Guys I think we got to him.
Varg on LARPing
Other urls found in this thread:
larping is a symptom of reincarnation. ehh hee
His latest videos are downright /x/ tier.
He is going insane, taking WE WUZ to a whole new level.
He is starting to believe he is Christian Vikernes from 800 A.D
skyrim was a good porn game
Varg is a total barnacle
I wonder what Varg was in a past life. He should talk about that.
Varg is a pagan LARPer. This should be his most accurate video yet. He's an expert in LARPing
it's obvious as fuck he lurks here.
He's getting crazier by the day.
he wuz a vikang n sheeit
He actually makes a lot of sense. WTF I love varg now
What did Varg mean by this?
Only a cucked leaf would second guess defending his own life. Based VARG has actually killed a man. What have you done leaf?
Skyrim is shit.
If you kill your enemy, they win.
>Varg is literally defending LARPing
I wonder how his fanboys will try to spin this.
>muh Christian Deus vult LARPers
Race traitor. I am Swedish and our country is a cucked nightmare. Stand up and fight like Varg you pathetic faggot.
I've done things that cannot be mentioned on a Christian message board.
Fapped to hentai?
Quick Rundown on Louis Cachet
>Varg Vikernes. (Birth name was unironically Christian Vikernes.)
>Raised in Iraq in the 80s because his family illegally oversaw Chemical Weapons Research for Saddam Hussein during the Iraq-Iran War; Varg personally met Saddam Hussein and said he was a role model growing up
>Joined the LARP scene in Norway as a teenager
>stabbed his BEST FRIEND 23 times because he 'heard a rumour' that the guy planned to harm him.
>burned churches and UNESCO monuments
>gets sentenced to lul norway prison for like 14 years
>meanwhile in America he would have gotten death penalty
>becomes a nazi in prison
>attempts to break out of prison, and robs a car at gun point
>gets caught and sent back to prison, only gets slap on the wrist
>gets out of prison
>Abandons his 13 year old daughter he fathered in a degenerate black metal party. Doesn't even have contact with her, or attempts to have contact with her. Literally caused a single mother
>marries a literal autist in France
>Takes her last name, and moves to a cuckshed in the middle of nowhere in France. Now legally known as "Louis Cachet"
>Refuses to learn his host country's language, instead abusing their immigration laws. He can't even talk to his wife, outside of some broken English phrases she was forced to learn
>Literally lives off welfare, and has 5+ little baby money makers to keep the flow coming in
>Makes shitty youtube videos about how Italians are negroid, and why autism is genetically superior or why blue eyes makes me not go blind in the snow
>worshiped by "le deus vult" magapede larpers on 4chins for some unknown reason
>doesn't even make music anymore because he has to live in a hut and pretend its -3000 BCE to feel like a man
>no accepting the fact he is a complete loser, who knows nothing, and is a maniac LITERAL MURDERER WHO STILL SAYS HE DID THE RIGHT THING BY KILLING HIS BEST FRIEND
Who's second guessing what now? Who are you quoting?
based Varg disarmed yet another of the christcuck arguments
christkikes and fedoras forever BTFO
>Literally writing LARPing books
He needs to stop being a man child.
maybe all varg hater shitskins here (hi meds) should start larping romans and shiet so their countries wouldn't be so shit today lmao
Deathspell Omega is real satanism anyway, Burzum fags are simply that, fags who justify their shitty taste in music with even shittier taste in politics.
makes sense
anyone who hates Varg is non-white or Jewish or a Christian race-traitor.
>nu-Sup Forums uses nazi as a derogatory word
lmao where the fuck do you think you are?
sounds pretty based to me
>had rough life
>still managed to live offgrid where he raises a HUGE white family traditionally and grows his own food
basically the life that 99% of Sup Forumsacks aim to have in the future
If Varg can do it, what is YOUR excuse?
sounds pretty based to me. Hail Odin.
Why do you think I was bashing Varg and why do you hate anime on the politics board of an anime imageboard?
How many strawmanpills have you taken?
Sorry m8 I misread your post.
>he took his wife's last name
what a cuck
the only people that dislike Varg are christcucks
Don't worship a kike on a stick.
he's a welfare nigger who can't farm for shit
>white europeans
>not worshipping white gods
Why do they do it?
>robbing people and being parasite for state
Fucking low life criminal
>he's a welfare nigger
>who can't farm for shit
typical christcucks
>going on welfare
>bad thing
lol all you're doing working a normal job right now is subsidize shitskin invaders no matter what western country you're from. Might as well jew the jews and use that free money to raise a large white family.
pic related is my dad
>living off welfare from kids like a nigger
Put down the crack pipe. He's a fucking NEET faggot sponging off the welfare state, not some mountain man carving a living out of the primeval forest on his own.
shouldn't you also mention
quality > quantity
you anti-european shills need to do better.
Euronymous was not his best friend and the rumor of torture was probably true knowing him.
what have swedes acutally contributed to the world?
>muh whiteness
You are retarded.
>Anders Celsius, (1701–44) was an astronomer and mathematician most famous for inventing the 100-point thermometer scale, widely used across the world.
>Sven Åderman is a Swedish inventor who created a musket capable of firing more rapidly than conventional weaponry of the late 18th century. This new musket was first used in the wars of King Karl XII. For his efforts King Frederick I of Sweden bestowed upon him the estate of Halltorps in the year 1723.
aussie please go
He's a larper, but I respect him because christcuckery is the cancer of the West, because of the weak moral and ethics that brought to Europe.
He should be more harsh against islam, though.
