Well Sup Forums Miley is normal again

She no longer a degenerate, Liam fucked her normal. With that being said, I can now admit Billy Ray and my dad are 2nd cousins. I will see Billy and possibly Miley in 2 weeks, what would you like me to tell or ask them? I'm going to attempt to bring her unto our side.

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Burn the coal, pay the toll
She's yet to pay a toll

>Liam fucked her normal.
Let's hope so. She seemed to be going batshit insane there for a while.

The obvious question is, did Miley need some good dicking to get normal like Laci?

they're going where the money is going

people turn their nose up at her degeneracy now, so she does a 180
same thing with laci green
same thing with god knows how many other females who work in the entertainment industry

She probably came to the realization that the degenerate lifestyle can't fill that void in her like a good decent man can.

Being a party girl after a certain age regardless of who you are is fucking weird and sad.

ask them how many jews she worked for.

Who gives a shit

Once a degenerate always a degenerate. Nothing can replace the memories of her hairy armpits performing fellatio on an uncircumcised black rubber cock for her degenerate rapist friend Terry Richardson. Least we forget the degenerate tattoos and rampant drug use.

What I mean by "I will see Billy" is at the same gathering every year in Ohio (actually Kentucky). Miley has not been in 4 years, but I was told her and her husband would be there. I'm going to probe Liam to see if he is a Trump supporter.

Do you have any idea the kind of impact Miley could have on liberal chicks if she supported Trump publicly?

Liam is a successful guy, has good looks and could probably find a decent, attractive and worthwhile companion. Instead he goes for this disgusting husk of a human being with no personality who whores herself out to the music industry's command, for millions of course.

I can't imagine any sort of decent companionship from this millionaire, low class prostitute.

But as they say in my country: the traveler is known by his suitcase.

Your daily reminder that Nazism is the way forward, oh and dicks and feminism and shit

It means nothing unless she becomes a Christian. That will be the proof in the pudding, as it were. As far as I'm concerned, she's still a trashdrugwhore who is only LARPing as 'becoming normal' for a PR stunt.

you have to make her full 1488

I hope to get to meet him, but it is only hearsay that he will be there.

how many nigger dicks did she suck?

Liam is the male version of a decent woman that dates abusive psychopath drug dealers thinking they can "fix them".

No promises, but I will try to get through to her. I just wanted to make this post to get some ideas on what to say or ask of her. I'm more interested in Liam, but he appears to have her under control.

lol its called growing up, and also she must be a lot brighter than we give her credit. she sees the social trend and is capitalizing on it.

Well, he stuck with her....he apparently did fix her. At least for now.

She became normal after taking the psychedelic Ayahausca.

>I'm more interested in Liam

Share with them the Gospel of Christ 2bh

most women do.

What the fuck, thats not her

yes it is.

You are confusing a carefully crafted personality made to appeal to target audiences with reality.

>No longer degenerate
>X is no longer a murderer because he only murdered a few people and hasn't murdered anyone else in years
>t. OP

Are you saying that all degenerates should just get a clean slate because they irl'd "it was just a prank bro"? Would the (((Rosenbergs))) have been free to go if they had just turned around and said they wouldn't give any more secrets to the (((Soviets)))?


She already has the kind of herpes you can only get from fucking niggers.

She's garbage now. It's too late.

>fucked her normal
Nope. Two things happened. First, she hit her mid-20's when that whole rebellious and slightly crazy act is no longer entertaining but rather unimpressive. Second, she hit her mid-20's and realized what she was doing was really unattractive. Essentially Miley just got a little older and finally started to grow up.

Introduce her to Lauren Southern.

Miley Cyrus is perfect example how all a woman needs to be obedient is some good dicking

what a fuckin' woman


>suggesting it wasn't just all a multi-year publicity stunt to transition her from a kiddie star to an "adult star"
>suggesting her (((advisors))) didn't script every last minute of her "insanity"
>suggesting, she wasn't just doing her job

ok, lad, you are a truly bluepilled kid

But is she just taking a degenerate break?

She could relapse under Jew mind control.

All of them.

>alpha dick fucked her right
It's a shame that it's so easy for women to become whores into the church of feminism, but can never wash off the degeneracy of their deeds to convert to the correct path.

Hopefully she'll have white babies and teach them to do better.

Dude, Miley said in a interview that Liam fucked her normal pretty much


sorry no archive, use adblock like civilized people

So you live like a degenerate, and you can never change? Where do you think you are? If someone here hasn't ever been degenerate, they are fresh recruits.



Ask her what she believes necessary evil is. Should the world have diversity? if so diversity requires seperation. Does she appreciate cultures that don't make any sense to her? well then she cant have america influence everything


I don't think so. She is not even smoking weed anymore. She is not being a good goy if she is under mind control. They would not have let her change so much.

the election really fucked with her. she realized it's time to grow up


And again, she went back to Liam because she's now in her mid-20's and who the hell would want her besides someone who she has experience with? Without their past together there's no way he'd be interested in her. Time is cruel to women.

You should ask Miley to do a AMA on Sup Forums with you if you're telling the truth user

You are glorifying her in your mind because shes famous and deep inside you believe you could blend in with famous people. Don't forget that she is a degenerate whore that plays a part in the destruction of civiliazation.

>Madonna is the token whore
>Becomes normal and is replaced by Aguilera and Spears
>Aguilera and Spears are the token whores
>become normal and are replaced by Shakira and Rihanna
>Rihanna and Shakira become the token whores
>become normal and are replaced by Lady Gaga
>Lady Gaga becomes the token whore
>becomes normal and is replaced by Nicki Minaj
>Nicki Minaj becomes the token whore
>becomes normal and is replaced by Miley Cyrus
>Miley Cyrus becomes the token whore
>Becomes normal and is replaced by Katy Perry
>Katy Perry becomes the token whore
>Will return to normal and be replaced by ???

