What if the real enemy isn't Jews? What if they're using the Jews to hide? What if we're all too busy blaming the Jews and the real enemy is being ignored? What if Jews are the good guys and they're just being portrayed as evil? What is happening to me? Am I overdosing on red pills? Why does my wife hate me? I want to die.
What if Jews aren't bad?
No, jews are evil.
nice post i like it
Shut the fuck up you false flag
Maybe that's what THEY want you to think.
Not all jews are evil. But evil's source is jewish.
No, they don't.
good goy
Your wife craves the BBC
I'm autistic.
In that case, who or what is the real enemy?
How have they remained hidden for so long?
If thats the case might as well get rid of both just to be safe
>ID: jUE
Nice try, shylock.
I don't know, but it's possible Judaism has been hijacked by a small group of people pretending to be Jewish.
Wouldn't the actual jews notice at some point?
As much as the small group of impostors in this hypothesis have made other peoples angry at jews, wouldn't they tell people about it at some point to clear their names?
You're close to the end. Only a few more pills to swallow.
Rev 3:9
Ever wonder why Egyptian Kings were white? Why Esau and King David were redheads?
"Diversity" has been around for a long time. Whites have been pushed to the ends of the Earth, all by the synagogue of Satan.
youre talking about the khazars. a race of mongoloid turkroaches who converted to judaism in 800 ad and subverted the original israelis into near extinction. the palestinians are the last remaining israelis which is why the khazars larping as jews want to kill them off.
There is no enemy. Humanity is just shitty.
>Wouldn't the actual jews notice at some point?
They have. And ACTUAL jews are not happy.
They are the real enemy, the only evil beyond them on this planet is satan. They are genetically the spawn of Satan via Cain.
fuck off shill.
Jews are evil, lying rats.
The Jews are still the enemy even if there's another enemy behind them.
I've asked myself this a hundred times. I'm certainly not evil by the established standards of Western morality but many Sup Forumsniggers are clearly both evil and mentally ill, again, by established Western standards.
So unless they're some secret underlying Aryan morality that's the inverse of established Western public morality or...
What the fuck are you trying to say?
I'm Jewish and I can affirmatively tell you that Jews don't give a fuck about gentiles or national politics. It's all about other Jews.
Couple that with our average IQ being a full standard deviation above the normal population and you get 'le Jewish boogeyman' memes, which really aren't that untrue.
I don't personally feel bad for white people for not catching on. It can't be helped. You are to us what niggers living in mudhuts in Africa are to you, from the standpoint of IQ statistics.
Everyone on Sup Forums seems to think all Jews are evil but I don't think I'm evil and I was raised in a white Christian country so it's not like I'm operating off of a different set of standards.
In the hole you go, fucking Jew rats.
Those people you refer to as Jews are not Jews. They are Luciferians masquerading as Jews.
If you really want to know whats going on and why the Deep State is powerful and why , here is the summary (WHICH IS ALL PUBLIC INFORMATION IF YOU LOOK, YOU CAN FIND IT ALL):
>The Round Table of Nine, heads of the most powerful banking companies in the world (nine families, I am sure you know some of them very well)
>The Bilderberg Group is one level below the Round Table of Nine
>Each 'controlled' nation (which is almost all) has its own sectors within it, (EU its the Club of Rome, US its the Council on Foreign Relation/Trilateral Commission)
In two parts which will take a few posts, I will give you a quick rundown on how this was formed and everything I tell you is factual and can be found with public information if you look deep enough. All this information is there.
I'm gonna call bullshit on that one. I care about gentiles and national politics, I care less about ""other Jews"" in foreign countries than I do about gentiles in Canada.
Also we're not that much smarter on average.
