reminder that western civilization was built on the principles of non-whites and non-niggers.
pic related, non-white, and non-nigger
reminder that western civilization was built on the principles of non-whites and non-niggers.
pic related, non-white, and non-nigger
Nordic=/=Only Whites
nordic =/= what western civilization was built on.
nordic = barbarians called vikings. rape and pillage savages, like Gauls
western civilization was built on principles of the greeks, and greeks are not white.
Romans, Iberians and Ancient Greeks are/were white, but not nordic. A person who doesn't have light hair and eyes can be white, like Joseph Goebbels
>Romans, Iberians and Ancient Greeks are/were white
lol no
>Daily D&C thread
Remember to sage.
>Romans, Iberians and Ancient Greeks are/were white
nice try Nigel
nice argument, retard.
shut up hans! nordics and northerners are not white, the gothics came from the asian steppes and from 400s-1500s your area was commonly invaded by asians from the steppes
nah retard, they are white, and greeks and romans are not.
blue eyes and blond hair = white
those were the barbarian savages fighting against non-white romans and greeks
>average Greek/Roman
more like barbarian gaul
there's more to race than the hair or eyes, there are chinks that are blue eyed or have blond hair, the important is in the genes, and yours Hans are full of gothic and mongol genes. Mediterraneans are the only whites
maybe after the germanics raped them all
Real coping hours for you.
>coping hours
>the absolute irony
Varg is trying to control Sup Forums and he has brought his army of nordicists with him
>there's more to race than the hair or eyes
yes there is more, including hair and eye color.
that is why the blonds were barbarians and dark haired greeks were civilized.
So if two blonde hair blue eyed people have a kid with brown hair(because of recombination of genes or whatever), that kid isn't white?
fuck off kike, your diversory tactics won't work here
Where's this art from, and is there any more?
varg is a complete disaster:
>killed friend
>burned church
>lives in france and probably dosn't even have a job since he dosn't speak french
Thanks NatSoc! The Blue Division salutes you
I know
greeks and romans were better than whites they invented this shit
im white but not an ingrate
ty based meds
ITT: WE WUZ-tier barbarians in denial
so you agree? snowniggers are just like niggers, complete inferiors that the only propose they had was to entertain the romans and serve as fuck toys, nordics literally didn0t accomplish nothing by themselves more than raping and sacking innocent christians, nordics are not white they are nearer to the nigger than to the superior caucasian race
>snowniggers are just like niggers
yes, and they are white. meds are not.
When you say western civilization you are referring to the Germanic tribes that destroyed Rome, you know the only true western civilization?
>you are referring to the Germanic tribes
no, I'm referring to what the greeks built and romans copied, and gauls(germans) looted.
you mean the ones who spent 1000 years LARPing as Romans?
Germans ruin everything.
Man fuck Germans.
we are both caucasian, and white, meds just look tanned white due to the zones they live in, but he have very white people in the south
reminder that germanics, anglos and celts(french) conquered the world between them and invented far more than southern european countries. why would you want to separate yourself from world-conquerors? just because you were a more advanced 2,000 years ago? buddy move on
keked and saved, thank you frater romani
cool, so you are gonna stop pretending to be Romans n sheit? I'm cool with that
btw, if you ever accidentally step on a history book, you might stumble upon something called Spanish and Portuguese Empires
stop this delusion. pathetic.
lol retard.
> Posts pic of white
Spain and Portugal were the most powerful empires from 1500 to 1800 so that's a lie.
>cool, so you are gonna stop pretending to be Romans n sheit? I'm cool with that
no one has done that since the HRE, and even they weren't claiming to be romans 'n' sheit. they were claiming to be the legal successor based off a forged document. they never claimed that their ancestors were romans
>Spain and Portugal
Arabia with a different name
>no one has done that since the HRE
top kek, yeah let's forget about nordicism and how it totally never happened
how does that disprove anything i said? yeah spain had an alright empire in the 1600s but it was never as big or powerful as britain's and they never invented nearly as much shit.
reminder that britain started the industrial revolution and p much the modern era by extension.
Them some olive skinned muther fuckers.
You're the pathetic one
>believing what the germans under a non-white psycho believed
That is the quintessential white man you goon
I'm starting to think your girlfriend left you because she couldn't resist the superior med man, that's why you hate us so much.
Conquistadors weren't arabs btw
no, you should stop yours, nordics did not archive anything for themselves
but you know arabs did more things than nordics
actually france started the industrial revolution, and the mongol empire was more extense than the british and well inventions yeah you had quite a lot but so did america, france, germany you were only going through a golden age just like germany or france
>I'm starting to think your girlfriend left you because she couldn't resist the superior med man
hey retard, I'm saying greeks/romans were non-white and superior to whites.
Hey retard, why do you keep saying we're not white despite everyone else in this thread says we are!
