"Ya'll Are Next"
The city killed her son and got away with it!
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bix nood
This is so sad. Fuck the police!
fuck niggers
I'm so tired of these loser cops. When will we finally do something about this?
Thug mom
Thug son
bix nood buy my mixtape
You're just a racist piece of shit. No better than the "niggers" you whine about. You don't care about justice.
Yep i'm a racist. fuck niggers and fuck you. couldnt care less
90% of nigger women are overweight, surley, amd should have been sterilized.
Yeah, I'm sure he's legit with a thug and poorly worded mom like that.
And nothing of value was lost.
>This is so sad. Fuck the police!
Fuck YOU, you nigger. He was a criminal piece of shit. I'm glad he's dead.
>I'm so tired of these loser cops. When will we finally do something about this?
Nigger detected.
She is 100% right.
>You don't care about justice.
Nigger, you don't have a clue what justice is
>reach for gun
>get told not to
>get shot
Fuck him.
>It da white man's fault! Dey kill him cuz he black!
Fucking kill yourself, shitskin
Anytime a nigger is killed it's justice. Niggers are feral animals that need to be violently subjugated and controlled.
>I see Philandro's sow sheboon for a mother took 5 minutes out from her shift at Popeye's chiggun to post her classy language video. What a rabid silverback she is
>muh son wuz a good boy, he dindu nuffin, he wuz jus reachin fo his wallet
>dem poleez is raycis as fuck
so predictable. just reaffirming the stereotypes.
hmmm i think i will buy a small stretch of land in the middle of nowhere and have a street made named dindu and there will be another street that intersects with it called nuffin and i will make a small fast food place called philando castle which will be on the corner of dindu nuffin
Where is the fathers response?
Put the cop literally killed him just because he was black. And he got away with it because the system is racist.
The system is not racist brah the system just likes to keep its money. If the cop is found guilty the city is liable for monetary compensation for the family.
>Philando Castile
He significantly matched a description of an armed robbery suspect, this contributed to the event.
> Be a nigger
> get shot
yes a mother is the perfect witness. its the ultimate biased person. why would anyone listen.
A mother's opinion of her son is worth nothing, because the mother will likely try to protect the "victim"'s position.
Too kek.
The shooting was a bad outcome but not criminal in any way. You can't tell a cop "I got a gun" then immediately reach for your pockets regardless of the color of your skin.
the youtube comments, niggers are calling for the race war
>nigger does nigger things
>gets permabanned
>niggers cry a lot
>not guilty lol
>niggers cry moar
Why can't niggers take the bantz?
The kid was a little shit. It's no loss to society.
He was only ever going to be a drain anyway.
There shouldn't have even been a trial. That was the waste of time and resources.
Niggers only take. They give nothing back.
Quick rundown please.
Yes, there's a great article that a defense attorney wrote serving for many clients. It was very common for the mothers to rush to their son's defense even when the evidence was overwhelming.
>Quick rundown please.
black people are hated in america
The fuck happened in 1969?
Would race mix
Bunch of pigs go here because they have no bantz and are constantly made fun of for being Jew slaves here in the US, now they are standing up for their pig pal by saying that the blacks shouldn't have second amendment rights because pigs are cowards and therefore legally allowed to kill innocents
the cop was hispanic, he can't be racist
She looks and sounds to me like a speaking Chimpanzee, but Burgers probably think that's normal.
>nigger gets pulled over
>tells cop he is carrying a weapon (firearm)
>cop says ok, but do not reach for it
>nig reaches anyway
>cop tells him to stop
>nig keeps going
>cop deports niggers soul to hell
pic related, kys
God I wish they would. I'm in the heart of enemy territory but even so they don't stand a fucking chance.
Ooga booga, where da gibs me dat ats ?
He should have not even informed the officer he had a gun, it's not legally required in the state of Minnesota to inform an officer that you're carrying a firearm.
My suggestion to all minorities who might be put in a similar situation is, cooperate, but don't inform the officer you have a weapon on you if it's not legally required in your state. The statistics are against you and the police will be much more aggressive and jumpy but for good reason, it sucks but the statistical reality is minorities commit more crime per capita, it's not unreasonable for an officer to be more wary around a minority, so take the precautions necessary and hopefully cases like these won't happen.
Didin't also reach for something in his car ? It's just fucking retarded but then again it's a nignog
>tfw living out in the middle of country surrounded by white people
>tfw if the one black person that lives down my road freaks out he dies instantly
>tfw rest of the country will burn and hope my internet does not go out so I can watch
Man set foot on the moon. She's advocating for more funding in space travel.
its not that fucking complicated.
> Get pulled over
> Turn off vehicle
> Keep hands plainly visible
> follow officer's instructions
I think he reached down to get his wallet or something and the officer freaked out and shot him 6 or seven times. It's ironic that him trying to be honest and doing what he thought would get him through the situation faster was what got him killed.
>be 2020
>be an officer in the United States
>doing a regular traffic stop, busted taillight and all that
>go to the window, and immediately smell weed, while the newest negro trap rap ungabunga is blasting on full volume
>ask the individual to roll down his window
>he does.. opens it about half an inch
>tell him that his taillight is busted, and he is not permitted to drive without a fully functioning vehicle
>''Ay mah man, lemme holla at this cracker foo right here man. Ey whitey, you got's a problam or summin? mah nigguh hurrr be strapped af mah nigga, we finna bust a cap in yo cracka ass if ya down bust on out of here, ya skeet mah nigguah?''
>i apologize to him for being part of the systemic oppression in this country, and i promise to better the country for black individuals, and always to bestow all of my own priviledge unto them, always letting them be my superior in every situation.
