I studied computer sciences but everything was made to be about social justice by the instructors.
The whole campus was dominated by these freaks. How'd they get in at every level?
How did they infiltrate Academia?
>going to university
all universities are liberal you should know this
They spent more time talking about 'women in code' more than teaching women to code.
The whole course was a joke. I'll never get a job with this garbage degree.
>learn to code user
fuck you guys.
Began during the sexual revolution, late 60s
leftovers from USSR pro-communist propaganda, sowing the seeds of Marxism in the youth
>people with higher education are liberal
>people with lower education are conservatives
Makes sense.
>people with a canadian education are delusional.
kill yourself
u wont be able to win this one
High IQ people are perturbed by those who unironically think non-whites and women are inferior.
But we have facts and statistics on our side. They just have "muh feelz" as an argument.
No, you don't. You unironically advocate for Christcuckery which is the largest mainstream feels over facts thing.
Fuck you nigger I'm not a christcuck
Typically stated by underemployed overeducated beta male who can't actually use his """""education""""" for anything other than virtue signaling to other over-"""educated""" numales.
t. PhD, sick of looking at you womanish excuses for men
No, they aren't. Low IQ people pretending to be intelligent are the ones who act offended when you point out the obvious inferiority of shitskins. They think that being able to live in a delusional world is a sign of intelligence. When it isn't.
good for you
there was this one tranny there who always smelled like beef and talked about adopting and pretending to be pregnant. it was fuckkkkked up.
All of you fucks are retarded for not knowing the proper history of how this happened.
Look into The Long March Through The Institutions. This didn't happen by some stroke of luck or chance. It has been planned for a very long time and we are seeing the culmination of the march.
>not going to a
Christian university
>welcome to college
Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Albert Einstein...all the low IQ people pretending to be smart unlike your own genius mind.
Because of the Frankfurt School, stupid newfag
>get higher education
>not becoming cynical and realizing the entire system is broke
Their both retarded.
Three whole examples! Clearly you own all the smart people.
The confirmation bias in this urban myth is laughable.
>he thinks he needs to give a jew tens of thousands of shekels to learn to code
You really haven't been paying attention have you?
Legit. I creased my first day of my uni when I attended the Archaeology meet up and the head of department said she specialised in "women's empowerment" and "feminist history". I truly believe had our lads seen what the world has become they would've turned right back around on the beaches of Normandy.
>the whole campus is dominated by left-wingers
>Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, Albert Einstein
Sorry, but what exactly are their stances on sjw/pc talking points? Can't say I've ever heard any public declarations from any of them.
>Hawking and Musk both prefer white women
>Einstein known for his wicked sense of humor; most likely /ourguy/ if not for the Jew thing
I'm a tool maker, you know, skilled trades?
Is that really neccisarry?
Indeed, with the colossally high standards for getting into a university currently, along with the well-understood role of every non-STEM faculty in pushing communist ideology, combined with the early post-adolescent impressionability and inclination towards groupthink, this is very strong evidence!
I should be able to sue the school for letting them ruin things. I paid for an education not a fucking SJW-infused series of events where compsci was taught.
Then stick around friend. Check out cripplechan.
>coding is inherently phallic
Heard this is all intended, cold war Russia planted extreme leftism into American academia to one day produce lecturers who would propagate extremely left agendas and ultimately destabilize the United States.
Is it working?
This. Jews immigrated with bullshit teaching degrees.
I study CS and there's not that many. It's mostly women complaining that men assume they know nothing (which is true about many of them) and being feminazis/fagnazis about everything. Most of the guys like to troll them in discussions concerning that, which we only had in an ethics class that was part of our curriculum. CS classes are the only classes where I usually don't have to hear about liberal shit. The one class where we did have a professor like that, he didn't teach us shit and everyone hated him and caught on to his bullshit. It's up to you to make based comments and question the professor every once in a while, or else you're as much a cuck as they are.
They are/were liberals with well-documented liberal views. From environmentalism to pacifism to egalitarianism, they have all spoken out on politics in general and current events.