>despite everyone else in this thread says we are!
lel what a great source: nu/pol/
white = blond hair and blue eyes + light skin.
greeks and romans were not white and were superior to whites.
spain is a shithole race mixed arab soup anyway, so you are neither of the two.
Let me guess, you're either a leaf, a swedecuck or a germanistani, show your real flag
it's a weird fetish, he only enjoys being cucked by men that are diverse or form part of the multiculturalism
some things never change
race is not skin deep
Meds are not white because they do NOT cluster with whites aka Brits/Germans/Scandinavians
French are inbetween
are you retarded? can you not read and understand english?
germans = gauls = barbarians.
all they did was loot non-white civilization (roman/greek of origin)
romans just ripped off greek culture though. hell, they even claimed to be the descendants of greeks. the original kangz
No shit. Race was invented in the 14th Century.
>civilization started in the fertile crescent
>Europeans are still salty over it
Oh sweetie...
aside from the simplistic >american education tier shitpost, no, they claimed to descend from Trojans, not Greeks
this. Greeks are the source of western civilization, and greeks are not white.
Greeks are white. There are many complexions in Europe, having a darker complexion doesn't make you non-white.
It's full of arabs, so it's germanistan. You must be a newfag
you're an actual shill and/or retard
>Greeks are white
hahaha no they're not retard.
>Gaul german barbarian trying to be the same race as based greeks
>having a darker complexion doesn't make you non-white
good to know, arjun
I think he's both. The JIDF hired the best autist they could find
The funny thing is that your map is showing exactly the oposite of what your claimming. I see, 'meds' clustering with other europeans and far away of northrnafricans or arabs.
Expell the niggers and spics and then you can talk
>I have no argument, so let's resort to name calling
I will not be without Greece.
>being this retarded
the romans are greeks you bunch of autists even latin comes from greek, they claim to descend from the people that fled troy and crossed greece to arrive to italia and later latium, they did not steal anything because they were greeks, romanus sunt domus
huh, i always thought troy was part of ancient greece. well either way, romans notoriously went on to copy damn near all aspects of greek culture, so stop acting so high and mighty spaghetti boy and pay your respects to the true founders of western civilization: the greeks
>I will not be without Greece.
yeah but you(white) are a different race than the greeks.
>the romans are greeks
I don't think you understand what "clustering" means. Yes, they are closer to other Europeans, at least west Meds, yet they are not in the same cluster, they have their own separate genetics.
Of course the more samples from the world you include, the more Europeans are going to be "crushed" together on a simple PCA. But that's not the point. The point is that Meds and whites are two separate European populations who haven't mixed to any significant degree in the last 2500 years(cit. Ralph&Coop).
greeks are closer to Iranians than they are to germans. kek
they certainly took a lot but you have to still remember that before they delved deep into Greek culture(after they conquered them) they had already became the top dog of the med by their own doing
Blond hair and blue eyes, but he's indian (dravidian ALBINO). Does it mean he's white?
>no counter-arguments
well they are, just read some more about the roman history and linguistics, the latin comes from greek and so do the ancient latins (romans) when you have an argument that supports your autistic position let me know
albino is the lack of color you retard.
Meds are not a single entity senpai it's more cultural than anything, and of course diferent nations have their own singular gentic spots, russians have their own, norge their own, slovaks their own, portuguese, irish a nd so on but they belong to the same european familiy and all pca maps prove that.
ITT: spanish mongoloid arabs trying to make themselves believe they're relevant to europe
Caracalla was aesthetic af
Stop hiding behind flags Hans/Sven
>reminder that western civilization was built on the principles of non-whites and non-niggers.
we shall then group people in their relevant classes:
western civilization is the civilization of CENTUM speaking indo-europeans.
This is a lie of course,just check:
Sons of Europa! This squabble is folly!
Do not let the Deceivers of Judea divide you!
keep the denial
look, total overlapping! Meds and Nords totally have similar amounts of steppe ancestry and middle neolithic farmer ancestry, no differences whatsoever!
Have you guys been to Greece?
It's so fucking hot there I can't imagine pale white people even comfortably living there.
i dunno know, i just saw it in Sup Forums
>nordic =/= what western civilization was built on.
your entire existence, european, is only permitted at the will of the united states.
The united states, in turn, is a nation build on english common law.
English common law is the ancestral germannic legal system of the english people.
your world, european, hinges on whether a bunch of people following germannic law tend to agree with your continued existence or not.
Your roman empire only effects your irrelevant provincial laws. We determine what is law for the planet, though.
Greeks were white before they were under Turkroach rule for several hunread years
>the will of the united states
so the will of Israel, gotcha
it isn't you retard. it's the most recent scientific measurement.
fuck off retard.
is that ronaldo
well andalucia can get to 40ºC and actually Barcelona is about 40ºC and it's full of tourists with pale skin
No Med would actually say that, time to reveal your flag
Good one, dago