Sup Forums will legitimately defend this
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that's a good kike now.
We're not all stormfags though
The holocaust did happen and it was done by left wing national --socialists-- proving how cancerous leftism is when taken to the extreme
also this guy eats shit
Communists arent people
> kekistani flag
don't even need to insult this fag
some of the stormfags will.
while virtue-signalling might be leftist's weakness, Sup Forums's weakness is edge-signalling
back to stormfront
go on and shoot him, i wont defend him
How obvious can you make your bait?
>Kekstani flaf
>Nazi's were left because socialist was in their name
hang yourself kekistani asswipe
Was he a jew?
If yes than there is literally nothing to defend.
why take the photo?
id bet the executioners are communists who are trying to make war propoganda. it would not be the first time they posed as nazis while commiting crimes for such a purpose.
Why would we defend the jew?!
Why would a German soldier be using a Tokarev (Russian pistol) versus a P08(German Pistol)?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm really makes the noggin go joggin and then login to make this post
This kike was likely a commie trying to fuck the German people over
Why is he using a Russian pistol though???
>really makes your brain fire up n shiet
When you have a pest problem the natural reaction is to call an exterminator
Natural selection kikes deserve to be shot
But you would condone the war crimes of the Aliies and the comitern during and after the war?
Ok guys here is the deal. If you want to exterminate a pest you target the female of the species, then they cannot reproduce. When the race war starts remember that the Jewish females are #1 on the to-do list.
Yes to create this fake propaganda picture the evil russians had over 20 actors dressed with different ss uniforms and boots but couldn't find some luger around.
Make sense.
lol I like kekistani b8 posts 7/8 m8
yep , kill em all
But hillary, shes evil
but prior to the invasion Soviet troop movements would have suggested that Russia may have been preparing to attempt a move against Germany primarily. General N.I. Biryukov, then commanding 186th Rifle Division claimed that 9 days before the German invasion, ‘all the divisions in the Ural Military District’ were instructed to ‘move to the western frontier’ in secret. Viktor Suvorov, a former member of the Soviet General Staff, also states within his work ‘the whole Ural Military District, including the commander, his staff, and all the subordinate formations, secretly began to move westwards’, and that this was also the case within other districts as Westward movements started ‘simultaneously taking place in all the internal military districts of the Soviet Union’ before the German invasion actually came into fruition
Jesus, why is it so difficult for you to acknowledge that they were right wingers. How fucking insecure are you that you have to fool yourself into believing EVERY terrible government is Left and Righties are little fucking angels.
To the death
fake reddit
real reddit
Don´t you know about the "Torch men order"?
You should read about it.
you need to go back
summary executions of civilians happened in every war, for vengance, crimes, collaborationism, etc, even the allies did this shit, this pic does not prove asystematic plan of extermination, anything.
Even the "death camps" does not prove it, many nations had concentration camps, even the good and freedom fighters americans emprisoned thouthans of people just because they were japanese or had japanese blood, many died in those camps because of the forced labor and horrible conditions.
Now put yourself in that time and consider that just some years before the ww2 a lot of jews armed themselves and started an armed conflict inside Germany trying to start a bolshevik revolution and get ridd of the democratic elected german goverment, think about this for a sec.
Now considering the times and the past events, It was really that outlandish for Hitler to try to deport and/or imprison those foreign people still living in Germany?
That's the yugoslavians purging their communists however, not the germans.
Germans knew about it but didn't give two-shits because they were their allies and needed their manpower on the eastern front.
>On the 22 September 1941 Lieutenant Bingel and his men witnessed a second massacre in Vinnitsa. This was followed by a third, also in Vinnitsa, carried out by Ukrainian militia who had been trained by the SS, and were commanded by a small group of SS officers and NCO’s. In the first two massacres, Bingel calculated first twenty-four thousand and then twenty-eight thousand Jews were killed. In the third, Ukrainian militia killings, six thousand were murdered.
>In the morning at 10.15, wild shooting and terrible human cries reached our ears. At first I failed to grasp what was taking place, but when I approached the window from which I had a broad view over the whole of the town park, the following spectacle unfolded before my eyes and those of my men, who, alerted by the tumult, had meanwhile gathered in my room.Ukrainian militia on horseback, armed with pistols, rifles and long straight cavalry swords, were riding wildly inside and around the town park. As far as we could make out, they were driving people along before their horses – men, women and children. A shower of bullets was then fired at this human mass. Those not hit outright were struck down with the swords. Like some ghostly apparition, this horde of Ukrainians, let loose and commanded by SS officers, trampled savagely over human bodies, ruthlessly killing innocent children, mothers and old people whose only crime was that they had escaped the great mass murder, so as eventually to be shot or beaten to death like wild animals.