>In 1936, Germany recovered a flying saucer, unclear how they came in possession of it
>Nazi German scientists were attempting to reverse engineer this disk at a place called Peenemünde (where most of the German UFO documents came from)
>Americans took these documents after WW2 and tried to duplicate the technology for many years and got no where until 1947
>In 1947, a flying disks crashed and this became the famous Roswell incident
>Up to 4 dead alien bodies were recovered
>2 more flying saucers were recovered in 1948 in Aztec, NM, which contained human body parts.
>Classification for these cases changed from Secret to Top Secret due to fear of national panic
>In 1949, two more disks crashed near Roswell
>5 alien bodies were recovered and 1 live alien captured wandering (he was given the name EBE, extraterrestrial biological entity)
>EBE was interrogated but would not open up until over a year
>EBE became sick and couldn't be treated
>Signal was sent out into space begging for help to help save EBE, this was done to make contact while at the same time trying to gain favor from the technologically superior species
>There was no response and EBE eventually died
>Propaganda machine gets turned on and movies, books, media begin to to prepare humans for any future contact so that it is not a shock
>In 1953, multiple objects were detected heading towards Earth, they were spacecrafts
>An attempt at radio contact was made, arrangements were made for them to land.
After you.
Dumping the culture of critique pdf for any newfags
>In 1954 there were three arranged landings of alien spacecraft that took place
>They took place at Holloman Air Force Base in NM, Edwards Air Force Base in CA and Homestead Air Force Base in FL
>First alien meeting was with intelligence officers, where they reached basic agreement and left hostage to show they would return later to sign a formal agreement.
>Second meeting was with President Eisenhower, explanation for his being missing was "he went to see a dentist to treat toothache"
>Formal agreement was reached and first intergalactic treaty was signed
>In the treaty, it allowed for aliens to abduct humans as long as they returned them to where they were and they had no memory of abduction
>Eisenhower had to figure out how to deal with this so a plan had to be made
>MJ12 was made up 12 men including Nelson Rockefeller representing the President, SecDef, SecState, Director of FBI & CIA, and CJCS
>12 men for 12 votes to pass (hence name, majority)
>Balance of MJ12 is made up of members of the executive committee on foreign relations
>Publically this is now Committee on the Present Danger (COD)
>The ultimate goal for "Operation Majority", as they called it, was one world government
>Unclear whether if Eisenhower knew what he was getting into or not
>There needed to be a buffer between him and this alien issue, incase the public found out
>This buffer would allow for the president to legally deny knowing about it
... continued...
Of course not all jews are evil but there's something biological about you people that makes you want to destroy western civilization. I don't think all bears are going to kill me but I will avoid them because I don't want to take the chance to see if the bear is nice or not
... continued
>Eisenhower, before leaving office, warned of the Military Industrial Complex
>The MIC = the Council on Foreign Relation
>They control MSM, majority of the stocks, publishing interests, etc etc.
>America was handed over to them
>This was was all done through secret executive orders and NSC memos (which are basically ECs)
>NSC memos were used as the buffer to make it seem like the President doesn't know
>Essentially, America was given to the Deep State through these orders
This is where it all goes wrong and the world starts to change. This is when you start seeing false flags and high crime all because the country no longer belongs to the people, but to the deep state. Nixon found out when he came into office, just like everyone else (besides Bush). Nixon tried to expose it when it was a baby but was shut down.
Want more info? Everything above and tons more, detailed here:
But I don't want to destroy Western civilization, I like Western civilization and Bears aren't evil, they're just Bears!
It's not them. Its the book the they been brainwashed with. The Torah teaches the, that the are superior and the chosen race. Just like the muslims and the Quran. So they act as it everyone is their slaves put here to serve them and have no other value.
Religion is a plague simply because how shitty humans are (like I said before) and how easily the are seduced with the idea of being special and superior. And it's not just in religion though, you see it in science too. Ever seen how smug and superior these atheist feel to everybody else? Hans are very easy to convince that they are special and that creates division between us.
Same shit with you white supremacist and the we WUZ kings blacks. The entire problem in this planet is that ever race has been lead to believe by one book or another that they are special and everybody else is the enemy trying to take their specialness away.
