>be greatest navy
>can't even avoid a Philipine container ship
So, America is done being supreme leader right?
>be greatest navy
>can't even avoid a Philipine container ship
So, America is done being supreme leader right?
Other urls found in this thread:
link for those who don't know how to ask jeeves.
I went to get some figures to be like
>hur hur merica have largest navy
but no, North fucking Korea have the largest navy, do they just put a .50cal on a paddle boat and call it a naval vessel?
Well to be fair, "greatest" is not the same as "largest". I'm thinking those numbers are probably including their merchant fleet and fishing boats, which can be used in a war time scenario to ship things/people.
They might be retarded sailors, but they're OUR retarded sailors.
This is the transcript of a radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.
Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a Collision.
Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.
Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.
Americans: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.
Canadians: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
>see massive fucking warship
>"we should get out of the way"
>This is a lighthouse.
The ship in question was an Ageis-class destroyer. Jesus Christ, the squids call them SMALL BOYS for a reason. Ever seen one up close? They're not that big, and therefore not that heavy. A fucking cargo ship full of shipping containers on that other hand is fucking heavy. That crash was the nautical equivalent a minivan versus a semi truck. OF COURSE the minivan gets totaled and the semi is still pretty okay.
Besides, navy ships aren't made to be impenetrable, they're made to not fucking sink. Google the USS Cole. That ship got Allahu Akbar'd right in the hull and it didn't sink an inch. IT'S STILL IN FUCKING SERVICE TO THIS DAY. All you fucking yuropoors making these threads are so desprate for an excuse to mock America and stoke your false sense of superiority.
>t. Squid
I imagine something like this was happening on board the Fitzgerald that night...long story short, I'm not at all surprised the 3 times larger container ship went unnoticed. Fun times.
Statement by Vice Adm. Aucoin on Collision at Sea
Raw: US Destroyer Damaged in Collision
Looked it up and surprisingly these things happen all the time. Rarely with Military Vessels, but still shit happens.
Shouldn't a smaller vessel be more maneuverable?
I'm not sure on the fine details of the crash, so I can't really say if maneuverability played large factor. Looked kind of like a T-Bone by the pics but I'm no expert. My best guess is that the Boatswain's Mate at the helm either paniced or was asleep at the wheel. BM's aren't exactly the smartest in the Navy.
>immensely more maneuverable and faster ship
>ebin radar systems out the ass
>can't detect HUEG slow cargo ship
amerifat navy is apparently saudi tier i.e. inbred and retarded
So what your saying is, while the USA has a superior technological advantage, they lack qualified and intelligent operators? Now I understand why Putin believes his 1/10th military budget, in comparison to the USA, is sufficient; he keeps it compact and ensures his personel are actualy capable and intelligent.
This kind of works as a good allegory across the board for American institutions. They have all become full of shit personel, utilizing superior tech/inteligence agencies, but these things only serve to make them more ignorant and blind to other nations capabilities.
You're just going to say that Americans are retarded no matter what they do.
You obviously don't know jack shit about the US Navy. Smaller and "more maneuverable" doesn't mean it darts around like a fucking fly. A boat still handles like a boat. And the radar systems likely weren't on because they were just pulling out of port. That shit doesn't get turned on until the ship is farther out to sea. I think because it fucks with the port's own sytems. Don't quote me on that, I'm not a radar tech.
Just because one guy made a mistake at the helm doesn't mean the entire Navy is composed of a bunch of shitbags. I talk shit about BMs, but most of them are competent. And I don't even know if it was even the helmsman's fault. It could be all the Singaporian ship's fault.
as much as i love my country, thats fucking hilarious that they were that stupid
There's just so much evidence...hard not too.
Goddamn the VIllage people were super gay.
This is made up. A Navy ship would never communicate like this over the radio you idiot.
It prolly went like
>"Unidentified ship, change course because 'merica and gtfo our way"
>No response/chink blabber
>"Helm man, don't you dare steer this ship"
>Get rekt like a paper boat
>last line
Fucking lmao
A surface search radar and navigation radar are always on that far out. The only thing that might've been off would be the SPY which isn't used for navigation
Looked it up, US navy's official site quotes it as legit:
remember that time a US carrier group requested as lighthouse to change course?
