Brit/pol/ - Joseph Wright of Derby edition

Pic is the Orrery.

>News streams

>New secret home office report reveals an extra 250,000 illegal immigrants a year

>Protesters charge into Kensington town hall at rally in support of London tower fire victims

>PM orders public inquiry into tower fire

>Two soldiers die after tank incident in Pembrokeshire

>Police are "open-minded" over terror being a potential motive

>Brexit negotiations start on Monday

>Sinn Fein accuses May of breaching Good Friday Agreement as she seeks deal with DUP for Ian Paisley's party to prop her up in power

>The empty homes of rich people in Kensington should be SEIZED to house Grenfell Tower residents made homeless by fire, says Jeremy Corbyn

Other urls found in this thread:,_1768.jpg

'member this?

Start buying Hoejabi's

How's Brit/pol/ spending this summer?

Nth for Trainspotting

>An Iron Forge, 1772

What are some good history books about Britain?

>How's Brit/pol/ spending this summer?
Shitposting on pol

Was the Farage plane crash an assassination attempt?



I'm making a guide on paint with what exercises to do daily lads

It took me a month or two, my hunch was bad.

College's out, probably just going to revise for my next course.

Why aren't you spending the night in the company of a lovely lady?

I do, think I saw it in a ylyl, but ended up crying instead.


Good man

Anyone done anything sexual with a sister or cousin? Post your story

My step sister showed me her vag when she was like 10 (I was the same age)

g-good evening senpais... this heat is not too kind desu. It is much too hot.

I'm sure they will indulge your perversion

Rashid pls go

Hot. Prefer Staxus though.

Where's the lad having the family bbq?

How is your sister enjoying the food?

Yep, wasn't the first time either

>tfw no friends to go see Kaya in the new PoTC with

Unironically with my tall, blonde upper middle class gf in Sardinia then to visit my brother in the Cayman Islands.


Man, that concept makes me vomit a bit.

absolute lad

I agree. It's pretty blatant. But you can't sabotage the Farage.


Leave her alone m8, just let her pretend to be empathetic.

I didn't mean it literally.

ew that's gay bro

You're 100% wrong.

There are shootings daily across London, and officers wounded regularly. It doesn't make the news though. I can't speak for anywhere else but they DEFINITELY face danger that warrants armour in this city. And that is only riot gear.

In a Sup Forums thread last year watching the Orange Order march, the livestream showed a cop have his ear taken off by a brick. Molotovs are commonplace in riots, as is increasing use of powerful firecrackers..

this meme is bad. stop it.

I'm psychic. I'm sensing that at some point during this thread, an user will magically appear to call you a dumb frogposter before vanishing.

If this was true and not larping I wouldn't blame him if he torched the house in their sleep.

You were right, that's an excellent OP pic, saved and well chosen

What are you, a Lesbian?

>upper middle class
>probably a Norman
When is she leaving Anglo-Saxon lands then?

When was a policeman last shot in London? LOL at "it doesn't make the news", a copper being shot is massive news. Northern Ireland is different, they used to kill coppers for fun.

It's in the fantastic Derby Museum and Art Gallery - home to many of Wright's works, definitely worth a visit.

Being curious, are most Community colleges a joke or have I just had a bad experience?

>he goes to community college

Thanks, I'll go next time I'm that way

no i'm gay

And what? The Seniours school I went to was a joke and the closest 6th form was a all girls one, which accepted males into their 6th form.

More from the lad with the pretty sister


>community college """education"""


Holy shot did you guys see this yet?

Massive government coverup of the deaths (which seems typical of the British government since that's where 1984 and Brave New World take place).

Up to 500 possible.

If you're closer to London then this work is in room 34 of the National Gallery.,_1768.jpg

>He chose not to be the token guy at the all girls 6th form

I looked it up, it was over 20 years ago. They don't need to walk about like this, it's about showing people who's boss.

>sacrificing your future for a wee bit of pussy
When will they learn?

Randomly booked a week away to Torquay next week, lads. What can I expect?

Gotta get educated somehow, I've just decided to do a trade over anything else. BTECs are cancer and am not going to put 2 years in getting AS/A levels.

Where do you sit?

People are being such retards about this.

Police have to follow procedure on reporting deaths, they can't just throw out a random high number, the death toll rises as they confirm the dead.

Lots of old people.

Rain is certain.

>tfw could have gone to an all girls sixth form notorious for producing slags

I was a sperg in year 12 anyway so it wouldn't have made a difference.

There is a non-zero chance that a Marxist revolution will overthrow the May government and set up a socialist regime in the UK

It's less appealing than it seems. Especially when you only fancy older women.

>Gotta get educated somehow
>and am not going to put 2 years in getting AS/A levels

tfw I have to share a board with peasants

>too much redtape
>health and safety culture gone mad

I've seen that in the National Gallery, when I nip in sometimes for a look at the Wilson Diptych (which needs to be seen for real, the blue is amazing).

President Khan 2022

I will say, a lot of girls slagged themselves to lads in my Seniour school. Most were nasty, though.

I think the Tory government is trying to hide something because they were the ones who cut all the fire regulations and killed all of these people.

I'm as Middle class as they come, it's why I loath myself, sometimes.

Any advance on 500? Black people actually often have trouble with large numbers.

You still have to have fire proof doors and alarms. I have no idea why they wouldn't put them in, even with money involved. It'd be too much of a liability.

No one knows who exactly lives in those flats because most of them were illegally sublet council flats.

About 10 of them probably got off the council by one somalian using 10 different ID's.

Come on now, we all know how it goes down in london.

Wilton. And it is incredible. Makes me want to learn how to stamp gold leaf, but it's so incredibly frustrating to handle.


Get the cruets out it's time for tea

Solt, the Peppers and the vinnyger



Brown sauce


I don't mind old people. I'm not going to socialise. I'm a skinhead and look like a psychopath so I'm sure they'll keep their distance.

As long as it's not raining Pakis and Niggers like my home city of London.

Anyone else occasionally switch over to NHK when Sky or BBC are getting on their nerves? It's a very comfy channel.

Weren't most of them Muslim? Lefties are really having a whale of a time with this.

>Standard procedures happen
>Someone has something to gain by not """telling the truth""""

National Gallery is ridiculous. When I went in March there was the Michelangelo and Sebastiano exhibit and it's just incredible the work they have on display. One of my favourite parts is the Dutch masters.

I should really go again soon, it's only 40 odd quid on the train for a return ticket and it's a great day out.

My dad does gold leaf stuff in his oil paintings, he can testify to how difficult it is to work with, but the result looks great.

You talking about that Jap one?

Kek, sorry, it is Wilton, typo. It's a magnificent thing, I could look at it for hours, it seems to glow.

>More market than nation

Being a beach bum.

Do they still have that stupid blue chicken outside?

Yeah, they do comfy short documentaries in between newslines.

NHK is brilliant.


I like watching the shows about traditional Japanese life. The old people are so polite and friendly.

Also, why does NHK have superior picture quality over other channels, on the same TV and viewing platform?

that shit the Bobby tried to pull at the presser earlier today was confusing as fuck you have to admit.

It didn't do them any favours

No idea, but i know the people actually living in those flats werent the ones who were officially living in those flats.

>you have to have lived in the local area for a long time to qualify for social housing
>most of the victims were recently arrived immigrants

Does not add up

Illegal subletting

I don't remember seeing that, but they did have a stupid hand with a huge thumb.

Best news channel

I've heard they're really neo-lib/con. There was a Anime of the same acronym which had some commentary about it.

I hope incestanon has a dynamic IP.

Sad to see all his posts removed.