>prefere white women
What does it have to do with ideology? It's actually the far-right that hates white women more than anything else in the world.
>white woman in a skirt above her knee
>whore! i hope she gets raped by migrants! Destroyed the civilization!
>Asian woman doing porn
>so smart and cute! she'll make a good mother and wife
This is an old apartheid government era belief anyway.
The professors are also liberal.
You don't learn coding in a university.
You're there just to get a piece of paper.
Coding comes from practice, and repitition.
Communist infiltration
I am in teachers college now. It is unsanctimonious the stuff they are pawning off on us. In a class on how to teach science, we had to read an article called "Time for Action: Science Education for an Alternative Future" by Derek Hodson. It reads like a Marxist manifesto, calling for an abolition of capitalism, power structures, etc. I want to teach science, and show my students both/all/as many sides of an argument as I can. I won't indoctrinate my politics on my students; they need to make up their own minds!
Any other teachers here? How do you deal with it?
Yeah this is exactly what I heard too, this shit today is fallout from cold war subversion.
It seems to have really worked, say what you will about Russians, they sure are crafty motherfuckers
I can't stress this enough
To answer your question, they got in because they were covert in their efforts. That's why you need to blow the whistle. I regret not filming my feminist Polish teacher when she ranted about the patriarchy and showed us softcore femdom porn so much
I studied computer sciences and got my PhD one year ago and I never even noticed "social justice" pandering or whatever you decide to call it.
Is this just an American phenomena, was my university just redpilled or did I get lucky somehow?
They've always been there
The loudmouths certainly are. The ones who aren't know better than to open their mouths and face the communists literally trying to destroy their lives. You're seeing half of the picture. From a faculty standpoint there's a climate of fear and intimidation to maintain the narrative.
It's more common at public schools. Every fucking class of mine had a leftist/post-modern marxist bend to it.
Why can't STEM classes just stick to, I don't know, STEM subjects?
Not really. There have been anti-social justice professors who were very outspoken but they were still Bernie voters and identified as liberal.
Refer to the cold war theory could have been planted to one day (present) assist in de stabilizing the US
Freaky shit
True enough. It's quite important to have these as a means of placing the Overton Window in the desired spot.
The people who set this shit up were very smart indeed.
What university did you attend?
Udemy is what you need. about 2 or 3 times a year pretty much every course on there costs only $10.
There is one called "Webdev bootcamp". its a total of 73 hours of video, comes with handouts and such.
get it for $10 and go through it and actually write your own shit alongside the video and you will be able to become a full stack developer.
There are a few other good ones on there too, like a java swing class.
>Why can't STEM classes just stick to, I don't know, STEM subjects?
Social justice is toxic as fuck. seeps nto everything apparently.
how about
we weaponize our autism and try to convince Auntie Betsy to create policies that prevent the politization of Academia? We should do something instead of circle jerking about it here. We might never get anyone as Deus Vult as Betsy again
I'm taking a udacity class rn and the intro vids in every lesson are filled with leftist propaganda. One video on linear classifiers had the narrator say "what is true and what is false" and upon saying false, it showed a short clip of Trump speaking. Like fuck, this is some 1984 shit.
"""smart""" people (or people that consider themselves so) are uniquely vulnerable to subversion because:
1. they have confidence in their ability to solve problems
2. they can easily become trapped in thought
3. they are generally wealthier and so disconnected from "basic" problems like hunger, poverty, etc. which gives them a "feeling of invincibility" IE that those things are eternal and will never go away no matter what mistakes they may make on the road to utopia.
Extra Terrestrial Influence
Retards running the system will cause the system to fail, giving non-retards a chance to murder tards and rebuild broken system.
leftists don't understand "trends" illustrated well by terrorism
if 1 in 50 muslims are terrorists, and we are having Y number of terrorist attacks per Z time period, what would happen if we import more?
they don't understand that if they keep doing something it will result in the same thing happening on a greater scale. they have never lived in a low-trust society where crime, murder, rape, lawlessness etc. are rampant and so they think that "it could never happen" they think that no matter how much ground they cede they will always have a place to retreat. which is demonstrably false, but they never think of that. they have been conditioned not to.