*not legit
fuck me
It says it's a joke you retard
In addition, a lighthouse would never communicate. Period.
Yeah I accidentally a word
First line on your link:
>The following is being transmitted around the Internet as an event that really took place, but it never happened. It is simply an old joke like those found in popular magazines:
>but it never happened.
>it never happened.
>never happened.
God Damn, does poutine make you retarded?
Of course they were, the love the seamen.
surely they have a radio to tell people to not hit the lighthouse and/or shore.
it's like
Remember that time when yet another European was full of shit?
>The tale of the self-important aircraft carrier captain getting his well-earned comeuppance at the hands of a plain-speaking lighthouse has been making the rounds on the Internet since early 1996. ...
>It ain’t true. Not only does the Navy disclaim it, the anecdote appears in a 1992 collection of jokes and tall tales...
>right of way
>trying to manouver a big container ship
How to spot someone who has never been even boating. There is almost no question that the fault in this lies within the warship and its captain, with their radars it is impossible for them to not see exactly what was going to happen tens of minutes before it happened.
Here's another facet, I've never seen a lighthouse with a radar to scan for ships over the horizon
okay at this point it's on you guys
Its not like you need hightech radar to spot a fucking mountain of a container ship.
>pirate flag
I honestly don't know how something like this could have happened. Was everyone fucking asleep or something? I do know one thing, seven sailors are still missing and the Captain's career is OVER.
>yfw the amount of 13 year old reddit newfags that have never heard this dumb story.
>jet skis never crash because they are the smallest and most maneuverable watercraft
Should have sunk the fuckers.
From the repair costs of the cole you could have built 2 warships
It's a giant fuck up but you learned from it and came out smarter, like Brits out of the Falkland conflict
They earned something that can't be bought which is experience in extreme situations
I'll bet a dollar some chick was piloting the ship.
Not saying that there is something good to find in this collision story
Crashing with a cargo fucking lel...
And it has nothing to do with radar or technic it's just amerifats being stupid
>those comments
niggers caused accident
That's probably fake... but the fact that I have inserted the word probably shows how fucking demented some people in high positions in the U.S. are.
Actually the comment about the failed false flag to attack NK makes more sense that i am ready to admit.
"False sense of superiority"
... False... ha!
America is a paper tiger.
>country's relevance hinges on one soccer player
This joke is so old Jesus sent the original chain mail
>300 ton cargo ship minding it's business, freighting cargo for world's citizens
>us destroyer gets in its path
>"we cannot avoid the hit, please move out of the way"
>"this is US Navy warship, move out the way
>"our ship can't avodoid the collision, please don't make this into a disaster"
>*clank* *grrrrrrgggggngngggg*, 7 US sailors dead or missing
how the hell do two big ass ships like that collide in a huge ocean
Two cocky captains
We just have a lot of [fake] money, our entire country is a joke, our people are softer than cotton balls, more sheltered the you could possibly conceive, the population is so self aware and concerned about what other people think of them they only see themselves through a microscope, so fucking vapid and superficial its depressing. A giant DESTROYER supposedly the scariest thing on the seas, billions spent - and it gets BTFO by a random transport ship - they're probably having counseling and safe spaces appointments on that destroyer as we speak, the American people will be shaking in in the fetal position in their homes for weeks now, refusing to leave the safety of their bedrooms... I grew up in America, a very curious person keenly observing. We're soft as fuck, If you wanted to invade us we'd probably roll over and take it. Only 20% of the population is probably normal, capable of violence, rugged etc...
I think the false flag to attack NK spoiled by too many witnesses sounds more logical every minute than two cocky captains.
both ships trying to occupy the same space at the same time
I don't know about the military in other nations, but this is par for the course in america. They probably weren't even drunk or high. Just fucking incompetent.
The expression SNAFU is antiquated, but it's a WW2 expression that means simultaneous army navy fuck up.
They fucking ran into a berthed ship, a huge berthed ship.
