>No ISIS attack in Isr*el
Really make you think
No ISIS attack in Isr*el
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oy vey
It's as if they're on the same side.
Only country in middle East with a loyal military and intelligence community
Or maybe that is exactly what someone wants you to think...
oh look another retarded bait thread
Or maybe it's the fact
Fuck of alt kike
If hamas and Palestiniggers carry out attacks then why can't isis do it.
Must be that sweet wall.
Go back
Kikes detected.
Literally today there was an ISIS attack in Israel
Or at least they claim so. desu I don't have any proof
any dead rats?
there was one yesterday you dumbfuck
Three dead Muslim terrorist
tbqh you can't really know if it's ISIS. Hamas also claimed responsibility
no it doesn't.
ISIS is the democrats proxy army
actually makes complete sense since they dont have support among military members or police. But its also the redpill that their base can't swallow which makes them delusional
because israel actually has decent security.
also, wtf is going on with the userflags?
israel sucks
Questioning anything is established shill behavior.
>tfw you want to be a white nationalist but you also hate white people.
Why can't we have misanthropic nihilist flags?
update ur memes faggot
isreal is attacked by muslims everyday this thread is shit
all I can think about is what blood type the walls are
oy vey goyim no!
There's been at least one ISIS attack in Israel:
Wait I thought they white phosphorus pig and goat fuckers at the border there? Might explain why it doesn't happen.
>An English acronym that stands for Islamic State
The retardation is too much to bear. ISIS doesn't even refer to itself as such... Why are goyim so dumb?
israel actually has a defended and defined border unlike europe.
>>No ISIS attack in Isr*el
>Really make you think
No ISIS attack in Wales either, one likes fucking goats the other like fucking sheep...really makes you think
tell me faggot....what defined board is that?
There was an attack yesterday when a police woman was killed and ISIS claimed responsibility. WEW LAD
Well you claim not to fuck goats but i haven't seen any proof yet..... really makes you think
Yet poor 12 year old Palestinian kids still manage to attack Israel with bottle rockets but somehow a powerful Caliphate that has brought armies to its knees cant even conduct a simple attack on Israel because of muh borders?
>doesnt pay attention to the huge UN sign but arrows to the blurry israeli flag which is obviously behind a fuck ton of fences.
Also we dont just shot at any sandnigger that gets close enough to the border to be shot at but I wish that we did.
I'm no fan of isreal but I think it's more because they get away with profiling and build actual walls
Isis is roaches and what the Jews up to is way more upper echelon
This is now Hadas Malka memorial thread. She died protecting her country from the worst people on earth and she will be forever remembered. Glory to the true hero! She will be avenged.
eh both suck
An entire one person? I remember when two Muslims tried to stab two cops in Israel (there's CCTV of it iirc), one got stabbed for certain. Not sure what happened to the other.
The news even carried on talking about the event and how the poor eternal victim had seen a total of 15 (fifteen) previous attacks resulting in 9 (nine) deaths during the last 12 months. Then he quickly mentioned how in the same period Israelis had killed no less than 75 Palestinians before moving on to a new story. I know, I know it's just pure coincidence.
I'll try an analogy
>You live in a street with 30 houses and 1 of them is empty (for the sake of semantic arguing Jews this is the only street within 1000 miles)
>Someone moves into the empty house
>Within 6 months of him moving in 29 houses in the street have been burgled
>The only one that hasn't is the one that was just moved into
>Is it likely he's the burglar?
>Yes it is
>Now what if all 29 of those houses had everything taken, BUT the one empty house, that now has a tenet, has also been burgled except they only stole some cheap tatty vase
>Is it still likely he's the burglar?
>Of course not, because the new tenet is the real victim who's suffered the most and he just so happens to be called Israel
Literally how it works. You're so fucking awful at covering for yourselves you make it even more blatant.
It's just like these threads. If someone calls out Jews you all rush in and start crying about how you're the victim because you grabbed a dog by the balls and it bit you.
Sort of like they don't need to play by the same rules everyone else is forced to? I wonder (((who))) decides that?
>This was a selfie she sent to her friends minutes before being killed.
looks like wonder woman. so sad.
destroy the family home, and the mosque they went to, heck, bulldoze the entire town.
It's like I'm sensing coincidences here
Didn't ISIS once accidentally send missiles to Israel and later apologized ? And i've heard stories of wounded islamic terrorists getting healed in Israelis hospitals...
>Talking selfies on patrol
>"our greatest ally"
good goy
Fuck off, filthy kike.
Nothing says "Peaceful Police Action" like an uparmored Israeli bulldozer.
Fuck Western Jews and Israel. Fuck them both. They're both terrible.
You my nigger friend are and idiot, we literally have somebody killed every week or two at the most in Jerusalem, where I live. The fact that this is HAMAS territory and that we have a wall with Syria and that you cant understand those concepts is hardly my problem, tinfoil covered house bro. As well as the fact that you get more media buzz if you kill a few people in a europian capital where it is actually ironically much easier for an isis operative to get to then into Israel.
>much easier for an isis operative to get to then into Israel.
is that a threat?
build the wall
Yes we dont want a prosperous and strong middle east, for the only reason that they go to bed at night thinking how they want to get us killed. We are still technically at war with both Syria, Lebanon and Iran. Did the Israeli government create isis? No that insane, they are unfortunately not smart enough to do that and long term it is horrible for us. When Isis is done Syria and Hezbolah as well as other groups in the region will have a lot of fighters that dont know how to do anything else and who will have an insane amount of combat experience and soon after they will get tired of eating each other they will inevitably attack Israel.
> I actually met the sitting minister of defense
its a fact, stop letting millions of sandniggers into the EU every year unchecked.
>implying we havent been sitting here watching Obamas regime steer a plauge of jihad sweeping through the middle east to take down and install radical caliphate in Syria so they have the excuse they need to nuke it so israel can expand its boarders and writing Europe off as collateral damage.
You dont have to tell me your (situation), i just dont agree with your methods
Tell your fucking rabbis to stop pushing for it in the media.
>>No ISIS attack in Isr*el
>Really make you think
Strict security.
Israel would just annihilate anyone they thought responsible.
America could put an end to ISIS if our leaders weren't so PC.
Dogs never attack their masters