This is just run-of-the-mill stuff of the satanic hollywood. Teach impressionable girls to be sluts through media icons, and once the icon stops being outwardly trashy, the media will talk about how "redeemed" and "matured" they had become, yet they replace that whore with another sex kitten. Rinse and repeat. It's just a trick to turn girls into whores in their prime, and once they're old and used up and haggard, they "repent" and become "good", all the while never acknowledging Christ. Destroy youth culture and the morality therein, destroy wholesome families and societies, make them believe they can "mature" and "grow up" after being a whore, NEVER acknowledge Christ.

No no, im not. I want to see her in person to get a grasp of what is real. I just wanted advice as to what to ask or say to her. That is all man. Even if she is not there, I can probably get her cell phone number to at least text her.

I hope he will enjoy his new black son with the DNA of 80 men

Settling on a beta provider is not getting fixed. It's just the easy move when you're an old bag. Woman like easy choices.

Uou replied to the wrong person.

she made a video where she cries for like 10 minutes about trump getting elected, shes as dumb as the rest.

When was she BLACKED?

Females should be banned from public discourse and should require to be covered at all times while in public Tbh

He's fucking nuts. If he was poor or if she was an anonymous whore I could maybe understand if he was just like "I love her" but how can he take back this public whore is fucking beyond me.

Also wtf does your saying mean about the luggage? I don't fucking get it. I've used cheap ass luggage my whole life and recently bought high end luggage. Doesn't say anything about me except that I fucked up my back too badly to struggle with bags anymore

It's funny how women dismiss this as sexist and an oversimplification, but what seems to save these women from the precipice more often than not is actually a good dicking.

Since when have those others become normal in anyway?

Indeed, she deserves to be acidfaced

this is proof that degenerates and lesbians just need corrective sex from an Alpha Male to turn normal.

whose head is that?

"Normal" in a relative sense - ie not a weirdo attention whore; settled down to some degree.

Makes you wanna rethink the word "decent" somewhat.

You see a beautiful woman who goes out with a douchebag, or spineless beta, or abusive idiot. Is she immature? Naive? Does she have issues? Gets the gears grinding doesn't it...

Sometimes it makes you think less of them, especially when they have a supplicant boyfriend who provides them with money and "support" but still will fuck you raw.

Whenever my wife is in a cunty mood I just dick her down and she turns totally back to normal. It's crazy.

my bad
im pretty sure she never got blacked, im also pretty sure she was never a actual whore, she just acted like it. She did smoke a lot of pot, and other drugs, dressed like a slut and probably turned many good girls into degenerates

>white people care about miley cyrus
>still wonder why their race is endangered

good fucking riddance

I doubt she ever actually fucked a nigger. She probably just used the look of a coalburner
to sell her shitty music to those disgusting animals. She's a fucking idiot either way.

hormones will do that, even more so when you actually have a emotionally connection with that person. It is crazy, I agree.

her mk ultra mind control is off for now. (((they))) changed their sights to Katty Perry


You are clearly not understanding why I posted this. I wanted opinions on what to say or ask her and Liam so I can report back. That is all.

Especially to insufferable women. I don't really know her but she might be a complete wacko. Child stars become like that.

Alas, many average psychos can find guys to eat their shit.

The penitent woman should be allowed to convince others that traditionalism is the best course for themselves and humanity.
If they do it for exclusively selfish endeavors, than they are no better than the degenerates they preach against

Katy is fresh out the oven, bon appetit.

Seems that way. People drooled over Katy way to much even before. She was covered in acne with 10 pounds of make up hiding it. Miley is cute, it is ashamed she is covered in prison tats. She has the money to get them removed though.

i was being edgy

because that's what people do on the internet

kys newfag scum

Further proof of alt right bog nigger matriarchy, must be in DNA!
>inb4 replies consisting of pictures of white women in wheat fields

Typical tactical jew stuff. Act like a 'bad boy/girl' to win over degenerates and scum and gain a lot of notoriety/attention for your classless behavior and then pull off a redemption to win back the medias heart.

Beiber did the exact same thing.

Is Liam using her for her millions while he fucks sluts every chance he gets? "have fun on your tour sweetie!" invites a harem of bitches to miley's mansion for a sexy pool party, no cellphones allowed


>Miley Cyrus
> white

All she needed was a good ol ROUTING from a BROgan...Based oi oi ois are based.

He has been with her for a long time. Through all of her stages. I guess he just did not want to give up on her, appears to have paid off.


How deep does the conspiracy go>???

>now Katy Perry is acting like a short haired dyke

Bit of a coincidence

sounds like an average white couple

The implication is that if you carry an irredeemable whore in your arm you are wither a shitty person yourself or some poor sap being deluded into thinking he catched something of value.

Just as your worth is measured by the material crap you own, it can be measured by the companions and friends you keep.

All part of the plan, gotta keep that harlotry fresh. Swift is next after Perry


thats one pretty man

oh shakira, you were beutiful before your hips didnt lie

Thanks for opinions everyone. I will ask her about the wall, nationalism, Jews, and help her think of ideas to deal with feminism, help her find a good place to get those shitty tattoos removed, and converting loony libs.

hopefully it's this bitch before sweet Tay Tay

Ask her what she does if he starts doing that goo goo baby shit

>How deep does the conspiracy go>???

deep like Miley's throat

Possible, she hasn't had her hair bleached white or buzzed yet. Maybe she bargained a way out due to her deep interest in Kaballah, or has another purpose.
A good way to tell if a celeb has been "caught" by ""them"" is that they either bleach their hair blonde or buzz and bleach it, and become somewhat secretive and reclusive for some time.