.
Which is 100% false.
let me guess, he also played video games and listened to heavy metal.
We don't know if he smoke shit laced with PCP or other nasties, but of course you only posted stories with near zero content.
Didn't you think someone would notice?
Weed fags are without a doubt the most fragile people on the planet. Insulting their magic drug is the best way to get (You)'s.
Oh yeah I'm sure it was the weed and not a severe underlying psychiatric condition.
Blow it out your ass, dipshit.
It's only technically false, as you can overdose on any substance. Oxygen, water, heroin, chicken, etc.
The reason everyone says you can't OD on marijuana (in a life-threatening way) is because it would take an extremely high amount to kill you.
It would take over 1500 lbs of marijuana within 15 minutes to kill an adult. It would literally be easier to kill someone by dropping a bale of marijuana on them than by forcing them to smoke it.
Only way weed can kill you is if you drop a pound from a plane
he injected over 4 mariojuans
Great big ol ass, only a nigger with dat dere bbc could tame her
Nice face, for an insect.
>/thread ing your own post
kys nigger
Weed doesn't do this. Toxicology will prove it