Now that we are stuck with these BASED new flairs-I MEAN- political flags haHa...
Which group in your opinion are the best posters and why is it gadsden?
Now that we are stuck with these BASED new flairs-I MEAN- political flags haHa...
Which group in your opinion are the best posters and why is it gadsden?
Other urls found in this thread:
walk the plank faggot
pirates are superior
my nukes are pointed at anybody who breathes into my yard
Smartest, most high IQ posters.
>le edgy pirates xddd
literally the niggers of the sea
>tfw no traditionalist neo-reactionary-monarchist flag
Gadsdens or Templars, with maybe Kek or something a runner up.
I don't know why, but I can't figure out how to feel like Gadsden fits me even thought I like it.
Anyone who uses a meme flag is lower than even a Pajeet, Roach or Leaf and should be gassed.
I love leafs and swedes hiding behind flags.
Im just here for the juden.
You are all faggots and I hope you die.
First year on Sup Forums, buddy?
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
>mfw Swedish
>mfw my posts will finally be taken seriously instead of people just endlessly mememing
feels fucking great
there used to be flags before you fucking newfag
Too good 2 not b b8
I must attempt as best as possible to redeem my nation's online reputation, and will stick to this flag.
That you're painfully new here.
That's what I'm fucking saying, there used to be flags and now there's this retarded meme shit.
>there are people on this board who weren't even born when Sup Forumsocaust happened
Death to the infidels!
I hope Ahmed kills you and rapes your corpse.
God I fucking hate sunmerfags.
You haven't actually answered the question faggot.
What the fuck makes you think that?
This has to be bait. It just has to be.
You're pretty good at this. I'd give you a 7/10.
tfw black republican
Know that applies to you too.
In my opinion we should get rid of flags, and IDs, in order to drive the redditor-scum from this board. It's clear they love post identifiers.
The only real answer
Can you actually say, like with words and shit, what makes you think this is bait?
ah I (and I assume the other poster) thought you meant all flags when you said meme flags.
Honestly glad mate. Its just like old times.
I'll kill you. Ancoms are superior.
This doesn't even make any sense, what are you trying to say?
Hey, I just want to know if you actually know the difference between a nationality and an ideology. Please be honest. I just have to know.
The only flags on Sup Forums for years were self selected political ones. Geographical flags were added by Moot to stir shit up because hes an anti free speech kike.
You're a newfaggot retard for not knowing this.
>time when flag was automatic
How does that add up?
Anybody noticed noticed how all the purposely disruptive shitty threads are made by Americans?
Sometimes they collide
A nationality is what nation (defined as a distinguishable group sharing the five elements of nationhood, culture, language, genetics, history, and religion) someone belongs to. An ideology is what set of political beliefs they have. Happy now?
Never mind you're either trolling or a newfag
Before that it was you arbitrarily got assigned a JIDF or Israel flag. Board had good cohesive spirit back then.
>using a flag
That has nothing to do with my point. Meme flags are shit regardless of when they were or weren't a thing.
He added IDs for the same reason. And ironically the userbase has come to love them now. We were all manipulated into accepting this lesser anonymity.
Can you back up that statement with anything but bullshit insults that don't make sense or are you just gonna sperg out because I insulted your precious meme garbage.
Kill yourself ledditor
God, you scum ruined Sup Forums for good.
Gadsden have been by far the worst posters. Every shitty leaf-tier bait and every unironic "based niggers xd" post has been under this shitty flag.
It was to kill off samefags, the faggots who started shitshows by playing two sides of an argument and shit.
It was global IDs at first. I was pretty impressed they listened to the complaining and debate and went to per-thread IDs.
Feels weird sometimes when I spend much time on non-ID boards. Fully anonymous and selectable flags was full of trolling, but there was something nice about it.
D&C is too easy with normie populations without IDs.
Like, WAY too easy.
You should all kill yourselves.
Insane individualism only works when everyone around you is an individualist as well.
For the modern world, its as useful as describing what magical welfare systems the elves might live under in their forrests.
Still , missed these.
Greatest flag ever.
Go spam another BLACKED or BTFO thread, you 89 IQ retard.
Gook Moot is making Sup Forums great again!
You are a fucking waste of oxygen you kike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU FUCKING EXIST FUCKING SHIT
But on Sup Forums you're not supposed to believe anything you read anyway. I never understood people who make your point. I always take every post with a grain of salt.
kamikaze all hands on deck bot army low orbit salted and peppered god tier epic level DDOS of Sup Forums?
What time does the operation start? Scheduled outages and negotiation periods?
>But on Sup Forums you're not supposed to believe anything you read anyway.
Normies take everything at face value.
Okay I don't know why I lost it there but I swear I'm not that retarded.
lol eyyyyyyy
Meme flags are good. With them Sup Forums has a lot more discussion on ideologies then before
That's not even vaguely true. What version of Sup Forums have you been on?
His post doesn't imply he didn't know the flags aren't new...
Exactly, bad ideas are bad ideas regardless of when they have or haven't been implemented.
The one where there isn't a blacked thread with 200 posts every 15 minutes.
Do you have a link?
Maybe If you avoided obvious slide threads instead of bumping them bitching
ancaps are best you statist fuck
I'll post wherever there's something I want to say faggot.
My nig.. Fellow Ulster-man
AnCaps are best
Fuck the rest
This board should not cater to normies.
We shouldn't cater to normies...You even further convinced me that removing IDs would be effective in driving off dumb redditors
It's irrelevant at this point. It was all downhill once CNN linked directly to the board on their front page.
Only way you could begin to purge it back to normal is by banning all phoneposters.
Lead the way!
>meme flag
>older than the united states
>men died in battle while carrying it
Get a clue
>Now that we are stuck with these BASED new flairs-I MEAN- political flags haHa..
You are a fucking idiot if you don't know what I mean by that.
The γαλανόλευkη is all i need Desu
Plz voluntarily remove yourself.