The captain or navigator or whatever they call the shit who killed 7 sailors needs to spend the rest of his life in jail. But guess what? Like the idiot who shot down that Iranian passenger jet 20 or more years ago, he will get promoted and will actually train future idiots.
The american military is awesome because of engineers, not because of actual soldiers, sailors, or airmen.
>7 dead/mia
After seeing the damage, how? This NK false flag theory is growing more likely by the minute. Maybe they killed off 7 sailors before hand, as sacrifices for the false flage, but then completely fucked up by not accounting for some random container ship. So they toss the corpses into the sea.
Underwater, there's a huge gash from the freighter's bulbous bow that flooded 3 compartments, including crew quarters. That's why she's listing starboard and the frreboard is 7-9 lower than it should be.
>ran into a berthed ship
I don't think you know what that word means. The collision happened about 56 miles from Yokosuka around the Izu Peninsula. At sea.
i believe he talks about some other incident
i hope
>Finland 8th
I doubt it.
One soccer player that comes from a tiny shit island in the Atlantic closer to Morocco than anything else, one soccer player that fewer and fewer people here can stand...
Nice try though.
That explains it.
Dude the COs career is finished, do you even know what you're talking about.
You SNAFUd, son.
Wonder whos behind this flag
I know someone that was stationed on the Fitzgerald for a few years. Not there anymore, though. Tremendous faggot. Everyone in the Navy jokes about loving cock, but it's not really a joke. They all jerk each other off below deck. Probably a couple got crushed below deck whilst in the act of fellating each other. That's probably what the commander was busy doing as his ship blindly navigated the Sea of Japan. A tragedy like this really makes you think, huh?
American military gets BTFO by peasants. Every time.
Just like in Iraq.
Just like in Vietnam.
Fuckin peasants too OP, gg.
For everyone saying
>hurr durr how do 2 big ships collide navy is retarted xDDD
Things are more complicated than at first glance. Usually there are multiple errors that happen which lead up to the fatal event (collision). Usually if one of those errors didn't occur/was prevented the crash most likely would not have happened. Read up on the USS Leyte Gulf collision. Lots of shit went wrong. Wasn't just because people are incompetent.
Related: worldnavalships.com
Yeah they could have, like, moved the boat a couple degrees. Fuckin complicated 5d chess right there.
did you even read what i said lol kys
2 ships.
Big ass empty water.
Fucking 99d chess level discipline required to navigate through that shit!
are you legit retard?
>lost the war in Vietnam to rice farmers with outdated weapons
>lost a warship to a Philipine container ship that wasn't even trying fighting
What is the problem with Americans in the Southeast Asia?
So, who hit what ship?
Looks like the Cargo ship slammed into the Destroyer. And now the Cargo ship Captain is fucked. Can you say "professional negligence" in Japanese.
At the worst, we're just out of a 22 year old Arleigh Burke. We have 61 more, with 7 in trials and another 10 on order with more planned.
If this were Red Alert 3, these things are the Soviet Conscripts of our Navy.
Wow, do you work at CNN?
>Americunt navy
>Royal Navy
AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA at least the Americans have numerical superiority?
This. Holy fuck you cunts.
SEA has a foreign object nerf limit cap so that when a foreign object eter their space it downgrades it from level 200 to 10.
kek the butthurt of burgers is delicious
>still doesn't have a ramp on carriers
How do the planes even take off? lmao
I think the navy ship took it fairly well considering the size of that cargo ship, but what I don't get is how in the bloody fuck can you not detect a slow huge ass container ship, with world's most sophisticated sensor technology.
It was either a situation where absolutely everything was turned off and everyone was sleeping or participating in a sailor orgy.
Or one or both of the captains simply refused to move.
Either way, it's one colossal fuckup from the captain and this guy should get fired without a pension.
The Chinese is probably now laughing like hell.
The Spanish version of this joke is a thousand times better.
Basically, a giant slingshot.
>haha gay brugers can't do nothing the way I do it and I am not insecure at all hahaha. Guys aren't amerifats fucking sad? Hahaha, fucking faggots, kill yourself haha
Kill yourself.
no, ive just never heard the story