>''Ayy this cracka cuck whitety foo right here be a fuxkin faggot mayne, imma bout to blast his as full of lead ya hear''
>he starts reaching for something in his pocket
>new policies makes it illegal for me to open fire upon an black individual, until i have clear confirmation of a firearm
>i don't pull my fire arm yet in fears of being labelled a racist
>he finally pulled out a glock 9mm and points it directly at me
>me still having holstered my pistol, finally have confirmed sight of said firearm
>just as i have permission to engage, he starts unloading his chamber in me
>i feel the bullets pierce my body, hitting every important internal organ, pulverizing my bones, and slashing open my blood vessels
>in every hit, i scream with agony, thinking about my soon to be fatherless child, and widowed wife
>as he finally stops, drives away, and leave me to fade into the abyss, a final thought runs through my mind
>'atleast i wasn't racist'
>being a retarded dindu with your weapon
>u mean blacks shouldnt have the right to bear arms
you stupid cuck
Why did this nigger need a gun?
Why did he reach for it when told not too?
Why is it anyone else's fault he's dead but his?
personal responsibility is like cancer to negroes
The cop actually told him 3 times and Castile wasn't listening to his orders and kept reaching.
Its a sad situation. The cop didn't have to shoot but he was totally cleared legally.
I always enjoy how racism/white supremacy is the default motive in the absence of any evidence and the accused is forced to prove otherwise.
You usually don't get shot around here but you learn during driving school that you should just put your hands on your steering wheel when the policer officer approaches you.
I think that this whole anouncing-reaching for something-and running-thing might have something to do with police officers shooting you. That and the ridiculous rate at which black people commit violent crimes in the US.
You can tell her son was human garbage because his mother is a piece of trash.
>check flag
Godspeed to you sir.
Racist hispanics.... they are doing better in the US than niggers........ hahhahahahahahha
This bitch is beyond retarded.
She is an embarrassment.
"Boo hoo I didn't get the result I wanted in a court of law so it must be a bad system."
nigger logic
he was high as shit. look at his photo he's high in that too.
>And I am so very, very, very, very, VERY, very, very, VERY dissappointed
What did she mean by this?
Well that's what happens when you fuck with the police. Maybe he should have cleaned his room and done his homework growing up.
Yeah both those factors come into play, a lot of people just as a reflex want to go lean over and grab their wallet as fast as possible without realizing the danger they put themselves in by doing that since they want to be done with the situation. You really have to make slow concise movements and narrate everything you're doing, especially if you're in a high risk factor demographic such as being a negro.
But that's the cops job or at least that's what their job should be. They need to be willing to take that risk. It's better a cop dies than a innocent civilian.
They still are even if aquited
>Niggers niggerring all the time
>But there's a systemic problem with the state and police
>But not with niggers
Ok now.
>That and the ridiculous rate at which black people commit violent crimes in the US.
Sir, facts are racist. Please stop pointing them out.
Let's not rely on hearsay, I want to look at the actual facts so we can analyze and learn from the situation because this is an interesting case.
The cop was innocent
He didn't reach for his gun you stupid nigger. Why can't you bother to get up to speed on what actually happened before you throw in your two cents?
I am posting from prison anway because I refused to let a refugee family live in my house.
He reached for gun when told not to. That is something called self defense
I think there's a defacto sense of a higher burden of proof when a jury is looking at charging a cop with something he does on the job. I think that make logical sense, maybe not legal sense but I do believe there should be a higher burden of proof legally speaking because it pretty much happens anyways where jurys will take into consideration the officer may have reacted that way due to his training and not had any real malicious intent.
You make fun of her but she's well-spoken, and she clearly has some concept of civic duty if she raised a son who managed to get a CC permit.
The cop was freaking out, he was hysterical in the video, he shot the guy because he was afraid and he was poorly trained.
You pull over a low-rider with four hoodrats in it, be trigger happy, sure, but this guy had his girlfriend and her kid in the car. There was no threatening situation until the cop created one.
The black thought he was doing the right thing when he informed the officer that he had a gun, an easy mistake to make, and then the officer immediately went into hysterics and assumed he was fighting for his life.
It's both an issue of people being terribly uninformed about what their rights are and how they should interact with the police, and bad police training making the officers either terrified of every traffic stop or Rambo wannabes waiting for an excuse to discharge.
If cops are going to have guns then people need to be taught how to interact with them safely, at the same time police need to be trained properly and they need to understand that they are first and foremost public employees and that lethal force is a last resort.
I'm not one of these "just taze him" fags, I understand that when a cop is put in a dangerous situation he is trained to mag dump and neutralize the threat, but I don't believe many of these cops are able to accurately assess a situation because they're scared stupid.
In all of these videos the common thread seems to be a cop who is absolutely terrified and isn't in control of himself or the situation.
>80% of people surrounding you are black
>10% retired whites
>most of the rest are females and children
It's going to be like the last level of doom up in this bitch.
There are no racists, friend.
He did tho. And was warned three times to not do so.
>He didn't reach for his gun you stupid nigger.
How do you know what he was reaching for? Yeah it was probably his wallet, but we don't know that. Only Philando knew what he was reaching for. And the cop repeatedly told him NOT TO REACH for anything, yet philando did regardless
>nigger/liberal logic
Fuck niggers
You beautiful bastard
why do these women cuss so much?
>its a cop's job to get killed by niggers
Nice little diatribe you've written up, but you miss the point entirely. The dude was told not to reach for anything, to stop reaching, yet he continued to reach. Just keep your hands in plain sight and do what the cop says and you won't get shot, it's not exceedingly complicated.
Listen baguette, when a cop in US tells you to freeze, you freeze. Capische?