Was D&D the creator of neckbeard millenials?
Was D&D the creator of neckbeard millenials?
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Nobody under the age of 40 has ever played dungeon and dragon, gramps.
i-i played
t. 24
No, video games are, D&D just gave them an outlet to be more creative and break off the shackles of rigid programming in games.
Gary Gygax was a libertarian. But maybe.
Nah DnD is one of the few based western games desu.
I played a significant amount and i'm ony 20
I don't understand the stigma against D&D. Compared to things like anime and vidya D&D is a fundamentally social and creative game
D&D players are sad and pathetic.
>based generation zyklon
gen z is worse than millenials anyway
If you take it seriously it's no better than anime, video games, super heros, or fantasy shit. If you and bunch of friends get together to drink beer and see how badly you can screw with the narrator guy then you're fine in my books.
Role Playing Games help people vet off their degeneration and some troubles. It does not do anything other than that, yes I know some people who play it too much for their own sake. But let's face it every activity has people whom can't stop doing it. Dungeons and Dragons became popular again in 2009 (When they released 5th Edition), so no I would argue it did not have enough time to influence them.
nice boomerpost
D and D is from the 70s,millenials come way after the onset of the game.
Secondly, D and D has racial difference and moral structure hard coded into the rules. The old AD and D rules even straight up limited the max strength of females to be lower than for males.
Old school D and D is pretty redpilled.
D&D is evil.
D&D was pretty harmless, i loved it growing up. It's completely pozzed to shit now, though.
Tabletop RPG players are some weird people. Today is actually free RPG day at many comic stores- they give away free RPG sample books.
I was there today, a bunch of overweight, white neckbeards. I only know a handful of players, less than a dozen, and TWO of them have gone on to become MTF transsexuals.
Extremist left winged views are very common among RPG gamers.
nothing is better than watching the DM pack up a bunch of reference material because you went and cheesed the fuck out of some huge encounter that was supposed to take two hours
i was a little bit to late for the 10 people at a table playing dnd, but i seen it.
>shitty story time with dice
the very definition of children if you ask me
Kys scum
In Vvardenfell the Dark Elves are Jews.
we played a few times, but it probably wasn't as good as the 70's. when everyone was wow this is so cool.
If it weren't for DnD, there would be no Elder Scrolls.
Ender Scrolls is more popular than tabletop RPGs these days though, so I would like Bethesda to release an Elder Scrolls tabletop RPG, to help tabletops make a come-back.
No, not at all. Especially considering the majority of people who played DnD in their childhood were people like me who grew up in the 80's.
5th edition was released in 2014, I believe you're thinking of 4th edition. Either way, 2e is the best edetion. All others are corruptions of the original rules.
I'm playing right now while browsing Sup Forums and having a blast, best game ever.
Check out roll20 for games if interested.
Tabletop games produce nerds, no argument there, but it flies under the radar of numales. No social capital in playing Necromunda, that's why /tg/ stuff hasn't been assimilated by cucks the way videogames have.
of course
we had a dungeon master guide i use to browse because nothing interesting to read, had it forever, finally diapered.
I've played. 24/m/MD :3
we had a few of the campaigns, not to bad a read.
I find it boring unless you actually care about interacting with the other players. It's more of a social game than anything else in particular.
im a former chad athlete that turned to computers after HS and i secretly always wanted to try out a game of DnD and tabletops
now i just go to Gnu conferences and Linux events and enjoy peoples reactions (le chad is aware of us!)to fufill this.
if the occasion presented itself i wouldnt refuse though
The creator of D&D was a neckbeard millennial ahead of his time.
all the original guys were super history buff wargaming nerds.
Yes. It's also responsible for plague of pagan larpers that is ruining this board.
man that cover brings back alot of memeories
I had all the shit too, second edition boxed sets
used to play every day with my friends in 80's
man those were the days, no job, no responsibilities, all the girls were virgins
canada was 90% white, walked miles tot own to watch a movie and home again, never threatened, never even knew what a threat was
what happened to our green and pleasant land
so sad
Literally only learned how to play so I could troll the GM within the confines of the game. It was like winning an argument knowing you're in the wrong.
