OP found something to REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE about

>be me
>goin' to buy energy drink
>sees something
>REE activated

It says:
>intercultural streetfootball league of lower bavaria



>Nazi flag
wew lad, be careful that Mutti Merkel doesn't see this

Found another about 50 meters away, but there were too many people and car drivers around

It's something tho


you should be careful posting such stuff on internet if you are from germany, i think you went a bit overboard, edgy


>is a shitskin himself
Can't make this shit up

>fat hand


im turkish fight me scumbag



Machs richtig oder lass es sein.

Was soll der abgeknickte ringfinger.

Is broken

>that arm
you have to go back paco

I'm fuckin' tanned it's asshot here in lower bavaria

you are a turk rape baby

Ich habe das Bayer-sind-Kothäute-Meme nie geglaubt aber scheint doch etwas zu haben.

>Tanned German
Salam Aleikum brother

inb4 cyber polees throw OP in gulag and/or gas chamber.

I'm a Khazhak-Russian

Maybe that explain my darker skin too

>100% white genes

But isn't it nice that they let white boys play too? Even if they suck ass in sports.

>start thread on english language forum
>post german language image
>translate nothing
>thought you wouldnt have your thread saged to death
you thought wrong, hans

Hhahahahahahah, sei jedoch vorsicht mit so'nem scheiss in deutschland, sonst kommt die Merkel-SS und bringt dich zum Kuffar-KZ :^)

*Fliegt weg und scheiß ihr auf den Kopf*


I forgot to mention that I'm really hairy

>literally a liberator baby
>has a NatSoc flag

peak irony

Kazakhs are always bit darker, bljat