I also think it's because they never had to work to put food on the table. They swap from a supportive family to supportive schools to a supportive government, never once having the possibility of going hungry if they don't work. They then think this is (or should be) true for everyone else in America.
Sheltered people tend to be leftists imo.
I see that the same tactics could be used against the left. Think of the possibilities if thousands anti-communists decided infiltrate the academia and media purely for the purpose of injecting their ideas to the public. Millions could be rallied on one cause and degeneracy could be purged and kept down for centuries.
What was the course called? For a degree you usually finish off with 'computers and society' where I could see it coming in, but anything else, that's BS. Did you take a general 'smell the computers' course, or a real computer science one, like 'intro to programming' or 'database systems' or something?
>Extra Terrestrial Influence
How the hell does social justice enter into a STEM class? I mean, how do they segue from a particular form of differential equation to women's power or whatever?
They are hardcore cultists. They are all over the West. The walking dead.
Universities are for fags and women and brown people now.
They should be defunded.
>they brought back flags
it's nice
Yes, agree. YT needs to be happy or white Jesus will punish brown people for making YT sad.
And they were wrong. Einstein's belief in pacifism was childish and completely untenable in the real world. Being smart doesn't prevent you from holding ridiculous beliefs. It just gives you the tools to recognize ridiculous beliefs and throw them away, but you have to make the choice to do so and investigate your own personal beliefs critically.
I did computing a few years ago and there was nothing of the sort.
I havent taken udacity, im recommending udemy.
its different.
The university problem will fix itself. Universities are a waste of time and a Marxist indoctrination camp these days.
Which is why eventually they will be eliminated through competition and various mechanisms of selection.
It's women. They are the destroyers of civilization, and they will eventually destroy this one.
Fucking hate this. We need a unified earth, with a direct democracy. With technocratic ideals.
I'm high IQ and unironically believe it. And so does every other non-castrated white dude.
and for anyone else who hasn't taken the bezmenov pill
I politely disagree, mate. I'm high IQ, and I do not agree with what our dude said.
You're flying a UN flag on Sup Forums and arguing that intelligent people have an aversion to racism.
80% says b8, 20 that you're a castrated little leftist faggot.
Fucking *this*
I don't know what shitty uni you go to. None of that crap in my CS department outside of some "encourage women to into tech" events here and there. Actual course content is 100% sjw free.
Exactly. And no, I am not castrated. I hate muslims with a passion, btw.
Heh. Reminds me of Greek Mythology.
>full stack developer.
Hipster bullshit framework glue artist.
>java swing class
It took a shitload of soviet effort and money to establish it, then it became self-sustaining where commie professors teaching cultural Marxist doctrine to literally destroy the west became nepotistic and only promoted their own.
it's always the Jews
stop asking retarded questions
just remember
You have to think like a criminal and study history, user. Learn how the Communists grabbed power in the past. Read Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Watch the talks by Yuri Bezmenov. Watch some of the talks and read of the books by David Horowitz. Learn about psychological abuse, the dark-triad, and propaganda. Learn about the destruction of education by the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Group. These are gangsters that infiltrate and subvert institutions. They use bribery, blackmail, murder, intimidation, smear campaigns, censorship, propaganda, gaslighting. They are funded by very wealthy, powerful people that want to rot out the West from the inside so they can take it over. The professors are just agents, the SJWs are golems. Follow the money up the food-chain.
This is how the soviets did it youtube.com
They repackaged Communism into post-modernism which denies an objective reality because all phenomenal experience is filtered through your senses and sense experience can vary from person to person. This side lined reason and turned everything into an arbitrary construction. This makes just about any atrocity acceptable to such a thinker because reality is what ever you say it is. Combine this with the Critical Theory and you have, instead of the Marxist proletariat vs. bourgeois, you have whatever oppressor vs. oppressed dynamic they can concoct in order to divide and conquer.