I'm not Christian or Pagan. I just find it all funny.
>Sweden has a total of 33523 patents as of 2007 according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and only ten other countries have more patents than Sweden.
It means if someone chased varg around his house, stabbing him fifty six times and claim it was self defense, that person would be a great man. Stop being killphobic.
>Stand up and fight like Varg you pathetic faggo
How did/does he fight for Sweden while sitting in france leeching off the goverment?
Varg and his pathetic little following should all go and take a long walk off a short pier.
Thoughtcrime is still not grounds for pre-emptive murder. Euronymous could plan whatever he wanted, but if he wasn't stopped in doing the deed, in self defense, it's still first degree murder.
In the United States, Christian Vikernes would have been put to death. Fucking Norway puts him up in comfort for a few years like the soft cucks they are.
Well, at least he's releasing a lot of redpill videos and has many subscribers.
What are you doing instead?
Having white babies. How many white babies have you had faggot?
>Well, at least he's releasing a lot of redpill videos and has many subscribers.
You mean he sits in his echo chamber all day and does nothing?
So basically what we do here, only he's got an ego from retards like you sucking him off.
Oh wait you aren't white.
Saying that his doings are not helping anyone makes me shill?
Ok Jamal Svensson
They might as well be niglets, paid for with welfare from the state. You know, shitting out kids like that and living off welfare is the same thing many Hassidic Jews in NYC do too? Your hero is basically the same shit.
>6 white children > all the youtube videos, college debates and articles written by all your top alt-right/alt-light e-celebs combined
I'm not even a fan of his, but it's funny how the ones complaining about Varg, are probably the most pathetic basement dwellers.
>5 white children being raised traditionally and being homeschooled outside the reach of the western degenerate state/media propaganda
>not helping anyone
yes you're a shill
>You mean he sits in his echo chamber all day and does nothing?
He's internationally known and some of his music videos I've seen get millions of views. He's not leading a crusade to cleanse Europe, but he's done more than anyone on Sup Forums has ever done, that's for true.
Louis. His name is Louis Cachet.
t. (((((German))))) faggot in Russia
Yup 5 kids will lead Europe out of degenerate ways.
And show your real flag, after all you must be very proud of your ethnic and pagan ways
Stop watching porn. Start LARPing.
Varg has the mentality of CWC
>Yup 5 kids will lead Europe out of degenerate ways.
Yes, lead by example.
Which NONE, absolutely no one of any of the proponents in the alt-right.
Even the lord and savior of the alt-right, Jared Taylor only managed to have two. left-wing feminist baby boomers even managed that.
a list of low tier inventions... What is your point?
lol compared with other european countries this really isnt that much..
scands too much unjustified pride.
Wait until Christfags find out about Styx's videos about Christianity
he lost me when he mentioned previous lives, Varg im concerned
yeah dude wtf
>taking this degenerate seriously
>implying he isn't in this thread right now.
Don't forget to buy the book
t. Varg
lost at "previous lives"
>he's a welfare
His income comes from music and literature
>who can't farm for shit
Doesn't want to use fertilizer jew
This guy is preparing to the true ancap experience, yet I have huge doubts about his ability to thrive if a catastrophe happened. I mean, he can't thrive in this world, which is easy mode, why would he in a full survival/ancap society? He is just a retard on the dole.
I dont like the Hitler had nigger blood crap that came out of him, but this is a good propaganda video encouraging stoicism and to actually act on your beliefs, to rid yourself of degeneracy, practice what you preach. Even if it wasnt his intent, he makes a lot of motivational videos. Keep doing what youre doing, Varg.
>supposed pagan nordic hero living off gibsmedats from kid farming like a hasidic Jew or Tyrone
There's nothing wrong with historical reenacting, though. It's better than the average LARP, as historical reenactors tend to actually care about a certain period of history enough to attempt to communicate that through appearances and in some cases, presentation of lifestyles of bygone periods. I'm a fan of Ancient Roman, Napoleonic Wars, American Revolutionary War, American Civil War, and Early Medieval/Dark Ages reenacting.
>And show your real flag
>show your real flag so I can argue against that instead of having to make any valid points
It's about fucking time they got rid of flags, just think of all the retards like this guy who can't shit up the board anymore.
Kid farming is what whites should be doing, depending on your definition of that term Ive never heard before, lefty/pol/. Say he wasnt living off gardens and self reliant and was actually getting welfare bucks for kids, literally farming kids like the term would imply. That takes money away from niggers, and destroys the welfare system. Win win, and it creates lots of white kids. 3 jews with 1 stone.
hey, varg
previous lives......varg pls......
This. I mean the more of a "better man" you are, the more money you make to support more children, you're just paying more to niggers to do the same. Just cut out the middle man and raise more kids while taking money from niggers at the same time.
So is the Pagan Threat over with?
Are Pagans eternally BTFO by their own leader?
Oh look, the guy that burned down churches and murdered his band mate is not 100% mentally competent. Color me surprised
>Are Pagans eternally BTFO by their own leader?
>call Christians LARPers for jokingly saying "Deus Vult" on a Mongolian basket-weaving site.
>their leader is literally a LARPer
He's making excuses for living in perpetual adolescence
varg doesn't think you're white
I think he's slowly losing it completely.
Come on guys, we all know the deal by now.
>Kills friend
>Lives in host land, doesn't learn language
>Sup Forums
>gas the jews
>fuck muslims
>throw commies from helicopters
>whoah varg stabbed some commie? NOT cool
>serving the (((state)))
good goyim work for that somali welfare