>official gamebooks calling everyone "she"
yeah no
D&D fans tend to be all right, but there are some serious faggots out there, like at RPG.net
Now Magic the Gathering is filled with frustrated virgin nerds who turn to extreme feminism in the hopes of getting laid
>not MYFAROG instead
Pleb tier
>Either way, 2e is the best edetion. All others are corruptions of the original rules.
1e w/THACO is better than 2e; they nerfed too many things in 2e. But 2e is better than everything that came after it.
You had a shitty GM, you would get shut down by anyone that knew half their shit lol.
Actually an interesting fact, look up the satanic panic and look who was pushing fundamentalist Christian's to attack the hobby. The whole ordeal was a big push to get what few hobbies and industries remained outside of Jewish control under their thumbs.
You can't shut me down for thinking outside of the box you faggot. That's the whole point of the game. I bet you flipped the table on bad rolls
A small poll:
>for how long have you been playing D&D?
>how many sexual partners (excl. prostitutes) have you had in your life?
You lie. the answers are backwards
>Start playing D&D every week a few months ago
>Find out my GM is a bleeding heart liberal who boycotted Home Depot because its CEO supports Trump
>Keeps posting anti-Trump memes in whatsapp groupchat
>Doesn't yet know I'm a Trump supporter
I dont want to tell him either since he's a fantastic GM and actually very good otherwise and I have fun time every time.
>tfw rekt
Nah but I'm really curious whether or not there is a strong correlation. Would be surprising if there is little or none.
The leaf nailed it.
I always wanted to play but nobody here was smart enough for it, s m h
>t.born in 95'
No buddy, GURPS is fucking based, World of Darkness is based, D&D is gateway
No I did
>t. normie chad
the fuck outta here
I'm currently reading a book about Gygax called Empire of Imagination. Dude had a pretty sad life and had a very hard time dealing with his father's death. It played a big role in his need to escape into table top fantasy games.
DD is jewish propaganda. Search it
Yeah but once you get past that part it is quite fun. You just have to get over yourself and stop pretending you are cool and you will have a good time.
Also I smashed a girl I met at an RPG meetup. She was like a 5 but I could tolerate her presence without wanting to punch her, unlike most roasties.
Oh shit you have a Necromunda gang? Do people still play that?
I made a gang out of imperial gaurdsmen (Cadians I think) and modeled them after the 90s militia movement.
Also had a redemptionist gang.
Good times.
Had that book, complete First Edition set.
Mom threw it out along with my fantasy action figures because the radio man said it was Satan.
Never forgave this transgression.
>still play on occasion.
I can do whatever I want as DM =]
Bad rolls are what make some of the funniest moments in the game, you don't know me faggot lol
>not running catachans as orlocks
M8 step yer game up
admit it OP, you just want to make a stealth D&D thread
Fixed that for you.
But more honestly, this.
I guess, but then again, they would probably find some other outlet to indulge in.
It's more of an overall society thing that makes groups appear and not individual details.
Nigger I played D&D all throughout my teenage years and I'm 19
>World of Darkness is based
Fuck no. That is the most pozzed tabletop game in existence.
*clears throat*
MMORPGs. Gemstone, Everquest, Dark Age of Camelot, World of Warcraft.
Played in three long campaigns by the time I was 15. Have always been the cleric.
Praise Pelor! Praise the Sun!
Canadians are sad and pathetic
>implying that doesn't make them worse
a big world just means a bigger need for a path to guide players through it user.
It's almost like you want to create a generation that is based upon handouts and babying.
you should watch that
OY VEY i've been found out :DD
Can you explain your thinking?
Their true creator is the failed politics and philosophy of baby boomers.
wow you must have put a ton of research into that big expose
True, I love both 2e 1e. The only true patrician editions. I'm pissed off they removed the THAC0 system; I guess people were just too dumb to understand a basic rule
5th edition best edition, stay mad oldfags.
D and D is not played by Milennials because in this game you actually have to THINK and exercise PATIENCE and WORK HARD for REWARD
That image hit home hard.