>The result of this proclamation was, of course, that all persons concerned appeared as ordered. This relatively harmless summons, it was thought, could be connected in some way or other with the preparations we were observing. It was because we took the matter so lightly that we were all the more horrified at what we witnessed during the next few hours. One row of Jews was ordered to move forward and was then allocated to the different tables where they had to undress completely and hand over everything they wore and carried.
>Some still carried jewelry which they had to put on the table. Then having taken off all their clothes, they were made to stand in line in front of the ditches, irrespective of their sex. The commandos then marched in behind the line and began to perform the inhuman acts, the horror of which is now known to the whole world. With automatic pistols and 0.8 pistols these men mowed down the line with such zealous intent that one could have supposed this activity to have been their life work.
>The people in the first row thus having been killed in the most inhuman manner, those of the second row were now ordered to step forward. The men in this row were ordered to step out and were handed shovels with which to heap chloride of lime upon the still partly moving bodies in the ditch. Thereafter they returned to the tables and undressed.
>After that they had to set out on the same last walk as their murdered brethren…
they dont defend it, they just put their head in the sand and pretend it didnt happen, because hitler was actually the epitome of peace and love worldwide
Those guys were partisans, deserved it
>no evidence or bodies could be recovered to this day
writing history is so easy these days
So fucking true
The jewish coward who used communism to lure goyim into fighting for him finally gets to face his enemy on his own.
We killed our communists because communists acted like bandints killing and stealing from people.
the kike deserved it
And fascists?
Ha yeah you full o shit
You don't know shit about communism or fascism.
You're partisan
A bolshevist executing a German?
Yeah because this is a safe space. Earmuffs to the outside world
Fake news
*tips edge*
those are not SS uniforms tho, they're not even Wehrmacht
what the fuck are you on about, you dumb C*talonian?
>le everyone I don't le like is le rebbit meme
>all this psyop
>thousands died in American internment camps for Japanese
Also, the communists in Germany were staunchly anti-Bolshevik. What's more, they were overthrowing a monarchy, not a democracy.
*tips menorah*
The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.
I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.
So who's they guy? And who are they other guys? Now don't say "He's a jew and the other guys are Nazis". First you have to bring up evidence or your whole thread is useless.
Sup Forumstards are the real subhumans ,what do you expect
>implying every single issue under the sun is about faggots and the Greatest Generation.
no wonder you dumb shits are so delusional.
still shell shocked from the 40s while we're operating off Vietnam, Afghanistan and iraq hooch
someone PLEASE post the real fucking version
>le communist conspiracy
The attempted revolution was 20 years before the Holocaust, and was anti-Leninist. Lenin hated the German revolutionaries and they hated Lenin.
As for the USSR, Lenin would hardly be considered Jewish. He had one Jewish grandparent, and his mother wasn't Jewish. There were initially a lot of Jews in the Russian revolution, but that's because the Jews and the Tsar hated each other.
>muh Jews killing all intelligent Russians
Revisionist garbage. The USSR had intellectuals and educated people.
Yagoda was Jewish but not all the other NKVD members were. His much more brutal successor Yezhov wasn't. Even if they were, how does that justify persecuting and imprisoning millions of people who share little more than an ethnic designation with those murderers?
So I did some research and found out the pic is called "the last jew of Vinnitsa" and according to Wikipedia (wow what a source) was found in the belongings of a German soldier. Wikipedia says Nazis killed all the jews in Vinnitsa and quotes three sources:
So the first one is a public domain picture website. The second and third are jewish "Holocaust research" websites.
Those sources are not scientific sources. You can use the second but you need at least two independent other sources (ideally a Nazi one and a non-jewish one).
Otherwise I would give you an F.
Yeah, we have to protect the dumb fat teen mom white chicks of middle america
The final redpill on the Nazis is reading into the Hunger Plan and Generalplan Ost, and realizing they planned on committing genocide and mass deportation of Eastern Europeans into Siberia. The Nazis weren't pro-white, only pro-German.
The only good thing about the Nazis was that they called out the Jews, but then they took it way too far, and the war they spurred was disastrous for Western Civilization. They became the fly in the ointment for nationalism and ethnic consciousness for whites.
Nazism was a mistake, but I can't blame everything on them because both world wars were a complete disaster for us. White elites did this to us, and the average white man worldwide has to suffer for them while they live in their rich, all-white neighborhoods in London, Paris, and NYC.
This thread trying so hard
Nobody could legitimize killing defenceless people. If i could i would gladly execute every nazi with a pistol shot to the head .
Warriors die on the battlefield fighting a much more powerful enemy. Its not like warriors would ever execute childreen, women or the defenceles.
Warriors are heroes, they fight for whats right, preferably against a stronger enemy and still win.
A warrior is not a person who fights a weak enemy and then kills them without resistanse.
