Post your best oy vey pics
I need joo.jpg
the shoah-shuffle
what do you mean? you want merchants? rare merchants? always up for one of these threads
I want the reaction ones. I'm very soft in that field
Very nice. Shekels for you
Captcha: tunnel Mexico
oh alright. same. this is kinda a template one but really shows how weak my folder is in terms of oy vey. still going to post i though because it's not like it's going to hurt the thread
kek'd mightily
Anyone have a good redpilling link about Jews?
Dumping merchants
don't save the thumbnails you fucking newfag piece of shit
mazel tov!
This is now a memeball thread.
This one is more subtle but I get a kick out of it.
I heard there is a version of They Live where all the aliens faces were replaced with merchants. It's really shittily done but it sounds hilarious to watch with some altright friends. If anyone has a link please post it.
Shareblue saw this thread and were like...
A classic
Modern art jew, only 1m sheckels goy.
And this here is the Merchant zodiac sign.
Is this supposed to be Macron after winning the election?