Howdy, let's have a comfy Texas thread.
Texas General - /txg/: Shitty OC Edition
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best burgers reporting in
More OC coming in.
Are you also /dr. pepper/?
Best baseball reporting in
where is that
Best soda reporting in
>tfw no Texan flag on Sup Forums
Can I move to Texas? NY is too expensive.
Lake austin/colorado river
Here's some more OC
best whiskey
As long as you aren't a libfag.
We're tired of libfag commiefornians moving into Austin.
Don't worry, we're invading Dallas now.
I love Texas
>tfw I live in the part of the state that everyone else in TX hates but I still like all Texans
You also live in Austin?
Katy reporting in
fuck off we already have enough niggers.
No, worse.
howdy yall, im from texas. what yalls is up to?
murica! fuck yea!
Rio Grande Valley?
DFW? El Paso? Brownsville?
Yes. You all hate me but I don't hate you because I'm too smert
I'm whiter than you and put muh checks next to D errytime. at least I bring skills that improve GDP unlike most of you parasites.
>not using the flags-for-int extension
Hueston here. Floated the Frio last week in my Stilton. It was a great time and because mostly white people can afford RVs there weren't a lot of darkies.
Brownsville, San Antonio, El Paso and Austin are comfy
T. hispanic
why does anonymous put his paychecks next to benis
El Paso is not comfy and you need to take that back right the fuck now *unsheathes katana*
I don't hate you desu.
Anyone got a Texan anime reaction face?
>tfw lonely in the cuck capitol
any other /texans/ feel this feel?
Texarkana here.
male prostitution is not a skill and fyi most people round these parts frown upon homosexual activities.
Fun Fact: there was a scientific study cited by Time Magazine in the 1970's that basically can be summarized as
>El Paso is so """""comfy""""" because they put lithium in the water supply
Yeah but if I went any farther eastward into the state once I hit Amarillo I feel like I'd immediately be told YOU HAVE TO GO BACK
Wichita Falls?
>being Texan
>watching anime
You can only choose one
Here is your upboat
get the fuck out
you aren't a real texan
you must know from experience faggot.
>you aren't a real texan
>lives in Austin
Dallas here.
howdy Austin, you liberal hellhole. at least you have Gus's fried chicken
I'm from Dallas too, brother! Howdy yall
S-sorry to interrupt. Just a Floridaman wanting to chime in that I love Texas.
>t. spic from El Paso
>not collecting anime reaction images for shitposting purposes despite not even watching anime
wow great comeback.
>implying I want to live here
I'd live out in the country, but muh job muh shekels demands that I live here. Also there was a time when Austin wasn't infested with commiefornians.
All forms of anime are degenerate.
Praybig that this hits, I need a local habbening
Fug forgot pic
you didn't give me much to work with.
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE just kidding, thank you kind sir
Hopefully the Houstonniggers get washed away in the flood.
actually Dallas area white master race
you are surely mistaken
>implying (((hollywood))) kikeshit isn't just as degenerate
Let's face it, all media at this point is subverted beyond recognition.
This. San Antonio is literally spic City, electric boogaloo.
One can only hope
>all that water
>high humidity
>all them bugs
>getting scratched by them bushes when my canoe gets too close
>hazy heat
Fuck you.
>confusing Texas for Florida
nu/pol/ everybody
Thank god, it keeps most of the commifornians away
>wat is filthy frank
but as long correct in spirit tbqh
t. pussy NEET weeb who never goes outside
uhh, minus the gators he just described LA
I've been stuck in NC for the past 2 years, this stuff is a godsend.
anyone else about to watch the rangers?
No because then we'll just get more katrina niggers.
>water and humidity in LA
Nigga wut?
your point is correct in spirit*
Ahhh Big Red is the good shit.
Mr Pibb > Dr. Pepper
fite me irl
Whataburger so based japs put it in there games
Lubbock reporting in
summer as of late is garbage there. also
>muh water meme
is somewhat accurate, but remember if it becomes a huge issue, there WILL be migration.
Being that this is Sup Forums, How do we prevent Texas from going purple?
allow immigration
Inflict gang wars so that the spics kill each other
Which flood? Katrina brought a lot of new ones in.
>tfw we are supposed to get a really heavy hurricane season this year.
thank fuck, we haven't had a good hurricane in over a decade.
i don't think texas will go blue ever. honestly some 2nd and especially 3rd gen and beyond hispanics who work and pay taxes like trump and have silimar ideals to the republicans hard work and despise handout demorcrats. especially texan mexicans. tldr im expecting most texan mexicans in 10-20 years to vote red.
What is Galveston like in thinking of moving there?
Galveston is shit. la Porte is shittier because it's hurricane prone, hence why houses are cheap. North eastern clear lake is good but is college territory lots of mudslimes. the rest of clear lake is good but expensive sort of.
Texas City is better.
You can't stop me.
Don't move to a city and don't move to Texas if you're a shitlib yankee bitch.
I only drink Dr. Pepper with certain cuisines