Safe space
>there are people on Sup Forums who think natsoc is leftism because it has "socialism" in it
Fuck off, Hitler was not against property. He was just against his people being individual cogs in a massive (((capitalist))) machine.
They deserved far worse.
just looks someone cracking open some cold ones with the boys.
They didn't start the war, us bongs did because someone was being influenced by whoever into not letting the Nazis protect the Germans in Poland.
There are so many shooped photos from back then that I'm suspect of every picture I see pertaining to this sort of "obviously this is a dude getting executed by le ebil Notsee" nature.
Very similar to Stalin and that guy he took a picture with, then had the guy executed later and edited him out of the photo. The Orwellian "memory hole/non-person" thing.
Yeah yeah that makes sense...yeah
The most wanted death of a true warrior is clashing against an overpowering enemy and dying in full glory on the battlefield.
After that its valhalla or folkvang but that is up to the gods, Odin or Freja.
If he was a Jew, race traitor or C*mmunist then yes he absolutely deserved to be executed
I know the Poles were brutalizing the Germans, but Hitler also knew he was playing with fire coming up with a secret treaty with the Soviets and divvying up Poland like that. He was told very clearly that the allies would go to war over Poland, and he thought they were bluffing, or he was mega confident in Germany's military capabilities (not without justification). Regardless, the Nazis spurred the war. They wouldn't stop after the Sudentenland. They want "muh Ostpreussen," and their plans for the Poles, Lithuanians, and other Eastern Europeans was infinitely more cruel and horrific than what the Poles were doing to the Germans.
If he just wanted to kill the Jews, I wouldn't give a shit. He wanted to massacre and displace non-German whites too. The Nazis were pieces of shit.
I see the temptation in going all Nazi once you get wise on the Jews, but it's not the answer. Jew-wise paleoconservatism is the final red pill, not National Socialism.
Hold up, aren't those soviet uniforms?
Another fucking kekistani retard
Yes, OP. This photo is of the "pointenlaffengroupen". They were a nonviolent sector of the SS that were task to publicly critique enemies of the state in a harsh, unforgiving manner or to "Kobold" them.
you win the thread, fucking on point.
Yep, and they still think that Jews are the ""source of ALL evil"" even when they're willing to murder people for next to no reason at the drop of a hat.
do you reply to all of the threads with the same answers and image?
Dude Lithuania fought against the Russians same as the Latvians and the Estonians and.
Also what displacement of non Germans are you talking about?
"The Generalplan Ost proposal offered various percentages of the conquered or colonized people who were targeted for removal and physical destruction; the net effect of which would be to ensure that the conquered territories would become German. In ten years' time, the plan effectively called for the extermination, expulsion, Germanization or enslavement of most or all East and West Slavs living behind the front lines of East-Central Europe. The 'Small Plan' was to be put into practice as the Germans conquered the areas to the east of their pre-war borders. In this way the plan for Poland was drawn up at the end of November 1939 and is probably responsible for much of the World War II expulsion of Poles by Germany (first to colonial district of the General Government and, from 1942 also to Polenlager).[20] After the war, under the 'Big Plan', Generalplan Ost foresaw the removal of 45 million non-Germanizable people from Central and Eastern Europe, of whom 31 million were "racially undesirable", 100% of Jews, Poles (85%), Belorussians (75%) and Ukrainians (65%), to West Siberia,[6] and about 14 millions were to remain, but were to be treated as slaves.[8] In their place, up to 8-10 million Germans would be settled in an extended 'living space' (Lebensraum). Because the number of Germans appeared to be insufficient to populate the vast territories of Central and Eastern Europe, the peoples judged to lie racially between the Germans and the Russians (Mittelschicht), namely, Latvians and even Czechs, were also supposed to be resettled there.[21]"
The fact that some Lithuanians and Latvians fought with the Nazis doesn't disprove anything. Of course the Nazis would play them off against the Russians. It didn't mean the Nazis didn't have further designs on them.
All you basement-dwelling Nazi LARPers need to grow up, and I'm saying that as someone who hates the Jews just as much as you do.
lol these are slavs right? that explains it revenge for russian shit in slav land by slav conscripts
I honestly don't see a problem
>Sup Forums will legitimately defend this
Yes, LEGITIMATELY. Shooting traitors and saboteurs is the best policy.
Dude i asked you because i saw a point i disagreed with and thought inaccurate.
Also they were plans man what they did to the Polish was shit but the rest were just that plans.
Wheter they would have put it into action we will never know.
we used to know this in the west. now communists run our cultural, academic and legal institutions.
>need to grow up
>using Generalplan Ost when it has very flimsy evidence relying on "Just believe us, goy, the nazis wanted to move all of the slavs out east!" because all the documentation regarding it was magically destroyed
>paleoconservatism meme
Wew lad, he in glass houses.
Only fat kekistan beta faggots would.