There is no enemy.... humans are just shitty.
No, the higher levels of the Jewish hierarchy have always withheld secret knowledge, and control carefully who has access to this verbally passed down, unwritten information.
The Jews aren't hijacked, they are who they are and let the masses of their own population protect what is hidden deep within them, without knowing what it is.
Jews did 9/11
Jew confirmed
remove class division to minimize human elitism
>What if the real enemy isn't Jews
They aren't the good guys. There are no good guys in this game. But there are worse guys above them, yes.
Namely: Jesuits.
I think you've overdosed to the point of memehood
>What if the real enemy isn't Jews?
I dunno, what if OP wasn't a faggot? What if a frog had a glass ass? We can't get distracted with absurd hypothetical scenarios were OP's mouth isn't constantly full to the brim with moist, glistening cockmeat. We live in the real world, man.
This logic can be applied forever
kek already hates jews
What if Jews are lying rats who spread disinformation on the internet and point the finger at Jesuits and other stupid shot
>what if water isn't wet
>Implying Hitler was wrong.
GTFO this board
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real, but the people responsible are not Jews, this part of it is disinformation meant to fool you.
Substitute these words:
>"Sion" for "Zion"
>"Illuminati" for "Jews"
>"Cattle" for "Goyim"
Then you have yourself accurate information with no disinfo. Although what you know as the "Illuminati" is the Deep State / Majority 12 (COD) / etc.
Sorry goy, I'm out of pepes, you win this round.
What if Jesuits stopped obfuscating the history of the world from the people?
You have to understand what Jewishness means, I do suspect that most people blaming Jews, don't.
Not that they are ill-intentioned, but they're operating on intuition.
When the veil of the JQ is lifted we will see the the real adversary. The jesuits.
Personally it's more believable that Globalists joined together in a ploy for power. They sat on the top together and wanted even more
Get the fuck out of my country you hooked nosed large protruding mouthed animal
Not only zionists but some powerfull assholes are evil
But all true commies are fucking evil
My nose and mouth are normal sized and this is my country now.
>muh jesuit conspiracy
>muh knights of malta
>muh black pope
You understand that the Jesuit disinfo was started by an israeli diamond trader, right? St. Ignatious of Loyola was a fucking marano crypto jew so the Jesuit conspiracy literally just leads you down the jew consious rabbit hole.
>le Jesuit secret papal assassins meme
I wonder who could be behind this
Jewsuits were the first to sail to new found lands and the first to grab wealth there due to (((conversion))).
Just looking at south america, you see that jewsuits were about grabbing money, workforce and politics.
Little to do with religion.
What does everyone think of this?
Controlled opposition.
this, honestly
To understand your predisposed behaviors you must first look to your history as a people.
Ask yourself why you of all people have been removed from soo many nations throughout history.
Ask yourself why it is that there is nowhere a good opinion by any people about the jews
Now ask why it is that even with your people having their own nation, you manage to get yourselves involved in things that shouldnt involve you.
Answer these questions first before you approach Sup Forums
But none of that stuff applies to me personally...
0 results
The jews are just a tool to do the dirty work of the actual "masters" of the world. The identity of the people behind all those global fiasco theatres we are witnessing today is well hidden and saved during all those centuries (and it still continues to be). They literally own the world - from banks and financial organizations to whole governments and unions. Their goal is a total dominance and control over the population which is already in process - weakening and destroying the national identity of every country by importing 3rd world shitskins to destabilize and collapse the EU, spreading and brainwashing the masses through libertarian, SJW and LGBT policies, poisoning the air, water and food and many more. History isn't what it is - all the wars and conflicts are well planned strategies to release and place the "pieces" of the big 4d chess "game" which will lead to the expected results they want.
>What if they're using the Jews to hide?
illuminati do it.
I cannot wait for the coming days.
I can taste the fear of your brothers.
So are you going to explain what jewishness means or just leave us hanging here?